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Why So Many Poor Comparsions Of Thailand Vs Other Countries


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maybe this just seems to be me but everytime i come on thaivisa to many postings regarding taxi's, internet, electricity, government, 3G, food prices, airport etc the list goes on, use poor comparsions of thailand, how so I always see thailand being compared to the following


hong kong






south korea

and other more stable, developed countries

why is it that most of you can't at least use comparsions of vietnam, cambodia, loas, indonesia, phillipines in the postings for that matter. I can only guess this is due to most have a very parochial view. I am sure if thailand was as developed in all aspects of the west the majority of you wouldn't be able to live here, because the cost would be as high as living in your country alone.

Regarding 3G turns out india just got 3G so thailand alone wasn't the only one behind you can find the article here for that story

Headline: After years of delay's, India finally gets 3G


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Actually I have to say that many of the posts I see compare LOS quite favourably with life in the UK, US, EU etc and its the reason why many people choose to live in LOS. The other thrust of your post seems to be that we should be comparing Thailand with Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam etc, but in that case you would be comparing Thailand with less developed countries so that's alright then ?

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why is it that most of you can't at least use comparsions of vietnam, cambodia, loas, indonesia, phillipines in the postings for that matter. I can only guess this is due to most have a very parochial view. I am sure if thailand was as developed in all aspects of the west the majority of you wouldn't be able to live here, because the cost would be as high as living in your country alone.

Vietnam, Laos & Indonesia are not promoting their countries as a retirement destination. Nor do they make false advertising claims. You get what they advertise for Bali. Vietnam has a cautious approach when it makes representations to foreigners. Vietnam also has had the legacy of foreign caused wars. The country was bombed into the stone ages and has had to rebuild with limited assistance. There was no Marshall plan for the country. Vietnam will eventually dominate the region once its infrastructure projects and educational plans are completed. That's the difference: Vietnam has a plan. It may stumble along the way, but its a plan for prosperity. Thailand doesn't have one. The Phillippines is no worse than Thailand. Outside of a small number of legit tourists or business people, the balance of Cambdia's foreigners are perceived as perverts. I avoid Cambodia because of the negative implications of a passport stamp if I enter another country. The same way i avoid Pattaya.

My cost of living is significantly higher in Thailand than it is for me in the west. I don't think you know what the cost of living on Phuket is.

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why is it that most of you can't at least use comparsions of vietnam, cambodia, loas, indonesia, phillipines in the postings for that matter.

What the point of comparing to countries that are far less developed, have suffered genocide and brutal wars, or where the streets are too dangerous to walk alone at night? Those places aren't close to same level of development, might as well compare it to some African country. You compare to where you want to be more like, no one wants to be like Cambodia.

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Vietnam, Laos & Indonesia are not promoting their countries as a retirement destination. Nor do they make false advertising claims. You get what they advertise for Bali. Vietnam has a cautious approach when it makes representations to foreigners. Vietnam also has had the legacy of foreign caused wars. The country was bombed into the stone ages and has had to rebuild with limited assistance. There was no Marshall plan for the country. Vietnam will eventually dominate the region once its infrastructure projects and educational plans are completed. That's the difference: Vietnam has a plan.


Vietnamese are much more intelligent than Thais. More the Chinese mentality than the typical SE Asian. But the country has still a long way till it will be of a similar standard as Thailand. And the motorbikes/traffic there is much worse than here.

Indonesia is crappy everywhere, but people (except for police/army) are nicer. Philippines in most aspects worse than Thailand.

Actually, Laos is still poor in most parts, but Vientiane and Luang Phrabang are nice cities, nicer than any city I find in Thailand.

It is all about a compromise you make. My expenses in Thailand are similar to the West, but I don't pay taxes here. That makes a big difference.

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I avoid Cambodia because of the negative implications of a passport stamp if I enter another country. The same way i avoid Pattaya.

what i hate are those big entry and exit stamps wasting page after page in my passport whenever i enter and leave Pattaya.


