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Cosmetic Product, Real Or Fake


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My GF who is in China right now, wants me to bring 1/2 dozen boxes of Smooth E face lift capsules. Since I will be buying 6, I though I would shop around to get a better price. There is a very popular and busy cosmetic shop on the back street of Wararot market selling them for 229baht each. Another shop across the street from them was selling them for 255baht. Just out of curiosity, I went up to the 2nd floor of the Wararot market where there are a number of cosmetic stalls. One stall was selling them for 190baht which would be 17% lower than 229 price. I checked the box and the capsule content visually and they appear to be identical so is lower price one real or fake.

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They may or may not be real, more likely that they are beyond their usage date. Please don't get me wrong about this, I'm all for saving money when applicable, however when it comes to things that are put on your face(more importantly your girlfriends face) Its probably best to to pay the extra 240B and get 6 boxes from a real store.

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If she is in China right now, why don't she by them there? Many of these items are made in China and exported to Thailand. So IMO they can't be cheaper here. :)

She lives in Kunming and has never seen this product there and according to the box, it is made in the USA. From my limited experience many products made in China appear to be more expensive there than overseas.

They may or may not be real, more likely that they are beyond their usage date. Please don't get me wrong about this, I'm all for saving money when applicable, however when it comes to things that are put on your face(more importantly your girlfriends face) Its probably best to to pay the extra 240B and get 6 boxes from a real store.

Sound advice. Thanks

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They may or may not be real, more likely that they are beyond their usage date. Please don't get me wrong about this, I'm all for saving money when applicable, however when it comes to things that are put on your face(more importantly your girlfriends face) Its probably best to to pay the extra 240B and get 6 boxes from a real store.


Read the boxes; if all of them are the same and no expiration dates, then the store on the 2nd floor may sell them at a lower cost to entice customers to climb. I see price differences like this on all kinds of goods, and the higher prices are usually the closest to the door, the shop closest to the street or entrance, the first one you come to, etc.

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