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New Idea To Solve Bangkok's Traffic Problems


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to improve traffic flow in bangkok

1. strictly enforced roadside parking controls....e.g. no parking areas , meters and parking wardens

2. keep the push carts off the roads.

3. follow londons example and charge road users coming into central bangkok.

4. teach thai drivers some road manners and how to obey yellow box junction rules.

5. with all the thousands of police around on the streets , organise and educate them to fulfil their duties.

6. get rid of those long red lights. 45 seconds max.

of course none of the above will ever happen , because this is thailand where chaos is a way of life , the police are as much use as the popes balls and thai's are just plain selfish and arrogant when behind the wheel of a car.

and its because of the authorities inability to ever do anything that benefits the people here that they have to look after themselves and become selfish and arrogant.

moving all the taxis from point A to point B wont help. the taxis are great. its cheaper to take a cab than drive yourself and find and pay for parking. think of the taxis as just another form of public transport.

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Have an honest police force and enforce the traffic laws.

In Thai-English, that would translate to yet another crackdown. :o

Seriously though, while many of these suggested measures are good ideas, they are all simply a waste of time if there is to be no enforcement of same. What's the point of implementing more programs, adding more laws to the code books, etc., if none of it is to be followed/enforced?

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Newin unveils taxi plan to solve Bangkok’s traffic woes

Newin said he would ask for a prime ministerial order or a Cabinet resolution for government offices to provide parking space for five to 10 taxis. --The Nation 2005-09-15

They should have thought about this earlier, drop off points and taxi stands at all bts and subway stations as well. Maybe the future ones will have them.

The idea is not bad. Enforcing it and sticking to it is a different story. PLenty of suggestions here if the government were really serious. Unfortunately, with the road structure and the way things work in LOS, congested traffic is here to stay. Get used to it...

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CAR POOLING, No, Thais are too selfish for that.

In My Moo-Baan 7:30 every morning my missus leaves in her car to take our kid to school, at the same time dozens of other Mums and Dads do the same thing to the same school, and then back home again.

I'd suggest a radical measure: Just force them to sent their kids to school and back by taxi. It's cheaper, saves gas, and gives those drivers some income....

Have you any idea how many taxis would be required? Your suggestion would drastically increase the number of taxis on the road - what would they do the rest of the day? Clog up the roads even more looking for business!

Dedicated taxi parking areas won't work. They would be a maximum of 10 metres apart - people WON'T walk to them. Taxis WONT ignore passengers waving at them from the roadside.

Always there are suggestions that the best way to relieve congestion is to increase costs so make it too expensive for the majority to drive. I am against this as it basically says that it is ok for the richest people to clog the roads and sod everyone else.

The only real answer is to make people WANT to use other means of transport. Decent, comfortable and affordable public transport system. Dedicated Bus /taxi lanes on all main roads in Bangkok. Camera system to identify private vehicles using the lanes and horrendous automated fines (Cuts out the MIB donations)

Expensive, but best option in my opinion.

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Throughout this thread, there is an assumption that it would be a good thing to reduce the traffic congestion in Bangkok. But I beg to differ.

Thailand would be a lot better off if Bangkok was made a lot less attractive than it is.

Then, employers would move out to where their labour force has its roots, instead of setting up in Bangok and getting the workers to migrate to Bangkok---and a proportion of the taxis would go with them.

A heavy charge for entry to Greater Bangkok, and a really, really heavy charge for entry to the Central City would work wonders for Thailand, over just a few years, simply because it would get some redistribution of population away from Greater Bangkok.

All ideas about trying to make Bangkok pleasanter at present (such as this idea of having the taxis pick up 'off street') are attractive for their immediate impact, but neither good, nor effective, in the long term.

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Throughout this thread, there is an assumption that it would be a good thing to reduce the traffic congestion in Bangkok. But I beg to differ.

Thailand would be a lot better off if Bangkok was made a lot less attractive than it is.

Then, employers would move out to where their labour force has its roots, instead of setting up in Bangok and getting the workers to migrate to Bangkok---and a proportion of the taxis would go with them.

A heavy charge for entry to Greater Bangkok, and a really, really heavy charge for entry to the Central City would work wonders for Thailand, over just a few years, simply because it would get some redistribution of population away from Greater Bangkok.

