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Tourist Deaths In Chiang Mai Just A ‘Coincidence’


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Why do they even make these statements. Do they think the entire Western population put our heads in the sand and pretend we know nothing like these idiots. We grow up learning to think outside the flock and to question things. Don't they even have one person amongst them who lived in the West for years who can tell them how these kind of statements will be received? So much for attracting quality tourists. A long long way to go before they even have people who know how to use a mop properly(read,use clean water) let alone do a police job efficiently. The Chinese, Indians and Russians can have the place and good riddance.<br>

Yes he is called the Prime minister.


Well answered. But if number one can't or won't do a thing about this attitude it really shows there's no hope the rest of the crabs in a barrel.
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Why do they even make these statements. Do they think the entire Western population put our heads in the sand and pretend we know nothing like these idiots. We grow up learning to think outside the flock and to question things. Don't they even have one person amongst them who lived in the West for years who can tell them how these kind of statements will be received? So much for attracting quality tourists. A long long way to go before they even have people who know how to use a mop properly(read,use clean water) let alone do a police job efficiently. The Chinese, Indians and Russians can have the place and good riddance.<br>

After such along time here, and given ten fold, to what i,ve received, at my old age I'm even now contemplating leaving the sinking,(stinking ship). I did actually believe I would be the last one to think of flitting. Now I,m afraid that the advantages are now are evaporating fast, corruption is not really the whole thing it's getting a very sick society. full stop. The memories here over30+ years are not replaceable. The said topic I think has tipped the scales, From Lincolnshire England, and the sons reaction, was the same as mine..........................Sometimes it takes some feeling from HOME to say---boyo its now time to re think. Anyone wants a nice detatched house//Kara bar-Udon area--car-motor bike -7 dogs2 cats reasonable price...offers please

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Coincidence that four people died in the same Hotel? within days of each other?

And two died within minutes of each other from Heart Attacks,Unbelievable.

More like: yet another cover up to protect Thai Tourism!

It goes On and On,Week after Week,Month after Month,Year on Year,.......ad infinitum.

Well infact they dont protect Thai tourism cos we are able to read to :D

So do belive that they (Thailand) have lost many Farang visitors.

Anyway we do have another problems to cos it have being expensive to go and live there,compared with just afew years ago

But Thailand its still a beutyful country. But now Cambodia and vietnam have many visitors

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Well, I guess I'll answer my own question above... The story thickens...

Chiang Mai ex-mayor's family builds hotel empire

Published on January 22, 2008

Boonlert also plans to expand restaurant chain from Germany to UK, France

A former mayor of Chiang Mai, Boonlert Buranupakorn, will spend Bt3 billion to develop at least five hotels in Krabi, Phuket and Bangkok over the next three years, following four hotels here - The Empress, The Park, the Down Town Inn and the Sofitel Riverside Chiang Mai. (cont.)



Small group focusing on acquiring hotels

By Suchat Sritama

The Nation

Published on July 13, 2010

The Buranupakorn family, Chiang Mai based operators of multibrand hotels, are looking to buy hotels and resorts that have been adversely affected by the recent political turmoil and economic uncertainty. Negotiations are on for at least three properties in Chiang Mai and some resorts in Hua Hin and Pranburi in Prachuap Khiri Khan province. The group will also seek investment opportunities in other destinations in near future. (cont.)


Edited by jfchandler
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Why do they even make these statements. Do they think the entire Western population put our heads in the sand and pretend we know nothing like these idiots. We grow up learning to think outside the flock and to question things. Don't they even have one person amongst them who lived in the West for years who can tell them how these kind of statements will be received? So much for attracting quality tourists. A long long way to go before they even have people who know how to use a mop properly(read,use clean water) let alone do a police job efficiently. The Chinese, Indians and Russians can have the place and good riddance.<br>

Yes he is called the Prime minister.


Well answered. But if number one can't or won't do a thing about this attitude it really shows there's no hope the rest of the crabs in a barrel.

Frightening hey.


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Why do they even make these statements. Do they think the entire Western population put our heads in the sand and pretend we know nothing like these idiots. We grow up learning to think outside the flock and to question things. Don't they even have one person amongst them who lived in the West for years who can tell them how these kind of statements will be received? So much for attracting quality tourists. A long long way to go before they even have people who know how to use a mop properly(read,use clean water) let alone do a police job efficiently. The Chinese, Indians and Russians can have the place and good riddance.<br>

Yes he is called the Prime minister.


