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Knife And Axe....


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This is not a warning nor any gereral statemenet...its just some late night ramblings in retrospect to being reintroduced to my thai wifs temper last night....

Yesterday my wife was to bussy to go out having dinner with me, so she sent me out to eat with some friends, a thai couple, we went to a small restaurat and had a rather nice dinner......

Buuutttttt....for some reason my wife were not able to contact my mobil and/or our friends mobile...so when i arrived home i was meet with a very angry girl armed with a knife and a meat axe......

It did take take alot of sweet talking in combination with some fancy evasive dancing moves to keep me out of bodily harm... ;-)

After an exhausting night..we did manage to get to sleep.... In separate rooms that is........

But this mornig..she acts like nothing has happened and in the morning i actually had to move back into the bed with her to avoid a new knife/axe episode......

This is not a new situation for me..so i am not looking for advice.....i just wondered are there anyone out there who have similar or even more tsunami tempered partners!!!!!!!!!

Please share your stories!!!!!


Edited by toyicebear
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It sounds like you have a lethal combination of violence, control, and irrational behavior hanging like a sledge hammer over your head. According to a couple of recent published surveys, domestic violence between Thai men and women is very common, with Thai women carrying out the greater portion of the violence! This isn't the penis reattachement capital of the world for nothing.

I don't think you'll find much sympathy on this forum for this thread.* But, if you want to start one on the evils of Western women, the resposnes will come out from under every rock that hasn't yet been washed away, by one flood or another.

*Edit: even though I think you deserve a great deal of sympathy, I don't think many men are willing to admit similar circumstances.

Edited by kat
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Does she has trust issues with you?? It sounds like she, has whether justified or not only you can know. (have u been a naughty boy in the past, staying out all night, messing with other women??) Councelling or intervention from a 3rd party might be needed to find out the root cause of her violence.

Best of luck & I suggest burying all the sharp knives in the back yard.

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Well, neigheter of us is the trusting kind...but even so we would not dream of changing life partners....

Good or bad, we are married for life..... :o

And to expand..we are both in the middle 30's and have had a kind of wild life in the past...and we both know atleast 90% of eachothers past...which does not count positive in any way... :D:D:D

And before someone askes...she is considered beautiful and i am considered quite hansome by most standards..... :D:D:D

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This is not a unique expirience for me as such...i have expirienced simular episodes with previous girlfriends too...asian and european...should i have all commited then... :D:D:D

No..i dont think so... :o

Call me crazy..but i do prefer the "exitement" of a tsunami relationship in comparazing with a placid "fake" content one.....

And by the way..over 50% of western marriages ends in divorce..hows that for gambling odds?

Hey..thats just me.....Whats ur stand?

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on a night out in kho samui me and my beautiful gf were walking home. As we pass a bar a katoy grabed my arm, i politely said mao kharp but she hung on, i smiled and indacated my gf with me, still she hung on. Knowing my gf's rather jelous tendency's i was beinging to sweat a little. I pulled my arm free and walked quickly away with gf in tow. I then felt a thud on my back looked around to find the lady from the bar had thrown her shoe at us. Knowing that my mild mannered gf was ready to kill now, i held her hand tightly and proceeded to return to our room as fast as possible.

When in the room she was quite for a while (with smoke coming out her ears) Then i tryed to talk, making noises about forgetting it and the like. A very invergerated row followed were my gf told me she was a tom boy (lesbian) and never liked me anyway, that i was a stupid fallang and she was going back to siracha next day and i could f*** off. After an hour or so of silence she got up went to her bag and produced a big knife and a knuckle duster!!!!!!! And infomed me she was going for a walk, i tried to explian that going out now so heavily armed for a walk will probably result in a badly injured katoy with lots of angery local friends and my gf either getting killed or ending up in the monkey house (i love that) as she calls it. Again more heated exchanges resulting in gf storming out. After 5 mins of pulling my hair out in quite contimplation of the situation i went after her. I met her returning to our building crying. We went up to the room and she appoligised and we talked for hours. About my former life of crime and how violence just leads to more and more and more violence and about her anger managment problems and all the trouble it had caused in the past. We got through it.

Your story just reminded of this little incadent and how it was one of the defining moment of our relationship, we told each other all the horrible things from our past and i help her work through her anger by sharing with her how i learned to deal with mine. We'v had our moment since but nothing out of the ordinary.


any way that's my violent thai gf story..



