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Big Trouble With Gf


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This may sound stupid but I really need some advice on this...yesterday I sent my gf (she works in the same office as me) a text which simply read 'Tired'. However, I buggered up sending it and sent the same message to a totally plutonic female friend of mine at the same time without realising; Leter that evening as we cuddled up to a DVD I got a message back from plutonic friend which read 'Why you tired?'. My gf went stony cold and threw me out of the house. What can I do to sort this out?

HELP!! :o

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This may sound stupid but I really need some advice on this...yesterday I sent my gf (she works in the same office as me) a text which simply read 'Tired'. However, I buggered up sending it and sent the same message to a totally plutonic female friend of mine at the same time without realising; Leter that evening as we cuddled up to a DVD I got a message back from plutonic friend which read 'Why you tired?'. My gf went stony cold and threw me out of the house. What can I do to sort this out?


This is a common enough error, i have sent much much worse :o

get the 2 of them together at work and compare the times on the sms, this will show that both arrived at the same time and it will prove a genuine mistake.

Reading between the lines, is your girlfriend saying to you that under no circumstances are you ever to have contact with other females under any circumstances????

I would advise her this is unrealistic and if she cant deal with this then i would move on from this obvious bunny boiler

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This may sound stupid but I really need some advice on this...yesterday I sent my gf (she works in the same office as me) a text which simply read 'Tired'. However, I buggered up sending it and sent the same message to a totally plutonic female friend of mine at the same time without realising; Leter that evening as we cuddled up to a DVD I got a message back from plutonic friend which read 'Why you tired?'. My gf went stony cold and threw me out of the house. What can I do to sort this out?


You need to be a lot faster on your feet there...IMHO showing her the SMS will only invite daily review of your phone traffic, not a good idea. Maybe better to have said your were tired from the night before because it left you soooooo relaxed. :o

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Woman's opinion. Seems as if there is no trust in this relationship at all. It's just an SMS, what is the big deal??? It's not saying "I love u" or something sappy, its just "why are you tired?" No biggie IMO.

Your gf can always confront the other colleague directly since all of you work in the same office.

Trust is an important part of the foundation in any relationship.

My gf went stony cold and threw me out of the house

That's a bit too much for a "Why are you tired?" sms isn't it??

Edited by SK1972
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Normally when I get a spurious SMS my wife calls them and asks them why they sent the message etc.

I mostly don't bother answering my phone at night, if the number isn't in my caller list. I let her do it, saves me the trouble of explaining. She can harass the caller of the wrong number.

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I agree with sk1972 on this one, major overreaction for a very small issue. My husband has received phone calls from old female friends but I certainly wouldn't make an issue out of it as I know I am the only one in his life now. Personally, if I were you, I would discuss with her, not the text, but the reason for the overreaction. Seems there's more issues to this relationship than just some SMS.

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This is rather evil, but might be good for a laugh/lesson. When you are back in the house have a mate SMS your GF with something innocent. Then react how she would - sort of teaches a valuable lesson.

.........it's devious....but i have made a mental note of it :o

good man brit

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This may sound stupid but I really need some advice on this...yesterday I sent my gf (she works in the same office as me) a text which simply read 'Tired'. However, I buggered up sending it and sent the same message to a totally plutonic female friend of mine at the same time without realising; Leter that evening as we cuddled up to a DVD I got a message back from plutonic friend which read 'Why you tired?'. My gf went stony cold and threw me out of the house. What can I do to sort this out?


Sorry to say this after all the "explain it the girlfriend' posts but grow a set of balls man.

You sent a text mesaage to the wrong person and that person replied and she threw you out?

And you took that?

And then you come on here asking what to do about it?

Are you so scared of your gf, does she beat you or something?

Is it your house or hers, please don't tell me its yours dude?

If you cant deal with something as simple as this then well............... :o

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i use text to my advantage.if im seeing a girl and want a weekend with the lads ,when a girl sends me a text on a friday i reply saying that its one of my friends and they wont see me till monday(helps if you are famous for loseing your phone once a week)no hassle all weekend.

only works once with each girl though

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I know how ya feel. A week before my last trip to LOS i got an abusive phone call from a mobile at 3 am from some english prick i didn't know (why he rang me i have no idea). Any way next day i rang him back ahnd got more of the same. So i decide to return the favour. I sent him about 100 txt in a row saying " Are we have fun yet", just to block up his phone and piss him off, i had stored his number as " AW " as in A W **ker. Anyway forgot all about it and went of to spend a glorious month with the love of my life in LOS. I had just got a new phone and had told her i would give her the old one.

