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Thaksin In Megabucks Spat With Emirati Lawyer


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I am sure Thaksin is really stressed by this :rolleyes:

he is probably scrabbling down the back of the couch now trying to find a few coins for his dinner :rolleyes:

The fact is he probably richer than the whole of this forum put together, maybe that is why there are the usual snide jealous remarks from the usual snide jealous posters :lol:

I would be very surprised if Thaksin either reads orr cares about what we say in this forum.

We are simply making some observations on a known crook who for once in his life seems to be on the receiving end of a shady deal. Surely that merits some salient comments, without us being labelled as 'snide and jealous'?

Jealous? Well at, least I can live in the country I love, whereas Mr Thaksin, with all his billions, is stuck in such places as Dubai and Montenegro. He dare not go to a majority of countries for fear of being extradited.

As for not caring about the loss of 120 million dollars, well I doubt that is the case.

He is known to be a tight arse, and like many people who become incredibly rich, the richer he gets the more he resents parting with a single dollar of it. If he hadn't been so tight and mean spirited he would probably still be prime minister today. It was his breathtaking arrogance in refusing to offer to pay tax on the AIS sale and a few other deals where he used tax and corporate loop holes to avoid tax that convinced the ruling elite to take steps to remove him.

If he had just said to the nation: 'In spite of the legal tax loophole, I will pay over tax on my profits from the sale of AIS to the Singapore governement...' he would probably still be in power today. He could easily have afforded it and he would have still netted untold billions in the sale.

But no, he hated to part with any money and am quite sure that the loss of 120 million Dollars to a shady Arab lawyer has given him much grief and sleepless nights. It is simply not in the nature of the man to write off the loss of that kind of money with a shrug and a smile.

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I am sure Thaksin is really stressed by this :rolleyes:

he is probably scrabbling down the back of the couch now trying to find a few coins for his dinner :rolleyes:

The fact is he probably richer than the whole of this forum put together, maybe that is why there are the usual snide jealous remarks from the usual snide jealous posters :lol:

I would be very surprised if Thaksin either reads orr cares about what we say in this forum.

We are simply making some observations on a known crook who for once in his life seems to be on the receiving end of a shady deal. Surely that merits some salient comments, without us being labelled as 'snide and jealous'?

Jealous? Well at, least I can live in the country I love, whereas Mr Thaksin, with all his billions, is stuck in such places as Dubai and Montenegro. He dare not go to a majority of countries for fear of being extradited.

As for not caring about the loss of 120 million dollars, well I doubt that is the case.

He is known to be a tight arse, and like many people who become incredibly rich, the richer he gets the more he resents parting with a single dollar of it. If he hadn't been so tight and mean spirited he would probably still be prime minister today. It was his breathtaking arrogance in refusing to offer to pay tax on the AIS sale and a few other deals where he used tax and corporate loop holes to avoid tax that convinced the ruling elite to take steps to remove him.

If he had just said to the nation: 'In spite of the legal tax loophole, I will pay over tax on my profits from the sale of AIS to the Singapore governement...' he would probably still be in power today. He could easily have afforded it and he would have still netted untold billions in the sale.

But no, he hated to part with any money and am quite sure that the loss of 120 million Dollars to a shady Arab lawyer has given him much grief and sleepless nights. It is simply not in the nature of the man to write off the loss of that kind of money with a shrug and a smile.

Excellent points from top to bottom. :thumbsup:

I'd just add that rather than Dubai/Montenegro, he seems be spending more time, of late, in Uganda/Zimbabwe, the veritable paradises that they are.


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Its Ironic , an Arch Thief whining because he has claimed someone has stolen from him (if true ?)

If not true, and he loses the case and a lot of money, then this will strenghen my belief in Karma!

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its likely he wanted to make sure he got paid from the slippery Thaksin, so he took it whilst it was there to take

he likely correctly surmised if Thaksin can steal billions from his own people with no regrets,he would not think twice about stealing from a Muslim lawyer.........

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The irony of this case is pretty stunning.

You can hear and read about farangs in getting ripped off in similar ways in Thailand almost every day by unscrupulous Thais - many if them lawyers, who the unsuspecting farangs think they can trust. More often than not, the farang never succeeds in gaining redress, as even if he goes to court they are stacked against him.

Yet here we have Mr Thaksin, who has been guilty of many shady deals in Thailand, (including one very high profile case brought by his former American business partner, but inevitably failed due to the ridiculous Thai statute of limitations) getting caught in the very same sort of Thai trap (trusting a lawyer!!!) and getting done for millions.