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on a night out in kho samui me and my beautiful gf were walking home. As we pass a bar a katoy grabed my arm, i politely said mao kharp but she hung on, i smiled and indacated my gf with me, still she hung on. Knowing my gf's rather jelous tendency's i was beinging to sweat a little. I pulled my arm free and walked quickly away with gf in tow. I then felt a thud on my back looked around to find the lady from the bar had thrown her shoe at us. Knowing that my mild mannered gf was ready to kill now, i held her hand tightly and proceeded to return to our room as fast as possible.

When in the room she was quite for a while (with smoke coming out her ears) Then i tryed to talk, making noises about forgetting it and the like. A very invergerated row followed were my gf told me she was a tom boy (lesbian) and never liked me anyway, that i was a stupid fallang and she was going back to siracha next day and i could f*** off. After an hour or so of silence she got up went to her bag and produced a big knife and a knuckle duster!!!!!!! And infomed me she was going for a walk, i tried to explian that going out now so heavily armed for a walk will probably result in a badly injured katoy with lots of angery local friends and my gf either getting killed or ending up in the monkey house (i love that) as she calls it. Again more heated exchanges resulting in gf storming out. After 5 mins of pulling my hair out in quite contimplation of the situation i went after her. I met her returning to our building crying. We went up to the room and she appoligised and we talked for hours. About my former life of crime and how violence just leads to more and more and more violence and about her anger managment problems and all the trouble it had caused in the past. We got through it.

Your story just reminded of this little incadent and how it was one of the defining moment of our relationship, we told each other all the horrible things from our past and i help her work through her anger by sharing with her how i learned to deal with mine. We'v had our moment since but nothing out of the ordinary.

:o  :D

any way that's my violent thai gf story..



Thanks for sharing...thats just the kind of sentiment i was looking for....


And by the way..is it my expirience alone..or do Katoys love to make scenes?????

Edited by toyicebear
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Your story does not sound healthy at all. For better or worse you say you want to stick it out which shows your loyalty but when physical harm is threatened against you for no reason, its time to re-evaluate the situation. You also said you liked it being a little crazy and you didnt want a placid relationship. Well, up to you man. Be careful. You might just get what you wish for. :o

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I have been threaten with a sword once by my wife then girlfriend after a Misunderstanding about two girls and a motel room :o

But that was 4 or 5 years ago and I was defenetly in the wrong but have not had any problems since that day

It took along time to gain here trust again

I would not even think about cheating again and destroying what we have now

and beside that she scared the shit out of me :D

How old is the girl as my wife has melowed with age I think

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I've never witnessed a Thai girl losing her temper but I've heard a few stories from my friend.

It really makes me giggle though when he has to call her every five mins and sweet talk her to avoid arguments because I've heard them to be pretty nasty. In one episode she threw herself on the floor and started screaming, almost like a childs tantrum because she thought he was going to leave her :o

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.....  i politely said mao kharp but she hung on, .......

FWIW, it is not really possible to say politely "mao khrap" or "mai ow krap" in this situation, as "mai ow" in this context, is considered an impolite (very strong) response and an "insult" generally, even with krap at the end.

In a situation such as the one you describe, you are much better off (safer from a misunderstanding) saying that "you are not free" or "you do not have time for a beautiful katoy tonight, thank you very much for your offer."

Many years ago, in similar situations, I used a phrase like "Mai Ow" or "Mai Ow, Krap" (sorry, I don't have Thai capability on this keyboard) and each time, the response was negative. When I switched to a more "Thai style" (very polite, indirect no v. a "I don't want you" no), all of those problems vanished.

I never say "Mai Ow" in any situation, even with Krap, as it is not polite in tense situations and is often considered an insult. Even in normal, pleasant situations, I avoid using this phrase. If I was sitting with my GF and used "Mai Ow", she would be shocked, a bit, as I always use a softer, indirect "no" to the benefit of all.

In Thai, speaking "too direct" is considered quite impolite - as people are expected to use the language a bit more "creatively"..... "Sweet Mouth" is always better in Thai, even when you don't feel so sweet about it.....

Edited by Mr. Farang
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TIB. If you want this relationship to continue as well as your LIFE.


I was in a similar relationship witha faranfg girl back home 9 years or so ago.

