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Cat Cdma Offers In Koh Samui

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Hi, Please, I have enough of not working wifi connexions in hotels, appartements....

I want to buy that USB key.

But I'll need a lot more details. I'm sorry I have many questions, please answer the one you know........

Must I go to CAT Nathon (is there others CAT)? Last time they seems to have nothing (sorry sir, no have!)

Do they sell only one kind of key? Is there a simcard inside? Can I share that key with a MiFi router (takes CDMA and broadcasts it as Wifi)? Or does CAT sells a router?

Can I rent the material or do I have to buy? Is it pre pay, post pay, where can I pay? Visa? 7-eleven? CAT desk?

Is there a traffic limit, is it really reliable? What is the bandwidth?

Is it a 1 year contract? How much is it? Is IP fixed?

Have other questions, but I think it's enough for the moment :))

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The CAT office is above the Post Office (opposite the Seatran pier).

There are at least two options with CAT. You have to buy both - cannot rent.

Best option Novotel brand MC760. It originally cost 6,000 baht to buy and about 840 baht per month. Quite quick and reliable.

I went to buy a third one the other day and they did not have one. Sold me the second option.Huawei Air card with SIM card. About 1,599 baht and about 100 baht per month. Much slower but OK-ish for browsing and emails.

Have to pay every month at CAT for both types.

Another choice is AIS or DTAC. Both sell Air Cards that are pay as you go. Definitely slower than both of the above.

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Thanks! You gave me very good informations...

Some more question, if you know...

About Novotel brand MC760 : do you know if there is simcard inside?Don't they sell routers for connecting more than one device?

Do you know if I can plug the key to a router to broadcast signal as wifi for connecting some devices?Is it unlimited data usage?

I can pay only in cash at CAT, are you sure? Not by visa on their website?Is it post pay or prepay? Can I stop anytime? Then bring back the key and signup again when I want?

Does it work in Bangkok and other cities, is it about same bandwith as True 3G?Can you try a ping to sip.ovh.net and tell me the results? :) (for SIP calls)

Thanks again, sorry for all these question but internet is vital for me... and when I went to CAT Nathon, they didn't speak english at all... :(

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I think you won't find the MC 760 at the moment, (that's been referred too in other areas of Thailand lately on TV).... I know several people waiting to get ... but think CAT are waiting for newer version to arrive... 760 version ( & 727 version which I use ) work reasonably well, as Tropicalevo mentioned... the 840 per month is unlimited time per month... Few glitches on what I use it for....

You buy the dongle.... so you pay as long as you want & you keep the Dongle....or sell it, but get the account transferred ..... if you don't pay there may be a reconnect fee and back charges.... so you might be better to tell them to cancel the service, should you want to reconnect at later date...

It is the same for the MIFI router, the last I checked with some one...

The lower priced cards are slower from what I have been told by those who use them....

CAT does not work in BKK as far as I understand, But does work anywhere I have been in part of southern Thailand.... also in northern areas when you are close to the M W towers.

There are several male staff members who speak English quite well in Nanthon, never had a problem with that.... (just filter through some of the "Thai-isums", I guess once you've lived here for a while, you get use to that!) ;) ...... unless you hit at lunch hour, which can be a problem from what has been posted before.

I pay yearly by Visa card for my service.... I am sure you could do monthly too, but would probably have to go to the Office..... but if you chose to pay monthly by cash you can do at 7-11, but it seems to take a while before first bill arrives in mail... You do need your passport to set up an account.

How much is it? Is IP fixed? Just had a neighbour go through this, They ended up having to set up close to the ring road, as they don't seem to be willing to bring lines up the roads,Soi's) ..... (unless perhaps there are enough people wanting...and willing to pay for the line) I am not sure what they paid to do this set up... or even if they ended up using the CAT service... Will try & find out when I next see them.

I know the neighbours checked all the service providers, including the Forum Sponsor....

Hope that helps a little....

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I think you won't find the MC 760 at the moment, (that's been referred too in other areas of Thailand lately on TV).... I know several people waiting to get ... but think CAT are waiting for newer version to arrive... 760 version ( & 727 version which I use ) work reasonably well, as Tropicalevo mentioned... the 840 per month is unlimited time per month... Few glitches on what I use it for....

