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My Thai wife came to America on a fiancee visa 3 years ago. She became a permanent resident and got her 10 year green card recently. We have a 1.5 year old boy. We would like to bring her brother over to be a nanny so that she can work full time. How do we go about getting a visa for her brother?

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would like to bring her brother over to be a nanny cheesy.gif

I know taff, :lol::lol:,

christ, l thought l had read everything but this takes the biscuit.

OP, when he comes over get a DNA test done, just for peace of mind eh. :rolleyes:

I understand how easy it is to be dubious of certain situations but I hope you're all wrong. Perhaps they thought this was the easiet way to bring him over? From what I know US immigration isn't cheap or easy. Trying to immigrate over there without marrying a USC is like trying to win the lottery I hear! :(

Do you want him to come for a short time or forever? If you really wanted a nanny then it would be cheaper and easier to hire locally. If he has a legit job offer it would be easier for him to come over but I'm not so sure the nanny thing will fly. And even then, it wouldn't be perm.

Is you wife a USC citizen or just a perm resident? I thought USC citizens could get family visas for family to come over? :)


Brother? I like the others think first a boyfriend or husband! Heard this story to many times but to answer your question. The US embassy will only allow a nanny to travel with the family as a tourist if you are based in Thailand with standard tourist visa limits. If you are not based in Thailand then other family members must apply for a green card which could take ten years if approved.


offensive suggestions about the op's wife & child are uncalled for.he asked for advice on US immigration, unless you have something useful to add to that subject then stay off the thread.


Regardless of the joking around, here is the answer to the OPs question:

A Legal Permanent Resident can only petition for a spouse and unmarried children. Only US citizens can sponsor a sibling. (And no, YOU cannot sponsor an in-law). Your wife would have to wait until she is a citizen to sponsor a brother. Even then, the current waiting list is over 10 years for the brother of a US citizen. I suppose you won't need a nanny at that point.



I would think the embassy would need some convincing that the OP's brother-in-law is a qualified nanny. If he has a nursing degree and experience in pediatrics, this might be a goer. Otherwise, I think it would just result in loud gaffaws of laughter when the vice-consuls compare notes on the latest outrageous applications they have received in the bar.


Wow ask a simple question.....

All The OP wants to know is how to bring his wifes Brother in the US,

Unfortunately, I dont know, but I am sure Permanent Residents in the US have the right to petition the goverment , to have a close family member come to the US. I think Your wife will have a better chance of that happening after she becomes a US Citizen , in 2 more years ( if she want's to be a US citizen). The Nanny Idea is a good one, but I don't think INS will go for it, after all they are not stupid, if it was her mother or sister , maybe, she can claim she needs a close family member to help her care for her son, but her brother? males are not universally known as care givers. I don't know.maybe possible,

I have a friend who owns a Thai restaurant in Florida, and he brings his cooks over from Thailand on a work visa.We are thinking of opening one also, if we do we will try to bring my wifes Mom to the US to help as in the kitchen ( she is an excellent Thai cook)

Anyway, the best way to approach the subject is to consult an immigration attorney. if you go to your States Barr association website there probably is a referral service for a free or low fee consultation. also there are many immigration services provided by community services associations, such as Catholic charities etc,

Good Luck and ignore the others in this forum who have nothing better to do than to make snide remarks


I am fromcanada and i imagine our immigration rules are mostly or quite close to being the same as the usa.The wife cannot sponsor a member ie,sister or brother after the age of 18 or 19,also the nanny job would not work as first she must prove that she cannot find a suitable one in the usa as there are many nanny's already there.Also,the person must be qualified to do the job of a nanny,cannot just use anyone for the job when sponsoring as a nanny.Must be qualified in child care ie first aid,CPR , and all other aspects of taking care of small children.Must provide a certificate in child care and must speak the language of the country.The child care courses are conducted in their country of origin and must be done by a viable company or organization.Also,the employer must show proof that they can pay health insurance,umemployment insurance fees and other benefits as a employer.Too much problems and i doubt very much if they would grant the application.My input as those are the rules or some of that apply in my country.


My DNA comment wasn't for the baby, it was for the '' brother '' and sister, :huh: If not a '' brother ''', then could be serious consequences trying to get him into USA.


I would think the embassy would need some convincing that the OP's brother-in-law is a qualified nanny. If he has a nursing degree and experience in pediatrics, this might be a goer. Otherwise, I think it would just result in loud gaffaws of laughter when the vice-consuls compare notes on the latest outrageous applications they have received in the bar.

There is no nanny visa. There is an aupair visa if the brother is under 25. The brother would need to contact an agency. He could only stay one year on this visa.


Wow ask a simple question.....

