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Problems With 3Bb


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Most of my problems have been with Thai Visa. There are a number of forums and threads that I have been unable to open all day - the same ones - but others have been opening easily. :blink:

I am a 3xB user but from down south. There have been many topics on Thai Visa that go to "page cannot be displayed". Otherwise no problems with other sites.

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Appears others are having problems. Topic in Computer forum

I've also had problems with Thaivisa pages often coming up blank for a couple of days now. If the page shows up blank then I find a CTRL+F5 will load the page correctly.

Did some investigation and tried switching to OpenDNS and doing dnscache flush with no luck. Since the CTRL+F5 worked which reloads the page bypassing cache decided to find an open caching proxy server and try it. Problem goes away doing that, going back to default proxy cache and the problem comes back.

One caveat, if you need to access your router web page (the 192.168.1.x number) you need to disable the proxy cache.

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They're not moving forwards are they. Internet has been mediocre for the duration but has been particularly pants this last month. The problem is all in the graft at the top, squeezing ISPs for every last cent for a rotten bandwidth! Muang Thai is a decade behind Asian tigers Jap, SK, Singers. :bah:

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I've had problems with maxnet, tripple TB and the other names that TT&T call themselves over the 8 yrs that I have been a loyal [but never satisfied]customer. I was paying for a premium service @1,190thb/mo and supposed to get 12mb, but rarely did I get over 200kb/second download speeds and regular total outages.

Well....we are no more with those crooks, as they cut us off without notice earlier this month because it seems that their lease ran out on the TOT lines they were using. It forced me to go into TOT and sign up with them and pay 8,000thb for new line instalation, but end result is that we are now getting twice the speeds at half the price and I wish I had done this a long time ago.

It's been a week now with very acceptible speeds and I'll reserve judgement and post after a month of their service.

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It takes about 2 weeks of phoning too complain three times per day (asking them to reboot their server) for about two weeks to get some decent response in Chiang Mai. Then it seems that they redeploy equipment and get great response for a month or so before someone else's complaints mean that I seem to get the same old server and same old problem once again... and the cycle repeats :annoyed:

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My real problems with 3bb started Dec. 24 2010, since I have had problems mentioned above. complained to the 1530 number so many times that I went to Pantip plaza and showed them that I was getting download and upload speed far short of what I was paying for.

I finally told them I would pay the monthly bill when they rectified the problems. The have apparently upgraded me from 6 to 8 download service but the upload for the latter is only .270 (advertise 1) whereas on the old system it was .170.

The excuses I have been given for the problems were all "my software" , line no good, belkin unit no go9od, etc. I am not paying for service in advance anymore and told them that as they refused to adjust bill for substandard service.

The Pantip people did make a printout of my access and when I pointed out the 'service disconnect' (several each day over the printout period) on the printout, she said "well you connected so you should pay" Amazing service/attitude for such a potential lucrative business.

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Tried playing pinochle at Yahoo games last night and got as far as the link to open a game table but after clicking that kept getting "internet explorer cannot display the webpage". Same problem today with not only Yahoo but other links.

Funny how they can get the statement for the bill out early every month with no problem but can't get the dam_n service to work when you need it to. If they provided a rebate for all the times the service sucks it would be almost free.

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So as far as I can see this problem seems to restricted to those of us on 3BB service. How about the rest of you on other services, everything normal? If so please post and let us know what service you have, what you pay for what down load and up load speeds.

I'm thinking of changing sevices.


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Am also in CM and for the past 1 week I have to reboot at least 10 times a day to be able to browse and get my mails ... the funny thing is that Skype will continue working as well as the TV which goes through the same modem but can't download mails or browse... Yup there is definitely something going on and it is very frustrating as my whole buss depends on the net :annoyed:

I'm with 3BB in CM and having no problems at all.

OK, so Spartacas only downloaded at 400kbs instead of the usual 700kbs, but it wasn't well seeded and it still only took 30 minutes.

No problems with websites like TV and Amazon.com

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I have 3BB located here in CM - inside moat... In the past few days I can not get to some ThaiVisa pages - like the main forum page - I can get to the CM sub forum only because I have a bookmark...

Also on a general 3BB issue that I have had since I signed up with 3BB - I have noticed that when I first turn on my laptop and get a wifi connection it works for about 15 seconds then I lose my internet for about a minute until a stable connection is made - Has others experienced this?

Edited by sfokevin
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problem today?


i have problem with 3 BB last time every day

i call to support, support check line, and say for me - you line OK! if you need good internet for european web-sites you need buy more expencive tarif

but i pay every month 950 thb, and 5 minut have connect and 5 minut dont have, and it's privat line for my home, not share line

but i not stupid, i ping thai google and have result:

PING google.co.th ( 56 data bytes

--- google.co.th ping statistics ---

50 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

i say for support: hey, guys, i dont have problem with european websites, i have problem with network connect

- no no no, we check line, you line good, you need more expensive tarif

stupid operator, realy

and if i now finish my contract i need pay more money compensation, becouse i have 1 year contract and use just 3-4 month's

last month i have its problem every time

if i send 1000 ping, aprox 50% loss, i need or reload page 3-4 time, or cannot surf internet, and every time cannot use internet becouse i write before 5 minuts wor, 5 minuts not work

i hope 3BB-support read its message and I hope it will be a shame that the quality of the internet from 3BB - very big shit

PS: and yes, i reset few time my router, problem dont loss

Edited by crazyawm
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Same here....Cannot even load Safari or Google. TV works ok on internet, so I guess it must be something else to do with web downloads or uploads. Did the usual speedtest....everything Ok....but as someone suggested on another forum., the speedtest is rigged. I have no proof of this, but it makes you wonder.

Going down to 3BB this morning to see what the problem is.whistling.gif

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Problems worse for me also today. Called 1530 and explained there were a number of people having problems but that will probably be as effective as telling the gal who sweeps the street out front.

Does anyone have any idea why we can't get a decent reliable internet connection over here? Is it they just won't spend the necessary funds because the average local doesn't complain and puts up with this crap?

I'm sure there are a number of us that would put the internet service, or more appropriately the lack of, at the top of our pet peeve list. Wasn't TV looking into an alternative internet program some time ago or maybe I was just hallucinating and getting overly optimistic?

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