You buy the dongle.... so you pay as long as you want & you keep the Dongle....or sell it, but get the account transferred ..... if you don't pay there may be a reconnect fee and back charges.... so you might be better to tell them to cancel the service, should you want to reconnect at later date...

It is the same for the MIFI router, the last I checked with some one...

The lower priced cards are slower from what I have been told by those who use them....

CAT does not work in BKK as far as I understand, But does work anywhere I have been in part of southern Thailand.... also in northern areas when you are close to the M W towers.

There are several male staff members who speak English quite well in Nanthon, never had a problem with that.... (just filter through some of the "Thai-isums", I guess once you've lived here for a while, you get use to that!) ;) ...... unless you hit at lunch hour, which can be a problem from what has been posted before.

I pay yearly by Visa card for my service.... I am sure you could do monthly too, but would probably have to go to the Office..... but if you chose to pay monthly by cash you can do at 7-11, but it seems to take a while before first bill arrives in mail... You do need your passport to set up an account.

How much is it? Is IP fixed? Just had a neighbour go through this, They ended up having to set up close to the ring road, as they don't seem to be willing to bring lines up the roads,Soi's) ..... (unless perhaps there are enough people wanting...and willing to pay for the line) I am not sure what they paid to do this set up... or even if they ended up using the CAT service... Will try & find out when I next see them.

I know the neighbours checked all the service providers, including the Forum Sponsor....

Hope that helps a little....

Well, if you need speed....

what would stop you from having a private line running from sub-hub to your location....

My location is 1.6 kilometer from the sub-hub....

I paid for the private line, every pole and every clip.... LOL

it was not that expensive.... just under 3k euro.... B)

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CAT CDMA does not work ing BKK, or in the entire province of Phetchaburi (Cha-Am, Hua Hin, etc). It does however work in north east Thailand in and around Isaan, and in particular Buriram.

I pay for mine in advance at the CAT office, for 3 months at a time. Burt you can also have a monthly bill sent to your home and pay at 7-11.

I use the MC760 model. Its not the fastest out there, is a little slow for streaming youtube and other video, for example, but is more that adequate for email, general surfing, online poker, and other general tasks. I bought mine 2nd hand from a member of this forum, but I believe they are 5900 new, and I pay 845 per month for unlimited service.

The one thing that you do get with CAT CMDA is RELIABILITY. In the 2 months I have used mine it has only ever disconnected once, for about 15 seconds, so Im very happy with that.

Hope that helps.

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I have a CAT CDMA VW140. I cancelled it after one month as it simply did not work well where I live - ok in other areas but not in Plai Laem. Just had a 3BB land line put in for a lot less money and that is cheaper by far and works perfectly.

If anyone wants a CAT CDMA card, PM me.

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I use the MC760 model. Its not the fastest out there

Thanks for your precious answer.

"it's not the fastest : does it depend of aircards or you mean "CAT CDMA is not the fastest, but..."?Above all, like you, I need a reliable connexion, if possible with good ping.

Thanks to you and others

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I went for the CAT Mifi. It looks cool and took it home that day. All you need to do is plug it in and it works. But...

Cut to the point, It does not work. The max download i was getting was 10kps. I then assumed something was wrong so i took it back and got a replacement but that was the same.

Its advertised as 3 Mps but when i complained about the speed they said that 10kps is normal! so after a month of complaining i finally got my 6000k back!

So my advise is dont go for the Mifi. Other CAT products may be worth looking into though!.

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@richardpwills :Thanks for your answer. Embarassing. Can someone else confirm MiFi 2200 "sucks"?So, for the moment, no good way to have that CDMA signal broadcasted to a wifi network?

Unfortunately, I have more than one device to connect to.

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@richardpwills :Thanks for your answer. Embarassing. Can someone else confirm MiFi 2200 "sucks"?So, for the moment, no good way to have that CDMA signal broadcasted to a wifi network?

Unfortunately, I have more than one device to connect to.

One of the staff at CAT told me the present model of the MIFI 2200 was not very good and to wait for next model... (not sure when that will be, he told me that months ago)... although I am no rush to get one... it was more of a query... as have Dlink to connect to other computers...

One way I have found to boost signal (on my 727 but would be the same with 760) is to get an extension USB lead ......Mine is 2 feet or so, & hang the dongle in the window,,, I think that cost me about 100 baht or so,,,, you need to get a "lady lady" connection.... The shop opposite Maenam Post office brought in from BKK within a couple of days, that was a couple of years ago now, but there are more computer shops around now, so might be easier to find here.?

