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Keep Ya Mouth Shut


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Reading the whole thread this looks to me like either some very nasty bar that I think, following the results of the trial, should be boycotted by all farang's in Thailand :)

Yeah.......like thats's really gonna happen.


Don't be so lame, if people on TV acted out what they claim then the lousy attitude from the bad apples would diminish...

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Reading the whole thread this looks to me like either some very nasty bar that I think, following the results of the trial, should be boycotted by all farang's in Thailand :)

Yeah.......like thats's really gonna happen.


Don't be so lame, if people on TV acted out what they claim then the lousy attitude from the bad apples would diminish...

Haha, Farangs in Thailand are interested in one thing, and one thing only, the only things they are interested in are the things that are beneficial to themselves, at that time, at that moment, that's why so many look down upon Thai people and Thailand and get so angry when things don't go the way they want things to go.

Oh, I can't buy land and flip it for a profit, Oh, I can't hold my wife 35 years my junior to ransom, because she lives in the house she owns and I paid for , Oh I can't buy a Toyota Corolla and do taxi runs to The Airport undercutting the Thai people that do the same thing for a living etc etc etc

Thailand IS a great place to live, one of the reasons being that there are laws in place to stop Farangs taking over.

Look what Farangs have done to Farang countries, not a pretty sight is it ? Would you really really want Thailand to suffer the same fate ?

After all, you left your home countries and came here because it was different, so why do you wanna fawk it up the same way your home countries are fawked up ?

If you have the money, Thailand is a great place to live.

If you don't have much money, Thailand gets a little less desirable.

If you know that eventually you'll have to leave Thailand because you never planned ahead and are living day to day and pray that you'll never get sick, you'll feel insecure.

If you live in Thailand and have married a woman 35 years younger than yourself, and you have enough money and enough sense to know exactly what you are doing , I wish you the very best. smile.gif

Edited by MrsMills
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Reading the whole thread this looks to me like either some very nasty bar that I think, following the results of the trial, should be boycotted by all farang's in Thailand :)

Yeah.......like thats's really gonna happen.


Don't be so lame, if people on TV acted out what they claim then the lousy attitude from the bad apples would diminish...

Haha, Farangs in Thailand are interested in one thing, and one thing only, the only things they are interested in are the things that are beneficial to themselves, at that time, at that moment, that's why so many look down upon Thai people and Thailand and get so angry when things don't go the way they want things to go.

Oh, I can't buy land and flip it for a profit, Oh, I can't hold my wife 35 years my junior to ransom, because she lives in the house she owns and I paid for , Oh I can't buy a Toyota Corolla and do taxi runs to The Airport undercutting the Thai people that do the same thing for a living etc etc etc

Thailand IS a great place to live, one of the reasons being that there are laws in place to stop Farangs taking over.

Look what Farangs have done to Farang countries, not a pretty sight is it ? Would you really really want Thailand to suffer the same fate ?

After all, you left your home countries and came here because it was different, so why do you wanna fawk it up the same way your home countries are fawked up ?

If you have the money, Thailand is a great place to live.

If you don't have much money, Thailand gets a little less desirable.

If you know that eventually you'll have to leave Thailand because you never planned ahead and are living day to day and pray that you'll never get sick, you'll feel insecure.

If you live in Thailand and have married a woman 35 years younger than yourself, then you already have enough money and enough sense to know exactly what you are doing , and I wish you the very best. smile.gif

Are you following the topic?

I think you got the red ones and the blue ones mixed up.

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Reading the whole thread this looks to me like either some very nasty bar that I think, following the results of the trial, should be boycotted by all farang's in Thailand :)

Yeah.......like thats's really gonna happen.


Don't be so lame, if people on TV acted out what they claim then the lousy attitude from the bad apples would diminish...

Haha, Farangs in Thailand are interested in one thing, and one thing only, the only things they are interested in are the things that are beneficial to themselves, at that time, at that moment, that's why so many look down upon Thai people and Thailand and get so angry when things don't go the way they want things to go.

Oh, I can't buy land and flip it for a profit, Oh, I can't hold my wife 35 years my junior to ransom, because she lives in the house she owns and I paid for , Oh I can't buy a Toyota Corolla and do taxi runs to The Airport undercutting the Thai people that do the same thing for a living etc etc etc

Thailand IS a great place to live, one of the reasons being that there are laws in place to stop Farangs taking over.

Look what Farangs have done to Farang countries, not a pretty sight is it ? Would you really really want Thailand to suffer the same fate ?

