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Money Grabbing Pregnant Girlfriend


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Why does she have you over a barrel?

Just because she is demanding, you don't have to meekly go along with her.

A relationship is supposed to be a 2 way street - not a female dictatorship!

Explain that you can only afford so much and that she will have to live within your means. You can't get blood out of a stone!

I think this guy needs to sack up and grow a pair

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I guess I'm old-fashioned.  My view is that if he got this girl pregnant, he has a duty to support her and the child.   Instead, he paints a picture of him being exploited and taken for a ride.

If you want to come here and take advantage of the easy sex, then you better be mature enough to take the consequences.

I'm with you bendix! Still don't know what he gives, but it will be far less than he would be forced to give if he "pleaded guilty to faulty rubber" in farangland :o

Also message for would be trolls." You make yourself look more like a troll by having to mention Isaan in any post, thus allowing in all the hard done by Isaan relationship experts" :D

Would be trools, I don't get it. If your only experience in Thailand is Issan based, then from where else can you draw your expierences. I wouldn't trade my Issan girl for anyone from any where else. But that doesn't mean that I haven't had negative experiences more so here then other places in the world I have been.

I didn't bring up the fact that the girls was from Issan the original poster did, along with as I recall the fact that she was being follish, because of her poor background. I still maintain that these girls her are in fact very smart and not foolish at all.

I would not trade my Issan life for any other place that I'm aware of, but that doesn't mean that everything is perfect it is not. There are good and bad about anyplace, Issan included.

Note I referred to the bar industry, not the Issan people, who represent the majority of my friends. The bar experiences I had before settling down was with Issan girls and I don't find them stupid at all, simple as that.

ray mate .Was talking about lenk not you. Sorry for confusion. :D

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I guess I'm old-fashioned.  My view is that if he got this girl pregnant, he has a duty to support her and the child.   Instead, he paints a picture of him being exploited and taken for a ride.

If you want to come here and take advantage of the easy sex, then you better be mature enough to take the consequences.

I'm with you bendix! Still don't know what he gives, but it will be far less than he would be forced to give if he "pleaded guilty to faulty rubber" in farangland :o

Also message for would be trolls." You make yourself look more like a troll by having to mention Isaan in any post, thus allowing in all the hard done by Isaan relationship experts" :D

well done..I guess you know it all and are one of those hardened ones who prey on the really desparate girls on sukumvit road at 5 ..6 in the morning for freebies just so they could brag about it to their mates the next day. thanks, but I'd appreciate some constructive advice here, not put downs.

lenk. What are you on? :D If you wanted constructive advice you should have asked for comments before you dipped your wick! :D

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What I have been told - not read in any official documents............

If a married couple have a child and then divorce, the mother can claim child support under Thai law. If the father is a foreigner and fails to pay support and the authorities are notified, he would find it difficult to renew a visa or be allowed to enter the country with 30 day permission to stay without stumping up (plus commission?).

As I say, this is word of mouth so I cannot vouch for the legality.

Not only that Loong. As far as i am aware, Thailand is now part of the treaty where they can track you down (Foreigners) and make you pay, even if you don't live in Thailand. There is a thread on TV about it but i can't find it.

I'm afraid whilst USA and UK can track down deadbeat dads in Thailand they still have to go through thai legal system. Thailand has not as yet signed up and can't even track dead beats in Thailand. Pretty well outside of marriage the girl has to take care of herself and the kid. Thus the hefty ranks of the bar girl population :o

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I guess I'm old-fashioned.  My view is that if he got this girl pregnant, he has a duty to support her and the child.   Instead, he paints a picture of him being exploited and taken for a ride.

If you want to come here and take advantage of the easy sex, then you better be mature enough to take the consequences.