Location & distance to M W towers will make a difference... to signal strength too.. received by the dongle...

As for my neighbour who wanted the static IP, they were not prepared to pay for the line up the soi.... and it's being used by friends of theirs in Russia, since much cheaper here... I don't know enough about that to know how that would work!

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although I am no rush to get one... it was more of a query... as have Dlink to connect to other computers...

Thanks for your answer.Please, can you explain how you share your 727 with your Dlink? I don't understand. What's your Dlink model?If I wanted MiFi it is because I want to broadcast by wifi 3G signal to 3 computers.Thanks!

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although I am no rush to get one... it was more of a query... as have Dlink to connect to other computers...

Thanks for your answer.Please, can you explain how you share your 727 with your Dlink? I don't understand. What's your Dlink model?If I wanted MiFi it is because I want to broadcast by wifi 3G signal to 3 computers.Thanks!

Well the Dlink is connected to main computer, and sends out wireless signal... Had two friends yesterday checking their email at the same time on their laptops... with no problem...

D link model is DSL 2540T, but about 3 years old, so perhaps newer models now? These things keep changing to keep us spending our money! :annoyed:

Alternatively I can unplug the the 727 and plug into laptop and have flexibility to move around or use when traveling ..... I hate being "hard wired"...... :)

If you are looking at streaming TV or movies this Dongle thing might not be the way to go... I stream music channels with no problem though & let it run in back ground...

Hope that helps now!

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The MiFi 2200 is just fine IMO. I did some speed comparison tests, seemed to be the same thing I was getting with a USB modem. The battery seems to die rather quickly - I reliably get only 2 hours out of it. But I solved this problem by getting a power-only USB cable, which allows me to charge it from the laptop. The MiFi has some built in logic where if you connect a USB cable with data and power, it won't go into WiFi mode. A cheap universal USB charger cable with Blackberry connector gets around that.

So if it's slow, it's likely that the CAT CDMA network in your area is slow. That could be due to a bad signal, or due to CAT screwing up.

The one truly great thing about the MiFi is: Push a button, and you're online. You don't have to deal with crappy specialized drivers on your system which may or may not work - on Windows these drivers are usually bad. On Mac OS X, they're even worse.

I have used CAT CDMA on Samui, and while it was significantly slower than back home in the north (Chiang Mai, Pai), it did work. In one location in Samui I had a low signal and it was sort of hit and miss - it would sometimes slow down to GPRS EDGE speeds. Other times it would pull 700Kbps - not super fast, but usable. In Chiang Mai / Pai it used to get 1.5Mbps easily. However, these days it's slower up there too, I am not sure why. Either they slowed it down even more, or there's now many more people using it.

You might check into True 3G on Samui - somebody else told me that True had to turn it off, but you never know... I wasn't expecting it to work in Hua Hin, but it does. Then there's TOT and its MVNOs - check any IT place in Samui they should know whether or what is available.

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What areas/soi's of Samui does this work well in?

Is there a way to determine areas it works well in?

How well does it work on Koh Phangan?

Regarding reliability, some people stated it's slow and hit and miss in some areas, I don't mind about speed at all, but I need constant connectivity, even in slow areas, is it still maintaining a solid connection or able to reconnect with 10 - 20 seconds.

Would love it many people can tell me, especially regarding the last Q, 3BB have cost me a lot...

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You don't have to deal with crappy specialized drivers on your system which may or may not work - on Windows these drivers are usually bad. On Mac OS X, they're even worse.

I have used CAT CDMA on Samui, and while it was significantly slower than back home in the north (Chiang Mai, Pai), it did work. In one location in Samui I had a low signal and it was sort of hit and miss - it would sometimes slow down to GPRS EDGE speeds. Other times it would pull 700Kbps - not super fast, but usable. In Chiang Mai / Pai it used to get 1.5Mbps easily. However, these days it's slower up there too, I am not sure why. Either they slowed it down even more, or there's now many more people using it.

You might check into True 3G on Samui - somebody else told me that True had to turn it off, but you never know... I wasn't expecting it to work in Hua Hin, but it does. Then there's TOT and its MVNOs - check any IT place in Samui they should know whether or what is available.

