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Police Move In To Disperse PAD Rally In Bangkok

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You didn't answer the question.

How was it misused?

This term, the word is used in newspaper reports about the affair, the scandal the Democrats made. Anyway, so the indictment used the word.

Ask them (or journalists), I do not know.

And now you answered my question.

Be direct and simple in its response, if possible. And do not try to expand or articulate discussion in direction you would like to be, by comments to my answer to your question.

If at all possible, please avoid that cheap and shabby manner. Thanks.

I don't think I've seen any newspaper report saying that the govt misused any funds (btw, Kwarm Jing Wan-ni is not a newspaper). I think I may have seen them talk about accusations that the Dems misused. I also don't think I've ever seen "the scandal the Democrats made" printed in a newspaper. If you have a link, I'd be interested to see it and I'll hold my hands up and say I'm wrong.

So, I'm very sorry to say, I think you should apply your own suggestion "not try to expand or articulate discussion in direction you would like to be" to yourself too. You're more guilty of it than whybother, who's not exactly neutral.

I'm just offering you advice on how to get people to take your views on board a little more seriously. Up to you if you take it.

Pi Sek, thanks for good wishes, really but i have to inform you that i AM neutral. Why so?

Because i mind to Somchai time of PM same as i mind to this Government and any next if they will do the same. I will not elaborate what is what i mind to the both sides-i told that here once.

For me, not yellows-not reds will feed my family as they do not care for me(even my family is Thai-their folks).

I made the money of my own, i pay the tax here regularly so i think i have some more rights to say i don't like this or that.

I had a hope Democrats will make a modern country here. As i saw it is just same chair but another person.

So, i am aside. My life experience is rich enough to be able to see what is white and what is black. I was living this kind of things, it is one more reason, explanation why i am sure what is going on here.

I hope now you will not label me, as pro-red or pro-yellow, any more.

I love this country and this people, i am living her by my choice but i think i can tell what i like or not. I hope so.

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To expand your horizons a bit and knowledge of the matter, or to help you properly realize what was happening but really, I am sending you these few lines.

Here you are.

- unsourced quoted text removed -

Please provide a link if you're going to include quoted text in your post.

Thank you.

What makes you think it is quoted text at all?

Because it doesn't match the ESL of all your other 564 posts.

Now then, might we inquire as to its origins and have a link provided please?

Thank you.


Now I've to salute you for a change....

Done your homework well....

My admiration....


It's all being done at a secret printing shop located in the Philippines...


Buchholz..... you bamboozle....

After only 3 seconds into your posted video.... you are worse than the Nigerian who cons so many by....

providing a chemically coated blank paper.... passing it through another processes of interaction between and among other chemicals....

culminating in an prearrange image....

Buchholz.... bamboozle.... never thought you could be so low....

very disappointed in your crown achievement.... ;)

Hope you did not pay too much for this.... :jap:

shhhhh.... I'm trying to legitimize the conspiracy theorist.



Still raining heavily here in Bangkok's Dusit area, almost two hours now. Early this morning around 4:30AM similar. Must be real fun to sit outside and protest :)


Still raining heavily here in Bangkok's Dusit area, almost two hours now. Early this morning around 4:30AM similar. Must be real fun to sit outside and protest :)

:) Chamlong won't complain if he is there. The rest? --- well attendance is probably getting pretty sparse. Dawn tmw would be a good time to move them away from the area if it continues to rain tonight!


What is it with you?

Asked politely twice for a link to the unsourced quoted text that you put into your post.

It's a simple question over a simple issue that all members comply with on a regular basis with no qualms or difficulty.

It calls for a simple response with the requested information.

But no, you have to turn it into some pissing contest with a rambling, babbling, disjointed, derogatory gobbledygook diatribe as your response that at the end of it you still don't comply with widely recognized netiquette.



Or Wiki's own rules .....

Re-use of text

AttributionTo re-distribute text on Wikipedia in any form, provide credit to the authors either by including a) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the page or pages you are re-using, B) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy which is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on this website, or c) a list of all authors. (Any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions.) This applies to text developed by the Wikipedia community. Text from external sources may attach additional attribution requirements to the work, which should be indicated on an article's face or on its talk page. For example, a page may have a banner or other notation indicating that some or all of its content was originally published somewhere else. Where such notations are visible in the page itself, they should generally be preserved by re-users.



