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Over Stay In Japan

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My sister- in-law has been living in Japan for the past 20 years and now wants to rerturn (home), Thailand. Her passport expired years ago. Anyone have any comments, suggestions or experiences in this matter, and, which government dept should she contact? Police, Immigration, Embassy, etc.. Thai or Japanese. Or should I send her a plane ticket home & let the local authorities do their thing? But she has no travel documents.

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Perhaps try the gaijinpot forum? http://forum.gaijinpot.com/ My brother in Japan says it's quite helpful.

Not sure anyone here would have experience with that! She definitely won't be able to board a plane without her passport. How on earth was she able to stay so long? She certainly didn't a visa, was she there against her will? If so there are groups that help in those instances, will get you more info if you need it.

If she overstayed knowingly and wasn't kept there against her will...it's quite a bit trickier isn't it? Has she spoken to her embassy yet? How long ago did her passport expire?

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One important question is: has she been there legally or illegally?

I suspect that, like most countries, a Japanese visa or leave to remain doesn't expire just because the passport it's stuck into has.

She obviously needs a new passport or travel document; so her first step should be to contact the Thai embassy.

They will also probably be best able to advise her on what to do if she has been in Japan illegally.

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Depends how long ago the passport expired she may need to get a letter from the Thai Consulate confirming her identity to return home. I dont know what the authorities will do at the airport but she doesnt need a valid passport to return home (direct flight). My wife had an expired passport last year and we had no problem booking with Thai Air in fact they said many Thais return home on an expire Passport to have it renewed as they closed the consulate here and you cant get a renewal by post.

Edited by Artfullmover
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Perhaps try the gaijinpot forum? http://forum.gaijinpot.com/ My brother in Japan says it's quite helpful.

Not sure anyone here would have experience with that! She definitely won't be able to board a plane without her passport. How on earth was she able to stay so long? She certainly didn't a visa, was she there against her will? If so there are groups that help in those instances, will get you more info if you need it.

If she overstayed knowingly and wasn't kept there against her will...it's quite a bit trickier isn't it? Has she spoken to her embassy yet? How long ago did her passport expire?

20 years ago she met a Japanese man in Bkk, he encouraged her to visit his country, so it's been a de-facto relationship all these years, but now she feels the relationship is fruitless, in all aspects. So, obviously she now yearns to be home. She has never been kept against her will. Apparently he is below the middle class bracket. No children involved. They live regional, not near any large city, I think this is how she stayed there so long. Quite some time ago she did contact the Thai embassy, they were not forthcoming with suggestions, basically they said you got yourself into it, now get yourself out of it..... I'll try the link that LM09 sent, thank you.

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If she is ready to leave then she should turn herself into immigration. They will probably question her about her activities so she should have her story ready. I think she will spend 2 weeks in jail while she is processed out.

However, not having a valid passport might put her in more hot water and I would not suggest sending her to the airport.

Here is a link



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Returning on an expired Thai passport is no problem. Her problem is with the airline (proof of identity and buying the ticket) and Japanese Immigration.

Getting a new Thai passport will take a few weeks I believe.

Japanese immigration: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/index.html

lists the procedure:


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Returning on an expired Thai passport is no problem. Her problem is with the airline (proof of identity and buying the ticket) and Japanese Immigration.

Getting a new Thai passport will take a few weeks I believe.

Japanese immigration: http://www.immi-moj....lish/index.html

lists the procedure:


Well that's hopeful! :D

Also, flying isn't her only option. She could leave by boat. Not as quick but possibly less headaches if you have the time.

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