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Whats The Strangest Thing Youve Seen Someone Eat?


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Whats the strangest thing youve seen someone eat, i know weve all seen locust, beetles on sale and being eaten by thai's. But is there anything else out there you think is just wrong.

I have been known to eat an apple sandwich wich some people think is crazy. I have tried locust.

My girlfirnd and i were eating icecream the other night. I went to answer the phone. When i came back she was eating a sandwich. Now what have you got i asked. Ice cream sandwich!

Now thats wrong :o

What about you?

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Whats the strangest thing youve seen someone eat, i know weve all seen locust, beetles on sale and being eaten by thai's. But is there anything else out there you think is just wrong.

I have been known to eat an apple sandwich wich some people think is crazy. I have tried locust.

My girlfirnd and i were eating icecream the other night. I went to answer the phone. When i came back she was eating a sandwich. Now what have you got i asked. Ice cream sandwich!

Now thats wrong :D

What about you?

salad cream sandwiches: mmmmmmmmmmmmm!

a mate in England used to eat broken glass and the contents of ash trays when he was drunk, not sure if he's still alive though :o

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Whats the strangest thing youve seen someone eat, i know weve all seen locust, beetles on sale and being eaten by thai's. But is there anything else out there you think is just wrong.

I have been known to eat an apple sandwich wich some people think is crazy. I have tried locust.

My girlfirnd and i were eating icecream the other night. I went to answer the phone. When i came back she was eating a sandwich. Now what have you got i asked. Ice cream sandwich!

Now thats wrong :o

What about you?

I could eat icecream with anything! :D

I've tried the local selection of beetles on sale and some crocodile if that is considered strange.

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Some Cambodian friends used to eat prahok (fermented, aka rotten fish paste), straight from the jar, like a dip.

The smell was so bad I couldn't stay in the house.

It is called Ba-La in thailand.

Stinks something awful and is an acquired taste.

After eleven years here I can just about manage a tiny bit in my food.

Have a friend living in Maidstone, Kent who loves it.

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Whats the strangest thing youve seen someone eat, i know weve all seen locust, beetles on sale and being eaten by thai's. But is there anything else out there you think is just wrong.

I have been known to eat an apple sandwich wich some people think is crazy. I have tried locust.

My girlfirnd and i were eating icecream the other night. I went to answer the phone. When i came back she was eating a sandwich. Now what have you got i asked. Ice cream sandwich!

Now thats wrong :o

What about you?

Thats just about the funniest thing i have heard , ice cream sandwich. 555555 the thing is i can picture many of the girls doing this , its cute.

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Whats the strangest thing youve seen someone eat, i know weve all seen locust, beetles on sale and being eaten by thai's. But is there anything else out there you think is just wrong.

I have been known to eat an apple sandwich wich some people think is crazy. I have tried locust.

My girlfirnd and i were eating icecream the other night. I went to answer the phone. When i came back she was eating a sandwich. Now what have you got i asked. Ice cream sandwich!

Now thats wrong :o

What about you?

Thats just about the funniest thing i have heard , ice cream sandwich. 555555 the thing is i can picture many of the girls doing this , its cute.

Not so strange really - it's common in Thailand to see people - especially children - eating ice cream on what we might call Hot Dog buns.

Strangest thing I have eaten here I guess would be a Bat curry in, I think, Petchaboon, not particularly tasty since Bats have relatively little meat and lots of very small bones.


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It is called Ba-La in thailand.

Stinks something awful and is an acquired taste.

After eleven years here I can just about manage a tiny bit in my food.

Have a friend living in Maidstone, Kent who loves it.

I've had it used as a flavoring (a little goes a long way), but these clowns eat it straight from the jar! :o

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It is called Ba-La in thailand.

Stinks something awful and is an acquired taste.

After eleven years here I can just about manage a tiny bit in my food.

Have a friend living in Maidstone, Kent who loves it.

I've had it used as a flavoring (a little goes a long way), but these clowns eat it straight from the jar! :o

Ba la is quite palatable compared to the famous Aussie meat Pie, is the worlds most wierd concoction,has been rumoured actually to have meat content in some form or other :D having been brought up in a time where tripe and onions or pigs trotters were a treat, thai cuisine with all its peculiarities and insects no problem :D but the rumour of any aussie pie in the area still makes me puke,nignoy :D
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While working in the Philippines , I saw a family put a dog on a short rope behind the house. Then they placed a bowl of scraps just outside the reach of the hound. After a few days the dog had passed most of what was in its system out and was extremely hungry. Then a bowl of chicken flavored rice with herbs was place out and the dog was realeased to scarf the bowl up quickly. Unfortunately when the dog had completed his long awaited meal he was snatched up taken to the BBQ pit. The dog was now ready to be cooked over a fire until done.This was a meal to share with all who wanted a piece. Unlike the Vietnamese style dog meat which is similar to sun dried beef. :D

Worked in Irian Jaya too. When you got off the chopper they would hand some selected individuals an onion and tomato and say "Welcome". Over in the distance was a large pot on full boil. Then the locals would signal a capture by using a popping sound made from using the index finger place inside the cheek and sliding outwards to create a "pop"!