That's funny. From the Wikipedia entry for the Thai Democrat Party: http://en.wikipedia....Party_(Thailand)

From Stepenwolf's self declared own piece:

Are you trying to tell us that you wrote the Wikipedia article? Or did you just copy it unsourced?

Thank you, ballpoint, for providing the source with a link to the unsourced quoted text that stepenwolf1958 used in his post and yet refused to divulge like it was the secret password to the Dutch National Treasury vault.

It shows him to be less than trustworthy that he would attempt to conceal his use of someone else's words and instead claim it as his own.


Maybe he wrote the Wikipedia article himself?

Still requires citation by copyright/fair usage law. The fact that the article is perfect English and his isn't ......



Sorry, you are not correct. The Reds are not touched by police, but killed by army. The Yellows never killed by anybody.

Police killed PAD-members during their last big demonstrations.


Maybe he wrote the Wikipedia article himself?

The articles are both with a byline as being from UK's The Telegraph and the other is a woman with the Korea Times. The other article is from Sondhi's Manager news website.

#20 ^ The Nation, “สนธิ” เปิดใจครั้งแรก เบื้องลึกปมลอบยิง โยงทหารฮั้วการเมืองเก่า, 1 May 2009

#21 ^ The Telegraph, Thai army to 'help voters love' the government, 18 December 2008

#22 ^ Korea Times Class War in Thailand, 17 April 2009

So I think not.



Yes I have asked a few of the right wing hardliners //

'Right wing hardliner' is anyone that doesn't agree with you? And you call yourself a...lefty perhaps?


A propaganda-tool and a liar writes:

// the PTP, which won 2 landslide victories AFTER the coup //

The fact is:

There has been ONE election since the coup and NO PARTY had a majority win and therefor not even close to a landslide victory.

With this severe discrepancy in knowledge of current events your posts will be disregarded as the garbage they are.


Maybe he wrote the Wikipedia article himself?

Not me, but that is my concept(basically) and all 4 guys was working, researching to put it all as it is. It was written by native speaker, one of us so the wise asses here who are concluding it was not my, follow wrong way.

But the point is that the text is notorious true, based on fact and THAT is what bother them. :whistling:

The thing is, you have just openly confirmed that you are a paid PR person. It's great you have the honesty to say so, but who's paying you? Or do you work for free? Many have suspected (including me) that there are Thaivisa.com posters who are paid to post pro-govt or anti-govt propaganda. There is a lot of evidence for it, but I don't think anyone has owned up to it to date. Furthermore you have in the past made incorrect statements on this forum and, when corrected, you have thanked the person correcting you for clarification. This is commendable. But you admit you've got facts wrong in the past and you're submitting Wikipedia articles about the same wrong facts? That's seriously worrying, I'm sure you can appreciate - especially given "the text is notorious true, based on fact" as you say even now. What's the difference between lieing and presenting mistruths as facts when you know they're not true? I mean, what benefit is that to anyone other than your client?.

I've noticed consistent untruths coming from one particular user and a little feud erupted between the two of us. It was best ended by a ban for us both and the person in question going on my ignore list, as I suggested the other person did to me in the interests of civility. I noted that, as proven refutations had been provided to the same statements by the same person on numerous occasions, (s)he was either 1) an idiot; 2) a paid propagandist promoting untruths; or 3) a troll. To be honest, in that case, I'm pretty sure it was a combination of options 1 & 3. This actually ended up in physical threats, too, something to which I won't respond on an Internet forum and would suggest the same to others. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and I don't want to completely invalidate everything you have to say, but you must understand you are following the same pattern.

I hope you don't mind my candour. Please let me know if you do and I'll trouble you no more.


The beauty of Thailand is that it is truly pathetic, ergo, no revolution, uprising or protests. In fact nothing to disturb one's sleep or meal time. Go eat rice.

Do not mistake the mob gatherings in BKK as anything other than just that. There is no ideologically driven movement as there is no ideolgy. There is no educatated mass, there are no student leaders. There is a rag bag collective enjoying employed status as rent a gob/mob.

