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Male Foreigners Over 50 Outlawed From Marrying Cambodian Women


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While I of course condemn any form of human trafficking - this is just an easy way out for Cambodia's officialdom - one of the most corrupt countries in the world it is exactly these corrupt officials and law enforcement who facilitate these crimes in the first place.

Instead of investigating the criminals who arrange fake marriages and abuse these women - lets just put the blame on "foreigners" that always works in backward, primitive countries where greed and corruption reigns.

These "guidelines" are also - as already mentioned in the article - against international law. On the other hand why would a 50 year old man who can get a retirement visa want to marry anyway ?? - to make sure he will lose at least half of his possessions when the gold digger and her family decide it is time to cash in their insurance policy called "husband".

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When i turn 50 i will go to cambodia, because my money will be safe.

Exactly! Just who is being protected? :blink:

So, now old foreigners will just live with the women and not give them the respect and honor of marriage... IT'S THE LAW!! :lol::o

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i like it

Foreigners who earn less than $2,550 per month
Marriages between old men and young women are "inappropriate", Koy Kuong said, and foreign men who wish to marry nationals must earn a high salary to ensure that "Cambodian women can live a decent life".

goverment so stupid, they want say all cambo womans can live better without husbanl if husband have lower 2550 usd in month?


i never see so stupid law :lol::lol::lol: ahahahaahahahahahhaahahaahaahhaha :lol::lol::lol:

a lot cambo woman in life never see 300 usd in one time, and ups! we have new law! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

better go to Ukraine, more better cambo, more beauty woman, and not have so stupid law 555555555555))))

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There would be an uprising in Isaan if the govt tried to push this through.

Should be copied in Thailand, of course, and in fact made retrospective. Then many visas can be cancelled, and homes, isuzu pickups, rice farms, gold and motocycles can be returned to their rightful owners immediately, ie Thais.

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The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

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Why Buy if you can rent? Just looking at all these old clowns parading the Sois - and blocking them, as if they own also the road - with "their" young girlfriend is hilarious. Most of them got VICTIM written allover their foreheads. In all reality I feel the Cambodians are doing the foreigners over 50 a service, then. :blink:

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I am still trying to work on marketing ideas to send to Hun Sen!

Over 50? Come to Cambodia! Yes we have landmines, but since you can't marry a local girl here there is at least one landmine you won't step on!

On the edge of poverty and have an income of less than $2500 a month? Cambodia is the place for you! You can't marry here!

Too poor to get a Retirement Visa to Thailand? Live in Cambodia! We won't let you marry, so you'll save money!

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Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow.

Usually it's 30 or 40 something and a lot of the time it's not even his kid

And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

Far more likely is the chick marrying in order to get a visa so she can hook in his home country behind his back

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Is it April the 1st?

This is ageist, sexist and absurd. Any Cambodian lass would be very lucky indeed to be with any foreigner who earns over $2,550 per month (they did say month?). What is the average ANNUAL wage for a Cambodian male?? Not too far off the monthly salary insisted upon by these stupid authorities.

Has anyone there actually worked out that maybe, just maybe, most of these poor defenceless women are happy to be with a foreigner and do so willingly and of their own free will. Unless these is coercion then this is nonsense.

By the way I am near 60 so... according to the log heads in Cambodia... way, way over the hill for these babes. But then, they would be lucky to have me. Ah yes...maybe we are better off.

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I think the Thai goverment should consider similar laws to prevent the OAP's from being ripped/murdered off by their young brides to get at the cash...:whistling:

I think the Thai government should make sure that people that travel 1000's of Km's for cheap sex with poor people, are totally aware that the people they are abusing, hate them.

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This law is useless and a waste of Cambodia's time. They said the law was made to prevent human traffic to Korea and that these victims that went to Korea were set up by a broker. That would indicate to me that there were no marriages in Cambodia of the target victim population (girls who went to Korea to get married). So the law changes nothing, the girls can still go to Korea then get married. This law will not do anything at all toward meeting or correcting the problem it was designed for.