It just shows that people like Thaksin have only been successful businessman because they are prepared to lie and cheat their way in business, using the malleable Thai laws to their own advantage, especially when dealing with naive foreigners who, unlike many thais, happen to have a few business ethics.

Now the boot is ion the other foot, he doesn't appear so smart after all, does he? he must have assumed that outside of Thailand, everyone was stupid and honest....

It will be very interesting to see how this case develops. It wouldn't surprise me if the courts are stacked against Thaksin and that he gets nowhere.

The old saying: 'Reap what you sow' seems to come to mind - can't think why....

Illustrating your point the case of William Monson vs Thaksin Shinawatra comes to mind. Monson helped Thaksin set up cable TV in Thailand and when he had outlived his usefulness Thaksin had the equipment confiscated and got him kicked out of the business. Later as PM Thaksin used his influence to get Monson's legal cases against delayed until the statute of limitations was up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_L._Monson ., It is hard to shed a tear for him now.

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I hope William L. Monson is reading this and laughing his ass off at Thaksin's misfortune (if you don't know who he is try googling him and Thaksin and cable


ooooops Arkady beat me to it!

Edited by jdinasia
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I am sure Thaksin is really stressed by this :rolleyes:

he is probably scrabbling down the back of the couch now trying to find a few coins for his dinner :rolleyes:

The fact is he probably richer than the whole of this forum put together, maybe that is why there are the usual snide jealous remarks from the usual snide jealous posters :lol:

I would be very surprised if Thaksin either reads orr cares about what we say in this forum.

We are simply making some observations on a known crook who for once in his life seems to be on the receiving end of a shady deal. Surely that merits some salient comments, without us being labelled as 'snide and jealous'?

Jealous? Well at, least I can live in the country I love, whereas Mr Thaksin, with all his billions, is stuck in such places as Dubai and Montenegro. He dare not go to a majority of countries for fear of being extradited.

As for not caring about the loss of 120 million dollars, well I doubt that is the case.

He is known to be a tight arse, and like many people who become incredibly rich, the richer he gets the more he resents parting with a single dollar of it. If he hadn't been so tight and mean spirited he would probably still be prime minister today. It was his breathtaking arrogance in refusing to offer to pay tax on the AIS sale and a few other deals where he used tax and corporate loop holes to avoid tax that convinced the ruling elite to take steps to remove him.

If he had just said to the nation: 'In spite of the legal tax loophole, I will pay over tax on my profits from the sale of AIS to the Singapore governement...' he would probably still be in power today. He could easily have afforded it and he would have still netted untold billions in the sale.

But no, he hated to part with any money and am quite sure that the loss of 120 million Dollars to a shady Arab lawyer has given him much grief and sleepless nights. It is simply not in the nature of the man to write off the loss of that kind of money with a shrug and a smile.

And that's a Megalomaniacs worst nightmare,not so much the greed,and the craving to own everything in the World,but watching your wealth diminishing.

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The irony of this case is pretty stunning.

You can hear and read about farangs in getting ripped off in similar ways in Thailand almost every day by unscrupulous Thais - many if them lawyers, who the unsuspecting farangs think they can trust. More often than not, the farang never succeeds in gaining redress, as even if he goes to court they are stacked against him.

Yet here we have Mr Thaksin, who has been guilty of many shady deals in Thailand, (including one very high profile case brought by his former American business partner, but inevitably failed due to the ridiculous Thai statute of limitations) getting caught in the very same sort of Thai trap (trusting a lawyer!!!) and getting done for millions.

It just shows that people like Thaksin have only been successful businessman because they are prepared to lie and cheat their way in business, using the malleable Thai laws to their own advantage, especially when dealing with naive foreigners who, unlike many thais, happen to have a few business ethics.

Now the boot is ion the other foot, he doesn't appear so smart after all, does he? he must have assumed that outside of Thailand, everyone was stupid and honest....

It will be very interesting to see how this case develops. It wouldn't surprise me if the courts are stacked against Thaksin and that he gets nowhere.

The old saying: 'Reap what you sow' seems to come to mind - can't think why....

Illustrating your point the case of William Monson vs Thaksin Shinawatra comes to mind. Monson helped Thaksin set up cable TV in Thailand and when he had outlived his usefulness Thaksin had the equipment confiscated and got him kicked out of the business. Later as PM Thaksin used his influence to get Monson's legal cases against delayed until the statute of limitations was up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_L._Monson ., It is hard to shed a tear for him now.