What there is are self interest groups filled with massive divisions. When different agendas are being enacted to the same tune nothing can be achieved as there is no central purpose, known objective or momentum for action. But there remains the daily rental of shiftless Isan hordes whose dissatisafaction with their lot leads them to the manipulation by their feudal lords.

The Thai masses simply accept their lot. Equally they remain powerless to effect change. Filled bellies do not a revolution make.

As for what has happened elsewhere it bears no relevance to here. There is not single autocratic dictatorship for some 20 plus years, there is not wide spread hunger or rising prices beyond the proletariat's means. The Thais have ample food. Hence, full bellies make warm beds and nothing more, other than babies. And Thailand is full of babies; both young and old. And I repeat you can not have ideologically driven people who are thick. Or more accurately .......... bloody thick and stupid and superstitious and ignorant and lazy.

We have red shirted mobs of low inteligence being controlled by equally low intelligence lowly educated apathetic and disloyal Police Officers who ignore direct orders from their superiors. Then you have the Army acting as ever as a law unto no one. More thickos.

The siutaion is impossible to resolve and has been the Thai way for longer than anyone can remember. Mai pen rai means so much more than simply allowing it; it facilitates doing nothing whatsoever and allowing everything to happen around you. When playground bullies are allowed to rule what can ever be achieved?

Those of you who see a second coming, an apocolypse, an armmageddon anytime soon will have a disappointingly long wait.

It's Thailand where nothing ever changes for the better. Corrupt people and corrupt practices as the only known way of life and business see to that. Life millimetres along in its shambolic ramshackle manner of happenstance where the outcome is amoebic and one size fits all. They accept that. They do not accept any responsibility for controlling or influencing their own destiny. Hence they can see no further than today; the horizon is viewed along with their feet and a bowl of rice makes for a fulfilled day.

Dreams remain the stuff of nightmares, hopes are to be dashed and vision is a miss pronounciation of 'fusion'; ultimately, all Thais sticking together and agreeing it was the foreigners' fault.



Police fail to parley with PAD on regaining protest site for Red Cross Fair

BANGKOK, March 14 -- After more than four hours, the police failed to hold talks with Thailand's yellow-clad movement, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to regain protester-occupied area in Phitsanulok Road near the Government House for Red Cross fair.

Eight companies of police from Metropolitan Bureau and an anti-riot unit with batons and shields early Monday morning reinforced protest site ranks as a PAD leader, retired Gen Pathompong Kaysornsuk, led protesters to form human blockade to prevent police from regaining the area.

Assistant to the national police chief Pol Lt Gen Worapong Chewpreecha and Metropolitan Police Chief Pol Lt Gen Chakthip Chaichinda supervising the situation and site said the authorities did not want to force the protest to disperse but wanted only to clear two traffic lanes on Phitsanulok Road to facilitate public access. The area is be used for the Red Cross Fair scheduled to be held March 30-April 7.

However, four hours passed with police failing to achieve official talks with the PAD leadership about the matter.

The PAD have been rallying in the area and at Makkhawan Bridge on Rajdamnorn Nok Avenue since Jan 25 demanding the ouster of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his government, charging it with neglecting its duty, and causing the country to lose territory around the disputed Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia.

The movement is planning to collect 20,000 signatures on a petition to impeach Mr Abhisit, as required by the Constitution, and present it to the Constitution Court. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-03-14

20,000 signatures would not even get a no contest vote.


The beauty of Thailand is that it is truly pathetic, ergo, no revolution, uprising or protests. In fact nothing to disturb one's sleep or meal time. Go eat rice.

Do not mistake the mob gatherings in BKK as anything other than just that. There is no ideologically driven movement as there is no ideolgy. There is no educatated mass, there are no student leaders. There is a rag bag collective enjoying employed status as rent a gob/mob.

What there is are self interest groups filled with massive divisions. When different agendas are being enacted to the same tune nothing can be achieved as there is no central purpose, known objective or momentum for action. But there remains the daily rental of shiftless Isan hordes whose dissatisafaction with their lot leads them to the manipulation by their feudal lords.

The Thai masses simply accept their lot. Equally they remain powerless to effect change. Filled bellies do not a revolution make.

