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Thai Health Ministry Warns Of Raids Over Alcoholic Sweets

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Warning of raids over alcoholic sweets

By The Nation

Published on March 8, 2011

The Public Health Ministry is planning to raid entertainment places and arrest any people they find selling alcohol-infused sweets, which are allegedly being sold to people under 20.

Saman Footrakul, chief of the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Bureau, said the sale of such candies could be in violation of the Alcohol Control Act 2008, which requires vendors of alcoholic products to have a licence. It also prohibits them from selling products to people under the age of 20, at public places or state offices, as well as selling at prohibited times.

Saman said he had also had reports about alcohol-infused ice cream and chocolate being sold freely, adding that both these products could be classed as alcoholic beverages and were thus controlled by law.


-- The Nation 2011-03-08

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WOW!!! Where can I buy them ?

Like the sound of Alcohol Ice Cream partytime2.gif

I do not think the thousands of " village shops " have a licence to sell alcohol or tobacco as you can buy these products from them at any time of day or night


i think the're right with this action except a bit overreaction thou

beter they put up (more) alcohol checkpoint on the roads im on them every day for about 5 years now and havent seen a single one of them (maybe those around newyear were a few) anyhow the officers at those "tents" seemed preety wasted hemselves and that is probaly why the alcohol tester remained unseen or so ,,perhaps scared someone challenges them to take a test themselves ?

and also the alcohol selling times are a laugh 555555555555

only tesco and 7 eleven follow those the rest not

about the topic-

im have a small icecream company and even though i have the permit to sell alcohol and sigarets no way im putting alcohol in the icecreams


Doesn't this guy have anything better to do. It would take hundreds of these "sweets" to have any real effect...

Same as the law on alcohol filled chocolates in the UK . You would be sick if you tried to eat enough to get any alcoholic effect from them


WOW!!! Where can I buy them ?

Like the sound of Alcohol Ice Cream partytime2.gif

I do not think the thousands of " village shops " have a licence to sell alcohol or tobacco as you can buy these products from them at any time of day or night

come to my house in Mukdahan and ill make you a special portion as you like (samsong or laukau flavour ) not for public sales only on special order


i think the're right with this action except a bit overreaction thou

beter they put up (more) alcohol checkpoint on the roads im on them every day for about 5 years now and havent seen a single one of them (maybe those around newyear were a few) anyhow the officers at those "tents" seemed preety wasted hemselves and that is probaly why the alcohol tester remained unseen or so ,,perhaps scared someone challenges them to take a test themselves ?

and also the alcohol selling times are a laugh 555555555555

only tesco and 7 eleven follow those the rest not

about the topic-

im have a small icecream company and even though i have the permit to sell alcohol and sigarets no way im putting alcohol in the icecreams

Agree with the police attitude at holiday times !! They just seem interested in staying in their nice shaded tents ( Drinking ? ) watching TV or chatting on the Internet with their POLICE laptops

The ONLY times I have seen the police do their alcohol watch jobs is when they have NO shelter to hide in

During last Songkran I drove ( I hate driving at Thai holiday times !!) 180 km to Udon and although I passed hundreds of " checkpoints " I was only stopped at one where the police were out in the open with no shelter And that one stopped EVERY vehicle

Also In the UK the sight or thought of a police checkpoint Is a big deterrent because Most Westerners respect their police .

NO Thais seem to respect their police force and often they are treated as a joke


Wouldn't the 'entertainment venues' that they raid already have a license to serve alcohol?

Basically what they are saying is that alcoholic ice cream and candy is not illegal, but selling it to minors and without a license is illegal.

They sell alcoholic ice cream at the ice cream shop inside the immigration building at Cheng Wattana for anyone who wants to try, I had a cup last time I was there. It pretty much tastes just like normal ice cream, you would have to eat a kilo to get any effect.


Dutch Classic: 'Rum Beans', chocolates filled with sweetened rum, very delicious and effective as well :lol:

The young generations prefer 'space chocolate' and 'space cake' however.



As well in the States, around holidays, at family get togethers, one might find rum balls, or bourbon balls. They are very good, but its the liquid alcohol that knocks the men to the floor, not the rum/bourbon balls.


Christmas pudding is tradionally laced with rum. Hence the name Rum Pudding. Christmas cake too.

Cider ice lollies used to be big fashion but they got banned eventually (in UK i talk about) and became just cider flavoured.

Rum n Raisen ice cream is very very well known.

It was/is possible to get drunk on all of these.

They come from the days of pirates.

No need to mention hash cakes. Thats different ;)


All this is more posturing by those with top jobs and nothing to do. The ban on sale of alcohol between 2pm and 5pm is ludicrous. If one wants a serious stock of drink then buy the day before or even from one of the many small stores who ignore this rule. The only people who take this rule seriously are the big stores like TOPS, Big C etc., and they lose thousands of sales to bewildered tourists who cant understand why they cannot buy that bottle of wine or case of beer to drink later in the evening. Also if bars can sell drink during these hours why the ban on stores??? TiT!!!

Far better to make Thailand the 'alcohol hub' along with all the other hubs it professes to be, unlike the idea of the IT hub an alcohol hub would probably be a big economic success. Just imagine a universally happy population - if somewhat disconnected.


hahaha, funny ...

crackdown on paper, in reality = men in brown collecting their tea money and everything goes as it did before

Maybe the so-called Public Health Ministry should be more concerned about tooth decay and obesity than about children getting drunk off of rum 'n raisin ice cream!


They're called liqueurs. They do have a name.

Doesn't this guy have anything better to do. It would take hundreds of these "sweets" to have any real effect...

Same as the law on alcohol filled chocolates in the UK . You would be sick if you tried to eat enough to get any alcoholic effect from them


Doesn't this guy have anything better to do. It would take hundreds of these "sweets" to have any real effect...

That's hardly the point. It not may take many of these to have any real effect on an adult who's used to a drink or two, but repetitive ingestion of even small amounts of alcohol in a young person is sufficient to create a craving, then ultimately a dependence.

Further, were they to be manufactured and distributed unchecked, it is only a matter of time before some ignorant fool uses the wrong sort of alcohol and then we have serious illness, even fatality.


I'm sure glad to see they've identified the worst problems facing Thai society, candy! Seat belts are not a priority, schools don't seem to be, nutrition is not even considered real, but alcohol flavoring in candy is. Rum Raisin by the way is actually raisin rum made by sticking a dried grape in a coconut and burying it in the sand for a time. Cheap pirate alcohol, and very good! :huh:


hahaha, funny ...

crackdown on paper, in reality = men in brown collecting their tea money and everything goes as it did before

Maybe the so-called Public Health Ministry should be more concerned about tooth decay and obesity than about children getting drunk off of rum 'n raisin ice cream!

Don't expect too much from the 'Public Health Ministry' , their website (my gosh it looks sooo 90s emo.gif ) has not been updated since 2007 schater.gif


This is what Abbhist and his cronies mean by doing something for his(?) country. Looking for alcohol-filled chocolates... :angry: How did this bozo get into such a responsible position. British-panzee.

The ban on sale of alcohol between 2pm and 5pm is ludicrous. ....bewildered tourists who cant understand why they cannot buy that bottle of wine or case of beer to drink later in the evening.

Or in a restaurant in a tourist area totally bizarre as was my experience. 7-11 tills ban such sales, mom&pop shops enjoy better sales during that time.

Thailand hub of half-thought out ideas.

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