Then the show was on! :o

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I have a hard time with the giant white ant larvae (served in a "yam" thai style dish) and the dancing shrimp (small live shrimp twitching in chili). But I have to say the worst thing is anytime I have to eat when there are roaches wandering on the table. I can deal with them at a distance, but not within a spoon's length, ugh! :o

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I have a hard time with the giant white ant larvae (served in a "yam" thai style dish) and the dancing shrimp (small live shrimp twitching in chili). But I have to say the worst thing is anytime I have to eat when there are roaches wandering on the table. I can deal with them at a distance, but not within a spoon's length, ugh!  :o


I never have eaten this, the smell drove me away. It is however regarded as a delicacy in the area. (Iceland or Faroe Islands in North Atlantic)

It consists of takung a piece of lamb or sheep. Cover that with a slab of fat from the sheep. Add another slice of meat, and cover with fat. Repeat until you have about 7 or 8 layers. Wrap the whole thing in wax coated paper. Bind very tightly with twine to make a air-tight package. Now cover with paper, and bury in ground for the winter (about 5 months of winter in this area).

In the spring, dig it up. Remove paper covering. (Smells like uncovering a sewer).

Scrape/wash off any fat left on the meat. Chop the meat into pieces and serve.

The theory is that the air-tight binding keeps harmful bacteria out. During the winter the fat decays and the heat generated "cooks" the pieces of meat. So when the package is opened in the spring, the meat has been "cooked" by the decaying fat.

Terible smelling stuff. I have never actually been able to eat a piece, but others have told me it is a real delicacy,


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While working in the Philippines , I saw a family put a dog on a short rope behind the house. Then they placed a bowl of scraps just outside the reach of the hound. After a few days the dog had passed most of what was in its system out and was extremely hungry. Then a bowl of chicken flavored rice with herbs was place out and the dog was realeased to scarf the bowl up quickly. Unfortunately when the dog had completed his long awaited meal he was snatched up taken to the BBQ pit. The dog was now ready to be cooked over a fire until done.This was a meal to share with all who wanted a piece. Unlike the Vietnamese style dog meat which is similar to sun dried beef. :D

Worked in Irian Jaya too. When you got off the chopper they would hand some selected individuals an onion and tomato and say "Welcome".  Over in the distance was a large pot on full boil. Then the locals would signal a capture by using a popping sound made from using the index finger place inside the cheek and sliding outwards to create a "pop"!

Then the show was on! :o

Was that the ones who took this photo? we shot 14 of them before the chopper got off the ground?


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While working in the Philippines , I saw a family put a dog on a short rope behind the house. Then they placed a bowl of scraps just outside the reach of the hound. After a few days the dog had passed most of what was in its system out and was extremely hungry. Then a bowl of chicken flavored rice with herbs was place out and the dog was realeased to scarf the bowl up quickly. Unfortunately when the dog had completed his long awaited meal he was snatched up taken to the BBQ pit. The dog was now ready to be cooked over a fire until done.This was a meal to share with all who wanted a piece. Unlike the Vietnamese style dog meat which is similar to sun dried beef. :D

Worked in Irian Jaya too. When you got off the chopper they would hand some selected individuals an onion and tomato and say "Welcome".  Over in the distance was a large pot on full boil. Then the locals would signal a capture by using a popping sound made from using the index finger place inside the cheek and sliding outwards to create a "pop"!

Then the show was on! :D

Was that the ones who took this photo? we shot 14 of them before the chopper got off the ground?

Yes, this photo is on my aviation website. The captain pictured is probably well know by lots of folks in BKK. He is a great chopper pilot and friend. See the fashion jewelry made from the last meal.

We always had 6-10 shooters , but these guys have hundred of spears. To avoid being dinner we usually gave beeds and other little goodies. :o

Good ole days!

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Hi All,

I was once taken to a 'local" Uzbekistan restaurant where we eat dog meat but the weirdest I eat was in the Ukraine.

I asked to have a dinner local style, they asked are you sure?

Yep I said and then we went of.

On the table was an Union, Garlic and a big piece of fat.

The idea was to have a bite of union, garlic and then a big bite of fat.

I took two bites and that was it for me.



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I've eaten fried spiders in Cambodia and all the usual insects in Thailand, as well as snails, frog, bat and chicken's feet.

Strangest thing I've eaten though, in my opinion, is jellyfish. Didn't taste particularly good either, it has a very odd texture. But it can't be too uncommon to eat it as it's on the menu at MK... :o

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My girlfirnd and i were eating icecream the other night. I went to answer the phone. When i came back she was eating a sandwich. Now what have you got i asked. Ice cream sandwich!

I went to a park in Samut Sakorn the other day that was serving exactly that, ice cream sandwiches! They were served in a kind of roll, not 2 pieces of flat bread, so it was a bit like an ice cream hot-dog I guess... Very strange!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes I would have to agree that this is strange.My uncle (on the wife side) raises the light gray Brahman type cattle in Issan.After the cow has her calf he waits around with a bucket until the placenta will pop out of the cow to catch it .This some times will take almost a whole day.This is one thing in Issan that I have never tried or intend to.I have eaten grubs :D snake :D crickets :D just to name a few.The only thing that I would not eat again is the rotten fish :o everything else i have had is aroy.Different types of food are only stange if you have not grown up eating them.I guees I should also say that I had lived in the Kingdom when I was a child and had two maids from Issan that took care of the family.But with all of that said most people find this strange.....cheap white bread with peanut butter and a little mustard (sweet and sour):D:D !!!It is one of the best sandwiches that you can make for practicly nothing.Enjoy your day. :D

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I was at my friends house once helping him repair a doc to his fish pond. Another guy who also worked on the farm was assisting. He had that, I've never left the farm, look about him.

His skin was dark, dry and weatherd. His hair was ragged and unkept. His clothes were torn and old. He looked as if he hadn't taken a bath in about a month. He also looked very hungry.

While under the doc, a small brown scorpion ran out from a hole in the ground.

He quickly reached down and grabbed it, ripped off its stinger, washed it off in the pond for about 2 seconds and gulped it down.

Just how hungry does a person have to be to learn to do something like this?

Anyway, thats number one on my list.

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