As for what has happened elsewhere it bears no relevance to here. There is not single autocratic dictatorship for some 20 plus years, there is not wide spread hunger or rising prices beyond the proletariat's means. The Thais have ample food. Hence, full bellies make warm beds and nothing more, other than babies. And Thailand is full of babies; both young and old. And I repeat you can not have ideologically driven people who are thick. Or more accurately .......... bloody thick and stupid and superstitious and ignorant and lazy.

We have red shirted mobs of low inteligence being controlled by equally low intelligence lowly educated apathetic and disloyal Police Officers who ignore direct orders from their superiors. Then you have the Army acting as ever as a law unto no one. More thickos.

The siutaion is impossible to resolve and has been the Thai way for longer than anyone can remember. Mai pen rai means so much more than simply allowing it; it facilitates doing nothing whatsoever and allowing everything to happen around you. When playground bullies are allowed to rule what can ever be achieved?

Those of you who see a second coming, an apocolypse, an armmageddon anytime soon will have a disappointingly long wait.

It's Thailand where nothing ever changes for the better. Corrupt people and corrupt practices as the only known way of life and business see to that. Life millimetres along in its shambolic ramshackle manner of happenstance where the outcome is amoebic and one size fits all. They accept that. They do not accept any responsibility for controlling or influencing their own destiny. Hence they can see no further than today; the horizon is viewed along with their feet and a bowl of rice makes for a fulfilled day.

Dreams remain the stuff of nightmares, hopes are to be dashed and vision is a miss pronounciation of 'fusion'; ultimately, all Thais sticking together and agreeing it was the foreigners' fault.


It appears that you also possess enormous abilities and talents but really fail to listen to the 3 requests of the PAD from the very beginning, which are:

1--To rescind the former MOU;

2--To withdraw from JBC organization intended to redefine the territorial of Thailand in favor of Cambodia, using the 1:200,000 Fench drawn map, and;

3--To force all the illegal Cambodians currently settling illegally on Thai soil around the PraVeeHarn temple, from Thai territorial once and for all.

Housepainter, I hope now you realize that the PAD do have their goals and objectives well defined from the beginning. However, I was not able to follow how they did during the past few weeks. :ermm:

Another major question for you:

You said.... Thai....bloody thick and stupid and superstitious and ignorant and lazy?

And you do not think Farang are likewise and even much much more so, on many aspects? :unsure:

Just how are you able to surmize that Thai are blaming us Farang for all their wrongs and evils et al ?

I am certain the majority of TV members do not agree with you on this score!

Also are you saying in sums and substances that Thai are also so inferior to pathetic Farang like so so many of us? B)

Thank you very much for such an equivocal and outspoken support for so many of us here in Thailand.

But there are so many of us who are really much less than what you described and what you wish us to be. :jap:


Police fail to parley with PAD on regaining protest site for Red Cross Fair

BANGKOK, March 14 -- After more than four hours, the police failed to hold talks with Thailand's yellow-clad movement, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to regain protester-occupied area in Phitsanulok Road near the Government House for Red Cross fair.

Eight companies of police from Metropolitan Bureau and an anti-riot unit with batons and shields early Monday morning reinforced protest site ranks as a PAD leader, retired Gen Pathompong Kaysornsuk, led protesters to form human blockade to prevent police from regaining the area.

Assistant to the national police chief Pol Lt Gen Worapong Chewpreecha and Metropolitan Police Chief Pol Lt Gen Chakthip Chaichinda supervising the situation and site said the authorities did not want to force the protest to disperse but wanted only to clear two traffic lanes on Phitsanulok Road to facilitate public access. The area is be used for the Red Cross Fair scheduled to be held March 30-April 7.

However, four hours passed with police failing to achieve official talks with the PAD leadership about the matter.

The PAD have been rallying in the area and at Makkhawan Bridge on Rajdamnorn Nok Avenue since Jan 25 demanding the ouster of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his government, charging it with neglecting its duty, and causing the country to lose territory around the disputed Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia.

The movement is planning to collect 20,000 signatures on a petition to impeach Mr Abhisit, as required by the Constitution, and present it to the Constitution Court. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-03-14

20,000 signatures would not even get a no contest vote.

20k is what is required to get the big ball rolling according to the current constitutional specification!

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