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I Got A Bone To Pick With You Pattaya

sriracha john

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Ok, I wish to voice a opinion that has been nagging me for a bit about our bigger brother to the South, Pattaya.

I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

I'm reminded of the water wars that have occured in areas around the world, then I read about Rayong citizenry taking up protest to save water for it's household use and have been successful in getting concessions that no more water will be diverted to other towns... so I'm hoping my good friend the mayor of Sriracha will follow suit and deny water for people other than Si'cha people.

Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

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I visited Si Racha last time I was over there - but it was closed.

I saw a group of locals gathered at the junction near Robinsons and asked what they were doing.

Apparently the main form of entertainment there is watching the traffic lights change.

Ah.. the old ones are the best. :D

I do agree about the grabbing and groping though. :o

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Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

How do you know the so called people come from Pattaya? :o

Good to see you don't sterotype people as well. :D

Sriracha the new in place. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Have a nice day.

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Ok, I wish to voice a opinion that has been nagging me for a bit about our bigger brother to the South, Pattaya.

I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

I'm reminded of the water wars that have occured in areas around the world, then I read about Rayong citizenry taking up protest to save water for it's household use and have been successful in getting concessions that no more water will be diverted to other towns... so I'm hoping my good friend the mayor of Sriracha will follow suit and deny water for people other than Si'cha people.

Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

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There is a water shortage all around the world, not just in Pattaya.

Could it be nature's way of culling the population? Nature introduced AIDS but not enough people were culled. We are still breeding like rabbits and over-populated.

So, why not cull the population by letting some die of thirst??

This is nature's test to see how united beer drinkers really are.

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Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

European football stadia are a lot safer these days no that Pattaya houses these boneheads

they have all made plenty of money selling "E" across Europe and have retired early in Pattaya.

your stuck with them I'm afraid.

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Ok... now that most of that VSOP has cleared out of the system from the semi-annual excursion into it's realm...

I'll try to explain a bit...

I was hoping to focus on the water issue and threw in the "import" problem as an after-thought because it does bother me. I know lots of good folk in Pattaya, but it seems like most of the ones that make it up here don't belong to that group.

I preferred it when 6 years ago, no one knew Sriracha as a sauce and not a city. Where, whenever I encountered a farang I used to strike up conversations with them as it was such a rare thing to see.

Yes, times are changing. The population has increased a whopping percentage... from 20,000 in 1999 to 145,000 now. Can't stop progress, I know... but just hate to see it means the expansion of the worst elements of Pattaya to here.

But, as I said... the main focus of mine WAS the water...

Totster... it certainly seems that way... pretty soon they might as well remove the "city limits" road signs... it's one big metropolis. :D

Chickenlegs... you met the wrong group. The favorite entertainment here is watching the palm trees grow.

Icecubes... I know they were from Pattaya because that's where they said they were from and heard that Sriracha was a cool place to go.. :D during a mutual gathering in the restroom to relieve bladders, they asked me where is the good place to pick up chicks... I said... "shhhh....not so loud.... now listen carefully... that's a big secret, there's only one good place for that", and then I softly whispered, "Pattaya"...

Harry... I'll try to, mate... but I need good reinforcements on these frontlines to hold off the onslaught... I'll continue to do my best to save the spread though, sir... sir, yes sir. :o

Brit... I'm shocked that they do leave there, but they do... I don't know where this "Sriracha is a cool place to party" stuff comes from... but it's a vicious lie..

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Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

How do you know the so called people come from Pattaya? :o

Good to see you don't sterotype people as well. :D

Sriracha the new in place. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Have a nice day.


Still haven't answered the question, how do you know they are from Pattaya?

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I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

Pattaya is nicking water from everywhere John... poor planning, excessive building developments, no thought to improved infrastructure... similar to what Sri Ratcha is going through now too... :o

Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here.

We really don't want the scum here either... it's a pity we couldn't quarantine them to a certain area of town... say Walking Street, and keep them there. That way we'd all have a choice about visiting or not... a bit like choosing to go to Sri Ratcha to watch the palm trees grow... :D

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I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

Ours has dried up completley :o

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Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

How do you know the so called people come from Pattaya? :o

Good to see you don't sterotype people as well. :D

Sriracha the new in place. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Have a nice day.


Still haven't answered the question, how do you know they are from Pattaya?

Yes he has!!!!!!!!

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good on ya john, Sriracha is a great place, I do hope it does not get spoilt.

But, our little oasis on the eastern seaboard is under threat, we need to band together to expell the unwanteds. It is bad enough that we have to see our girls sitting outside the karaoke waiting for that special japanese guy. having said that, according to mrs tukyleith the best somtam is served up as these ladies are finishing work, so it is quite common a 1am trip to yousay karaoke opposite website is made.

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Ok, I wish to voice a opinion that has been nagging me for a bit about our bigger brother to the South, Pattaya.

I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

I'm reminded of the water wars that have occured in areas around the world, then I read about Rayong citizenry taking up protest to save water for it's household use and have been successful in getting concessions that no more water will be diverted to other towns... so I'm hoping my good friend the mayor of Sriracha will follow suit and deny water for people other than Si'cha people.

Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

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I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

Ours has dried up completley :o

Ours is at 15% capacity now, with only 5% usuable... they say anything under 10% is unusuable as it's too full of sediment..