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why is it that most of you can't at least use comparsions of vietnam, cambodia, loas, indonesia, phillipines in the postings for that matter. I can only guess this is due to most have a very parochial view. I am sure if thailand was as developed in all aspects of the west the majority of you wouldn't be able to live here, because the cost would be as high as living in your country alone.

Vietnam, Laos & Indonesia are not promoting their countries as a retirement destination. Nor do they make false advertising claims. You get what they advertise for Bali. Vietnam has a cautious approach when it makes representations to foreigners. Vietnam also has had the legacy of foreign caused wars. The country was bombed into the stone ages and has had to rebuild with limited assistance. There was no Marshall plan for the country. Vietnam will eventually dominate the region once its infrastructure projects and educational plans are completed. That's the difference: Vietnam has a plan. It may stumble along the way, but its a plan for prosperity. Thailand doesn't have one. The Phillippines is no worse than Thailand. Outside of a small number of legit tourists or business people, the balance of Cambdia's foreigners are perceived as perverts. I avoid Cambodia because of the negative implications of a passport stamp if I enter another country. The same way i avoid Pattaya.

My cost of living is significantly higher in Thailand than it is for me in the west. I don't think you know what the cost of living on Phuket is.

So many things wrong on so many levels.

Can you provide examples of thailand's campaign to promote itself as a retirement destination.

So you are suggesting that eg $5k a month in paris, London, New York will get you further than $5k in Phuket or bangkok???

Give yer head a shake man!

Would you care to enlighten us all in your insider knowledge of Vietnam and it's foolproof plan for future prosperity.

As far as I'm aware no government has issued any edicts on the negative consequences of having visited camodia.

Your viewpoints are those of some pompous colonel blimp. No facts whatsoever, just personal opinion cobbled together by a person that has become bitter, twisted and mean spirited.

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Perhaps the reason Thailand is so often compared to more advanced countries is because it likes to think of itself as being in that league. They want to brag about being a hub of practically everything in the universe, they want to claim they have the best airport, etc. TRUE television makes great claims about its service and quality...phooey. We have people right here on this forum that want to claim that Thailand phone service is as good as America's...let's see...3G versus 4G. On a world-wide basis, I'd say Thailand is somewhere in the middle of things...but the Thais themselves see themselves in a much higher position. I'd say the bigger they think they are, the harder they fall.

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I avoid Cambodia because of the negative implications of a passport stamp if I enter another country. The same way i avoid Pattaya.

what i hate are those big entry and exit stamps wasting page after page in my passport whenever i enter and leave Pattaya.


I get the same ones each time I visit Devils den and Lolitas ;)

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I avoid Cambodia because of the negative implications of a passport stamp if I enter another country. The same way i avoid Pattaya.

what i hate are those big entry and exit stamps wasting page after page in my passport whenever i enter and leave Pattaya.


I get the same ones each time I visit Devils den and Lolitas ;)

I was curious about that as well.

I've never had anyone even glance at my numerous visa stamps.

And really, your worried that a complete stranger in an international airport is going to assume your a pedophile because you've been to Cambodia?

Your trippin'

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why is it that most of you can't at least use comparsions of vietnam, cambodia, loas, indonesia, phillipines in the postings for that matter. I can only guess this is due to most have a very parochial view. I am sure if thailand was as developed in all aspects of the west the majority of you wouldn't be able to live here, because the cost would be as high as living in your country alone.

Vietnam, Laos & Indonesia are not promoting their countries as a retirement destination. Nor do they make false advertising claims. You get what they advertise for Bali. Vietnam has a cautious approach when it makes representations to foreigners. Vietnam also has had the legacy of foreign caused wars. The country was bombed into the stone ages and has had to rebuild with limited assistance. There was no Marshall plan for the country. Vietnam will eventually dominate the region once its infrastructure projects and educational plans are completed. That's the difference: Vietnam has a plan. It may stumble along the way, but its a plan for prosperity. Thailand doesn't have one. The Phillippines is no worse than Thailand. Outside of a small number of legit tourists or business people, the balance of Cambdia's foreigners are perceived as perverts. I avoid Cambodia because of the negative implications of a passport stamp if I enter another country. The same way i avoid Pattaya.