The day after i got home i was on my way to work and i rang my gf as i always do, she went crazy with me asking who the ###### Aw was and why i was sending her this txt so many times. She was so angery. The more i tryed to explain what had relly happen the more it sounded like a lie even to me. Wow it took some groveling and them me loseing my temper too then more groveling ect... Eventualy she belived me and accepted that it was a UK mobile number and that Aw was not a UK name.

So just grovel; and explian and it'll all work out, u have nothing to hide. But good luck man.


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Great story Trip.

But grovel to sort it out?  Why should he have to grovel to someone coz he sent a text to the wrong  number?  Its his gf at fault, throwing him out on the streets, what a pussy. :o

Sometimes lifes a lot easier if ya let lady think they're right!!!!!!! ###### hath no fury like a woman scorned (or if she think's she's scorned).

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Great story Trip.

But grovel to sort it out?  Why should he have to grovel to someone coz he sent a text to the wrong  number?  Its his gf at fault, throwing him out on the streets, what a pussy. :D

Sometimes lifes a lot easier if ya let lady think they're right!!!!!!! ###### hath no fury like a woman scorned (or if she think's she's scorned).

And sometimes life gets a lot worse if you allowed yourself to be pussy whipped so easily. Depsite that fact that your pride is gone, and she will always believe she was right about this and you 'play around' which will come back to you many a time.

I say set her straight about this, and not with a grovel either, the poor guy just spent a night out of his bed coz he sent a text to the wrong person, how mad is that. :D

Sorry if you disagree but I just can't believe the amount of farang guys out here that are in such fear of their girlfriends.

And then to come on here and ask a bunch of strangers what he should do, like we are all going to flip open the 'thai girls handbook' and give him a speech about loss of face, buddhist traditions and some other cultural differences to show him that its just a simple misunderstanding on his part, he doesn't know the culture and what he should do is this or that. :D

Facts are facts, she's being out of order, and he aint got the balls to tell her so.

I mean, honestly, a question to all the men - If your gf threw you out on the streets because you accidently pressed the wrong button on a mobile would you go back the next day and grovel to her to get back in the house?

F.uck that, get a bit of self respect. :o

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Great story Trip.

But grovel to sort it out?  Why should he have to grovel to someone coz he sent a text to the wrong  number?  Its his gf at fault, throwing him out on the streets, what a pussy. :D

Sometimes lifes a lot easier if ya let lady think they're right!!!!!!! ###### hath no fury like a woman scorned (or if she think's she's scorned).

And sometimes life gets a lot worse if you allowed yourself to be pussy whipped so easily. Depsite that fact that your pride is gone, and she will always believe she was right about this and you 'play around' which will come back to you many a time.

I say set her straight about this, and not with a grovel either, the poor guy just spent a night out of his bed coz he sent a text to the wrong person, how mad is that. :D

Sorry if you disagree but I just can't believe the amount of farang guys out here that are in such fear of their girlfriends.

And then to come on here and ask a bunch of strangers what he should do, like we are all going to flip open the 'thai girls handbook' and give him a speech about loss of face, buddhist traditions and some other cultural differences to show him that its just a simple misunderstanding on his part, he doesn't know the culture and what he should do is this or that. :D

Facts are facts, she's being out of order, and he aint got the balls to tell her so.

I mean, honestly, a question to all the men - If your gf threw you out on the streets because you accidently pressed the wrong button on a mobile would you go back the next day and grovel to her to get back in the house?

F.uck that, get a bit of self respect. :o

Every rational person would agree with you. I consider myself to be a rational person too. However, in the past years, living with my thai wife, I have noticed that being rational doesn't always cut the cake. I can only speak for my wife, but she can be so stubborn that she would blow up our entire relationship for, indeed something stupid as mentioned above. I totally agree that this is a bad habit and that sometimes it's a fine line between keeping your self-respect and saving your relationship. For some people on this forum however love and relationships seem to be so cheap that they always come up with "plenty more fish in the sea" slogan. I can only imagine them to be so self centered and shallow that it is indeed very easy for them to move on...

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Great story Trip.

But grovel to sort it out?  Why should he have to grovel to someone coz he sent a text to the wrong  number?  Its his gf at fault, throwing him out on the streets, what a pussy. :D

Sometimes lifes a lot easier if ya let lady think they're right!!!!!!! ###### hath no fury like a woman scorned (or if she think's she's scorned).

