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Red Shirt Leader Jatuporn To Reveal 'Solid Evidence' Of Abhisit's UK Citizenship

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My God! The birthers have moved to Thailand!! Hasn't worked on Obama; doubt if it will work here.

It hasn't worked YET. The US Supreme Court is now considering the case.

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More lip service from Jutaporn and more sloppy media reporting due to nothing new worth reporting. Birth rights - who cares? Many (including me) have dual citizenships and it means absolutely nothing except when coming in and out of Thailand where they insist in stamping everything to fill your passport! Two passports are great, one for entering and leaving Thailand and one for the rest of the world.

If the PM and Thailand's patriarch were born elsewhere, who cares? It's not as if they are not helping Thailand.

As for the continuing stupidity of claims of crimes against humanity.. oh never mind!

Why do they talk about crimes against humanity. If they were to be tried for them the red shirts would be found guilty on many charges.:jap:


Where did the native Thai people come from in the first instance

Shhhhhhhh!!! Phuket Stan stop it!!! You shall kill the joke!! :cheesy:


Hang on a minute, if Abbhisit still holds UK Citizenship (or duel citizenship). Does that mean there's a Brit in charge of running Thailand?? Surely that can't be correct. Foreigners (which Brits are, like all the white skinned devils here) can't own land, but can run the country?? I thought you had to be a full on 100% Thai national with a degree just to be able to get registered as a politician in a political party to run in local elections.

k to

as far as i can work out he was born in uk not sure if both parents are thai if so this entitles him to have british passport and thai passport

cant see what problem is he cant help where he was born why would he want or need to denounce he was born in uk

good luck to him as far as i can tell he was elected to leader of party and got made prime minister by default

so what if he was born in uk no harm in that its a advantage as his english (british) i may add is word perfect

an as far as i can work out he does job for benifit of thais unlike thasin who was init for himself at the expense of poor this

but he is lesser of two evils its him as prime minister of the corrupt thaksin that was here before

thais have to understand thaksin was corrupt and gave money to thais in one hand and took it away in other hand

i find it amazing that thai red shirts are so stupid to believe the thai political machine to think they would allow thaksin to take charge again

so he could line his own pocket again

so all i can say to red shirts


your protests will not achiee anything just damage tourism and this is main revenue that thailand has

I believe the real arguement here is Abbhisit a Brit, half or otherwise, so he may fall within the jurisdiction of the International Courts. We are just hyperbolizing discussing if he should be in his position.


Nothing really new, he is not Thai anyway but Chinese and just of the few elite Chinese that been running Thailand and hold most of the wealth and have a trickle down effect to the native Thais.

So, he's part of the original Thais:

The People of Thailand

The origin of the Thai people is rather vague, but scholars believe migrations occurred from the Chinese province of Szechwan around the 1st century AD.

This is what I have read and believe also.. And as the years went past, migrated down the Mekong, mixing with the locals that were here. What the locals were, I understand, were a mixture of the Lao/Khmer peoples. I could be wrong.

I have no idea of where they came from.:offtopic:

I do know however that they have unearthed pottery here in Thailand from over three thousand years ago that was superior to that being made in Egypt at the time.

"migrations occurred from the Chinese province of Szechwan around the 1st century AD."

I take that to mean that they were Johnny come lately people who mixed in with the local population and still leaves the question open of where did the Thai people come from.

How do we know that the Lao/Khmer people did not come from the Thai's?.


As a 'genuine' matter of interest, and seeing as how you know. Where was Khun Thaksin born.

San Kamphaeng, Chiang Mai.

His great grand father was Chinese. So he is an elite Sino-Thai, which is generally who the red shirts are protesting against.

Thanks ........Chiang Mai is all i need to know. Not interested in the rest of your political posturing, i can make my own mind up !

Defensive aren't we.

What do you mean make up your own mind. It is a fact. Do you think you can make up your own mind that his grandfather was not Chinese.:D


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Are we all not Global members of the human race. Being born here or there makes no difference to where YOU wish to throw your hat in with. If you were born in the USA or UK, as the two top men were, both or Thai parents then why cant they be Thai 100%? Having Thai parents means that YOU can elect to be Thai. Where you were born is of no relevance. It is what passport or passports they use / hold.. The PM does not have to give up British nationality...he has to apply for it! It appears that he never has applied so he is 100% Thai. The same applies to the top man. Born in the US but has never applied for US nationality. neither ever will of course...except if the PM is kicked out like the former PM.