There's another item which is poorly documented - the circumstances under which t was suddenly granted a licence to operate a mobile phone company. At the time licences to operate mobile phone services were strictly confined to government telephone operating agencies and changing the playing field to allow private telephone companies to also be part of this 'indusrty' was a total NO NO!

But suddenly t had a strong connection to General sindtorn (now deceased - a major player in the 1992 coup - after the coup became a strongman supporting suchinda, a general also deeply involved in the 1992 coup with blood on his hands - ordered troops to fire on civilians, and was installed by the military as an unelected Prime Minister, and as PM tried to 'govern' by intimidation).

Suddenly out of nowhere sindtorn gives t a concession to start a private enterprise telephone company, basically against the law and strongly clashing with government policy.

And there's a strange irony - t now making all sorts of demands that coups are not acceptable, but he personally accepted a 'gift' (a telephone concession worth billions) from a general who was one of the key players to generate a coup.

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I am sure Thaksin is really stressed by this :rolleyes:

he is probably scrabbling down the back of the couch now trying to find a few coins for his dinner :rolleyes:

The fact is he probably richer than the whole of this forum put together, maybe that is why there are the usual snide jealous remarks from the usual snide jealous posters :lol:

"Recent Trends in the Politics of Thailand: Perspectives on Thaksin Shinawatr

Thursday, 27 April 2006 00:00 Prakirati Satasut"

"On top of this, another element that Thaksin used in his rhetoric in order to set himself apart from the old politics was the logic that he constantly brought up, which was that since his wealth was so great there was no need for him to be corrupt."


Seems some of that old rhetoric is still believed by some :ermm:

(edit: add: even in Montenegro not all are happy with Mr. 'clean' Thaksin

http://montenegro.blogactiv.eu/2010/03/18/thaksin-shinawatra-former-prime-minister-of-thailand-is-in-montenegro/ )

Edited by rubl
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I am sure Thaksin is really stressed by this :rolleyes:

he is probably scrabbling down the back of the couch now trying to find a few coins for his dinner :rolleyes:

The fact is he probably richer than the whole of this forum put together, maybe that is why there are the usual snide jealous remarks from the usual snide jealous posters :lol:

I would be very surprised if Thaksin either reads orr cares about what we say in this forum.

I agree. Thaksin neither reads nor cares about this forum. Robert Amsterdam and his paid minions almost certainly do populate this forum however. Thaksin doesn't have to care. He has law firms and lobbyists that care for him. Thaksin doesn't care about anyone or anything but Thaksin.

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The former prime minister asked the lawyer to open a bank account in Montenegro Republic. However, the lawyer convinced him to open a new bank account under the suspects’ name, claiming that the European Authorities might seize the amount in case of political pressure.

Reminds me of the Shinawatra Telecom holdings sold to Temasak. Thaksin did it in a way so that the 73 billion baht (almost US $ 2 billion) sell-out was all tax free to himself and his family. It was a very complicated deal involving shares in several companies and foreign controls. Perfectly legal in the margin as they say.

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The irony of this case is pretty stunning.

You can hear and read about farangs in getting ripped off in similar ways in Thailand almost every day by unscrupulous Thais - many if them lawyers, who the unsuspecting farangs think they can trust. More often than not, the farang never succeeds in gaining redress, as even if he goes to court they are stacked against him.

Yet here we have Mr Thaksin, who has been guilty of many shady deals in Thailand, (including one very high profile case brought by his former American business partner, but inevitably failed due to the ridiculous Thai statute of limitations) getting caught in the very same sort of Thai trap (trusting a lawyer!!!) and getting done for millions.

It just shows that people like Thaksin have only been successful businessman because they are prepared to lie and cheat their way in business, using the malleable Thai laws to their own advantage, especially when dealing with naive foreigners who, unlike many thais, happen to have a few business ethics.

Now the boot is ion the other foot, he doesn't appear so smart after all, does he? he must have assumed that outside of Thailand, everyone was stupid and honest....

It will be very interesting to see how this case develops. It wouldn't surprise me if the courts are stacked against Thaksin and that he gets nowhere.

The old saying: 'Reap what you sow' seems to come to mind - can't think why....

Illustrating your point the case of William Monson vs Thaksin Shinawatra comes to mind. Monson helped Thaksin set up cable TV in Thailand and when he had outlived his usefulness Thaksin had the equipment confiscated and got him kicked out of the business. Later as PM Thaksin used his influence to get Monson's legal cases against delayed until the statute of limitations was up. http://en.wikipedia....lliam_L._Monson ., It is hard to shed a tear for him now.