"You don't have to deal with crappy specialized drivers on your system which may or may not work - on Windows these drivers are usually bad. On Mac OS X, they're even worse." Strange I found on Mac it is / was plug and play, no problem at all...

Initially on W7 Ultimate, there was a problem, since the Canadian manufacturer had not updated the drivers ... when W7 released. But no problem now. Any one who visits me and uses my dongle can plug and connect.... within seconds..... on Mac or Net Book

True 3 g not yet available on the islands, last I checked...

Neighbours who use TOT, is nothing but complaints about line signal being down.... happens most days.... :o

Location is going to have a baring on signal strength, as I stated earlier. In the two years I had my dongle, there has been rarely no signal.... I'd say 99.9 % good... The CAT guys will tell you if signal good in a particular area.

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You don't have to deal with crappy specialized drivers on your system which may or may not work - on Windows these drivers are usually bad. On Mac OS X, they're even worse.

I have used CAT CDMA on Samui, and while it was significantly slower than back home in the north (Chiang Mai, Pai), it did work. In one location in Samui I had a low signal and it was sort of hit and miss - it would sometimes slow down to GPRS EDGE speeds. Other times it would pull 700Kbps - not super fast, but usable. In Chiang Mai / Pai it used to get 1.5Mbps easily. However, these days it's slower up there too, I am not sure why. Either they slowed it down even more, or there's now many more people using it.

You might check into True 3G on Samui - somebody else told me that True had to turn it off, but you never know... I wasn't expecting it to work in Hua Hin, but it does. Then there's TOT and its MVNOs - check any IT place in Samui they should know whether or what is available.

"You don't have to deal with crappy specialized drivers on your system which may or may not work - on Windows these drivers are usually bad. On Mac OS X, they're even worse." Strange I found on Mac it is / was plug and play, no problem at all...

Initially on W7 Ultimate, there was a problem, since the Canadian manufacturer had not updated the drivers ... when W7 released. But no problem now. Any one who visits me and uses my dongle can plug and connect.... within seconds..... on Mac or Net Book

True 3 g not yet available on the islands, last I checked...

Neighbours who use TOT, is nothing but complaints about line signal being down.... happens most days.... :o

Location is going to have a baring on signal strength, as I stated earlier. In the two years I had my dongle, there has been rarely no signal.... I'd say 99.9 % good... The CAT guys will tell you if signal good in a particular area.

Actually they won't. When I bought mine I told them exactly where I live and they did not say a word. Of course when I got it home - useless. I could connect one time in five and then the connection was so bad in the month I had it I managed to connect to a web page twice and my emails once. When I took it back and cancelled they just smiled but I had spent 3500 for nothing. Just had 3BB installed - no installation charge, cheaper and a million times better.

FYI signal near the Wat in Plai Laem appalling.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi, this topic was very interesting. I will go to CAT in a few days. Does anyone has updates? I remind I am the OP and I'd like a MiFi solution (broadcasting by wifi CAT signal to 2 or 3 devices). Thanks :)

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Hi, this topic was very interesting. I will go to CAT in a few days. Does anyone has updates? I remind I am the OP and I'd like a MiFi solution (broadcasting by wifi CAT signal to 2 or 3 devices). Thanks smile.png

Last time, not so long ago CAT-CDMA in Nanthon, "no have" Dongles....

Pretty certain you can buy CAT dongles at JIB computers opposite Makro... or is it Big C??? not that far apart... sorry .... senior having moment! blink.png

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steelerian, thanks for the info. Do you know if they have the MiFi router?

BTW I saw that True 3G seems efficient, good bw and ping, if anyone has info before I choose True or CAT..

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steelerian, thanks for the info. Do you know if they have the MiFi router?

BTW I saw that True 3G seems efficient, good bw and ping, if anyone has info before I choose True or CAT..

Im pretty sure that he was telling me they had no dongles/MiFi/anything in stock whatsoever.

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steelerian, thanks for the info. Do you know if they have the MiFi router?

BTW I saw that True 3G seems efficient, good bw and ping, if anyone has info before I choose True or CAT..

Im pretty sure that he was telling me they had no dongles/MiFi/anything in stock whatsoever.

Correct .... and next month being going on for over a year... so don't hold your breathe.

The CAT guys actually said the Mifi were not that reliable... that was a long time ago... new models never came in... coffee1.gif

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