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Looking For Questions To Ask Stickman

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Hi Guys,

I have been asked to put together some questions for Stickman of www.stickmanbangkok.com . For those who havent read Stickmans features and reports, give them a look. He is known as the nightlife guru. He lives in the suburbs of Bangkok with his Thai wife and still visits the nighlife centres because it is his job to report on the news.

I would like positive input from anyone who has been here since before the nightlife crackdown in Bangkok and whose ongoing relationship has been successful. Many expats in Isaan met their wives in Bangkok or other places under different circumstances to that preceived normal back home but have found happiness here. Has your attitude changed? Does the bar life exist here in Isaan? If it does, how is it different in the way it operates and the implications for you?

I would be interested in your views on the sterotype images that abound and how you rate those views. How did you get past that with your families back home? Do you get visitors from home? What are they thinking about you, your life and what "tourist attractions" are they wanting to see?

What made things work for you and what didnt? What challenges do you face here that you didnt at the time you met your lady?

I for one dislike stereotype images and judgemental attitudes thrown at westerns living in Thailand. Before I write the questions up, I would like to verify that I am in fact just a typical guy living his choosen life in rural Thailand. I would also love to get a few different slants from TV Isaanites.

If you have something to ask him or wish to comment please do, either reply here or send me a PM.

Isaan Aussie


IA, why would we want to ask stickman something? it seems rather strange that if falangs who come to live here cant work something out for themseleves have to ask a city bloke what its like living in the sticks?Ive been to his site before, some poor bugger has pourded his heart out, 500+ words, and what does he get? yes, i agree with youy mate!!

The stories are interesting, stickmans input is Not!!


IA, why would we want to ask stickman something? it seems rather strange that if falangs who come to live here cant work something out for themseleves have to ask a city bloke what its like living in the sticks?Ive been to his site before, some poor bugger has pourded his heart out, 500+ words, and what does he get? yes, i agree with youy mate!!

The stories are interesting, stickmans input is Not!!

Understand your thoughts Lickey my ol mate. But the thrust isnt to the benefit of the Bangkok night-lifers. Many people here have moved on from that superficial stuff to a real life of hard work work out here where we are. Many more about to, or thinking of making that leap, and that is, as you know a whole new kettle of fish. The objective was to add a bit of benefit from our experiences. Way past the clutter of the big smoke, to all those trivial annoyances that we see daily. What is it they say, you can take the girl out of the country but you can never take the country out of the girl? Something like that.



Sorry IA, now ive got the ghist of your post, [perhaps it was the Laos earthquake that near shook me of the shithouse seat and addled my brain a bit?]

Heres a little story you all might enjoy,,

I was sitting outside the salon with an english mate, hed been here a total of 7months in 3 years, he was saying "there is nothing you can tell me about issan culture, i know it all, i replied, well, ive been here 4.5 years and learn something new everyday, just then mrs came out and sat down, i asked her why had Dan [brother] parked his PU truck outside salon? mrs said, its not Dans truck, its ours! how,why what? he had defaulted on a previous HP agreement and mrs used her name for the HP, and made most of the payments apparantly, he didnt want the truck anymore and left it with us!! and in 4.5 years i didnt know we owned a truck!! although we used it when avaiable, so i said to english fella, there you go, you learn something new everyday!!

Kids under 16 dont need a license to ride a motorbike because they are too young to have a license,,

Going to Udon a few years ago, in cousins PU, she caught the fuel pump island and ripped the tyre open, no spare,, we had to buy a new trye, WHY? because it wouldnt have happened if we did not want to go to Udon,,[never mind her crap driving!!!]

BIL parked at Tesco, he stayed in truck with engine running, and AC on, we came back 1.5 hours later, engine running and him fast asleep, i said to mrs, all that fuel for nothing, she got onto him, he said, truck not moving, no fuel!! [oh dear oh dear],,

He took us to Nong Khai last year, long straight road, no hills, 3000rpm in 4th, i asked mrs is there something wrong with gearbox, no 5th gear? her brothers reply was that the the road tax had expired?? after a few questions, the garage had told him that the truck would be most happy at 3000rpm in any gear,,, and that was 80kmph for his truck in 4th,,,

IA, if this is the sort of stuff you want for migrants coming t o the Issan region, ive got plenty more,

Cheers mate, Lickey..


HA, i would like to see stickman commenting on these exciting stories that doesn't include renting ladies or ladies defrauding their farang.


Sorry IA, now ive got the ghist of your post, [perhaps it was the Laos earthquake that near shook me of the shithouse seat and addled my brain a bit?]

