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Electricity Bills Calculated Incorrectly

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Have you checked your bill recently?

Seems as if the machines they use are dodgy - but at the moment in our favour - until they find out and come back for the money. I have seen this on every bill that has passed through out office for the last two months.

As an example:

Units: 259

Net 614.42

Surcharge 225.02

Total 839.44 but the bill shows 739.44

VAT 51.76 calculated on 739.44

Total on bill Baht 791.20 - but should be 898.20

Even the Thai machines cannot add up!

I wonder how long before they catch on and come back for the balance!

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Thai machine can add up but apparently you can't read thai

It is written at the bottom that due to the recent floods, you get 100THB discount on your bill.

You are quite right - I cannot read Thai.

Thank you for correcting me.

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