My cost of living is significantly higher in Thailand than it is for me in the west. I don't think you know what the cost of living on Phuket is.

So many things wrong on so many levels.

Can you provide examples of thailand's campaign to promote itself as a retirement destination.

So you are suggesting that eg $5k a month in paris, London, New York will get you further than $5k in Phuket or bangkok???

Give yer head a shake man!

Would you care to enlighten us all in your insider knowledge of Vietnam and it's foolproof plan for future prosperity.

As far as I'm aware no government has issued any edicts on the negative consequences of having visited camodia.

Your viewpoints are those of some pompous colonel blimp. No facts whatsoever, just personal opinion cobbled together by a person that has become bitter, twisted and mean spirited.

Wrong you say? If you are oblivious to Thailand's attempt to lure foreigners as a retirement destination, then you don't pay much attention to all those condo sales displays do you? Did you take notice of all the real estate developer campaigns that specifically target older foreign visitors. miss out on the advertising? Do a search in TVF if you need examples. Remember the elite card? What about medical tourism hub? Does the expression ring a bell?

You make the false assumption that all foreigners are coming from New York, Paris and London. On the contrary, most of the foreigners do not come from those cities. It may come as a shock to you, but more asians visit Thailand than "westerners", and for asians, their cost of living back home in China, India, the middle east etc. is either comparable to or better than that of Thailand. For many well off westerners, the cost differentials are noticeable. Try and obtain a Miele or Maytag appliance. Try and find a quality bed mattress, and not one of the crappy foam mattresses that are found in most retail outlets. Do you know the difference between 2 ply TP and single ply sandpaper? All those quality items carry a premium prices.

Have you ever lived on Phuket? The costs are about 25% more than in Bangkok. Do you know what a basic street vendor meal costs in Patong vs. Bangkok? Yes, I could live a much cheaper lifestyle if I chose to live Thai style, or sought out the balloons or the all you can eat buffets (which are not present on Phuket as they are in Pattaya), but I live western style with a heavy Thai influence. However, quality goods cost significantly more in Thailand because they all have to be imported. A great many wealthier foreigners wish to preserve their standard of living and that means not settling for a condo that starts falling apart a year after its built, or electrical outlets that are not grounded.

I never claimed Vietnam had a foolproof plan, but it has a plan that demonstrates strategic planning: Vietnam is building a transportation and communication infrastructure. It will take time, but there is a plan and the changes are evident to people that visit. People like you laughed at China, but China took nearly a decade to train a generation of technicians, engineers and scientists that are now driving the ecconomy forward and helping build high tech industries. Vietnam is doing the same.

Your comment on Cambodia suggest that you are either clueless or in denial. People that have visited Cambodia and land back in Canada, the USA, Australia and some EU countries are more likely than those visiting Italy to have their phones, laptops and baggage searched for kiddie porn and to have their names checked to see if they pop up on the people of interest listings. Cambodia is synonymous with sex tourism. It is unfair to the legit visitors and business people, but that's the reality. I have never ever had my laptop or bagage searched when I fly in from South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan or China, but if I am coming from Thailand, I am scrutinized more closely and will usually see my laptop searched every 3rd trip even though I have a legit occupation. A middle aged male traveling from Cambodia will get the once over because he meets the profile.