All ideas about trying to make Bangkok pleasanter at present (such as this idea of having the taxis pick up 'off street') are attractive for their immediate impact, but neither good, nor effective, in the long term.

This seems to ring a bell which says this has happened in many a western city then 10 years on when the city centre is dead they try all sourghts of things to get people back into the city centre again "openin malls to traffic etc etc - catch 22.

Someone suggested banning vehicles with only one person - once again this rings a bell introduced in Sydney some 20+ years ago - massive sales in blow up dolls (fact).

Pattaya forum Water Shortage To Flooding - Rainy Season Begins (for full story on rain in Pattays) extract re traffic below:

From Kaojai: Why am I not surprised? No matter what's posted here, the delegation of clowns from the Master Race will make their childish, cynical comments.

From Kaojai -

"These guys never get anything right"

"Let someone in Bangkok suggest an idea for reducing traffic congestion and the idea is immediately dismissed as "stupid."

From the "New Chief Weather forecaster"Traffic Report - 2.17 am Friday 16th Set 2548 - Traffic this morning was flowing freely on all major arterial roads this can be directly attributed to the PM's changing of traffic light timings whch allows for loger periods of "Green" on main roads.

(nb:. there has been a major increase in accidents at intersection due to the drivers on the side roads entering against the red signals - it is possible to prevent this by the errecting of "smart signs" warning the motorist red means stop.

:News Alert" The introduction of Taxi ranks rated as the idea of the century (a possible Nobel prize coming our way) - Installation of GPS next step followed by training on how to read/interpret (car 54 where are you?) and the introduction of a Degree course @ a major university for Taxi dispatchers! (cynical probably)

From Pattays news: we urge motorists especially, to drive safely and reduce your speed during the rain and of course, always wear your safety helmet.

From me: After many hours of researching the possibility of another monsoon next year the only definate result that can be released is without doubt the delegation of clowns from the Master Race who make cynical comments on theThai Visa Forum are wearing their safety helmets whilst driving. (Of course as usual some idiot went too far and was spotted in his car with not only his/her safety helment but also a bright blue raincoat) This proved to be a major distraction to the Policemen on Traffic light duty and caused some confusion with the timing sequence, it shoulf be corrected soon as another "smart sign" directing the men in black/brown not to look at the traffic will be errected shortly.

Pongpat when you head off to school for your next (very first) English lesson please wear your safety helmet.

From Pongpat: VERY WELL SAID....too much stupid relies, although it is very frustrating at times with the things that happen here. Lets all try and keep comments somewhat positive. WE are all in it TOGETHER!

From me: What and by whom was said very well ?

What are we all in together?

I rest my case off to do a bit of weather & traffic watching and hopefully catch the next monsoon and that clown in the "blue plastic raincoat".

Edited by mijan246
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of course, driving around looking for customers will cause some

traffic congestion, but likely marginal. 



Dan I don't know where you live but just stand and look at the number of taxis there are on any of the major roads. A very high percentage and many driving around looking for a fare. From your comment either you don't visit BKK or you must be blind.

The taxi rank outside the WTC works very well and more of the same would be a big benefit.

I sometimes get the impression that most of the people posting comments have never had a positive thought in their life.

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of course, driving around looking for customers will cause some

traffic congestion, but likely marginal. 



Dan I don't know where you live but just stand and look at the number of taxis there are on any of the major roads. A very high percentage and many driving around looking for a fare. From your comment either you don't visit BKK or you must be blind.

The taxi rank outside the WTC works very well and more of the same would be a big benefit.

I sometimes get the impression that most of the people posting comments have never had a positive thought in their life.

Anon999 One assumes your reference to Dan = the post by Dan 1044 not Danone

Post by Dan1044

maybe it isn't such an effective tool for oil conservation because

taxis in bangkok don't use petrol - use lpg. if they were using

petrol, they would probably be squealing like stuck pigs same as

the bus drivers were during the rapid petrol price increases.

of course, driving around looking for customers will cause some

traffic congestion, but likely marginal.



Post by danone

another glorious idea - like closing the gasoline stations earlier.

sometimes I think thais dont deserve this beautiful country.