The is a non story. 1000's of people have been born outside their parents homelands and they dont "give up Indian or Zambian" nationality. They never apply and just revert to the nationality rule that if your grandparent or closer is British then you can apply for British nationality. They never consider themselves less than British. Even Cliff Richard was born in India. No way is he Indian...of course he is British.

This topic is a non event and will soon die when the real political issues come to fore. The PM is Thai and that is it.

It just go's to show how desperate the red shirts are and the kind of mentality that is attracted to them.:)


As a 'genuine' matter of interest, and seeing as how you know. Where was Khun Thaksin born.

San Kamphaeng, Chiang Mai.

His great grand father was Chinese. So he is an elite Sino-Thai, which is generally who the red shirts are protesting against.

Thanks ........Chiang Mai is all i need to know. Not interested in the rest of your political posturing, i can make my own mind up !

Do you make up your mind by selectively choosing what you read? A 2 second google search and could have answered your question by yourself, and you could have also found out some other interesting information about Thaksin, not only where he was born, but what other citizenships he holds.


Ah, smart weasel that Jatuporn, note that he doesn't claim that Abhist being born in England and allegedly carrying British nationality makes him ineligible to hold office, that would rise many eyebrows and put him in a very hot spot trying to defend such idea. He argues that this "fact" allows the ICC to try him, which would be a very incidental issue; Thais can't have double nationality so if Abhisit would be British he automatically should be removed from his PM position.

If Jatuporn would be sincere (ha!) about his allegation then he would be using it to demand the PM resignation first, and then see about ICC issues.


If Abhisit were British wouldn't he have to do visa runs? I must say I've never seen him on the minivan to Mae Sai so he no doubt flies to Singapore instead. :rolleyes:

Incidentally if this pantomime is to continue perhaps the multi-billionaire megalomaniac Montinegrin should be tried by the ICC due to the 2000+ deaths he was responsible for during the so called war on drugs.

P.S It's especially ironic that this 'issue' is brought up by Jatuporn who hides behind parliamentary immunity in order to avoid being banged up along with the other red terrorists.


'crimes against humanity'!

the man did everything possible to stop the loss of life and keep everything peaceful. its the red shirt leaders that are responsible for the blood.

Yeah right, they shot they're self just to get thier 15 minutes of fame.:cheesy: :cheesy: :jerk:

And then said no to early elections that would have already happened. Reds and Yellows have made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.


re: Red shirts to reveal 'solid evidence' of Abhisit's UK citizenship

LMAO if this was not such a serious issue .... Can the Reds not come up with any of their own ideas? It is not enough they copy tactics of other groups (whose tactics they claim to condemn) but now they want to start a "birther" type movement here in Thailand?? Don't they realize that the birthers in the US are looked at as freaks to both the Right and Left in the US.


Ah, smart weasel that Jatuporn, note that he doesn't claim that Abhist being born in England and allegedly carrying British nationality makes him ineligible to hold office, that would rise many eyebrows and put him in a very hot spot trying to defend such idea. He argues that this "fact" allows the ICC to try him, which would be a very incidental issue; Thais can't have double nationality so if Abhisit would be British he automatically should be removed from his PM position.

If Jatuporn would be sincere (ha!) about his allegation then he would be using it to demand the PM resignation first, and then see about ICC issues.

I believe Thais CAN have dual citizenship.

It seems to be a vague area, but a google search shows lots of discussion on various forums (including TV) and most people are of the opinion that there is no law that stops a Thai having dual citizenship.

I think it's more of a political issue for Abhisit - that is, people won't like that he has British citizenship, even though there is nothing legally wrong with it.


Being born in another country allows you the right to CHOOSE at age 18 which country you will be citizen of, it is not automatically bestowed for life, nor is it permanent, but only for the time you are a minor person. At Age 18 you get the choice, clearly Abhisit chose Thailand.

Unless Justaprawns minions can produce a current British Passport with Abhisit in it and stamps showing it's use, then they have NOTHING. Showing a, expired 35 year old British passport of a 8 year old Abhisit would not in any way constitute proof he is British.

NOT being able to find proof of his NOT changing citizenship

is not the same as HAVING proof he is British.

And several countries do not allow dual citizenship, Thailand being one of them. So there is no chance Abhisit could have gotten registered to run as an MP without showing a proper Thailand ID or Passport, and then be elected as an MP, if he did not have Thai citizenship in full.

Prior to that you can't be indescriminately thrown out of the country you were born in.

You must have an accredited degree,

but it doesn't say it MUST be from a Thai uni.


