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Israel approves new West Bank settlements after attack


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:blink:...Witnesses and evidence...? of the murders ? Did I miss something ? where did you find that? :unsure:

West Bank ? I understand that there are literally thousands of Asians -and Thai for that matter- on the West Bank working there as "guest workers".

A few days ago it was reported by Israeli news sources that the military was rounding up many Thai in the area around Nablus, for questioning; so I'm not sure what you mean by flooded.


In the links i provided you in the other thread which naturally you had troubles reading

You Understand from what? where? Thais are in Israel not Westbank,

Have you ever been to Israel? do you actually know where on the map it is located?

1. I'm sure you're kind enough to provide those links again. My reading is fine, thank you very much, but I did NOT read ANYWHERE that there were 2 suspects but as said, maybe I missed something and IF there were witnesses, why weren't they caught already? It's 5 days ago now.

2. How can the Israeli military round up Thai in the Nablus (which is Palestinian) area, being on the West Bank ? :blink:

3. Yes, quite a few times maybe even before you were born, and I'm also very good in maps.

Note: there's no need to answer in a biting style mr Kuffki; no need at all.

Polite discussion is for Gentlemen; it's tough enough, discussing the Israeli/Palestinian problem.

Let's respect each other at all times, shall we, no matter our views.


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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

I like this. Then it is :partytime2:

Nothing screams louder then a party building sand castles in the sandbiggrin.gif

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Good for you, I would have thought that waiting would only have been appropriate for us lesser beings who don't already have this thing figured out.

You are well known for posting propaganda from some very strange web-sites on here, so it was not exactly a surprise to see that this "news" was not exactly from a trustworthy source. :whistling:

So, if a tree falls in the forest and nobody sees it or hears it, it is safe to assume that a Palestinian caused it to fall unless there is a Kosher approved site to verify any contrary details?

There are no forests in Palestine.

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:blink:...Witnesses and evidence...? of the murders ? Did I miss something ? where did you find that? :unsure:

West Bank ? I understand that there are literally thousands of Asians -and Thai for that matter- on the West Bank working there as "guest workers".

A few days ago it was reported by Israeli news sources that the military was rounding up many Thai in the area around Nablus, for questioning; so I'm not sure what you mean by flooded.


In the links i provided you in the other thread which naturally you had troubles reading

You Understand from what? where? Thais are in Israel not Westbank,

Have you ever been to Israel? do you actually know where on the map it is located?

1. I'm sure you're kind enough to provide those links again. My reading is fine, thank you very much, but I did NOT read ANYWHERE that there were 2 suspects but as said, maybe I missed something and IF there were witnesses, why weren't they caught already? It's 5 days ago now.

2. How can the Israeli military round up Thai in the Nablus (which is Palestinian) area, being on the West Bank ? :blink:

3. Yes, quite a few times maybe even before you were born, and I'm also very good in maps.

Note: there's no need to answer in a biting style mr Kuffki; no need at all.

Polite discussion is for Gentlemen; it's tough enough, discussing the Israeli/Palestinian problem.

Let's respect each other at all times, shall we, no matter our views.


I will be very polite.

Please go back and read the threads. I was kind enough to do the search and reading and post the links, now be kind enough to do the reading and spend few mins of your pressures time to find those links.

Again you failed to read(which for some reason seems to be the habit for you) THE ASIAN ran way into Westbank, and the Palestinian Authority did the investigation and released such a report. They also pledged their full support, so it would seem it is responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to round up all the ASIANS and note the report said ASIAN not Thai, and make the arrests. I never said Israel failed to arrest him, i clearly said Palestinian Authority failed and they are the ones releasing such reports(again please PLEASE read what is written)

Perhaps you may need to visit now again since a lot has changed in the past 70 yearsbiggrin.gif

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Anybody who has ever been to Israel and Palestine [apart from the plethera of one eyed willy's] will quickly see that Israelis live a lifestyle that Palestinians can only dream of.

The Israeli Arabs seem to be doing fine.