I feel the only error in Dan1044's post is his reference to petrol not diesel - from your post most members of TV are negative Quote End Quote I only highlight this as it is not an isolated post of this nature from your keyboard-Quote[ If your so clever maybe you should apply as chief weather forecaster]Endquote from the Pattays forum Water Shortage To Flooding - Rainy Season Begins.

mate lighten up debate the issues - Chief Weather Forecast" I predict there will be a monsoon season again next year - what degree of precipitation can not be determined accurately until after the event.-

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3 years later Jeez I am pixxed off with this new taxi rank system I work 3 blocks from the WTC and during this years Chief Weather Forecasters predicted monsoon season it has been raining cats and dogs for hours - left my umbrella at home - roads flooded but taxi free oh well have to traipse to the WTC to get a taxi home as i happen to live 3 blocks the other side of WTC - hope that taxi driver doesn't mind me getting in his taxi in this waterlogged condition - If I only I could hail one like the good old days. :o

Edited by mijan246
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I'm surprised at the number of negative comments to this plan; to me it actually seems like one of the Government's (very few) better ideas.

There seems to have been an assumption that if the ranks are introduced, roaming taxis will be phased out, similar to KL. I would anticipate it to be more like London where there are many taxi ranks but also roaming taxis as well.

It is of course a prime candidate for corruption. How long before the mafia gangs control which taxis are allowed to use which stand?

Although taxis are convenient in Bangkok, there are definitely too many of them and maybe a start to the traffic campaign should involve removing some of the dilapidated taxis from the roads and issuing new taxi licences to all drivers; some of the photos must date from the early seventies and many are definitely not photos of the driver. Maybe this should coincide with the meter callibration when the prices rightly increase.

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Until Bangkok has a proper public transport system, the only way to travel around Bangkok (except central Bangkok to central Bangkok), is by car (or motorbike if you're feeling suicidal).

i.e. Anybody that lives in a moo baan in the suburbs does not have a viable method of getting into the centre by public transport, (and don't say buses - it's two songtaews to the nearest bus stop from my moo baan, and if that bus doesn't go where you want?)

The congestion charge in London covers a very small area of central London, and there are masses of different public transport methods to get around that area, and to get into that area. If Bangkok ever gets a proper public transport NETWORK, then a congestion charge in the centre might help (but the mere fact that there is an alternative to the car should mean less cars by that time).

As for banning cars with a single person - in a country where people with enough money to have a car will generally have at least one maid - all that will happen is the maid will get dragged along on the school run.

At the moment - the car is the only viable transport option in most of Bangkok, and the whole of the rest of Thailand. Give an alternative - then suggest a congestion charge, or a hike on petrol prices. Until there is an alternative - taxi ranks is a far better option than what most of you are suggesting.

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Newin unveils taxi plan to solve Bangkok’s traffic woes

BANGKOK: -- PM’s Office Minister Newin Chidchobb has come up with a new idea to solve the capital’s traffic problem: having government offices, hotels and shopping malls give free-of-charge parking space for taxis to pick up customers.

After consulting representatives of 18 taxi organisations and related agencies yesterday morning at Government House, Newin said he believed he had gathered useful information about Bangkok’s clogged streets.

Suwannaphum Taxi Co-op representatives pointed out that there are up to 60,000 taxis on the streets looking for customers, wasting money on fuel and blocking traffic flows. They suggested that the government provide them with specific parking and pick-up spots. For roads suffering thick congestion such as Petchaburi, Sukhumvit or Rama IV, the spots could be in a soi away from the main road and the government should inform people where to find the taxis.

The government should also expand bus stops so taxis could pick up customers, they said. They also disagreed with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration’s 150 “intelligent” taxi stands because the drivers would have to pay to install the required GPRS system to locate customers.

Newin said he would ask for a prime ministerial order or a Cabinet resolution for government offices to provide parking space for five to 10 taxis. He would also ask for co-operation from the private sector – big office buildings, hotels, shopping malls – to give parking space for taxis free-of-charge. At first this could be a request for co-operation to tackle the traffic problem but if that did not work, free parking space could take the form of a ministerial regulation, he said.

Next week, officials will hold discussions with taxi drivers to gather more information on the issue.

In a related development, Newin yesterday announced the official opening on October 3 of a project for students to sell tollway coupons during rush hours. More than 100 students have applied in person and via telephone so far, he said.

At 7.30am on Friday, Expressway and Rapid Transit Authority officials will run a trial at the Prachacheun tollway entrance, he said, while some 600 university students from Suan Dusit Rajabhat University will interview motorists for their opinions on traffic problems on Petchaburi, Sukhumvit, and Rama IV roads. He also invited the public to express their opinions and suggestions via the website www.thanonyim.com.