Nothing I said was twisted or mean. Is it wrong to give credit to Vietnam for having direction, a plan? You think I'm twisted because the perception of a great many visitors to Cambodia that are not going for legit business reasons or actual tourism, is that they are most likely to depraved kiddie diddlers? Right. Ask away in TVF what the perception is. You may be disappointed to discover that is the perception. Mention Pattaya to any foreigner and you get a smirk and a rude comment. Mention Singapore, Hanoi, Shanghai, Penang, and know one will crack a joke about a hooker or ladyboys, even though all the cities have them.

Col Blimp? Sorry, I never made it to staff rank. Btw, you demonstrate a pronounced ignorance of satire as you misunderstand Col. Blimp. He was caricatured as stupid, but a genuinely decent, nice person, albeit confused. Hence, calling me mean and twisted is incompatible with your use of the Col. Blimp comparison. You really are not overly imaginative with your insults.

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We compare to what we know.

I have never been to Benin. So I have never compared Thailand to it. I am American, and so many of my comparisons, both positive and negative, are to the US. When I write that the fresh-squeezed orange juice is better in Thailand than in the US or that the ground beef is worse, that does not mean that I am taking a stand on the overall attractiveness, so-to-speak, of Thailand as a country in which to live. It just means I like the orange juice better but not the burgers.

In another ongoing thread, I have been critical of Suvarnabhumi. I do travel a lot, so I do have the experience to compare the airport to others around the world. But being critical of the airport does not mean I have disdain for the country. I work and live here, so obviously I like the place.

Someone who only travels back-and-forth between the UK and Thailand will logically only compare those two to each other, not Thailand with Laos, Columbia, or Samoa.

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Actually I have to say that many of the posts I see compare LOS quite favourably with life in the UK, US, EU etc and its the reason why many people choose to live in LOS. The other thrust of your post seems to be that we should be comparing Thailand with Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam etc, but in that case you would be comparing Thailand with less developed countries so that's alright then ?

Agreed. It just depends on what you're looking for. If you need modern convenience and all of the comforts of home, then why leave home?

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Yes, yes, yes... makkam may have cocked up with the Col. Blimp analogy but his crap-spotting on your OP is quite correct.

The Thai government and government agencies have NO POLICY to make Thailand a hub of retirement or medical tourism. What you are quoting are the glossy supplements in the English language press that are paid for by PRIVATE COMPANIES and individuals, promoting THEIR perception of a retirement haven or place of medical excellence. It's never been an item on any Thai governments agenda for investment or development.

Vietnam has a plan... right. Good observation in their 'closeness' to their Chinese neighbours though. I have worked in Vietnam over the past 8 years and consider them as Southern Chinese... apart from hating each others guts, they are just a tad darker than their northern kin. They are governed by a corrupt gerontocracy but they haven't had their own private civil war.... yet.

You seem to have the paranoia based on a selective narrow-mindedness if you think that mentioning Pattaya or Cambodia (but not Phuket) in your travel plans is a cause of social stigma. Or maybe you just read the Pattaya news headlines too much. Maybe leave the bloody laptop at home.

I worked in China throughout the 1980's. The worst thing that ever happened was when Bill Clinton conferred most favoured nation trading status on a country that (still) can't wipe it's own arse. I am still laughing btw.

It's a well known fact that Phuket is a 101% rip-off joint for foreigners so why on earth do you chose to stay there?

PS. Sorry to hear that your condo is a piece of sh!t.

Edited by NanLaew
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The Thai government and government agencies have NO POLICY to make Thailand a hub of retirement or medical tourism. What you are quoting are the glossy supplements in the English language press that are paid for by PRIVATE COMPANIES and individuals, promoting THEIR perception of a retirement haven or place of medical excellence. It's never been an item on any Thai governments agenda for investment or development.

No policy eh;

The Tourism Authority of Thailand has recently launched a Long Stay in Thailand campaign, hoping to attract visitors that will include retirees, pensioners and those traveling to seek medical or health services

Longstay Tourism in Thailand

In accordance with a government policy to promote the tourism industry as a means to direct foreign currency into the country and consequently to improve the economic status, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has created several programmes and activities to promote Thailand as a major travel destination and to expand the current markets to cover the niche segment.