Suicide bombings and shooting rockets into civilians do not exactly endure you to your neighbors. :whistling:

There you are again Cut up peoples posts and infact in breach of forum rule number:

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

You are a serial offender.

As far as I can see UG did not modify your post in any way at all... he merely quoted an excerpt which is allowable under the Forum Rules.

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

I like this. Then it is :partytime2:

Nothing screams louder then a party building sand castles in the sandbiggrin.gif

You are a sad, sad individual. Your hatred is obvious and it blinds you. It is attitudes like this that make some people in the world hate. I feel sorry for you.

Ohhh when you do not have more nonsense to post you AGAIN revert to personal attacks,

Whats good for the goose, good for the ganderwhistling.gif

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Anybody want to refute this graf?

Sounds like someone better hurry up and agree to peace.

Or stop firing rockets and sending suicide bombers

Well, that is the only choice when you are occupied and you don't have US made fighter jets. Oh by the way, is the rogue state still the highest benefactor of US foreign aid? Yes, of course it is.


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:blink:...Witnesses and evidence...? of the murders ? Did I miss something ? where did you find that? :unsure:

West Bank ? I understand that there are literally thousands of Asians -and Thai for that matter- on the West Bank working there as "guest workers".

A few days ago it was reported by Israeli news sources that the military was rounding up many Thai in the area around Nablus, for questioning; so I'm not sure what you mean by flooded.


In the links i provided you in the other thread which naturally you had troubles reading

You Understand from what? where? Thais are in Israel not Westbank,

Have you ever been to Israel? do you actually know where on the map it is located?

1. I'm sure you're kind enough to provide those links again. My reading is fine, thank you very much, but I did NOT read ANYWHERE that there were 2 suspects but as said, maybe I missed something and IF there were witnesses, why weren't they caught already? It's 5 days ago now.

2. How can the Israeli military round up Thai in the Nablus (which is Palestinian) area, being on the West Bank ? :blink:

3. Yes, quite a few times maybe even before you were born, and I'm also very good in maps.

Note: there's no need to answer in a biting style mr Kuffki; no need at all.

Polite discussion is for Gentlemen; it's tough enough, discussing the Israeli/Palestinian problem.

Let's respect each other at all times, shall we, no matter our views.


I will be very polite.

Please go back and read the threads. I was kind enough to do the search and reading and post the links, now be kind enough to do the reading and spend few mins of your pressures time to find those links.

Again you failed to read(which for some reason seems to be the habit for you) THE ASIAN ran way into Westbank, and the Palestinian Authority did the investigation and released such a report. They also pledged their full support, so it would seem it is responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to round up all the ASIANS and note the report said ASIAN not Thai, and make the arrests. I never said Israel failed to arrest him, i clearly said Palestinian Authority failed and they are the ones releasing such reports(again please PLEASE read what is written)

Perhaps you may need to visit now again since a lot has changed in the past 70 yearsbiggrin.gif

You don't know the meaning of the word "polite". You are rude and have obvious racist traits when it comes to Palestine. If you are an Israeli then you are a poor excuse of an ambassador to your homeland.

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

You have a little plot of land picked out for yourself there?

Gonna build a little house with a white picket fence and plant olive trees?

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

You have a little plot of land picked out for yourself there?

Gonna build a little house with a white picket fence and plant olive trees?


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I will be very polite.

Please go back and read the threads. I was kind enough to do the search and reading and post the links, now be kind enough to do the reading and spend few mins of your pressures time to find those links.

Again you failed to read(which for some reason seems to be the habit for you) THE ASIAN ran way into Westbank, and the Palestinian Authority did the investigation and released such a report. They also pledged their full support, so it would seem it is responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to round up all the ASIANS and note the report said ASIAN not Thai, and make the arrests. I never said Israel failed to arrest him, i clearly said Palestinian Authority failed and they are the ones releasing such reports(again please PLEASE read what is written)

Perhaps you may need to visit now again since a lot has changed in the past 70 yearsbiggrin.gif

You don't know the meaning of the word "polite". You are rude and have obvious racist traits when it comes to Palestine. If you are an Israeli then you are a poor excuse of an ambassador to your homeland.