--The Nation 2005-09-15

What would be better, would be if: Taxes on petrol for cars and trucks was raised by 10%. With the revenue there from being put in a special fund to facilitate and finance non polluting forms of public transport.

This fund, should be managed by and independent committee, who would keep the public informed of how much was in the fund and what the money was being spent on.

This fund could be used to fund the Purple and Orange Lines and anyother froms of rail trainsport throughout the country.

The effect would be twofold, less car usage and inceased usage of public transport if it was there and efficient.

You know with a clear thought out response like that you would be told in the BKK Post mail bag to go home to farang land. T.I.T.

Why is it there are always knee jerk reactions by the government and no real decent plans put in place. The above is a good idea as such but lets see what happens. They say so many things but tomorrow its yesterdays news.

Add to the above. Knock down all those never finished condos near BTS stations and convert them to paying parking lots.


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Toll inner city private car use drastically.. Taxi's and other 'public' can have monthly or no charges.. Simply make the cost of using a car in the areas where there is major congestion problems higher and other forms of transport becomes more appealing..

Use to toll money to build more and better public infrastructure.

Where this is done the people to suffer most are those who rely on customers driving into the city to their shops. London is a good example as there is less traffic and also fewer customers. Stop people using their cars for shopping trips and they go elsewhere. However, park and ride may offer a solution.

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of course, driving around looking for customers will cause some

traffic congestion, but likely marginal. 


I sometimes get the impression that most of the people posting comments have never had a positive thought in their life.

Well spotted Mijan and there was an error in my post as it should have read "people posting NEGATIVE comments". It nice to know that people read things properly.

It is a fact of life that some people think postively and others negatively. Therefore it would be great if some creative ideas were made instead of rubbishing everything that is proposed. It's called throwing balls in the air, then assessing constructive criticism and hopefully getting some new ideas. If nobody makes any suggestions then everything will remain unchanged. However, change is not a benefit but an improvement is.

Hope that clarifies the it.

I'll be checking to see if you make any errors now! :o:D

Edited by Anon999
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BANGKOK: -- PM’s Office Minister Newin Chidchobb has come up with a new idea to solve the capital’s traffic problem: having government offices, hotels and shopping malls give free-of-charge parking space for taxis to pick up customers.

Oh Yeah ... Like that would make a better day at the shopping mall ? All the parking spots gonna be taken by Taxi's and you will not be able to find a spot to park at. And the Taxi mob is gonna be right there controling it all. In the end of the day we all are being forced to take a Taxi and go thru a lot of Hazzle and get ripped off before we end the trip.. Gotta look a bit deeper to solve the problem I think..

Sell them more cars and cheaper too just to watch the show .. TIT This Is Thailand.

Gess its not only their birds who got the flue ..


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Drivers were, in the main, considerate to other drivers and did not adopt the "me first" attitude.

But how would a system like this allow for the Merc and BMW drivers of this world to take automatic right of way from the lesser driver :o

As to the rest.. While I agree it may solve some traffic problems do we really want to fix everything ?? I have lived in London.. I like some chaos in my life, thats why I am here..

Of anywhere the Dutch have great use of limited roads (Amsterdam has tiny little cobbled alleys for lots of its inner city) but can you see bike lanes working in BKK ???

:D I agree I'm a BMW driver & I enjoy my right of way :D , Thanks for the thought. :D

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Anon999 firstly I would would agree with your "throw all the balls in the air allows evaluation of all possibilities.

Quote[However, park and ride may offer a solution]Endquote - A great concept works well in many Australian cities. Short and long distances:

1.Suburbs to the city.

2.The Gold Coast to Brisbane (approx 70kms).

and yes you need the Public transport system to support it - I actually use the concept in Bangkok:

Drive my trusty 1300cc Toyota to Nonthaburi Pier catch the River express boat service to Nonthaburi pier and take the river express boat to Sathorn.

Park and ride could be co-ordinated using the curent passenger vans as the multiple person medium.

Anon999 don't let it get you down we all make mistakes it's just I can't remember the last time I messed up - Probably too :D:o:D

Cheers "big ears"

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1. strictly enforced roadside parking controls....e.g. no parking areas , meters and parking wardens


And where do you expect people to park? It's not like they love parking on the streets and do it just for fun.

