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30,000 Red Shirt Supporters Expected In Bangkok On 12 March Rally

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Here we go again! Get the huddled masses out of the dried out rice fields and onto the streets of Bangkok! Dust off the old foot clappers and blare the songs for life! Don't forget a big picture in the front of the golden boy, that makes it respectable! :)

You may need to get this idea out of your bonce that this is just about oiks from the farm. There is serious money being ploughed into this, the poor are just the foot soldiers. Dont want to get in a rant about using the poor but during the protests at Rachaprasong there was a rally being held in Khon Kaen at the same time. Every so often a cavalcade of cars would set off around the city. In that cavalcade would be a few foreign imported cars (with thaksin flags hanging out the window) that must have cost over 20,000,000 baht. Wealthy people here want a change. Businessmen gave up their premises and fed and watered the hoardes.

Many posters need to question the media that is available to them, stop making Thaksin the issue...there is many more, not quite as wealthy as Thaksin, with money who want there turn at the trough... and the majority of reds see these people as the only option for a change in their down trodden lifestyle. Not to say they will get much, if PT get to power but if they dont PT wont get back in power.

How many corrupt billions are hiding in the private bank accounts of corrupt officials that could be be frozen, taken back thaksin style and filtered to the poor. There is wealth in this country, the greedy b4st4rds need to start sharing it for the good of all... rant over....for now

''their down trodden lifestyle.'''

i have seen the down trodden lifestyle in the poor rural areas

new pickups, new motorbikes, big screen TV's, everyone has a mobile phone, lots of eating out, busy markets, and decent housing

hardly the image you try to convey........

Do you live in the rural area...doubtful... do you know where it is

please read my previous post carefully before you reply and make yourself look stupid

like i said, i have been to rural areas

i even built a house for my wifes father there

its not nearly as poor in the rural areas as you like to make out

or maybe its just you who is very poor and wants your place at the trough..........

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The prospect of an election did nothing to dull their fervor to demonstrate, and many said they would keep protesting in the streets whenever their leaders call for it.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2058592,00.html#ixzz1GR2SYlU7

"The prospect of an election did nothing to dull their fervor to demonstrate, and many said they would keep protesting in the streets whenever their leaders call for it. Several Red Shirt leaders have said they will contest the election under the Puea Thai banner, and the protests are starting to serve as a campaigning tool."

Isn't campaigning at this moment illegal according to the Election Law? Can PTP MP candidates be present at a protest which promotes the PTP? What are the rules to be followed?


Lets hope the military use any and all available force to combat these terrorists. I glad to see the military out there.

Don't Thai people have the right to demonstrate in Thailand ???.

You are "glad" to see the military responding to what should be a police operation and you hope for the use of all available force ???

How very conciliatory.

Attitudes like this will really bring the country forwards.

The memory of police inaction when it mattered in the past, may have a little to do with the preference for military presence. I do agree Thai's should and apparently do, have the right for peaceful demonstration. Past Red shirt demonstrations tend to gravitate toward riots, and disruption of surrounding private and commercial ventures/properties, thus the concern/need for a control mechanism/presence (military) if needed. Past actions of several groups have hindered progress in this country and the mind set of some of the leaders seems appears self motivated instead of for the good of the general public.

So you support Gadaffi using military against the demos"? Just to make it clear on your support of military against the people


Lets hope the military use any and all available force to combat these terrorists. I glad to see the military out there.

Don't Thai people have the right to demonstrate in Thailand ???.

You are "glad" to see the military responding to what should be a police operation and you hope for the use of all available force ???

How very conciliatory.

Attitudes like this will really bring the country forwards.

The memory of police inaction when it mattered in the past, may have a little to do with the preference for military presence. I do agree Thai's should and apparently do, have the right for peaceful demonstration. Past Red shirt demonstrations tend to gravitate toward riots, and disruption of surrounding private and commercial ventures/properties, thus the concern/need for a control mechanism/presence (military) if needed. Past actions of several groups have hindered progress in this country and the mind set of some of the leaders seems appears self motivated instead of for the good of the general public.

So you support Gadaffi using military against the demos"? Just to make it clear on your support of military against the people

yes i do, Gadaffi's stand against them will cool the problems in neighbouring countries

if Mubarak had done the same in Egypt, there wouldn't have been a Libya problem

reds operate and prosper on intimidation, they should be made to obey the law by whatever means neccesary including turning the intimidation and threat of violence back against them

they are a pack of wild dogs who need to be taught some discipline.......


Don't Thai people have the right to demonstrate in Thailand ???.

You are "glad" to see the military responding to what should be a police operation and you hope for the use of all available force ???

How very conciliatory.

Attitudes like this will really bring the country forwards.