The last straw was when she tried to run me over, and I mean that seriously, I stuck it out through, bleach being poured over me, being arrested for restaring her from stabbing me, the list goes on, but there has to be a point when enough is enough, no matter HOW MUCH you Love her.

When you are old and wrinkly and she's the same you will regret staying with this Paranoid Android, because lepards don't change their spots

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I was in a relationship with a mentally unstable women once too. She would threaten lots of self harm if she did not get attention or you wanted to go out on your own etc....totally stumped her when I just started saying "Go ahead and kill yourself then."...her previous boyfriend would run around like a headless chicken trying to calm her or "talk her out of it" etc etc....crazy bitches like that just need kicked to the curb, which I did rather quickly when she started it with me. Plenty more women out there..why torture yourself with one whos nuttier than a squirrels farts?

To the post that says "Call me crazy..but i do prefer the "exitement" of a tsunami relationship in comparazing with a placid "fake" content one....."

Why is a good stable relationship with a sane women "fake"? It seems more fake saying your in a "loving relationship" with a women who threatens to kill you at the slightest whim.

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Me and the Mrs where talking and i said something like "don't be stupid", next thing i know, she throws a bowl of Rice at me (if you want to, the people who like it gory can replace that with, "she came at me with a 6 shooter and a very large bread knife") :o When she had calmed down (and cleaned up :D ) i asked her why, and she thought i had actually called her "stupid" :D We never did find the Chopsticks though, wonder where they went :D

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misunderstandings have cause most of the arguments with my husband but they have never turned violent, I could only imagine hitting or attacking him with a weapon if I had lost all respect for him, otherwise I would never dream of acting so disrepectful to someone I love.

Throwing things, now, thats a different matter, have often thrown a book or remote when I thought he was being cheeky or rude. A bowl of rice though mrboj!!! who cleaned it up, all those little bits, argh :o

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.....  i politely said mao kharp but she hung on, .......

FWIW, it is not really possible to say politely "mao khrap" or "mai ow krap" in this situation, as "mai ow" in this context, is considered an impolite (very strong) response and an "insult" generally, even with krap at the end.

In a situation such as the one you describe, you are much better off (safer from a misunderstanding) saying that "you are not free" or "you do not have time for a beautiful katoy tonight, thank you very much for your offer."

Many years ago, in similar situations, I used a phrase like "Mai Ow" or "Mai Ow, Krap" (sorry, I don't have Thai capability on this keyboard) and each time, the response was negative. When I switched to a more "Thai style" (very polite, indirect no v. a "I don't want you" no), all of those problems vanished.

I never say "Mai Ow" in any situation, even with Krap, as it is not polite in tense situations and is often considered an insult. Even in normal, pleasant situations, I avoid using this phrase. If I was sitting with my GF and used "Mai Ow", she would be shocked, a bit, as I always use a softer, indirect "no" to the benefit of all.

In Thai, speaking "too direct" is considered quite impolite - as people are expected to use the language a bit more "creatively"..... "Sweet Mouth" is always better in Thai, even when you don't feel so sweet about it.....

Ty Mr falang, my thai is very poor, i'm am currently learning. I had no idea this could be construed as impolite, but now i know

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A bowl of rice though mrboj!!! who cleaned it up, all those little bits, argh :D

She did Boo, i think she learned her lesson :D It could have been worse, if she had been eating Noodle soup :o

I thought you liked fast food? Isn't 40 kph fast enough for you? :D

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I totally agree Boo - its the misunderstandings and language barrier that cause arguments between me and my BF, always has been even though his English is near perfect.

He has flipped out a few times, and it always comes down to him being frustrated and not understanding.

We have had some huge fights, but I think our tempers are pretty equal so we give as good as we get.

He certinanly never had a knife although he did smash the whole house up in a rage (alcohol) once. That was pretty full on :o

It is usually made worse in an argument as the language tends to speed up more and I revert to my Northern English accent :D

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You seem to have a genuine deathwish. She is mentally instable and needs help with anger management.

I dont know what you get out of a relationship where behaviour like that is considered normal. If you stick to her, I won't be surprised if you soon become another statistic in the News Section.

Make a new plan, Stan.

BTW, the words for 'stupid' โง่ or งี่เง่า are rather strong insults in Thai. Even saying 'How stupid of me' is something a Thai would not normally do. When joking with close friends, you *might* use these words, but if you use them with a serious face, they constitute fight talk.

This is probably part of the 'rice bowl' reaction.

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