Ah, smart weasel that Jatuporn, note that he doesn't claim that Abhist being born in England and allegedly carrying British nationality makes him ineligible to hold office, that would rise many eyebrows and put him in a very hot spot trying to defend such idea. He argues that this "fact" allows the ICC to try him, which would be a very incidental issue; Thais can't have double nationality so if Abhisit would be British he automatically should be removed from his PM position.

If Jatuporn would be sincere (ha!) about his allegation then he would be using it to demand the PM resignation first, and then see about ICC issues.

I believe Thais CAN have dual citizenship.

It seems to be a vague area, but a google search shows lots of discussion on various forums (including TV) and most people are of the opinion that there is no law that stops a Thai having dual citizenship.

I think it's more of a political issue for Abhisit - that is, people won't like that he has British citizenship, even though there is nothing legally wrong with it.

Probably not worth getting too into this but I know many Thais with dual passports. Look at almost any Thai child where the father is a westerner. The US also allows for dual passports BUT if you actually read the oath taken for US citizenship you will see you must renounce any foreign allegiance. This is common in many countries but it is more of a technicality and something I have never heard being enforced as (at least in the US) they know there are convenient reasons to have two passports. But I also know in the US you cannot be granted a secret level clearance working with the government if you have dual citizenship.

The real point here is that Abhisit is the PM and if he still has a valid UK passport ... nobody is going to give a crap as his allegiance to Thailand is not going to be questioned. I personally would think he doesn't have a "valid" UK passport anymore but given the history of Thailand and what happens to its PMs then if I were him I would certainly hold on to mine from my days of living there dry.gif


Being born in another country allows you the right to CHOOSE at age 18 which country you will be citizen of, it is not automatically bestowed for life, nor is it permanent, but only for the time you are a minor person. At Age 18 you get the choice, clearly Abhisit chose Thailand.

And several countries do not allow dual citizenship Thailand being one of them. So there is no chance Abhisit could have gotten registered to run as an MP without showing a proper Thailand ID or Passport, and then be elected as an MP, if he did not have Thai citizenship in full.

Prior to that you can't be indescriminately thrown out of the country you were born in.

"And several countries do not allow dual citizenship Thailand being one of them."

Why do so many people in Thailand have dual citizenship then?


Hang on a minute, if Abbhisit still holds UK Citizenship (or duel citizenship). Does that mean there's a Brit in charge of running Thailand?? Surely that can't be correct. Foreigners (which Brits are, like all the white skinned devils here) can't own land, but can run the country?? I thought you had to be a full on 100% Thai national with a degree just to be able to get registered as a politician in a political party to run in local elections.

Yup.. another very very strange one that just doesn't add up, like everything everyone in power (or looking to get it!!) ever comes out with here, which I think is simply misleading your public and worse, disrespecting them as not having the brain to see through your crap!!!!!!!!! (yes, probably even worse, sadly most apparently don't!!!!!).. I think we all know about Jatuporn and his 'proof positives' regarding, well whatever his minds moved on to depending on the latest intended rally.. has he ever actually provided one of these documents or tapes or whatever, which so regularly and magically come into his possesion???????... And no, I don't mean waving your satellite bill on the stage, claiming to the crowd its whatever you want them to believe it is!!!!!!! ... Maybe this time its photocopies of Abhisit's yearly renewed Newcastle season tickets!!?



Probably not worth getting too into this but I know many Thais with dual passports. Look at almost any Thai child where the father is a westerner. The US also allows for dual passports BUT if you actually read the oath taken for US citizenship you will see you must renounce any foreign allegiance. This is common in many countries but it is more of a technicality and something I have never heard being enforced as (at least in the US) they know there are convenient reasons to have two passports. But I also know in the US you cannot be granted a secret level clearance working with the government if you have dual citizenship.

The real point here is that Abhisit is the PM and if he still has a valid UK passport ... nobody is going to give a crap as his allegiance to Thailand is not going to be questioned. I personally would think he doesn't have a "valid" UK passport anymore but given the history of Thailand and what happens to its PMs then if I were him I would certainly hold on to mine from my days of living there dry.gif

"I personally would think he doesn't have a "valid" UK passport anymore"

Did he ever have a UK passport?


Being born in another country allows you the right to CHOOSE at age 18 which country you will be citizen of, it is not automatically bestowed for life, nor is it permanent, but only for the time you are a minor person. At Age 18 you get the choice, clearly Abhisit chose Thailand.

Unless Justaprawns minions can produce a current British Passport with Abhisit in it and stamps showing it's use, then they have NOTHING.

NOT being able to find proof of his NOT changing citizenship

is not the same as HAVING proof he is British.