You don't think it rude to say somebody has obvious racist traits?

If not, what would you classify as rude?

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You don't know the meaning of the word "polite". You are rude and have obvious racist traits when it comes to Palestine. If you are an Israeli then you are a poor excuse of an ambassador to your homeland.

Coma you running short on nonsense to post, please find some more racial websites to quote.

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I will be very polite.

Please go back and read the threads. I was kind enough to do the search and reading and post the links, now be kind enough to do the reading and spend few mins of your pressures time to find those links.

Again you failed to read(which for some reason seems to be the habit for you) THE ASIAN ran way into Westbank, and the Palestinian Authority did the investigation and released such a report. They also pledged their full support, so it would seem it is responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to round up all the ASIANS and note the report said ASIAN not Thai, and make the arrests. I never said Israel failed to arrest him, i clearly said Palestinian Authority failed and they are the ones releasing such reports(again please PLEASE read what is written)

Perhaps you may need to visit now again since a lot has changed in the past 70 yearsbiggrin.gif

You don't know the meaning of the word "polite". You are rude and have obvious racist traits when it comes to Palestine. If you are an Israeli then you are a poor excuse of an ambassador to your homeland.

You don't think it rude to say somebody has obvious racist traits?

If not, what would you classify as rude?

He/she does not think- thats the main problem

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

You have a little plot of land picked out for yourself there?

Gonna build a little house with a white picket fence and plant olive trees?


You too, huh?

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

You have a little plot of land picked out for yourself there?

Gonna build a little house with a white picket fence and plant olive trees?

There was a house their until the Israelis mistook it for a kindergarten and blew it up.

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I will be very polite.

Please go back and read the threads. I was kind enough to do the search and reading and post the links, now be kind enough to do the reading and spend few mins of your pressures time to find those links.

Again you failed to read(which for some reason seems to be the habit for you) THE ASIAN ran way into Westbank, and the Palestinian Authority did the investigation and released such a report. They also pledged their full support, so it would seem it is responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to round up all the ASIANS and note the report said ASIAN not Thai, and make the arrests. I never said Israel failed to arrest him, i clearly said Palestinian Authority failed and they are the ones releasing such reports(again please PLEASE read what is written)

Perhaps you may need to visit now again since a lot has changed in the past 70 yearsbiggrin.gif

You don't know the meaning of the word "polite". You are rude and have obvious racist traits when it comes to Palestine. If you are an Israeli then you are a poor excuse of an ambassador to your homeland.

You don't think it rude to say somebody has obvious racist traits?

If not, what would you classify as rude?

Talking about Palestinians building castles in the sand for one. Go back through the tread with both eyes open and you will see what I mean.

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

You have a little plot of land picked out for yourself there?

Gonna build a little house with a white picket fence and plant olive trees?

There was a house their until the Israelis mistook it for a kindergarten and blew it up.

So why did you run away leaving YOUR PEOPLE behind and did not stay to fight???? Must be easier to be an internet warrior thousand of miles awaywhistling.gif huh?

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Talking about Palestinians building castles in the sand for one. Go back through the tread with both eyes open and you will see what I mean.

This is what he/she means

What was before that you ask??? War, war, war and repeated incursion by Israel.Rape, killing, stealing houses and land. Lets be realistic here. It is in Israels best interest to starve of the Palestinians. A strong Palestine would have Israel shitting in thier pants. As for Egypt. That is way :offtopic: .

You can only kick a dog so many times before it bites. As I have stated before in other threads that it would be in Israels best interest to come to the party and start following popular world opinion before the Arab world, after the ongoing revolution is over, joins together and pushes Israel into the sea. If you think I am being a little over the top then that is ok. But deep down you know that this scenerio is a valid one. Soon Palestine will indeed be free with the support of the entire world sha allah[god willing] and it will be israel that finds itself without a seat when the music stops.

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