There's another item which is poorly documented - the circumstances under which t was suddenly granted a licence to operate a mobile phone company. At the time licences to operate mobile phone services were strictly confined to government telephone operating agencies and changing the playing field to allow private telephone companies to also be part of this 'indusrty' was a total NO NO!

But suddenly t had a strong connection to General sindtorn (now deceased - a major player in the 1992 coup - after the coup became a strongman supporting suchinda, a general also deeply involved in the 1992 coup with blood on his hands - ordered troops to fire on civilians, and was installed by the military as an unelected Prime Minister, and as PM tried to 'govern' by intimidation).

Suddenly out of nowhere sindtorn gives t a concession to start a private enterprise telephone company, basically against the law and strongly clashing with government policy.

And there's a strange irony - t now making all sorts of demands that coups are not acceptable, but he personally accepted a 'gift' (a telephone concession worth billions) from a general who was one of the key players to generate a coup.

Seeing hypocrisy and irony are never Thaksin's strong points.

The guy is morte interested in keeping every baht he has ever bitten. The only way he can tell he has enough face is if the bank balance beats all others.

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Poor old Taksin. Even for him, this amount of money must really hurt. This lawyer trying to rip him off - the old story of biting the hand that feeds you - seems this lawyer guy tried to bite and swallow Taksins whole dam arm! Tacky is pretty sharp when it comes to a business deal, a fact that I am sure this lawyer now realizes - in strictly an advisory role with no hope of a position at all, perhaps as part of his probation or some such thing, to help out this besieged, flagging government - Taksin would be an asset here in combating and solving this economic crisis, along with several other issues and the many "wanke_rs" now in the government that seem to be trying to ruin this country to the financial benefit of themselves and to heck with the poor ordinary folk who just try to survive. I do understand that Tacky had a "power problem" to say the least and when his police couldn't catch the "drug dealers" he just said save ourselves some money and shoot them (to kill), as they were "all obviously guilty anyway" but the man was a brilliant businessman and if anyone could pull something off to save us now, it would be him. He would certainly need restraining though, as his exile seems to be unhinging him more and more as time goes by. I too, can not see him giving up or writing off this case to "just bad luck" and I fully expect a lot more action before the flag goes down for good. As to him seeing parallels with his own behavior, people like him don't, as they are too far into the "big game" to admit to any doubts let alone remorse. I hope he can hold on to his money, so that on the day of reckoning, when he is bought forward to face the music here, he will at least have the funds to make it worth this countries while in putting him down!

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Now the boot is ion the other foot, he doesn't appear so smart after all, does he? he must have assumed that outside of Thailand, everyone was stupid and honest....

It will be very interesting to see how this case develops. It wouldn't surprise me if the courts are stacked against Thaksin and that he gets nowhere.

The old saying: 'Reap what you sow' seems to come to mind - can't think why....

All good points, especially the middle one.

And I don't think it's so much that one reaps what one sows....as one reaps what everyone reaps (whether they sow it or not). I'm pretty sure ethical people get burned as often as the crooks, or a great deal more.

But lol, you cannot place your illegitimate, illegally-obtained, not-even-laundered cash in the hands of an international lawyer/banker, and expect not to get 'taxed' for the privilege.

How stupid is this former PM of Thailand, exactly?

Every time we lost he never spoke to me for a week after but when we won it was dinner and very nice hugs and things, so it's difficult to work with people like that.

I am sure Thaksin is really stressed by this :rolleyes:

he is probably scrabbling down the back of the couch now trying to find a few coins for his dinner :rolleyes:

The fact is he probably richer than the whole of this forum put together, maybe that is why there are the usual snide jealous remarks from the usual snide jealous posters :lol:

You almost seem as if you're an admirer of his, because he stole a lot of money from the country you live in? If not, please state on what grounds you idolise him?

Poor old Taksin.

As to him seeing parallels with his own behavior, people like him don't, as they are too far into the "big game" to admit to any doubts let alone remorse.

People like him don't. People unlike him don't.

This world isn't exactly populated by coldly objective, self-aware, introspective types.

Poor old Thaksin, indeed. May he get poorer, and older, much faster....

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Seems as if that old saying , " Birds of the feather all flock together,'' is indeed running true to form concerning this matter.partytime2.gif

Honour amongst thieves ??? rolleyes.gif

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If Thaksin hadn't done this move since he wanted to conceal that he actually had the asset, then he wouldn't be in this mess.

