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Interesting point!

As the Op is in a country where English is not the native language, it leaves the definition of the word bitch open to all types of conjecture.

The 'victim' may understand one connotation of the 'supposed' insult, but dictionaries can provide various other meanings to the term dependent upon situation, environment, tone of utterance, audience etc.

How would a native thai speaker conclusively prove that the word was uttered with malice aforethought?

At the end of the day it will probably be decided upon who has the best 'connections'.

Hardly revelant to the word "bitch" per the oxford english only two definitions applicable, therefore not open to all kinds of conjecture.

1 a female dog

2. an offensive way of referring to a woman, especially an unpleasant one

now even if the OP meant definition 1...this could also be taken as offensive as he would be saying the lady concerned is a "dog"

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When a bar girl gets annoyed, and desires to make a voice, farangs are nothing but a ching - ching cash register to them, easy way to raise hell, and try to make some money.

I would have called her much worse then a bitch, of course the results would have been worse, this is why I do not frequent bars they are all the same filled with kunty bitches.:ph34r:

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When a bar girl gets annoyed, and desires to make a voice, farangs are nothing but a ching - ching cash register to them, easy way to raise hell, and try to make some money.

I would have called her much worse then a bitch, of course the results would have been worse, this is why I do not frequent bars they are all the same filled with kunty bitches.:ph34r:

I am as grateful as the bar girls

Thank you; let's hope you can find something more fulfilling to fill your days than venting bigotries on the internet...


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If everything is as you say it is you should go on the offensive, contact Andrew Drummond , he loves this sort of thing


Have your lawyer contact the Mayor and the TAT, the local press and TV, and have him explain this could go global, as in the Aussie girl that took the bar towel in Phuket, do they really want that to happen.

With tourism as it is they would not want the publicity, does the bar want the publicity have you spoke to the owner?

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"Milord, I dont think I am guilty, cos she asked 5K for a rusty glass that fell off ma table, cos I had quite a lot of rum/coke at her, for which I paid for and gave 40 baht tip too. And Milord to set the records straight too, I was not driving the night in question, cos if i was, instead of calling her BITCh, I would have plowed my automobile into her bar which aint worth even 5K."

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  • 4 weeks later...


Had another summons come thru to go to the Police station today which I did and was duly told the bar girl has the right to press charges and thats what is going to happen and I was asked what I wish to plead now I know what some of you are going to say, but the truth is i did call her a bitch so I said I confess to calling her that and they said great you can go to court tommorow and face the judge.

It came out when doing it that I reffered to her as a Protitute which I immediately said I did not call her a protitute I called her a F Bitch so then for the next 40 minutes we discussed what that meant they had printed out a GOOGLE translation which apparently F bitch mean Prostitute and that is what they have to go by, I still persisted it does not mean that so they called a few english people and one came to the station and told them in english it s not a big deal really and means nothing more than reffering to a girl that is not a nice person and that may be causing trouble.

Anyway cut a long silly story short I confessed signed a Statement that i am guilty got arrested had my finger prints taken and I appear in court tommorow at 9am I guess for sentencing which is up to 1 year in Prison and up to a 20,000 baht fine

I asked if I could write my own statement and get it translated into thai and they said fine but I ran out of time today so I have my half page statement but could not get it translated in time so if anyone out there can write thai would appreciate it if you could translate into thai about a half page statement at least the judge will know the real deal then as when the translater translated she said when you were in the restaurant :blink: I said NOT restaurant I was in a Beer Bar so who knows what the statement said..

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Anybody can sue you for what ever they want, it doesn't mean they're going to win, far from it

But if you help them by pleading guilty ...

I've friends who have been sued for the most frivolous reasons, refused any settlement, and won at the end.

But I've never heard about people suing back for frivolous lawsuit. I'm curious to know if it ever happen and what was the result

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Anybody can sue you for what ever they want, it doesn't mean they're going to win, far from it

But if you help them by pleading guilty ...

I've friends who have been sued for the most frivolous reasons, refused any settlement, and won at the end.

But I've never heard about people suing back for frivolous lawsuit. I'm curious to know if it ever happen and what was the result

Im not being sued its a criminal case.

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It appears they are trying to get you on some sort of defamation charge and you have conveniently obliged by admitting to all allegations against you.

You should have swallowed your pride and anger towards this low life bargirl to get yourself out of this situation in the most economical way possible, but you didn't in order not to lose face.

You are a fish that has willingly taken the bait.

Sorry to say; but you have placed yourself at they're mercy and hope the court feels fit to be lenient with you, considering the circumstances.

I truly wish you good luck and hope that you come out of this alright.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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You should have swallowed your pride and anger towards this low life bargirl to get yourself out of this situation in the most economical way possible, but you didn't in order not to lose face.

Nothing to do with saving face if the OP's story is as he tells it.

More about not being scammed by some low life bitch.....pure and simple.....taken for a ride it is called.

he did try to settle it....but if you think settling something like this for 5k is reasonable....then good for you.

I do agree he should not have signed a guilty plea and given it to them....the judge is likely to looks at it quickly and disregard any crap statements from anyone and get on with the rst of the day....you pleaded guilty....guilty it is...tata....

Could someone pin this thread a forward diarise it 12 months please ??

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You should have swallowed your pride and anger towards this low life bargirl to get yourself out of this situation in the most economical way possible, but you didn't in order not to lose face.