After all, you left your home countries and came here because it was different, so why do you wanna fawk it up the same way your home countries are fawked up ?

If you have the money, Thailand is a great place to live.

If you don't have much money, Thailand gets a little less desirable.

If you know that eventually you'll have to leave Thailand because you never planned ahead and are living day to day and pray that you'll never get sick, you'll feel insecure.

If you live in Thailand and have married a woman 35 years younger than yourself, and you have enough money and enough sense to know exactly what you are doing , I wish you the very best. smile.gif

Mrs. Mills, so, you've been let out for the evening. Nice one, your lucky, keep up the good behaviour but please keep off the Net eh. :rolleyes:

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Look what Farangs have done to Farang countries, not a pretty sight is it ? Would you really really want Thailand to suffer the same fate ?

Better still why don't we look at what Thais have done, and continue to do, to Thailand.

It ain't a pretty sight is it?

But then you probably don't know what I am talking about, the rose tinting on your specs has 0.0% transparency.

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Look what Farangs have done to Farang countries, not a pretty sight is it ? Would you really really want Thailand to suffer the same fate ?

Better still why don't we look at what Thais have done, and continue to do, to Thailand.

It ain't a pretty sight is it?

But then you probably don't know what I am talking about, the rose tinting on your specs has 0.0% transparency.

But why complain, we have no vote here and never will have, we stay by choice.

If we didn't like it, would we stay ? blink.gif

Edited by MrsMills
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What a day yesterday was

Ok got to the police station at 9am waiting to go to the court (I thought) I was told it would first go to the public prosecuters office to see if they would just treat it as a petty charge and if so I get a small fine and thats it anyway about 10am they marched out 3 thais in shackles and chains past everyone and loaded them into the back of a pick up and told me to follow that truck to the court which I did with the missus to a place just pas the bus station court house. Once I got there had the missus call the guy and there seemed to be some confusion LOL turns out I was at the wrong place and I was supposed to be in on the other side of town at another place. he got pissy with the wife on the phone becasue HE SENT us to the wrong place.

So off we go to the other place 25 minutes away, finally get to the place and wait by now its 11.30 wait and then signalled to sign a book which I did then wait again then told GO BACK to the first place (courthouse) after lunch.

So after lunch I go back and call him again and told to go down to the dungeons cells and wait (pretty much had no idea what was going on all day) so went down into the belly of the court house and sat and waited watching thais bring in food and visit the thais in the holding cells which were in plain site with some thais moving around freely while others were in shackles and chains and one thai guy had a ridiculous shackels on the chain must of been half Inch thick something that looked like it would hold a couple of tons really ridiculous and overkill and mediaevil.

After about 30 minutes my name was called and i thought I was going to be put into the holding cells as others waiting were put in there but thankfully not.

My wife talked to a thai guy next to me that was up for drinking and driving and he was there because he blew into the breathelizer and was told if the marker goes to here you pay 500 baht on the spot fine if to here 1000, he said his went off the chart LOL so he had to come here. anyway they took me into the office which has direct view into the holding cell and these cops looked like the jailers who look after those as they are waiting to be called into court (not nice guys by the looks of it ) and while they did not say a word to me while waiting my wife and I were the subject fo the conversation as they disrespected my wife while I was waiting (she did not tell me till we were out of there) she does not look thai she looks half indian so many times thais dont think she is from thailand so they were speaking freely about if one would do her and his response if she wanted it he would do it and how beautiful she is, I knew something was going on as I asked the missus and she said tell you later, my wife typically just kept quiet and did exactly that told me later must not of been nice in an office full of thai people listening.


Sittin in that office waiting room I noticed each guy had his own desk and the usual budda king pictures however I also counted at least 6 pictures of Mr Thaksin on each of there boards very clear that office is big Thaksin fans.

After about another 40 minutes I was taken to the court which looked like it was closed so sat down and was then told my sentance had already been given and was 12 months Imprisoned (my heart dropped) then he said suspended (phew) and 10,000 baht fine

Ridiculous just for calling someone a f bitch and telling the truth

Got done around 3.30pm

Anyway if I had to do it over I would of probably done the same but took the time to write my own statement and had it translated as I think I got screwed in the statement and they wrote it u not indicating she was a bargirl as they cannot do that and I was told in the morning to raise my hand and tell the judge that she was a bar lady in my statement but I never got the chance.

either way its over now but had really left a bad taste in my mouth and seeing the reality of what can happen for something so trivial is quite surreal and I am questioning if I really want to stay in thailand after that, once you see it and experience it you realize just how quickly things can go wrong here and like everyone says I found out just how farangs are treated but thank god I was not thai cause they get it way way worse.

