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For some reason I can't get ' and " and ^ above the letters anymore. Maybe because I have Eng/Thai keyboards installed, this could be the reason ? Any suggestions how to do this without switching to Thai keyboard etc. ?



You didn't mention exactly what keyboards are installed. Use of any keyboard layouts other the the US keyboard layouts with the Thai keyboard layout can cause problems.

Also the US International keyboard behaves differently using the characters you mentioned. Here's a link from Microsoft on how to use this keyboard.

Using US-Int'l Keyboard Layout

You can use the on screen Character Map by using copy & paste:

  1. Click on the Windows Start menu.
  2. Select "Programs", "Accessories", "System Tools", then "Character Map". (In Windows 7 just search for character map)
  3. Choose a font.
  4. Double-click the character(s) you want. It is important to select the exact font you're using in your document before selecting the symbol you wish to copy. Not all font-faces contain all possible combinations of available symbols.
  5. Click on Copy.
  6. Return to your document
  7. Right-click and choose Paste or hold Control and strike V

Or you can enter the character by using the Alt key:

  1. While holding the Alt, enter the decimal ASCII code.
  2. Release the Alt key.
  3. The character is place in your document.

Here are the ASCII codes for the characters you mentioned:

Alt + 039 '

Alt + 034 "

Alt + 094 ^


If the @ and " keys are swapped around, it looks like a keyboard mapping issue.

i.e. That specifically happens with, for instance, a US keyboard being set to a UK keyboard mapping (and vice-versa).

When you say English is it a UK keyboard, or a US one (or a Thai one - which maps to a US one).

To check your settings, go to Control Panel -> Change Keyboards or Other input methods -> Change keyboards.

For example, I have the language set to English (United Kingdom), but the keyboard (Thai) set to US. (not US International, which doesn't work as well as just saying US.)

If you also want to type Thai sometimes, add a line for Thai language, with keyboard of Thai Kedmanee (usually).

If it's a UK keyboard, i.e. has a £ sign above the 3, then set it to a UK keyboard.

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