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Reputable Real Estate Agent


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Can I adjust the subject a bit.

I'm moving my family from BKK to CM very soon, already have own house.

I'm thinking of buying a two story medium size 3 bedroom house in the Urbana development for rental, fully furnished.

Any suggestions of what rental amount it would bring in?


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Can I adjust the subject a bit.

I'm moving my family from BKK to CM very soon, already have own house.

I'm thinking of buying a two story medium size 3 bedroom house in the Urbana development for rental, fully furnished.

Any suggestions of what rental amount it would bring in?


I can show you homes in the 1.5 to 4 million price rang that are being rented for 5,000 to 10,000 baht per month.

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Regardless who you pick it is best to list with at least 3. There is not one realtor that can or will cover every aspect. IMHO.

Hi gotlost

Thanks for the advice. Listing with more than one realtor would be ideal, but is that acceptable in Thailand? I know in Australia you can only use the realtor that you sign your contract with.



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Agents seem to be bypassed very regularly in Thailand, in my experience... List with many then many landlords\sellers end up signing up or selling direct with renter\purchaser. They advert for you and bring people to you- mostly worth the effort if negiotate 2%... most will do yet may ask you only list with them. No way they can stop you listing with 10...

Agents get 30,000bt per 1MIO- 3%... 1 month Bond for every 1 Yr rental contract. Over 2MIO place try get 40000bt Fixed if you want say 3Mio, offer more if they reach your goal. Like 20% of anything over 3Mio. Worked good for me.

Most prefer to save this $$$, unless a family member or a friend is agent I have found with Thais in particular... I have seen agents take great issue with this and use hard tactics to get the commission by using debt collectors. As no real laws protect the comission as the civil court small claims take several years and can be expensive\time consuming... Agents must have sign off by seller and buyer to mean anything- then it up to judges anyway. most cannot be bothered. Thus debt collecting is a thriving biz- mafia style....Pattaya is FAR FAR worse from what I hear. Wild wild wicked west down there...

Anyway I have had a good experience with The Professionals In Chiang Mai and Chiangmai House and land centre... you can get serious discounts is negoitate. Yet depends on the individual broker as many move from place to place.

Cheers JAY

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Hi all

I am comming in July to CM and planned to stay laongtime

if your quotes are right and you get a luxury house of 1.5 to 4 mil bath to rent out for the rent range of 5000 to 10000 bath please contact me and i pay you for your time because the prices of the most condo's in the ads are to my opinion a bit high rent wise if i see that the asking prijce of 2 milj the aske for rent 120000 bath

so let me know if you can do something for me


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I live near Laguna Homes close to Rimping Mee Chok, and there are houses there from 5-10,000 a month. Laguna homes start from 1.5 million baht ++++

Practically every soi in my current moo bahn has houses for rent from 5,000 up.

Just drive around the moo bahns with a thai in tow and ring all the numbers on the thousands of gates you will see, and you will easily find somewhere really cheap.

As an example, I have a friend with a Brand NEW house that cost 1.5mill a few months back, close to RImping Mee Chok, and he has it listed on a few websites for rent FULLY furnished for 15,000 (20,000 on some sites for some reason). He offered it me for 8000 a month about a month or two ago, and recently offered it to someone else for 6000 a month.

Avoid the real estate agents if you're looking for a rental - get on yer bike, and get out looking. MUCH cheaper in the long run.

A house very close or in the city as a lot of condo's are, will not be easily found for these prices. But if you plan to have a motorbike or car here, then depending on your intended lifestyle, staying 10 minutes drive out of the city will net you big savings.


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if you know such a house doenst have to be big please give me a pm


I live near Laguna Homes close to Rimping Mee Chok, and there are houses there from 5-10,000 a month. Laguna homes start from 1.5 million baht ++++

Practically every soi in my current moo bahn has houses for rent from 5,000 up.

Just drive around the moo bahns with a thai in tow and ring all the numbers on the thousands of gates you will see, and you will easily find somewhere really cheap.

As an example, I have a friend with a Brand NEW house that cost 1.5mill a few months back, close to RImping Mee Chok, and he has it listed on a few websites for rent FULLY furnished for 15,000 (20,000 on some sites for some reason). He offered it me for 8000 a month about a month or two ago, and recently offered it to someone else for 6000 a month.

Avoid the real estate agents if you're looking for a rental - get on yer bike, and get out looking. MUCH cheaper in the long run.

A house very close or in the city as a lot of condo's are, will not be easily found for these prices. But if you plan to have a motorbike or car here, then depending on your intended lifestyle, staying 10 minutes drive out of the city will net you big savings.


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every second person is an 'agent' here! laugh.gif there are some decent agents but trawl their web sites and find something you like - go VISIT the condo or moo baan and look on the notice board. If you save the commission for the seller negotiate a discount. You can put in on VIBES new site too - it's free.

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