The alternative I was told if I had pleased not guilty and it had gone to trial I would of definately gone to prison if I had lost for the 12 months.

So guys just a recap thai translation on Google which they use for official translation for fk bitch is the following fking means having sex and Bitch means prostitute so mind your P's and Q's

So now I am on 12 months probation and they made it very clear if i do anything wrong I will go right to jail.

SURREAL both my brothers are UK policemen and they were laughing at it thinking I was joking

Edited by DiamondKing
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Must ask, what did the FB get out of it. Was the 5K demanded not for the glass but for the FB verbal. Did she get any of the 10K you were fined.

Looks like any bar owner/lady can make up this type of story, backed by staff and get anyone in front of a court. :huh:

Lets be careful out there.

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Well as well that ends well.

Sorry you got pinched.

Just think back home if word got back to your employer, you would be deemed a "sexist" and "hostile" and it would have cost a lot more than 10K Baht.

Thats why I limit my conversations to smiles and "how much?"

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What a day yesterday was

Ok got to the police station at 9am waiting to go to the court (I thought) I was told it would first go to the public prosecuters office to see if they would just treat it as a petty charge and if so I get a small fine and thats it anyway about 10am they marched out 3 thais in shackles and chains past everyone and loaded them into the back of a pick up and told me to follow that truck to the court which I did with the missus to a place just pas the bus station court house. Once I got there had the missus call the guy and there seemed to be some confusion LOL turns out I was at the wrong place and I was supposed to be in on the other side of town at another place. he got pissy with the wife on the phone becasue HE SENT us to the wrong place.

So off we go to the other place 25 minutes away, finally get to the place and wait by now its 11.30 wait and then signalled to sign a book which I did then wait again then told GO BACK to the first place (courthouse) after lunch.

So after lunch I go back and call him again and told to go down to the dungeons cells and wait (pretty much had no idea what was going on all day) so went down into the belly of the court house and sat and waited watching thais bring in food and visit the thais in the holding cells which were in plain site with some thais moving around freely while others were in shackles and chains and one thai guy had a ridiculous shackels on the chain must of been half Inch thick something that looked like it would hold a couple of tons really ridiculous and overkill and mediaevil.

After about 30 minutes my name was called and i thought I was going to be put into the holding cells as others waiting were put in there but thankfully not.

My wife talked to a thai guy next to me that was up for drinking and driving and he was there because he blew into the breathelizer and was told if the marker goes to here you pay 500 baht on the spot fine if to here 1000, he said his went off the chart LOL so he had to come here. anyway they took me into the office which has direct view into the holding cell and these cops looked like the jailers who look after those as they are waiting to be called into court (not nice guys by the looks of it ) and while they did not say a word to me while waiting my wife and I were the subject fo the conversation as they disrespected my wife while I was waiting (she did not tell me till we were out of there) she does not look thai she looks half indian so many times thais dont think she is from thailand so they were speaking freely about if one would do her and his response if she wanted it he would do it and how beautiful she is, I knew something was going on as I asked the missus and she said tell you later, my wife typically just kept quiet and did exactly that told me later must not of been nice in an office full of thai people listening.


Sittin in that office waiting room I noticed each guy had his own desk and the usual budda king pictures however I also counted at least 6 pictures of Mr Thaksin on each of there boards very clear that office is big Thaksin fans.

After about another 40 minutes I was taken to the court which looked like it was closed so sat down and was then told my sentance had already been given and was 12 months Imprisoned (my heart dropped) then he said suspended (phew) and 10,000 baht fine

Ridiculous just for calling someone a f bitch and telling the truth

Got done around 3.30pm

Anyway if I had to do it over I would of probably done the same but took the time to write my own statement and had it translated as I think I got screwed in the statement and they wrote it u not indicating she was a bargirl as they cannot do that and I was told in the morning to raise my hand and tell the judge that she was a bar lady in my statement but I never got the chance.

either way its over now but had really left a bad taste in my mouth and seeing the reality of what can happen for something so trivial is quite surreal and I am questioning if I really want to stay in thailand after that, once you see it and experience it you realize just how quickly things can go wrong here and like everyone says I found out just how farangs are treated but thank god I was not thai cause they get it way way worse.

The alternative I was told if I had pleased not guilty and it had gone to trial I would of definately gone to prison if I had lost for the 12 months.