All The OP wants to know is how to bring his wifes Brother in the US,

Unfortunately, I dont know, but I am sure Permanent Residents in the US have the right to petition the goverment , to have a close family member come to the US. I think Your wife will have a better chance of that happening after she becomes a US Citizen , in 2 more years ( if she want's to be a US citizen). The Nanny Idea is a good one, but I don't think INS will go for it, after all they are not stupid, if it was her mother or sister , maybe, she can claim she needs a close family member to help her care for her son, but her brother? males are not universally known as care givers. I don't know.maybe possible,

I have a friend who owns a Thai restaurant in Florida, and he brings his cooks over from Thailand on a work visa.We are thinking of opening one also, if we do we will try to bring my wifes Mom to the US to help as in the kitchen ( she is an excellent Thai cook)

Anyway, the best way to approach the subject is to consult an immigration attorney. if you go to your States Barr association website there probably is a referral service for a free or low fee consultation. also there are many immigration services provided by community services associations, such as Catholic charities etc,

Good Luck and ignore the others in this forum who have nothing better to do than to make snide remarks

LOL. An attorney is a waste of time. An LPR cannot sponsor a sibling. A Citizen can sponsor a sibling, but the waiting period is about 10 years. Case closed.

The Thai cooks in Florida are usually working illegally on student visas. Many were arrested in Florida in a sting last year, actually. You CANNOT get a vise for a cook. You can get one for a trained chef, but these are mostly only approved in the case of a 5* hotel.


I am fromcanada and i imagine our immigration rules are mostly or quite close to being the same as the usa.

Actually they are quite different. Canada is much easier.

The wife cannot sponsor a member ie,sister or brother after the age of 18 or 19,

Age has nothing to do with the sponsorship of siblings, only children.

also the nanny job would not work as first she must prove that she cannot find a suitable one in the usa as there are many nanny's already there.Also,the person must be qualified to do the job of a nanny,cannot just use anyone for the job when sponsoring as a nanny.Must be qualified in child care ie first aid,CPR , and all other aspects of taking care of small children.Must provide a certificate in child care and must speak the language of the country.The child care courses are conducted in their country of origin and must be done by a viable company or organization.Also,the employer must show proof that they can pay health insurance,umemployment insurance fees and other benefits as a employer.Too much problems and i doubt very much if they would grant the application.My input as those are the rules or some of that apply in my country.

This is all nonsense as there is no unskilled worker visa (which is what a nanny is) available in the US.


Brother? I like the others think first a boyfriend or husband! Heard this story to many times but to answer your question. The US embassy will only allow a nanny to travel with the family as a tourist if you are based in Thailand with standard tourist visa limits. If you are not based in Thailand then other family members must apply for a green card which could take ten years if approved.

Where did you get that information? You cannot apply for a green card directly. You have to fit into in immigration category first and nanny does not fit one.

You people need to stop stating false immigration information that you just assume to be true.


Brother? I like the others think first a boyfriend or husband! Heard this story to many times but to answer your question. The US embassy will only allow a nanny to travel with the family as a tourist if you are based in Thailand with standard tourist visa limits. If you are not based in Thailand then other family members must apply for a green card which could take ten years if approved.

Where did you get that information? You cannot apply for a green card directly. You have to fit into in immigration category first and nanny does not fit one.

You people need to stop stating false immigration information that you just assume to be true.

When his wife becomes a citizen she can sponsor her brother to get a green card but it could take more than 10 ten years.


Once the wife becomes a citizen, she can file an I-130 for her brother. the time lapse for her brother to come from Thailand is now approximately 12 to 13 years. Other countries vary, Philippines is about 18 years, mexico is about 28 years, so no, there is no way she can bring her brother. she might be able to have her parents apply for a visitor visa and include her brother with that group. If they obtain the B1/B2 vsia tehy will be able to come, but, and when they arrive in the states, they still are not permitted to work. Sorry about the negative news


Brother? I like the others think first a boyfriend or husband! Heard this story to many times but to answer your question. The US embassy will only allow a nanny to travel with the family as a tourist if you are based in Thailand with standard tourist visa limits. If you are not based in Thailand then other family members must apply for a green card which could take ten years if approved.

Where did you get that information? You cannot apply for a green card directly. You have to fit into in immigration category first and nanny does not fit one.

You people need to stop stating false immigration information that you just assume to be true.

I have been through the green card process, I did not say anything about a nanny for a green card. I said her brother. Once the wife becomes a us citizen, she can file an I-130 for her brother. The time required for this process for her brother to come from Thailand is now approximately more than 10 years. I did say if US citizen and thai spouse were based in Thailand and the Thai spouse obtained a tourist visa. And the Thai spouse could claim her bother as a nanny to also get a tourist visa but this does not apply to them since they are not in Thailand and his wife has far passed the tourist visa stage. As this is a tourist only example, which we did for my mother-in-law in the past to visit America with us.


Unfortunately, I dont know, but I am sure Permanent Residents in the US have the right to petition the goverment , to have a close family member come to the US. I think Your wife will have a better chance of that happening after she becomes a US Citizen , in 2 more years ( if she want's to be a US citizen).

You are correct, you don't know, so why make wild hypothetical statements about things which you know nothing?

The answer to the OP's question is NO... Your wife's "brother' stands as much chance as a snowball in hell to get a permanent residency visa to the US...