And that of course is his M.O.P. pattern or operations.

He would rather risk loss and trouble, than voluntarily hand over ANYTHING, like taxes that could benefit his country and fellow man. He loves Thailand more than anything, as long as it expects nothing from him, except his leadership and total control.

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If Thaksin hadn't done this move since he wanted to conceal that he actually had the asset, then he wouldn't be in this mess.

And that of course is his M.O.P. pattern or operations.

He would rather risk loss and trouble, than voluntarily hand over ANYTHING, like taxes that could benefit his country and fellow man. He loves Thailand more than anything, as long as it expects nothing from him, except his leadership and total control.

"The point is ladies and gentlemen that greed, for lack of a better word, is good".

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In the meantime the Emirati (Dubai) Lawyer chap, 45, is still in jail and therefore the Dubai Misdemeanours Court must have serious doubts about this Emirati Lawyer or otherwise they would have granted bail.

I suppose the discussed amounts are simply too high for a simple bail

It's remarkable though that the press witholds the name of the Lawyer although that's quite common in Europe; don't know about Emirati press though.

Lawyer denies cheating Thaksin in club deal

By Eman Al Baik Published Friday, March 18, 2011

The Dubai Misdemeanours Court turned down a request to award bail to a lawyer accused of embezzling Dh441 million from former Thailand Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Dubai Prosecution has filed six charges against lawyer, KMA, 45, Emirati, who owns an advocate firm, which he all denied.

The first is related to embezzling £60 million handed over to him as part of £150 million Manchester City Club deal. The amount was deposited in the firm's account owned by advocate on the basis of trust while the deal was taking place.

The second account is related to embezzling 15 million euros from Shinawatra who asked him to collect a bank transfer from BB Dubai Company via its account in a Swiss bank and open an account in his name in a bank in Montenegro and deposit the money in it.




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The Associated Press apparently doesn't share the same policy of non-naming

The lawyer, Khaled al-Muhairy, 45, a partner at a Dubai firm, is charged with breach of trust, attempted fraud and forgery charges. He pleaded not guilty,

Associated Press - March 17, 2011

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  • 4 weeks later...

In the meantime the Emirati (Dubai) Lawyer chap, 45, is still in jail and therefore the Dubai Misdemeanours Court must have serious doubts about this Emirati Lawyer or otherwise they would have granted bail.

Lawyer charged with duping former Thai prime minister released on bail

Dubai: An Emirati lawyer charged with embezzling £60 million (Dh359.55 million) from Thailand's former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been released on bail, Gulf News has learnt. "The 45-year-old lawyer deposited a Dh5 million financial bond and placed his passport and a guarantor's passport in custody before he walked out on bail. He will appear before the Dubai Misdemeanour Court on April 28," a prosecution source told Gulf News.

The lawyer had earlier denied the charge of embezzling £60 million that Shinawatra had entrusted him amid efforts to clinch a £150-million deal to sell English Premier League club Manchester City. When he appeared before Presiding Judge Zakaria Abdul Aziz Othman, the lawyer, K.K., denied embezzling £60 million that Shinawatra had deposited in a bank account belonging to his firm on the basis of trust as the Manchester City deal was taking place.

Prosecutors also charged K.K. with embezzling $25.45 million that Shinawatra requested him to accept on his behalf from a company named BBD in Switzerland that sent a bank transfer. Prosecution records said Shinawatra asked K.K. to open a bank account for him in the Republic of Montenegro so that he could collect the money. K.K. had apparently convinced Shinawatra to open an account in his [K.K.'s] name and transfer the money to avoid it being seized by European authorities due to the political tensions Shinawatra was facing in Thailand. Shinawatra agreed after being commissioned to run the account, but K.K. allegedly siphoned off the money deposited in his personal account.



Gulf News - April 16, 2011

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What a delicious irony if the millions that have gone walkabout were found in the pockets of the Arabs who bought MCFC. :lol:

:D that's whacked.

He bought himself out. :lol:

*edit. the story is available now as cached,986d7105&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=LXignlBZgXJd1wk0uW4ZEQ--

Edited by Buchholz
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What a delicious irony if the millions that have gone walkabout were found in the pockets of the Arabs who bought MCFC. :lol:

:D that's whacked.

He bought himself out. :lol:

*edit. the story is available now as cached

Bucholz, it's just a thought, it's not reality. Calm yourself. You really do need to get a grip, it's not healthy, this obsession.

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