So guys just a recap thai translation on Google which they use for official translation for fk bitch is the following fking means having sex and Bitch means prostitute so mind your P's and Q's

So now I am on 12 months probation and they made it very clear if i do anything wrong I will go right to jail.

SURREAL both my brothers are UK policemen and they were laughing at it thinking I was joking

Surreal is the right word

You really do sound like the kind of guy, it doesn't matter how bad the situation is, you open your mouth and you make it worse.

You're obviously a hazard to yourself

The problem is it will be hard to get a restraining order ...

Edited by JurgenG
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Problem is now you have a criminal record, if you leave Thailand will they let you back in? Just a question, cause in one of the previous post's about someone else that got into trouble, they were not allowed back.

I think it was on about page two.

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I can't name the Bar as that really might then become defamation LOL but I will update this thread as and when anything happens hopefully it will fade away but this girl looked pretty determined and was really adamant that she was not accepting apologies.

I found 2 cases similar and one was the Burrowes case which he was fined 500 baht for saying the exact same thing except his was a bit worse based on the statements of his comment to a female immigration officer, the other was an old thread where a guy pleaded guilty again and paid a 1000 baht fine, apparently he worked in Thailand had a thai wife 2 small children and on his next trip out of the country he was told he could never return to Thailand because of the criminal prosecution, that a tough pill to swallow.

Let's see how this plays out hopefully it will blow over but she was demanding a copy of my passport in the police station which she was told she had no right to (she said for her lawyer)she did not like that either and eventually stormed out.

Lets See

Found it

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Gee, I seem to have misplaced my violin.

Now you should be really worried because you have 12 months hanging over your head and possible blacklisting all because of your big mouth. Just consider yourself taking the punishment for all arrogant, disrespectful and drunkin farangs who are an embarrassment to those who try to live here and show a little respect.

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Seems to me you lost this case because you poorly represented yourself in court did the judge know she was a prostituteand called you a kwai surely your wife could have written out your statement in thai and yet you was asking if anyone on the forum could do it for you,please don't tell us you appeared in court in chang vest and shorts lol

oh and where did all this happen got to be pattaya or Phuket I guess..........

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You are 100% right go to court,I would maybe pay for the glass 20-50 bht.I would say you did not call her anything she mis understood you were asking for another f- - - drink.Never admit anything Law 101 LOL is a funny story Oh maybe she made you drop the glass after calling you names,I have a lawyer give her papers saying you are suing her for false statements to the police.

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Problem is now you have a criminal record, if you leave Thailand will they let you back in? Just a question, cause in one of the previous post's about someone else that got into trouble, they were not allowed back.

I think it was on about page two.

really have no idea but from day one I never ever showed them my passport and they did not ask for it so not sure if its all interlinked we will wait and see what happens if I leave no plans as yet but will be prepared if i leave.

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Seems to me you lost this case because you poorly represented yourself in court did the judge know she was a prostituteand called you a kwai surely your wife could have written out your statement in thai and yet you was asking if anyone on the forum could do it for you,please don't tell us you appeared in court in chang vest and shorts lol

oh and where did all this happen got to be pattaya or Phuket I guess..........

I never got the chance to represent myself never saw a judge and Only saw the inside of the courtroom briefly as I was presented with the papers and the sentence and verdict it was all done behind closed doors I guess cause I pleaded guilty and yes I probably did it wrong should of taken more time to get my statement done.

Contrary to some posters here I am not a bad guy, it really was an off the cuff comment to a HORRIFIC BG nothing more.

I never wear vest and shorts I was immaculetly dressed (in fact I felt very overdressed) in black slacks nice longs sleeved shirt but no tie and I guess that why some on here think I am some tattooed loud mouth yob which is not the case and those that are saying this and that I hope one day you get to see the real thailand that is just waiting for you to make the slightest slip up so you can see the real LOS and then you may be a little slower in your condemnation of me.

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Gee, I seem to have misplaced my violin.

Now you should be really worried because you have 12 months hanging over your head and possible blacklisting all because of your big mouth. Just consider yourself taking the punishment for all arrogant, disrespectful and drunkin farangs who are an embarrassment to those who try to live here and show a little respect.

Well you sound like a really nice guy LOL

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I never got the chance to represent myself never saw a judge and Only saw the inside of the courtroom briefly as I was presented with the papers and the sentence and verdict it was all done behind closed doors I guess cause I pleaded guilty and yes I probably did it wrong should of taken more time to get my statement done.

I think you would have been better off with a decent lawyer who would have known where to go and when to go there to attend the court session. By not being present they probably just passed a "no contest" judgement on you.

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