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This will probably force a lot of couples that would normally leave the country, to stay in Cambodia and spend money there. The wife won't be able to get her family to emigrate using her marriage as an anchor either.

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More social engineering from the land which gave us Pol Pot. There are existing laws to deal with human trafficing and sham marriages are routinely weeded out by foreign consulates so the Cambodians could with a will do likewise. I wonder how many 49'ers will be cruising the bars of Phnom Penh looking to beat the age limit, like Logan's run, Khmer style. :ph34r:

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Cambo - fuc_k you! ahahahahaha))) better i married with thai or chinese woman ahahahah))) you can be poor country more time, becouse you goverment peoples very stupid, more stupid hahahahahah))))) :lol: :lol: :lol:

if i like cambo girl, but i have only $2000 in month... oi oi oi... i not have money for married, i can only fuc_king fuc_king and onli fuc_king

but fuc_king with cambo girls i can in Thai

Thai - you will rich more now! hahahahhahahahahaha

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Is it you BORAT on Thaivisa, you really sound like him .

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The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

1/2 the age plus 7 works pretty well... 20 - 17, 30 - 22 , 40 - 27 , 50 -32

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Not a single word about Cambodian women, over 50, wishing to marry an attractive young Farang male...


Cambodian males, over 50, wishing to marry an attractive young Farang female.

What a world :(


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The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

The law has merit you say and then you rip the whole thing apart...and as for the old dudes with the kids in tow, how do you know the kids have not been provided for after said 'old dude' has popped his clogs.....most kids outlive their parents

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The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

The law has merit you say and then you rip the whole thing apart...and as for the old dudes with the kids in tow, how do you know the kids have not been provided for after said 'old dude' has popped his clogs.....most kids outlive their parents

You obviously fit the bill. Being provided for is one thing. But growing up from a young age without a father is hard for a child.

That said. In my post I did say it has merit. I didn't say it was flawless, good or bad. It does how ever have good points and bad points.

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What a load of BS.

Are they really assuming that no human traffickers are earning $2,550 or more per month?

So it doesn’t matter if the foreigner is an axe murderer, rapist, Jack the ripper or a reincarnation of John Haige the acid bath murderer providing he is on an income of $2,550 or more per month, under 50 and will lavish his wealth on his beautiful peasant wife, her family and the community.

This is the Cambodian Government’s way of saying; we only want foreigners of wealth in Cambodia, young enough to contribute something into the country and we do not want elderly foreigners who may become a burden on our health services.

And yes; I also find the site of some fat gross ugly stinking old farang walking hand in hand with some young slutty looking Thai bird, sickening. But, this is what living in a true democracy is all about, freedom of choice. Once a Government outlaws these rights then it becomes a nanny state.

The same will eventually happen in Thailand, perhaps the Thais will take the more money required for visa approach to the problem as more and more foreigners on budgets come to live here. So brace yourselves, it`s only a matter of time.

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The Hun could have achieved his objective by withdrawing the right of the Cambodian lady marrying an older foreigner to leave the country for say 3 years. It's still a liberty infringement, but less so than an absolute marriage ban.

75% of the clientele of the PP bars are over 50. I wonder how this will affect the 'taxi girl' trade there.

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I think the Thai goverment should consider similar laws to prevent the OAP's from being ripped/murdered off by their young brides to get at the cash...:whistling:

I think the Thai government should make sure that people that travel 1000's of Km's for cheap sex with poor people, are totally aware that the people they are abusing, hate them.

So....you think sex with poor people should be expensive? ;)

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Welldone cambodia.. men over 50 shudnt b marrying young girls

Maybe, but the law apparently goes much further and says men over 50 shouldn't be marrying Cambodian women. Is a 49 year old Cambodian woman young? What about a 65 year old Cambodian woman?

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