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Thai Teen Pregnancies Blamed For More Disabled Babies

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People! How can you expect any common sense or logic from any member of Thai politics!

People under 18 can't vote so blame them for everything, what can they do? If the fortunes of Thai Buddist Nuns is anything to go by women have absolutely no say in what they can do with their bodies...if the boyfriend wants to make love without a condom what can a young girl do in this society? Nothing! And if the girl gets pregnant? The only steps the boy takes is bloody big ones out of town!

His father, brothers, mates...even his mother will wish him well and usually blame the girl for not taking precautions!

All pride, no shame! :annoyed:

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People! How can you expect any common sense or logic from any member of Thai politics!

All pride, no shame! :annoyed:


just a cultural shock as usual :-) not sure that civilisation we are in now !


Reading a lot of stories published here for us to read and thinking a little more on the subject , I AM SERIOUSLY BEGINNING TO WONDER IF WE DONT HAVE A 15 YEAR OLD SCRIPT WRITER , COME REPORTER , JUST MAKING SOME OF THE NATION'S CRAPPIEST STORIES UP ?????? Sure there are a lot of issues in Thailand , and all over the world , but as others are pointing out , these stories are so vague and so badly scripted with absolutely no foundation for the truth , perhaps they are just the contributions from a young childrens scary story competition ????? This would explain the poor reasoning , the bad wording and the highly unbelievable script .


This sort of stupidity in this statement from supposed responsible ministries, is pathetic - even if originated by The Nation. Teen pregnancies causing deformities? Hardly. The young mothers are more capable than most elder mothers. Disabilities in 90% of cases comes down to lack of nutrition and particularly mineral deficiencies. If the pregnancies can be isolated to poor communities then there 'could' be an argument. But hardly. The additional deformities stem from parents with such things as drug dependency, heavy smokers, alcohol consumed during pregnancy and so on. The young bodies are far more capable of strong pregnancies if education as to deformities and disablement were taught. Making stupid statements such as headlined here indicates arrogance far outweighs ignorance.

ditto I completely agree with this. it would make more sense if the article was about conception and contraceptives and how easily teens can get pregnant.

by the way I am a 36 year old, heavy smoker , ate most things on the "no no list " according to Thais and now a proud mother of a very healthy 5 day old boy . I definitely had what anyone would call a high risk pregnancy .

high risk for deformities - 1. kissing cousins ( esp. first cousins ) , 2. lack of folic acid in first trimester, 3. heriditary others 35 and over , obesity , drug addiction ,

but the saddest thing that I have seen from the maternity ward is that it really is just the luck of the draw.


Ignorance is bliss!!! How can anyone expect teenagers to abstain from sex!? The other week I read a story on here whereby the local 'officials' took away condom machines from an area where sex is sold. So condoms are evil, sex before marriage is disgusting and teenage mothers cause birth deformities. Have the American bible brigade finally broken Thailand??

lmfao biggrin.gif


No one else has mentioned this, so I guess I have to. Incest, diet, etc. apart. Just look at the number of teen abortions reported - ie. the tip of the iceberg - then try to imagine how many unreported "failed abortions" there must be, that have failed because the young mother took "remedies" that don't work, didn't eat enough pills to cause a miscarriage , chemicals and so on. Can anyone can tell me that a significant % of those babies born would not be affected/disabled by their pre-birth treatment???? Many of the women/girls I have heard about were very lucky to have survived the attempt themselves. Or shouldn't I talk openly about this side of it too...

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