2. keep the push carts off the roads.


And where do you expect them to push their carts? On sidewalks? Impossible.

3. follow londons example and charge road users coming into central bangkok.


The idea is not complete - follow London's example, build 200+ station underground and THEN charge road users for coming into central Bangkok

4. teach thai drivers some road manners and how to obey yellow box junction rules.

They generally follow yellow box rules, at least where I usually drive. If someone stopped on the yellow box they try to back off and let the cars in and out of the sois.

5. with all the thousands of police around on the streets , organise and educate them to fulfil their duties.


Traffic police are too busy with their duties directing the traffic, opening and closing extra lanes, helping with u-turns and so on. Then, later in the day, they try to collect some rice money by pulling over people who break the rules and most people don't mind giving them a hundred baht note for all the shit they have to take.

6. get rid of those long red lights. 45 seconds max.


45 sec is barely enough to start moving. Cars are passing with lower speed than if you have a 2 min green. Do you think that those traffic police are total morons and they enjoy watching the traffic jams?

And on car pools and faces - do you realise how much that car worth to your average Thai?

According to CIA factbook Thai GDP per capita is around 7,000 USD, the GDP in the US is about 30,000 USD.

Camry, the most popular car in America cost about 22,000 USD - about 75% of yearly income. The same Camry in Thailand cost 30,000 USD - about FOUR times the average income. It would translate into $120,000 car in the US. Do you know many people who have such cars? Do they volunteer offering car pools to their neighbours? Why do yo expect Thais to do it?

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The only and the best idea to increase the Gasoline price to Baht 50. Because after the Oil price is increased the commuters are increased in the MRTA and BTS. Also government should shoot  :o  those who singly drive a Mercedes (or similar vehicles which drinks most of the fuel) during peak hours.

Great idea about the fuel increase. However those who can afford to use gas guzzlers still keep the right to use.


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Fuel increase is another fashist/communist idea. Why don't you just confiscate all the cars and shoot the owners. Problem solved.

This morning I spent 50 min on Don Muang tollway going to the city, and I exit only at Ratchada - a few kilometers from the nearest BTS/MRT.

That's a 10 km backup starting even before the airport, on the tollway. Imagine how it is on the public road below. Altogether seven lanes of traffic.

What's the latest idea on how to deal with it? What BTS? What MRT? You might as well tell everyone to use London tube - just as helpful.

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I get the feeling that lots of the TV members here are actually leaders of different farang countries. And that they are managing their countries so well they have plenty of time left on their hands to type in precious opinions for Thailand.

Personally, I think there are much easier ways to solve the traffic woes.

After a very recent visit to London, I noticed that buses did not jump three lanes and then back again causing the traffic to jam up. Buses did not stop in the middle lane to pick passengers up and drop them off.

Yellow boxes were painted on the road at junctions meaning people can't stop their cars there at any moment, thus allowing for the free flow of traffic.

Drivers were, in the main, considerate to other drivers and did not adopt the "me first" attitude.

The side of the roads were not used as car parks hindering the flow of traffic. Here, a three laned or two laned road rapidly becomes two or one when one lane becomes a car park or someone just stops to do some shopping.

The roads did not have hawkers pushing or pulling their noodle stalls around or have noodles carts parked at the side of the road.

Basically, the roads need rules that people abide by, they need cleaning up so that traffic can flow properly and the police need to stop people parking where they want.

I guarantee that these measures will see a major improvement to the traffic situation far above that of taxi ranks and free parking for taxis...

Anyone thinking otherwise is just plain thick.


Tango 7

That was a good one! :o But it took me quite a few seconds to realise I wasn't in the Joke Section.

By the way, the only place where I had had a flight missed due to traffic was London, a few years back. Is it that good already nowadays? I can still remember running out of my car in the middle of M2? for a few hundred yards to the airport counter asking them to wait for my luggage only to find out there were men next to me who had done the same and were there already 2 days ago.

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I can still remember running out of my car in the middle of M2? for a few hundred yards to the airport counter asking them to wait for my luggage only to find out there were men next to me who had done the same and were there already 2 days ago.


Sorry, don't understand what you are saying at all :o

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1. strictly enforced roadside parking controls....e.g. no parking areas , meters and parking wardens


And where do you expect people to park? It's not like they love parking on the streets and do it just for fun.

if its harder or impossible or too expensive to park , then people will use their cars less. people have to be pushed out of their cars by making the driving experience so bad and so difficult that they just give up using cars.