Well answered. But if number one can't or won't do a thing about this attitude it really shows there's no hope the rest of the crabs in a barrel.

Hey, # 1 is busy arranging medical care for a covicted criminal languishing in a foreign prison. :whistling:

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I think you guys are kidding yourselves if you think the Thai's believe this shit. They might all believe in ghosts, but none of them believe the cops.

They just don't expect any better. They have years of failed expectations, so don't get outraged anymore.


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Civil service salaries in Thailand are so meager....

Boonlert said the group also runs other businesses in Chiang Mai, including a shopping arcade, coffee shops, a property business, and firms manufacturing wooden furniture and umbrellas. As well, it recently opened the Empress Convention Centre in Chiang Mai.

The Buranupakorn family also runs seven Thai restaurants in Germany, named Rainbow. It plans to expand the restaurant chain into England and France in the near future.

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Associate Professor Dr Pradil Thakuangsarit Dean of Payup? University. Would this be the University in Chaing Ria, that carried out the autopsies??


Buranupakorn - wasn't that the same family name as the Chiangmai mayor some time ago. :unsure:

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These deaths are very likely caused by cyanide.

The cases in Chiang Mai are very similar to what happened in Phi Phi two years ago when four people also died and a few people fell very sick but recovered. They all stayed at the same guest house. Like this time, the police said that the deaths were a co-incidence and the guest house remains open with the same owner today. The autopsey was inconclusive but referred to a possibility of a food poison or other toxin. The police unofficially said they drank moonlight (although not together) somewhere however one of the victims didn't drink according to her boyfriend.

At Phi Phi there was a waste water treatment being expanded by the guest house owners to serve Phi Phi and one way to sterilize the new equipment before use is to coat it with a chemical agent containing cyanide.

Cyanide in tiny doeses causes severe food poisoning like symptoms and violent cramps. In higher does it's fatal with seizure of respitary and heart muscles. It's very easy to buy chemical compounds containing cyanide, especially bags of industrial cleaners imported (probably illegally) from China via the north of Thailand. Cyanide is almost odourless and tasteless.

The only food poison that could kill quickly is clostiduim botulinum which is found in damaged cans. However, botulinum would not kill two people almost simultaneously. Botulinum would also not be found on bbq port of chicken from outside however dirty while from cans would be a widespread problem not confined to the 5th floor of one hotel. E-coli is another potentially fatal pathagen but death is not common in healthy adults and patients would be sick for several days or even a couple of weeks.

Some posters have mentioned carbon monoxide. This is very unlikely as air-conditioners are electric not gas, unless there was a fire somewhere behind the air-condition but then there should also be smoke, and carbon monixde makes one sleepy rather than violently sick

Legionnairs once in every few years breaks-out somewhere and is a potentially lethal virus that can trap it's self in dirty air-conditioning units. However, the problem wouldn't just dissapear but would become a growing and continuing problem not just for guests in a room but also for cleaning staff and others.

Eating puffer fish causes muscle paralysis including the heart and lungs. It can also start with severe stomach upsets and cramps, however, there's not usually any in between. If you eat the contaminated mean, you're dead. Also, probably unlikely to for sale in Chiang Mai albeit once it was found on a market stall in some off beat Thai city a few years ago.

Other possibilities are a heavy dose of pesticides, many of which are odourless these days or some other chemicals such as the ones used for lethal injections. However, cyanide remains the easiest to buy.

It's also always possible that the latest deaths are related to those in Phi Phi two years ago ie. the same killers, if we consider murder as an option. This could've been a test sample by a terrorist group or an evil government.

Haha! You're kidding ... right?

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Perhaps an email to the Sun or daily Mirror in UK may get a reaction!.There is a new UK Ambassador to Thailand seems like a genuine sort for a CS let him know your thoughts but dont bang on about the Thai police not doing their Job, they are and exactly as you would expect them to.

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I was a cop, a detective at that, and I've met a fair share of Thai "detectives" in the last few years.Spent hours talking with them.

Simply put, they generally possess a total lack of even rudimentary training and couldn't detect an elephant in a life raft.