Heres a little story you all might enjoy,,

I was sitting outside the salon with an english mate, hed been here a total of 7months in 3 years, he was saying "there is nothing you can tell me about issan culture, i know it all, i replied, well, ive been here 4.5 years and learn something new everyday, just then mrs came out and sat down, i asked her why had Dan [brother] parked his PU truck outside salon? mrs said, its not Dans truck, its ours! how,why what? he had defaulted on a previous HP agreement and mrs used her name for the HP, and made most of the payments apparantly, he didnt want the truck anymore and left it with us!! and in 4.5 years i didnt know we owned a truck!! although we used it when avaiable, so i said to english fella, there you go, you learn something new everyday!!

Kids under 16 dont need a license to ride a motorbike because they are too young to have a license,,

Going to Udon a few years ago, in cousins PU, she caught the fuel pump island and ripped the tyre open, no spare,, we had to buy a new trye, WHY? because it wouldnt have happened if we did not want to go to Udon,,[never mind her crap driving!!!]

BIL parked at Tesco, he stayed in truck with engine running, and AC on, we came back 1.5 hours later, engine running and him fast asleep, i said to mrs, all that fuel for nothing, she got onto him, he said, truck not moving, no fuel!! [oh dear oh dear],,

He took us to Nong Khai last year, long straight road, no hills, 3000rpm in 4th, i asked mrs is there something wrong with gearbox, no 5th gear? her brothers reply was that the the road tax had expired?? after a few questions, the garage had told him that the truck would be most happy at 3000rpm in any gear,,, and that was 80kmph for his truck in 4th,,,

IA, if this is the sort of stuff you want for migrants coming t o the Issan region, ive got plenty more,

Cheers mate, Lickey..


Dont you love the way everything just twisted around to be your fault. SIL and BIL marriage falls apart, my fault obviously.

Actually I will take you up on that anecdote offer, but for another purpose. Got something akin to the Darwin awards in mind and I figure we isaan farmers could put together a very funny read.

Actually Glomp, Stickman does write on a variety of things other than blinking lights and winking ladies. His wife's family lives in Korat and he has written about his travels in Isaan and most other parts of Thailand. As far as I know he still teaches in Bangkok and devotes a fair proportion of his time to disabled kids. The questions I want to ask him are to break down a few of the stereotype images many of us wear, mostly without foundation. For me, I think it is important that the experience that people such as myself in moving into the rural areas is available to others contemplating it. I doubt any of us was truely prepared from the cultural difference between the big smoke life and that in a small village. I am hoping that Stickman can contribute some of his experience to that mix. His knowledge of Thailand, Thai people and the human condition are in my opinion second to not many among us.

From the number of responses to date, I am as usual probably wrong and we should all just judge books by their covers.

Isaan Aussie


Hey, IA, dont give up on your post yet,,,, I came from the sticks in East Anglia UK, to the Northern bamboo sticks in Thailand, i was never a city dweller and never want to be,

Was in BKK a week or so ago, getting affirmation to marry at the UK embassy, the thai girl asked GF if i drink lots of beer and lo-cal, GF told me what she said, i was rather angry, i said i have red eyes and runny nose because of the polution in BKK, do you want to give me a breathalyser? she said sorry sir, no, 2hours or so in the UK embassy and didnt see one Brit offical???

I was so glad to get back home, [we] !!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so we live in a small town of 8.500 [regersted] people, and probaly only 4 families, the gossip is tantamount to Nuclear war at times, people handing out death threats, throwing half a dead cat onto the front balcony, youngsters 20/30s buying dog poison cos there life is going nowhere, riding motorbikes, [think the worst scenario] and of course the money thing which we cant chat about on TV, but longstayers will know the implications of this.so if the city boys move up here and dont mind everybody knowing there buisness, it will be ok,

And what would Stickman think about the move? theres a question..

Cheers, Lickey..


Another funny issan story the BIL was driving the family from Loei to Chang Rai for a few days I said to the wife we should do a quick service on the car so me and the BIL went down to the service station oil ok water ok air pressure 80 PSI I told him to much 30 PSI enough no no have a lot of weight.

No need to tell you every bump we hit felt like the car had no suspension at all :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  • 3 weeks later...

I suppose some people may have wondered if you would hear anymore about the Stickman questions. Well for those awaiting the interview results, you'll find it here:


If anyone has an opinion or comment, add them on the tuktuk articles space, post them here or send them to me by PM and I will see they get added.

Isaan Aussie


Today, I'm rather still astounded - even amused - as to how many "look up" to Stickman as the celebrity he isn't. He's not that extraordinary...in fact, he's quite typical and predictable.


OK IA, must admit i didnt go to the link you posted, but having been there before, and it seems Stickman is {im busy at the moment,will reply later} so again my old mate, i dont think anybody will get a lot of joy from his posts, what people post is interesting, the reply they get is not, he wouldnt even make a good agony aunt in the british tabloid press

Sorry mate, Lickey.

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