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Lipitor Generic In Cm


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Generic Lipitor is not available in Thailand.

I did some searching and read a web board for Pharmacists in Thailand where it looks like they are debating whether it is the same drug and if it is available in Thailand - http://www.pharmacafe.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=26862

But my doctor said it is not available yet and the wholesaler who supplies the clinics in Chiang Mai (who is also a doctor) told me it's not available until 2013.

BTW, the Pharmacy mentioned above is right near my house and I've asked in there as well and was told the same thing - not available until 2013.

I used to buy the generic (Torvacard) when I lived in Europe. It was manufactured in the Czech Republic and was 50% less than the brand name. Pfizer granted the the license to Zentiva years ago.

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I switched from Lipitor to Bestatin - I had to double the mg (20mg Lipitor to 40mg Bestatin) but my levels are great and 30 tablets are ~200 baht

How different is Bestatin from Lipitor?

The reason I ask is the side affects of Lipitor were unacceptable to me.

I would wake up in the middle of the night with my arms feeling like they hadf gone to sleep and I had not even slept on that side the pain was more than I cared to endure.. My fingers all of a sudden stiffened up. With in a week of stopping taking it I felt fine again except the stiffness in my fingers was still there to a lesser degree. I was wondering what it could have done to me that was not so obvious plus my cholesterol was still high.

I lattter found out that many people suffered from the side affects. It did how ever help many people with no side effects.

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Jayjay O,

Lipitor is a statin - there is a considerable family of statins. For a long while, it was denied that muscular pains (and organ complications) were evident except very rarely in those using statins. Now, however, it is clear that the figures advanced by manufacturers required correction. For some patients, all statins can cause muscular pains (or involvement, as in your case). Thus, be alert to any pains with a new prescription. Most medical research is carried on by the profit orientated manufacturers, and sometimes the best information is not advanced to the public accurately or as quickly as might be possible. More frequently yet, tests are not done that will reflect negatively on the product.

For those who can use them without side effects, they are the best thing going, short of a serious shift in diet and a regime of exercise. Some resort to making meals of green vegetable blended drinks. But these solutions are for those who must - or wish to do so instead of ingesting pharmaceuticals for some reason.

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Generic Lipitor named Atorsan is available in Thailand. I just purchased 40mg tablets in Phitsanulok at Famacia for 35 baht per tablet. The phone number of the store is 055242022-3

I think you are getting copies made in India. My doctor told me that there must be Indian-made copies around. It is available in a couple of hospitals in Bangkok as it is still being researched by the government. It is also available in Malaysia. I went to the pharmacy that one poster claimed to have purchased it from on the Mae Jo Road. The Chief Pharmacist said that they have never had it and it it not possible to get - yet - only at the couple of hospitals in Bangkok. I've asked at several reputable pharmacies around and always get the same answer - not available in Thailand yet. I also spoke with the largest wholesale supplier in Chiang Mai who made some calls to find out about availability. He said the same thing, not available yet; anything sold under that name in Chiang Mai is a copy made in India. I trust him more than what someone posts on TV. Buyer beware, some drugs made in Indian pharmaceutical labs are junk.

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Hmmm… strange story.

Sure Atorvastatin is available in Chiang Mai. I changed from Simvastatin, brand name Bestatin, to Atorvastatin, brand name Atorsan a couple of weeks ago after using simvastatin for 10+ years.

And yes after consulting my cardiologist here in CM who advised this medicine and not after (only) reading some webboards

Bought it at my regular pharmacy on Ratchdamnoen, the road from Tapae gate to Wat Phra Singh, about 50 meters from the gate left hand side, it is the first pharmacy with some very helpful and knowledgeable ladies.

The 10 mg version was available, Atorvastatin is more expensive than simvastatin. Luckily I never had any noticeable side effects of either medicine.


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My cholesterol was "borderline" back in the U.S. and my cardiologist wanted to put me a statin. He was one of those doctors sometimes found in the U.S. who believe that statins are so good they should be put into the drinking water. I read about the possible side effects on the internet and promised to try to watch my diet and exercise more and refused the statin.

Since I retired and moved to Thailand, I exercise at least four times weekly at the health club -- good vigorous exercise of at least 1.25 hr duration. I eat a diet with many more fruits and veggies and don't eat consume as much dairy (i.e. low-fat cheese) as I did in the U.S. As a result, my cholesterol readings have been just perfect during annual check-ups. There is much to be said for using diet and exercise to control cholesterol.

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