2. keep the push carts off the roads.


And where do you expect them to push their carts? On sidewalks? Impossible.

then theres your answer. maybe its time to get rid of those characterful yet outdated things if bangkok really wants to solve the traffic problems.

3. follow londons example and charge road users coming into central bangkok.


The idea is not complete - follow London's example, build 200+ station underground and THEN charge road users for coming into central Bangkok

bangkok actually has a pretty good public transport system , there are buses serving all the main roads , there are motorcycle taxis , songthaews etc. serving the sois that lead off the main roads ,there are taxis , there is the limited yet speedy skytrain and now there is a tube line here. if private vehicle traffic could be reduced substantially then the public transport that uses the roads would be quicker and more efficient. upgrading the fleet would be necessary for sure.

4. teach thai drivers some road manners and how to obey yellow box junction rules.

They generally follow yellow box rules, at least where I usually drive. If someone stopped on the yellow box they try to back off and let the cars in and out of the sois.

5. with all the thousands of police around on the streets , organise and educate them to fulfil their duties.


Traffic police are too busy with their duties directing the traffic, opening and closing extra lanes, helping with u-turns and so on. Then, later in the day, they try to collect some rice money by pulling over people who break the rules and most people don't mind giving them a hundred baht note for all the shit they have to take.

6. get rid of those long red lights. 45 seconds max.


45 sec is barely enough to start moving. Cars are passing with lower speed than if you have a 2 min green. Do you think that those traffic police are total morons and they enjoy watching the traffic jams?

i wont even bother to reply to your comments on nos. 4,5 and 6 as you appear to have suffered some kind of cerebral dysfunction whilst replying. i wish you a speedy recovery:D

Edited by taxexile
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Try to keep it civil.

So when do we start forcing people out their cars? Do you get free guns, do you need a licence to shoot?

When will we start getting rid of noodle vendors? Shall we build reservations/concentration camps for them? or just gas them.

And if you think that Bangkok ALREADY has a good public transport system you are welcome to do a trial run from my village downtown.

Songtaew to the main road, then big red songtaew for 15 km, then a bus for about 20 km. You'll be approaching from Ramkamhaeng so count on a couple of hours, standing, before you reach BTS Prakhanong, and then you are all set. My gf's office is near prakhanong, she leaves at seven, drop the kid off at a school (ramkamhaeng), then drives to her office and arrives before 8.30. All the time sitting in the aircon'd car.

Then learn to

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So when do we start forcing people out their cars? Do you get free guns, do you need a licence to shoot?

When will we start getting rid of noodle vendors? Shall we build reservations/concentration camps for them? or just gas them.

And if you think that Bangkok ALREADY has a good public transport system you are welcome to do a trial run from my village downtown.

Songtaew to the main road, then big red songtaew for 15 km, then a bus for about 20 km. You'll be approaching from Ramkamhaeng so count on a couple of hours, standing, before you reach BTS Prakhanong, and then you are all set. My gf's office is near prakhanong, she leaves at seven, drop the kid off at a school (ramkamhaeng), then drives to her office and arrives before 8.30. All the time sitting in the aircon'd car.

if the bangkok authorities really wanted to clear up the mess that are the roads and pavements of this city and make for easier movement of people then they will have to take controversial action.

the food vendors make walking on pavements in central bangkok nothing short of a nightmare , and although i wouldnt want to see them disappear (i use their services almost every day that i am here) i do think that there is a very good case for restricting where they can operate , most of the carts are "on site" earlier than the main rush hour anyway , or the carts are stored near to the selling site so i dont really think that the carts interfere with traffic too much , but i have seen those brush sellers and those carts that sell stickers trundling along in the middle of main thoroughfare at 5mph oblivious to the hold up behind. its vehicles like that that should be off the road.

if less people used cars and more used public transport , then your journey and that of your partner would be much quicker.

if there were fewer cars able to use the roads then dont you think that private enterprise would soon step in to the newly created market opportunity and provide better transport from your village to bangkok.

but people dont want to leave their cars at home , so in order to get them out of them , driving has to be made more expensive , parking has to be made more expensive etc etc etc.

it will never happen though because its a big vote loser.

which is why traffic will always get worse and discussions like these on forum boards will always go round in circles , just like the traffic!

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