And sometimes life gets a lot worse if you allowed yourself to be pussy whipped so easily. Depsite that fact that your pride is gone, and she will always believe she was right about this and you 'play around' which will come back to you many a time.

I say set her straight about this, and not with a grovel either, the poor guy just spent a night out of his bed coz he sent a text to the wrong person, how mad is that. :D

Sorry if you disagree but I just can't believe the amount of farang guys out here that are in such fear of their girlfriends.

And then to come on here and ask a bunch of strangers what he should do, like we are all going to flip open the 'thai girls handbook' and give him a speech about loss of face, buddhist traditions and some other cultural differences to show him that its just a simple misunderstanding on his part, he doesn't know the culture and what he should do is this or that. :D

Facts are facts, she's being out of order, and he aint got the balls to tell her so.

I mean, honestly, a question to all the men - If your gf threw you out on the streets because you accidently pressed the wrong button on a mobile would you go back the next day and grovel to her to get back in the house?

F.uck that, get a bit of self respect. :o

i totally agree

why defend yourself when you havent done anything wrong

its happened to me before

best form of defense .attack

tell her if she doesnt trust you thats her problem and walk out the door before she has a chance to put you out.i was in a bad relationship and when i started to stand up for myself A i stopped feeling like a pussy and B got more respect.

that was 5 years ago and since then first sign of any mistrust or control and im out of there

i dont see the point of being unhappy for a second when you have the power to do something about it

go back get your stuff and get a girl who trusts you

and be more careful with your phone in future

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Great story Trip.

But grovel to sort it out?  Why should he have to grovel to someone coz he sent a text to the wrong  number?  Its his gf at fault, throwing him out on the streets, what a pussy. :D

Sometimes lifes a lot easier if ya let lady think they're right!!!!!!! ###### hath no fury like a woman scorned (or if she think's she's scorned).

And sometimes life gets a lot worse if you allowed yourself to be pussy whipped so easily. Depsite that fact that your pride is gone, and she will always believe she was right about this and you 'play around' which will come back to you many a time.

I say set her straight about this, and not with a grovel either, the poor guy just spent a night out of his bed coz he sent a text to the wrong person, how mad is that. :D

Sorry if you disagree but I just can't believe the amount of farang guys out here that are in such fear of their girlfriends.

And then to come on here and ask a bunch of strangers what he should do, like we are all going to flip open the 'thai girls handbook' and give him a speech about loss of face, buddhist traditions and some other cultural differences to show him that its just a simple misunderstanding on his part, he doesn't know the culture and what he should do is this or that. :D

Facts are facts, she's being out of order, and he aint got the balls to tell her so.

I mean, honestly, a question to all the men - If your gf threw you out on the streets because you accidently pressed the wrong button on a mobile would you go back the next day and grovel to her to get back in the house?

F.uck that, get a bit of self respect. :o

i totally agree

why defend yourself when you havent done anything wrong

its happened to me before

i was in a bad relationship and when i started to stand up for myself A i stopped feeling like a pussy and B got more respect.

that was 5 years ago and since then first sign of any mistrust or control and im out of there

i dont see the point of being unhappy for a second when you have the power to do something about it

go back get your stuff and get a girl who trusts you

and be more careful with your phone in future

I hope Tokker reads and understands this. With all due respect to him... if he has a relationship as he describes, it's not really that much of a relationship.

Certainly compromise is part of any serious relationship and especially marriage, but it's a two way street. It HAS to be reasonable compromise as well.

It is indeed a fine line as he describes, but if he's had the sort of blow-ups like OP describes, it's crossed the line... and once crossed, it will continue to be crossed.

Having said that, we really do need clarification from the OP about that aspect of his post... his place? her place?... elaboration on "thrown out" as well.

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Notice the OP hasn't replied yet, hope he didn't fall of a balcony, my 2 satangs worth, many if not most Thai girls try this crap, just do what a thai man would do, tell her to get lost, if you let them, they will walk all over you (not all TG's, just this type), either she changes her attitude or you change your GF.

BTW never go out with chicks from the office in any culture its a bad move. I worked in a big office in BKK saw the Thai's pairing off, always ended in tears, and someone leaving or worse being told to leave. Not to different back home

Edited by phuketsiam
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Good advice from bkk and the like. When I read the op, I thought: that's nothing. Then read some ladies posting "Boy, you blew it, grovel"

forget that!!! Have a good laugh at it with her. If she can't find the humor, please politely show her the door and give her a nice parting gift.

Its this kind of behavior, (the over reacting) which keeps a lot of us on the single side.

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