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Pheu Thai To Censure 10 Ministers Including PM

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Pheu Thai to censure 10 ministers

By The Nation.

The Pheu Thai Party will file a censure motion against 10 Cabinet members, including the prime minister, Tuesday and submit an impeachment motion against nine of them Monday.

Pheu Thai party-list MP Mingkwan Saengsuwan, the head of the Pheu Thai censure debate team, told a press conference Sunday that the party has been fully prepared to wage a censure showdown against the government.

Mingkwan said the party will submit an impeachment motion against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and eight other censure targest to the Senate speaker at 11 am Monday.

The censure motion will be submitted to House speaker Tuesday.

He said Foreign Minister Kasit Pirompya would be the only censure target who would not face an impeachment process.

Political observers noted that the ten censure targets are ministers only of the Democrat Party and Bhum Jai Thai Party. It has been speculated that the Pheu Thai would not work with these two parties on the same coalition after the next election.

Mingkwan said the Pheu Thai would coordinate with the chief coalition whip to ask for four days for the debate and the vote of no-confidence would be held on the fifth day.

He said the debate would cover three mains topics - 1) the crackdowns and killings of people, 2) corruption and abuses of authority; and 3) the government's failure in country's administration on economic and foreign affairs.

Mingkwan said the opposition would debate on five issues related to the killings of the red-shirt people during the crackdown.

The corruption topic would cover 15 to 17 issue and the failure of the country's administration would have 8 issues.

Mingkwan said seven MPs would take part in the debate on the red-shirt crackdown and 18 MPs would debate on the alleged corruption while 10 MPs would debate on the failure in the country's administration.

He said Pheu Thai MP Chalerm Yoobamrung would definitely take part in the censure debate.

He boasted that the Pheu Thai had got strong evidences to show during the debate.

Abhisit said Sunday that he has yet to wait and see the censure motion first.

But he said it would be normal for his government to be censured on the rising prices of consumers' goods.

Abhisit said the prices of foods had risen worldwide because of inflation.

He said the government was trying to tackle the shortage of foods and rising prices.

"The shortage of cooking oil is a clear example and the people really suffer so the government has to rush to solve the problem," Abhisit said.


-- The Nation 2011-02-27

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 Surely the Phua Thai would do better trying to do something positive to help those that elected them, rather than constantly trying to obstruct the government and bring it down.

Oh right, I forgot, Thaksin is directing all this, and he has no interest in helping anyone... but himself.

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Is there not a way to impeach the PT people. They were elected to help make Thailand a better place to live in for all Thai's. They have not even tried to pretend that they are doing that. They are a national disgrace.

Keep looking in the bags of tricks. Somehow I don’t think they will give up sometimes soon. :whistling:

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He said Pheu Thai MP Chalerm Yoobamrung would definitely take part in the censure debate.

One could be forgiven for getting dizzy while trying to keep up with Chairman of the PTP MPs Chalerm's astounding array of U-Turns... :blink::huh:


Chalerm Opts Out Of Censure Debate

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The thing is --- this actually IS what an opposition party should do, sadly they will waste a bunch of time trying to make political hay. The only way they get a no-confidence vote passed is if they break BJT out of the coalition and since they are attacking BJT ....... ;)

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10 Democrat and Bhum Jai Thai ministers targeted for no-confidence debate

By The Nation


The Pheu Thai Party will lodge its no-confidence motion against 10 Cabinet members tomorrow after filing an impeachment motion against nine of them, including the prime minister, today.

Pheu Thai party-list MP Mingkwan Saengsuwan, the head of the opposition's censure debate team, told a press conference yesterday that the party is fully prepared to stage a showdown with the government.

The party would submit the impeachment motion, excluding Foreign Minister Kasit Pirompya, to the Senate speaker at 11am today and the no confidence motion to the House speaker tomorrow, he said.

The 10 censure targets are all from only the Democrat and Bhum Jai Thai parties, leaving out the other coalition partners. Pheu Thai is expected not to want to work with these two parties on forming a ruling coalition after the election expected midyear.

Mingkwan said Pheu Thai would coordinate with the chief coalition whip to seek four days for the debate and a fifth day for the no confidence vote.