And several countries do not allow dual citizenship Thailand being one of them. So there is no chance Abhisit could have gotten registered to run as an MP without showing a proper Thailand ID or Passport, and then be elected as an MP, if he did not have Thai citizenship in full.

Prior to that you can't be indescriminately thrown out of the country you were born in.

Before this I had not even realized he was born in England. I thought he simply studied there. Since it is common knowledge he was born there and still rose to the level he did in Thai politics it is a moot point. In the US a President has to be born in the US regardless of your citizenship. So, this obviously shows Thailand is not so rigid in looking at citizenship in becoming a PM. It would seem as long as he met the conditions of being a Thai citizen(which I doubt any credible person can deny) then he has met the citizenship burden required to be PM.


Probably not worth getting too into this but I know many Thais with dual passports. Look at almost any Thai child where the father is a westerner. The US also allows for dual passports BUT if you actually read the oath taken for US citizenship you will see you must renounce any foreign allegiance. This is common in many countries but it is more of a technicality and something I have never heard being enforced as (at least in the US) they know there are convenient reasons to have two passports. But I also know in the US you cannot be granted a secret level clearance working with the government if you have dual citizenship.

The real point here is that Abhisit is the PM and if he still has a valid UK passport ... nobody is going to give a crap as his allegiance to Thailand is not going to be questioned. I personally would think he doesn't have a "valid" UK passport anymore but given the history of Thailand and what happens to its PMs then if I were him I would certainly hold on to mine from my days of living there dry.gif

"I personally would think he doesn't have a "valid" UK passport anymore"

Did he ever have a UK passport?

Good point .. I have no personal knowledge but I would assume he did being born there and spending as much time as he did combined with the fact it is much easier to travel on a UK passport.


Being born in another country allows you the right to CHOOSE at age 18 which country you will be citizen of, it is not automatically bestowed for life, nor is it permanent, but only for the time you are a minor person. At Age 18 you get the choice, clearly Abhisit chose Thailand.

And several countries do not allow dual citizenship Thailand being one of them. So there is no chance Abhisit could have gotten registered to run as an MP without showing a proper Thailand ID or Passport, and then be elected as an MP, if he did not have Thai citizenship in full.

Prior to that you can't be indescriminately thrown out of the country you were born in.

"And several countries do not allow dual citizenship Thailand being one of them."

Why do so many people in Thailand have dual citizenship then?

They don't legally. But TIT, people just do what they want.

The US used to allow dual citizenship in certain cases. I have a friend born to USA military personell on a USA Airbase in France in the late 60's. before DeGaule kicked out NATO. She has valid for life USA and French Nationality, but it is no longer available, and she is 'grandfathered' in for life. They


Nothing really new, he is not Thai anyway but Chinese and just of the few elite Chinese that been running Thailand and hold most of the wealth and have a trickle down effect to the native Thais.

Don't you mean he is a Thai of Chinese ancestry as most of the Hi So's, businessmen, politicians etc here are?

According to the article Jatuporn claims he's possibly British!! or Thai-sino-British!! Arrrgh it all gets so confusing!!

Why confusing ? ... he holds (or might hold) British nationality simply because he was born there, he has Thai nationality because his parents have Thai nationality, and he has Chinese genes due to his parental forebears, all straight forward really.

He obviously can't denounce the latter, besides it is common in Thailand, nevertheless, he could (and as a leading Thai politician) should denounce (cancel) the former.

However his close personal advisers might suggest otherwise, just in case he might one day have to follow Thaksin's political exit track, then he would, unlike Thaksin, be able to stay in Britain for as long as he wants, and this must no doubt be regarded as an advantage.


Jatuporn, he will volunteer to be put in jail too

Maybe that's because their planning some more trouble and he wants to be safely out of harms way with a good excuse for not being there.


They don't legally. But TIT, people just do what they want.

The US used to allow dual citizenship in certain cases. I have a friend born to USA military personell on a USA Airbase in France in the late 60's. before DeGaule kicked out NATO. She has valid for life USA and French Nationality, but it is no longer available, and she is 'grandfathered' in for life. They

It seems that many people, including knowledgeable people on TVF, believe differently. http://www.thaivisa....post__p__322773

Also, this: http://www.multiplec...ountrylist.html


  • "The Thai Nationality Act (2535 B.E.) has opened the possibility for a (foreign born) person, born of a father or a mother of Thai nationality, to acquire Thai nationality" (link to Thai embassy in US).
  • It is unclear exactly what status dual citizenship has in Thai law, though there is at least some recognition

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