Nothing to do with saving face if the OP's story is as he tells it.

More about not being scammed by some low life bitch.....pure and simple.....taken for a ride it is called.

he did try to settle it....but if you think settling something like this for 5k is reasonable....then good for you.

I do agree he should not have signed a guilty plea and given it to them....the judge is likely to looks at it quickly and disregard any crap statements from anyone and get on with the rst of the day....you pleaded guilty....guilty it is...tata....

Could someone pin this thread a forward diarise it 12 months please ??

I did not say that making a settlement of 5000 baht was OK. You are misquoting me or not completely understanding my meaning here.

I would have apologised for accidentally breaking the glass and offered 50 baht for a replacement. After that I would not have admitted to anything else or signed any statements confirming the fact that I verbally abused the woman. Because in fact this is what the OP has confessed to, the smashed glass has almost become inconsequential now, as far as the police are concerned.

And as you say; .the judge is likely to look at it quickly and disregard any crap statements from anyone and get on with the rest of the day....you pleaded guilty....guilty it is...tata....

You are, sadly for the OP, absolutely right.

A very sad and unfortunate case indeed.

We can only hope that the sun shines on the OP and all comes out in his favor.

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Dont worry about it , just wait and see if you get a court date. I cannot see the police doing anything with this as its a private matter and not criminal act. If you go to court , plead your case yourself, be polite and go well dressed. Once the story comes out , as others have said, the judge will throw it out and I wouldnt be suprised if it even got that far. The judge woul dnot be happy with the police for wasting his time or for having a bar girl trying to rip off the foreigner. STAND YOUR GROUND. Good luck.

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Dont worry about it , just wait and see if you get a court date. I cannot see the police doing anything with this as its a private matter and not criminal act. If you go to court , plead your case yourself, be polite and go well dressed. Once the story comes out , as others have said, the judge will throw it out and I wouldnt be suprised if it even got that far. The judge woul dnot be happy with the police for wasting his time or for having a bar girl trying to rip off the foreigner. STAND YOUR GROUND. Good luck.

I have a court date its 9am tommorow morning and it is actually a criminal act which I am being procecuted for, prior to admitting it I asked what was the penalty and was told most likely a fine up to a max 20,000 baht and if any jail time it would be suspended.

In the only 2 cases I could find similar one was 500 baht fine and one was 1000 baht fine and no jailtime and if i get any of those I will be happy but stranger things have happened in LOS

Many have said I should of just paid the 5000 but I just could not reward behaviour like that with money so she thinks she can do it to the next guy that comes along yes I am a bit stubborn but I did apologise 3 times and try to make it right ony for her to increase the demand to 15,000

We will see in the morning I am still trying to get my statement translated in thai so at least he can read half a page of the exact thing that happened and any normal person would see its TOTALLY RIDICULOUS

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I guess you would of just paid the 5000 baht to be polite while she was slinging insults at you

Your right though next time I will keep my mouth shut but stil wont pay 5000 baht for a broken glass

For what it's worth I think you were right to call her a bitch, you were merely stating a fact.

I've had a similar scenario in the past, a stupid price was demanded for some drinks which I refused. I let out a tirade of abuse about how this woman was blatantly ripping off tourists and what a bunch of c^*t$ I thought they all were, then I threw a small fraction of the money they wanted in their general direction so it landed on the floor and she had to scamper around collecting it. This wasn't in Thailand, the country shall remain nameless. I then proceeded to tell the woman in question I was going to find the tout who introduced me to the bar and beat the shit out of him. I did find him and he crapped himself as I held of him by his collars while yelling into his face explaining exactly what I thought of him. I was promptly given a full refund by the two 'barmaids' who came running at me waving my money in the air, suddenly they were eager to please me and decided that I was no longer the victim.

This is how you treat people who rip you off - you don't kiss their <deleted> and try to placate them with diplomacy. You kick their <deleted> and put them in their place.

Apart from the very last sentence you've got the right idea. I don't know why you even apologuised. If she started calling you 'kwai' you've every right to insult her back.

Where was this? Pattaya?

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The judge will most likely ask the parties to settle.......but there will be some sort of financial penalty. 500-2000 baht may be the outcome.

I doubt the whole facts are out in the open here.

One thing for sure..........you start 'slagging off' Thai's where other people can hear (and that person loses face) you are very likely to face charges of slander. And that is a criminal offence in Thailand.

Consider yourself lucky that you did not get kicked half to death.

And if you really do want to live here? Ditch your Western ideas of 'fairness' etc.

They don't apply here.

Edited by Phatcharanan
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Reading the whole thread this looks to me like either some very nasty bar that I think, following the results of the trial, should be boycotted by all farang's in Thailand :)

Yeah.......like thats's really gonna happen.


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OP, You poor Bastard.

This story is so hideous that it is almost unbelievable. You were given some good advice in particular to not admit anything other than breaking a glass. I fail to see how you thought honesty was they way to go given the financial loss and the "Possible" sentence in a country where lying is second nature.

I really hope you come out of this with a slapped wrist :violin:

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Counter charge her for 10x the amount.

And don't forget, we're all just guests here, blah, blah, blah. We deserve to be treated like crap and when it happens, we just have to suck it up because it's their country, blah, blah, blah.

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