With us at 5% we shouldn't be selling it off.. to satisfy the needs of others through as Jai Dee says is poor planning and over-expansion...

and yes, Sriracha is certainly guilty of the same as well... building far faster than our infrastructure can handle...

but we certainly don't need to compound our own difficulties by taking on someone else's misguided, albeit similiar to our own, poor planning.

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Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

How do you know the so called people come from Pattaya? :D

Good to see you don't sterotype people as well. :D

Sriracha the new in place. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Have a nice day.


Still haven't answered the question, how do you know they are from Pattaya?

Yes he has!!!!!!!!

Thanks wilko... :o

that saves me from quoting where I did answer it..

good for you to spot what apparently thaigreg was unable to...


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we need to band together to expell the unwanteds. It is bad enough that we have to see our girls sitting outside the karaoke waiting for that special japanese guy. having said that, according to mrs tukyleith the best somtam is served up as these ladies are finishing work, so it is quite common a 1am trip to yousay karaoke opposite website is made.

that's a good place to have som tam.. :D

I remember a time not so long ago that the number of women outside the japanese clubs could be counted on one hand... now I need all my digits and a few other peoples to count them all...

The japanese were here even before I so I don't begrudge them the few women...

they pay outrageous amounts just to sit and drink with them... one that lived in my condo building invited me to join their group one evening... and he ended up paying B36K (I eyeballed the "check bin") for 5 people for 3 hours of drinks and companionship... (and no one got laid...)

the japanese and their expense accounts here for entertainment are something to behold...


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the japanese and their expense accounts here for entertainment are something to behold...

you ever been to Japan?

10 years ago, after a presentation at the Kabuki theatre (excellent, by the way)

I tried to get a few beers - took me 65 minutes, and about 40 bars refusing to let me in : "sorry, members only" to get a beer - after two export bottles downed as they came, I wanted to order more, but decide to ask for the rice : US 70.- per botle - :D you can understand that I wasn't thursty anymore! :o

and that was without being laid, without even talking to a lady!! :D

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Ok, I wish to voice a opinion that has been nagging me for a bit about our bigger brother to the South, Pattaya.

I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

I'm reminded of the water wars that have occured in areas around the world, then I read about Rayong citizenry taking up protest to save water for it's household use and have been successful in getting concessions that no more water will be diverted to other towns... so I'm hoping my good friend the mayor of Sriracha will follow suit and deny water for people other than Si'cha people.

Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

Quote ----))))and not take ours((((

yours ?

what a stupid thing to say

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the japanese and their expense accounts here for entertainment are something to behold...

you ever been to Japan?

about 40 bars refusing to let me in : "sorry, members only" to get a beer

Essentially, it's no different today, my friend. The vast majority of Japanese clubs in town don't allow non-Japanese inside... the one I went to was pretty much a one-off exception due to being invited by a regular and high-paying customer. :o

p.s. many trips to Japan.... wonderful place that often leaves the visitor wondering... :D

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they pay outrageous amounts just to sit and drink with them... one that lived in my condo building invited me to join their group one evening... and he ended up paying B36K (I eyeballed the "check bin") for 5 people for 3 hours of drinks and companionship... (and no one got laid...) 

the japanese and their expense accounts here for entertainment are something to behold...


Excuse me, is this in Sriracha or Pattaya? B36K seems to me too high a bill for 3 hours of casual drinks for five for today's economic climate even if in Japan unless of course if you are receiving and entertaining an important customer or perhaps a superior visiting from Japan. I could not have this kind of bill paid on company expense when I was working in Japan without obtaining prior approval from my superior in writing. What company is your friend working at? :o

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Ok, I wish to voice a opinion that has been nagging me for a bit about our bigger brother to the South, Pattaya.

I've learned today that the water in our resorvoir is being sent to Pattaya. Ok, fair enough... share and share alike, but then I thought... after water here was shut off after only 4 hours today, that perhaps Pattaya should rely on it's own resorvoir for it's water and not take ours...

I'm reminded of the water wars that have occured in areas around the world, then I read about Rayong citizenry taking up protest to save water for it's household use and have been successful in getting concessions that no more water will be diverted to other towns... so I'm hoping my good friend the mayor of Sriracha will follow suit and deny water for people other than Si'cha people.

Second gripe I got against Pattaya is to please keep your worst scum in that town and not export them to here. Over the last week, I've noticed a proliferation of the worst kind of Pattaya's foreign community soiling the good nature of this fair city.

Just tonight, I witnessed some bad Pattaya influence in our clubs... grabbing and groping some decent women here.... stop it...before the citizens here get upset by the bad farang influence and strike back.

Stop making the rest of us look bad.

This must be the lamest doggon crud yet to be posted on the water shortages in Thailand. :D

I saw a Thai use 35 gallons to wash one plate and a towel at Hua Lampong, using a 3" hose that is SUPPOSED to be used to wash train cars. Grow up knot head :o

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This must be the lamest doggon crud yet to be posted on the water shortages in Thailand. :D

I saw a Thai use 35 gallons to wash one plate and a towel at Hua Lampong, using a 3" hose that is SUPPOSED to be used to wash train cars. Grow up knot head :o

And this must be one of the rudest and most ignorant replies to a sensible post I have seen posted.Are you overweight with a big, shaven head? Learn some manners or shut up.

PS Did you know that in the days of the Wild West and there wern't many women around most cowboys were doing each other. :D

Edited by PanzerJohn
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