The debate would have three focuses - the crackdowns and killings of people, corruption and abuse of authority, and the administration's failure to manage economic and foreign affairs.

The opposition would grill the government on five issues related to the killings of the red-shirt protesters during the crackdown, 15-17 issues on corruption and eight issues on administrative failures.

Seven opposition MPs were lined up for the debate on the red-shirt crackdown, 18 for the alleged corruption and 10 for the administration's shortcomings.

Pheu Thai MP Chalerm Yoobamrung would definitely join in the censure debate, he said.

Pheu Thai had had compiled strong evidence to show during the debate, he added.


Abhisit said he has to wait and see the censure motion first, but it would be normal for his government to come under attack for the rising prices of consumer goods.

Food prices have climbed up worldwide because of inflation, he said, adding that the government was trying to tackle the food supply problem and the higher cost of living.

"The shortage of cooking oil is a clear example and people are really suffering so the government has to rush to solve the problem," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-02-28

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Oh, well done Mingkwan. So glad that you are on the job. Here, I have a present for you.

Oh good. Two red cigars - and they're both lit already.

What an exercise in futility. They haven't got the numbers to bring the Government down. One of the telltale signs of insanity is to keep on doing the same thing when it always fails.

Probably the most persuasive argument that Yoobamrung can muster will be "See it my way or you'll get a visit from the former Minister for Toilets and his siblings."

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"See it my way or you'll get a visit from the former Minister for Toilets and his siblings."

What did his son do anyway to improve public toilets? They are still very much bacteria-infested shit holes that, to add further insult, you have to pay to use.

One guess who now collects the toilet income....

And he's more happy with that.

Edited by animatic
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Thaksin must have given "the green light"

Wonder how many votes PTP will be able to muster at the end of this useless excercise.

Yes, that will be interesting, to see how many PTP-MPs are still following the party-line. Although if Mingkwan is leading the debate, then his (10/20 ?) supporters will presumably vote for the motion.

But it is good to see the Red-Shirts main political-party working through the system, in a non-violent way, assuming no fights break-out on the floor of the Parliament ! :o:rolleyes:

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"See it my way or you'll get a visit from the former Minister for Toilets and his siblings."

What did his son do anyway to improve public toilets? They are still very much bacteria-infested shit holes that, to add further insult, you have to pay to use.

And the toilets aren't much better.

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Is there not a way to impeach the PT people. They were elected to help make Thailand a better place to live in for all Thai's. They have not even tried to pretend that they are doing that. They are a national disgrace.

Disgrace? Maybe yes, maybe not-depend who's talking. I am sure at least 1/3 of Thailand disagree with you. If nothing else because of the fact that majority in reds are I-san people and they are one third of all population in Thailand. Beside all of that I-san people have a code of conduct in character and they stick together.

You asked:"Is there not a way to impeach the PT people.(BTW a question mark is missing)

Good news for you jayjay. Yes they can be in procedure for impeachment but you should ask democrats why they always late and hold themselves stuck in constant "fire" of PTP.

Next good news for you jayjay is that you have no reason to worry. PTP people don't have majority and in voting on Saturday(i think will be that day, as it was said 4 days for debate and voting day after)could happen that PTP initiative for impeachment could fail. I think easily.

But, there is a "catch22". Do you remember when the PM's Cabinet was reshuffled? That time, some members of coalition parties who rule(d) with Democrats was expelled from Cabinet. What only heaven knows now is HOW those small parties will vote? This time that political trick of PM to get rid of them so to have"clean" and loyal Cabinet, could cost him now a position.

If they are annoyed and feel abandoned and betrayed by Democrats, as they are kicked out of Cabinet, they might vote against Democrats.

Especially if in the meantime PTP bought their votes for this impeachment show. Money talks Jayjay, as anywhere on this Planet Earth.

But it is unpredictable and the question is who is having more to offer for voting, to those small parties. Democrats or PTP?

However there is your hope that this impeachment attempt will be outnumbered in voting and save Democrats on power.

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Pheu Thai are a pathetic excuse for a political party. Is it too much to ask for them to put together a manifesto rather that come up with these pointless censure debates, or can't they even manage that without the exiled glove puppeteer writing one out for them.

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