So, in many cases, it's not that they are "covering something up," it's that they lack the skills, techniques, experience and facilities to uncover anything. Therefore it is easier to claim it a coincidence than to admit they are stymied, and are clueless as to what to do next.

It's more the old "saving face" thing than mai pen rai.

And, that would take a lot of effort on their part, too...to uncover the truth.

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Cyanide has a distinctive smell (raw almonds), also death from cyanide gives a cyanotic tinge to the skin.

One thing is clear, no virus or bacterium acts that fast, it has to be either a toxin in their food or water, or a gas. Carbon monoxide has been suggested but there is no mention of the typical bluish cyanotic skin colour from Carbon monoxide poisoning, and what would be its source?.

Is the aircon individual to the rooms or is there a ducted central installation.

Cooked PVC (insulation) gives off very toxic gases, so do many industrial cleaning fluids.

Very new vinyl plastic furniture also gives of toxic vapours in sunlight. You can notice it when you get into a new car.

All of these gases/vapours are heavier than air and would build up at floor level. The human nose adjusts to most smells after about 3 minutes.

So my guess is they walked in, notice a strange smell, which they associate with new furniture, get a headache after a while, so lie down into a deeper gas concentration, become unconscious and die.




"One thing is clear, no virus or bacterium acts that fast, " - firstly that is nonsense and secondly you don't know "how fast" anyway do you?

I think there is a lot of rubbish posted here by people who like to think it is a kind of conspiracy theory and want to be part of it.

The truth is probably far more mundane.

The people died due to some problem associated with the hotel or tourism. THe Thai authorities have no interst in the truth, those involved or finding out what happened - they simply want the matter to go away.

" firstly that is nonsense ", really, so you are an expert on viral and bacterial infections? Please educate me as to which can kill within a couple of hours. I'm just a run of the mill scientist, always willing to learn from an expert. :whistling:

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Is this Rainbow Garden Restaurant in Germany from the same owner as Downtown Inn CM ??

The Buranupakorn family also runs seven Thai restaurants in Germany, named Rainbow. It plans to expand the restaurant chain into England and France in the near future.
May 5, 2007

Chiang Mai _ The Chiang Mai Municipal Council was dissolved yesterday after mayor Boonlert Buranupakorn announced his sudden resignation. Mr Boonlert's abrupt decision was prompted by a walkout from a meeting of councillors who were dissatisfied with the mayor.

The Chiang Mai governor is to soon assign a city clerk as acting mayor and supervise a by-election, council speaker Thatsanai Buranupakorn said.

Chiang Mai Khunnatham political group...the group's key members, Pakorn, Praphan and Boonlert Buranupakorn. The Buranupakorn family is known to be closely connected to the former ruling Thai Rak Thai party. ...

Empress Hotels Group


Empress Convention Center and Hotel


Edited by jfchandler
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Nothing in life is a coincidence. We write off chance meetings as coincidence. Things are meant to happen and there is a reason for everything, good or bad.

everything in life is a coincidence including life itself and the universe.

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Within 2 years there have been 15 deaths by "Just A ‘Coincidence’ " they even arrested one Thai Taxi driver but released him because it was Just A ‘Coincidence’

My guess is that some kind of money/credit card scam is yet to be revealed the other cases involved money/credit card scams are Just A ‘Coincidence’

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Why do they even make these statements. Do they think the entire Western population put our heads in the sand and pretend we know nothing like these idiots. We grow up learning to think outside the flock and to question things. Don't they even have one person amongst them who lived in the West for years who can tell them how these kind of statements will be received? So much for attracting quality tourists. A long long way to go before they even have people who know how to use a mop properly(read,use clean water) let alone do a police job efficiently. The Chinese, Indians and Russians can have the place and good riddance.<br>

Yes he is called the Prime minister.


Well answered. But if number one can't or won't do a thing about this attitude it really shows there's no hope the rest of the crabs in a barrel.

Frightening hey.


number 1 aint in charge though is he and we all know who number one really is.

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I think we'd better send for James Bond!!!!! I think he can be found living on an Island in Thailand named after him!!!!

This ain't a joke for the sake of the deaths. Try not to be amused..dude.

'It's also always possible that the latest deaths are related to those in Phi Phi two years ago ie. the same killers, if we consider murder as an option. This could've been a test sample by a terrorist group or an evil government'.