Due to these ongoing promotions by TAT, the numbers of tourists coming into Thailand have increased every year. However, when taking into consideration the average length of stay in Thailand for the past five years, there has been a decrease of approximately 1.43% per year. Therefore, TAT has realized that it should expand its markets to include those tourists who spend a long period of time in the country. These kinds of tourists will consequently spend more money during their stay in Thailand. Not only for directing more income into the country, the promotion to this market will also strengthen the country's economic status as well as expand the production and service sectors relating to this industry.

Therefore, TAT has promoted and developed Longstay Tourism in Thailand by proposing the issues facilitating the arrival procedures for aged tourists (55 years and above) to the Cabinet.

On 7 and 14 July, 1998, the Cabinet approved the proposal in principle and approved its details to be in practice on 8 September, 1998.

Later, on 26 June, 2001, the Cabinet approved the proposal by the Minister to the Prime Minister's Office (Mr.Somsak Thepsutin) to promote Longstay Tourism and to set up a National Committee to support this programme. The Minister to the Prime Minister's Office will be the Chairman of the Committee while other government authorities will support the programme.

On 25 December, 2001, the Cabinet approved the establishment of the Thai Longstay Management Corporation Limitd. to promote the programme through the Supply Chain Management System. The corporation will be situated at the TAT office at Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue, Bangkok.

Edited by Kilgore Trout
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There have been some nasty comments on here concerning Cambodia , especially by Geriactic which are totally unfounded .

I have lived here for 6 years to date , never been scammed or confronted for any reason , when out and about I see many walking the streets after dark , rarely is any foreigner attacked unless he provokes it , even then it is not easy because in the main , Cambodians are a friendly happy people , they do however , fight amongst themselves in outlying areas ,

I moved here after 7 years of Thailand due to many of the reasons cited on TV , I was scammed a few times and my apartment robbed , I lived in a northern village for 6 weeks to cure a flooding problem at my expense ( which was cured), whilst away in BKK attending a freinds birthday party I was robbed of ALL my appliances and personal belongings by the gratefull villagers , that was the last straw .

Cambodia does not have many things the Thai brag about , but they do welcome visitors and expats to share what little they have , Cambodia has improved by leaps and bounds since I first arrived , even have ambulances services and newly constucted hospital with Western staff that give excellent service at REASONABLE cost . give it time , thailand will still be dragging its a#$s in the same old problems for knowing too much about diddly squat , still proffessing " I know , I know " .

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I was not bashing Cambodia. Note my use of the word perception. Ask around, heck even do a poll in TVF as to perceptions. Sometimes the perceptions are unfair, but that doesn't mean the perception doesn't exist. It is nonsense to deny that Thailand has not attempted to promote itself as a medical hub or a retirement destination, because it has. If someone wishes to disagree, ok, but that doesn't mean the campaigns and promotions never occurred.

One of the reasons why Thailand is judged so harshly is because the Thai authorities have set the bars for the comparisons. Why make announcements of medical hubs, when there is no way it can succeed? Why have the travesty of the elite card when it was doomed to failure from the start? Why claim some resort areas as exotic and family friendly when they are not? When promotional campaigns are launched holding out promises of beauty and tourists instead find garbage and tuk tuk thugs, what does one expect. The only two regions that market themselves honestly are Issan and the deep south. No one is ever mislead when they visit Isaan, but is instead pleasantly surprised because the people and sites are much more inviting than one is led to believe. On the other hand, Phuket is promoted as a paradise with state of the art medical faciliities. That is hardly the case. Hanoi or Vientienne don't promote themselves as exotic. It's all about managing the expectations.

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Good retort geriatrick , I agree that over the years Thailand has over rated itself in many instances and many Thai believe their diatribe is correct , just as Thai history taught in the education system , or is that a misnomer ?

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