Secondly, I would be highly suspicious of your wife's request... I, like many, have heard the "stories" of Thai women stringing along a farang to extract $$$ while still having a Thai husband and to carry on the scam for years...


would like to bring her brother over to be a nanny cheesy.gif

I know taff, :lol::lol:,

christ, l thought l had read everything but this takes the biscuit.

OP, when he comes over get a DNA test done, just for peace of mind eh. :rolleyes:

Laugh but that's how now famous Survivor creator and reality show producer Mark Burnett got his start. He was a nanny for famous producer in LA and pitched him his concept and the rest is history and he's laughing all the way to the bank.. But maybe you're laughing at the idea of "nanny" and thinking an excuse for "husband" and possibly "father" :) in which case you guys are cruel................

Funny................But cruel......


Brother? I like the others think first a boyfriend or husband! Heard this story to many times but to answer your question. The US embassy will only allow a nanny to travel with the family as a tourist if you are based in Thailand with standard tourist visa limits. If you are not based in Thailand then other family members must apply for a green card which could take ten years if approved.

Where did you get that information? You cannot apply for a green card directly. You have to fit into in immigration category first and nanny does not fit one.

You people need to stop stating false immigration information that you just assume to be true.

When his wife becomes a citizen she can sponsor her brother to get a green card but it could take more than 10 ten years.

I already stated exactly that above...

<br><font color="#1c2837"><font size="2">would like to bring her brother over to be a nanny </font></font><img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cheesy.gif"><br>
<br><br> I know taff, <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":lol:"> <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":lol:">,<br><br> christ, l thought l had read everything but this takes the biscuit. <br><br>OP, when he comes over get a DNA test done, just for peace of mind eh. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":rolleyes:

Disagree with you there.

For anyone's peace of mind.... a DNA match should be completed between charger2011 and his boy....

not that I have any doubt about charger2011 wife's fidelity.... but it will be for charger2011 own peace of mind....

I did with mine.... and that was also.... for my own peace of mind....

<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":)">

If his boy is an American citizen it may have already been required to gain his citizenship if he was born out of country so maybe this is all entirely unwarranted suggestions.. That would likely be the case if she was pregnant during the filing process or delivered shortly before, especially if the child does not have any likeness of the father, I.E. skin features etc., but if she got pregnant after their arrival in the states then it is all academic...


Unfortunately, I dont know, but I am sure Permanent Residents in the US have the right to petition the goverment , to have a close family member come to the US. I think Your wife will have a better chance of that happening after she becomes a US Citizen , in 2 more years ( if she want's to be a US citizen).

You are correct, you don't know, so why make wild hypothetical statements about things which you know nothing?



Unfortunately, I dont know, but I am sure Permanent Residents in the US have the right to petition the goverment , to have a close family member come to the US. I think Your wife will have a better chance of that happening after she becomes a US Citizen , in 2 more years ( if she want's to be a US citizen).

The answer to the OP's question is NO... Your wife's "brother' stands as much chance as a snowball in hell to get a permanent residency visa to the US...

Technically, the wife could become a citizen and then sponsor her brother, but the wait would be over 10 years--a lawyer finally chimed in above and said that the exact waiting period is now 13 years for a sibling.


several posts removed & replies to them & one warning & suspension issued.

In case anyone didn't understand, my last post on this topic was a public warning to keep your speculation about the ops wife, child & brother off this thread. Next post of this nature will receive a warning & posting holiday.

Please keep on topic.



About 95% of the above posts are incorrect, to the OP if you want to PM me I will be happy to give you some info.

Which do you think are incorrect? It might be helpful to future visitors to know...


several posts removed & replies to them & one warning & suspension issued.

In case anyone didn't understand, my last post on this topic was a public warning to keep your speculation about the ops wife, child & brother off this thread. Next post of this nature will receive a warning & posting holiday.

Please keep on topic.


About time... thumbsup.gif


About 95% of the above posts are incorrect, to the OP if you want to PM me I will be happy to give you some info.

Which do you think are incorrect? It might be helpful to future visitors to know...


spoil sport, come on lets have it. :huh:.


About 95% of the above posts are incorrect, to the OP if you want to PM me I will be happy to give you some info.

Which do you think are incorrect? It might be helpful to future visitors to know...

Indeed. This is a forum for sharing information; I am sure that other members would benefit from any that you have; particularly as you claim that the information already given is incorrect.


About 95% of the above posts are incorrect, to the OP if you want to PM me I will be happy to give you some info.

Which do you think are incorrect? It might be helpful to future visitors to know...

Indeed. This is a forum for sharing information; I am sure that other members would benefit from any that you have; particularly as you claim that the information already given is incorrect.

I may be wrong, but when I see comments like that with no information and a "PM me" I kinda feel like someone is trying to drum up a little business...



Thanks for all the advice and the comments. We want to bring her brother over only for about a year, not permantly. I'm guessing it would have to be a tourist visa or a work visa. Some funny comments and I'm not offended. Yes, I'm sure it's her brother and not the father of my child. My boy looks exactly like me and I know he's mine.


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