The memory of police inaction when it mattered in the past, may have a little to do with the preference for military presence. I do agree Thai's should and apparently do, have the right for peaceful demonstration. Past Red shirt demonstrations tend to gravitate toward riots, and disruption of surrounding private and commercial ventures/properties, thus the concern/need for a control mechanism/presence (military) if needed. Past actions of several groups have hindered progress in this country and the mind set of some of the leaders seems appears self motivated instead of for the good of the general public.

So you support Gadaffi using military against the demos"? Just to make it clear on your support of military against the people

yes i do, Gadaffi's stand against them will cool the problems in neighbouring countries

if Mubarak had done the same in Egypt, there wouldn't have been a Libya problem

reds operate and prosper on intimidation, they should be made to obey the law by whatever means neccesary including turning the intimidation and threat of violence back against them

they are a pack of wild dogs who need to be taught some discipline.......

Wow, that's a first for me... personally I don't agree with Gadaffi's actions. This is how I think it should have gone:

- Protesters decide to hold a peaceful rally, the rally gets huge - big enough to support calls for the Gadaffi regime exit.

- The Gadaffi regime include the protesters within a democratic system and give them a voice.

Then either the protesters accept the offer and democracy progresses or the protesters don't accept the offer and increase pressure. If the offer is accepted, problem resolved for the moment. If they don't, Gadaffi puts down a plan to address their issues ultimately ending in a democratic election. If the protesters get too violent for the police to deal with, then a State of Emergency should be declared and the various security forces should remove the dangerous elements. A good democracy would offer reconciliation and elections regardless.

Of course, Libya is not democratic, so all this is hypothesis. Thailand is democratic, so has followed and continues to follow a similar pattern to how I think Libya should have gone.

  • 3 weeks later...


The prospect of an election did nothing to dull their fervor to demonstrate, and many said they would keep protesting in the streets whenever their leaders call for it.

Read more: http://www.time.com/...l#ixzz1GR2SYlU7

"The prospect of an election did nothing to dull their fervor to demonstrate, and many said they would keep protesting in the streets whenever their leaders call for it. Several Red Shirt leaders have said they will contest the election under the Puea Thai banner, and the protests are starting to serve as a campaigning tool."

Isn't campaigning at this moment illegal according to the Election Law? Can PTP MP candidates be present at a protest which promotes the PTP? What are the rules to be followed?

I think campaigning is not only illegal, but them giving food out at something that could be construed as a campaign rally would red-card the candidates.



The prospect of an election did nothing to dull their fervor to demonstrate, and many said they would keep protesting in the streets whenever their leaders call for it.

Read more: http://www.time.com/...l#ixzz1GR2SYlU7

"The prospect of an election did nothing to dull their fervor to demonstrate, and many said they would keep protesting in the streets whenever their leaders call for it. Several Red Shirt leaders have said they will contest the election under the Puea Thai banner, and the protests are starting to serve as a campaigning tool."

Isn't campaigning at this moment illegal according to the Election Law? Can PTP MP candidates be present at a protest which promotes the PTP? What are the rules to be followed?

I think campaigning is not only illegal, but them giving food out at something that could be construed as a campaign rally would red-card the candidates.

Perhaps the effort and energy spent protesting, might be better employed on propaganda or education (as the case may be)...so that they can protest with 300,000 after the election. Even if they win.

Oh...why is that? Are you suggesting a victory in the election for PTP will give those 30,000 people who are protesting what they want?

Oh...really? And what is that, exactly?

Demonstrating is pointless. Invest in propaganda and spin (if true, that's convenient, but irrelevant to success in elections). Ugh, now I'm giving good advice to PTP. I may have reached a pinnacle of some sorts, in capacity to process the endless scrabbling over the irrelevant, and endless bickering over what cannot possibly matter, except for a tiny few who pretend to fight with each other at the top. Vicious political fights over the real issues, no rules, no referees, trading vicious blows until the whistle is heard, and they fistpump and change ends without much damage done to either fighter...sometimes without even breaking a sweat.

Winner-take-all bouts, mind, no...lol...that would be a fight not worth fighting. These are fights for the marbles you brought into the game, plus or minus 10% of opponents marbles. Let's all be reasonable, marble players! We want to fight at the top, and stay fighting at the top. No one watches the fights at the bottom, but then they're usually over food or something. Yawn. Or with each other, flying our banners, cheering our names, because they don't realise that we're marble players who play to strict unspoken rules of gentlemanly conduct, if not technically friendly with each other.


Mathematically and logically, if the fight was truly genuine...you'd assume there would be a lot of falling. You know, when a side loses a vicious political fight that matters.

I mean falling to the ground, or to prison, or to poverty. I don't mean falling onto an overseas 7 star hotel penthouse. I fell on something like that once. Was so comfortable I didn't get up for years. To 'fight' again.

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