I was simply replying to the nonsensical statement given in an earlier post, above....pal.

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Cyanide has a distinctive smell (raw almonds), also death from cyanide gives a cyanotic tinge to the skin.

One thing is clear, no virus or bacterium acts that fast, it has to be either a toxin in their food or water, or a gas. Carbon monoxide has been suggested but there is no mention of the typical bluish cyanotic skin colour from Carbon monoxide poisoning, and what would be its source?.

Is the aircon individual to the rooms or is there a ducted central installation.

Cooked PVC (insulation) gives off very toxic gases, so do many industrial cleaning fluids.

Very new vinyl plastic furniture also gives of toxic vapours in sunlight. You can notice it when you get into a new car.

All of these gases/vapours are heavier than air and would build up at floor level. The human nose adjusts to most smells after about 3 minutes.

So my guess is they walked in, notice a strange smell, which they associate with new furniture, get a headache after a while, so lie down into a deeper gas concentration, become unconscious and die.




"One thing is clear, no virus or bacterium acts that fast, " - firstly that is nonsense and secondly you don't know "how fast" anyway do you?

I think there is a lot of rubbish posted here by people who like to think it is a kind of conspiracy theory and want to be part of it.

The truth is probably far more mundane.

The people died due to some problem associated with the hotel or tourism. THe Thai authorities have no interst in the truth, those involved or finding out what happened - they simply want the matter to go away.

" firstly that is nonsense ", really, so you are an expert on viral and bacterial infections? Please educate me as to which can kill within a couple of hours. I'm just a run of the mill scientist, always willing to learn from an expert. :whistling:

If you were any sort of "scientist" , you wouldn't need to ask me.

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Cyanide has a distinctive smell (raw almonds), also death from cyanide gives a cyanotic tinge to the skin.

One thing is clear, no virus or bacterium acts that fast, it has to be either a toxin in their food or water, or a gas. Carbon monoxide has been suggested but there is no mention of the typical bluish cyanotic skin colour from Carbon monoxide poisoning, and what would be its source?.

Is the aircon individual to the rooms or is there a ducted central installation.

Cooked PVC (insulation) gives off very toxic gases, so do many industrial cleaning fluids.

Very new vinyl plastic furniture also gives of toxic vapours in sunlight. You can notice it when you get into a new car.

All of these gases/vapours are heavier than air and would build up at floor level. The human nose adjusts to most smells after about 3 minutes.

So my guess is they walked in, notice a strange smell, which they associate with new furniture, get a headache after a while, so lie down into a deeper gas concentration, become unconscious and die.




"One thing is clear, no virus or bacterium acts that fast, " - firstly that is nonsense and secondly you don't know "how fast" anyway do you?

I think there is a lot of rubbish posted here by people who like to think it is a kind of conspiracy theory and want to be part of it.

The truth is probably far more mundane.

The people died due to some problem associated with the hotel or tourism. THe Thai authorities have no interst in the truth, those involved or finding out what happened - they simply want the matter to go away.

" firstly that is nonsense ", really, so you are an expert on viral and bacterial infections? Please educate me as to which can kill within a couple of hours. I'm just a run of the mill scientist, always willing to learn from an expert. :whistling:

If you were any sort of "scientist" , you wouldn't need to ask me.

In other words you don't know, you just like to rubbish other people's comments :lol:

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Coincidence that four people died in the same Hotel? within days of each other?

And two died within minutes of each other from Heart Attacks,Unbelievable.

More like: yet another cover up to protect Thai Tourism!

It goes On and On,Week after Week,Month after Month,Year on Year,.......ad infinitum.

More like ad nauseam...

Of course it is! coincidence that is.

Just like other foreigners found hanging by the neck on 5 cm ropes or with a bullet hole in the back of the head is a suicide or foreigners found dead in the room is also a suicide while the entire safe full of money is missing.

But my favorite is foreigners falling out from their balcony's those are either suicides or they were very drunk.

Not to mock, but a genuine question, when it comes to locals, is it the same kind of detective work or different?

You certainly missed the multiple suicides in a short timespan in pattaya several years ago where the victim had a plastic bag over his head,taped around his neck and his hands tied behind his back.

I remember that very well. The police at the time claimed that they were copy cat suicides! TITZ (This Is Twilight Zone).

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