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Beer Drinking Competitions

syd barrett

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Does anyone know of any beer drinking competitions in Thailand. Well organised events with strict rules?

The two types of event I am interested in are:

A) 'The Sprint' a set time limit, usually one or two hours, where as many bottles of beer are consumed as possible within the time limit.

:o 'The Long Distance Event' where there is no set time limit, the winner is the one who drinks the most bottles of beer in a single sitting.

I am only interested in Beer Drinking competitions as wines/spirits is dangerous.

I am the current 'Red Horse Beer' long distance champion of Manila; Beat that!

Ripleys I am available if you are interested?


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I've never heard of any, but I think such an event would work well here - and certainly attract sponsorship from the beer companies. (At least for the product supply).

The Moog once drank six cans of lager (small cans, not the tall ones) at one sitting.


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Does anyone know of any beer drinking competitions in Thailand. Well organised events with strict rules?

The two types of event I am interested in are:

A) 'The Sprint' a set time limit, usually one or two hours, where as many bottles of beer are consumed as possible within the time limit.

B) 'The Long Distance Event' where there is no set time limit, the winner is the one who drinks the most bottles of beer in a single sitting.

I am only interested in Beer Drinking competitions as wines/spirits is dangerous.

I am the current 'Red Horse Beer' long distance champion of Manila; Beat that!

Ripleys I am available if you are interested?



Nice post Syd,

What was the beer and what % of hic hic was it ? :D

Need to know, as you are the 'Red Horse Beer' long distance champion of Manila and maybe we could arrange a little drinky poo some day.


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Red Horse Beer in the Philippines is 9%

Beer Chang here is 6.4% and I managed 32 bottles in a long distance event with friends. I have no benchmark, was this good?

Looking forward to the next long distance event, the only side effects last time was the bar moving 45 degrees left in my field of vision.


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that was a grand record, syd..i ve never seen anyone could drink like that...well, the max i did was only 15 changs.. not bad for a small chap like me.. but i was all over the joint though..

will try to beat my own record first and then will challange you.. don't think it will ever happen though...


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During 'Marathon' Contests, can one weewee?

If not - then that would make the grimaces interesting to watch.

If can - then surely one can inflict permanent damage on oneself.

I have heard of Scandinavians who refuse to lose and end up dying of alcohol poisoning right there at the bar.

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This is tyhe first time I've heard of a "sprint" lasting one or two hours. All that beer on an empty stomach is no fun. Why not set up a beer and hotdog/burger contest? I'd have a chance in that event. :D

Old Aussie saying "cant eat on an empty stomach" :o

Would be interested in a sprint session on one condition it would have to be in KhonKaen, cant last as long as I once could, but good for sprint.

Good idea moog last one to break the seal wins

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My Belly measurement I do not know; however I have a massive beer belly, rather like a space hopper! The girls love it, it's just like a bouncy castle in the morning!

It's a lot of money in there. The girls might get 'motherly' feelings until you reply to the question 'how?' 'I show'.

Anyway, be careful with too much beer, here a 'government'-warning:


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