I'm with you bendix! Still don't know what he gives, but it will be far less than he would be forced to give if he "pleaded guilty to faulty rubber" in farangland :o

Also message for would be trolls." You make yourself look more like a troll by having to mention Isaan in any post, thus allowing in all the hard done by Isaan relationship experts" :D

Don't pay any attention to me old age is hitting LOL

Would be trools, I don't get it. If your only experience in Thailand is Issan based, then from where else can you draw your expierences. I wouldn't trade my Issan girl for anyone from any where else. But that doesn't mean that I haven't had negative experiences more so here then other places in the world I have been.

I didn't bring up the fact that the girls was from Issan the original poster did, along with as I recall the fact that she was being follish, because of her poor background. I still maintain that these girls her are in fact very smart and not foolish at all.

I would not trade my Issan life for any other place that I'm aware of, but that doesn't mean that everything is perfect it is not. There are good and bad about anyplace, Issan included.

Note I referred to the bar industry, not the Issan people, who represent the majority of my friends. The bar experiences I had before settling down was with Issan girls and I don't find them stupid at all, simple as that.

ray mate .Was talking about lenk not you. Sorry for confusion. :D

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Why does she have you over a barrel?

Just because she is demanding, you don't have to meekly go along with her.

A relationship is supposed to be a 2 way street - not a female dictatorship!

Explain that you can only afford so much and that she will have to live within your means. You can't get blood out of a stone!

I think this guy needs to sack up and grow a pair

I have no idea what "Sack up" means - and "Grow a pair" of what?

I don't know if you are being insulting and if you are, whether you are trying to insult me or the OP :o

If you are insulting me, please explain what you find wrong with my post.

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Why does she have you over a barrel?

Just because she is demanding, you don't have to meekly go along with her.

A relationship is supposed to be a 2 way street - not a female dictatorship!

Explain that you can only afford so much and that she will have to live within your means. You can't get blood out of a stone!

I think this guy needs to sack up and grow a pair

I have no idea what "Sack up" means - and "Grow a pair" of what?

I don't know if you are being insulting and if you are, whether you are trying to insult me or the OP :D

If you are insulting me, please explain what you find wrong with my post.

Loong. Think he means lenk should acquire a pair of testicles. Seems to me these have already worked all too well :o

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she has a relentless thirst for money and will not back off until she's licked every bit of flesh clean off the bone. now she's pregnant and I feel she has got me well and truly over the barrel. help! can someone throw me a lifebuoy?

a life-boy?

the solution is easy , just give her your every last penny and then jump off the balcony ,this usually works for most guys in your position. :o

happy diving

I thought you were here to help?

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she has a relentless thirst for money and will not back off until she's licked every bit of flesh clean off the bone. now she's pregnant and I feel she has got me well and truly over the barrel. help! can someone throw me a lifebuoy?

Tell her you are going to the Philippines. Thai girls hate it when their BF goes to The Philippines. They are very jealous of their pinay cousins, and with good reason.

After your announcement ....... go.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What I have been told - not read in any official documents............

If a married couple have a child and then divorce, the mother can claim child support under Thai law. If the father is a foreigner and fails to pay support and the authorities are notified, he would find it difficult to renew a visa or be allowed to enter the country with 30 day permission to stay without stumping up (plus commission?).

As I say, this is word of mouth so I cannot vouch for the legality.

Could be true...but in rather typical TIT fashion, if you're a farang married to a Thai woman and you have kids together, etc, and you lose your job (and thus your work permit), you must leave the country, and then apply for a new visa to re-enter. usually an 'O' Visa I believe. But then you must prove how much money you have and/or that you have a minimum income (think it was 40,000 baht per month) to return. How many Thais earn 40,000 per month?

The Thai authorities don't want you here - and couldn't give a rat's ass about your Thai wife and kids.. Don't think this applies to farang women, but could be wrong about that..:o

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this thread is cracking me up today........

every time there is some really really dumb guy who gets a girl pregnant (like, dont u know how to protect your future???........) and then cries about money etc....

and it could be thailand or anywhere else: and then asks people on a forum for help...

the options are always the same:

1. skip out

2. pay off

3. stick it out

i didnt hear the word 'love' , life partner, etc..... just, money money etc...

Jeff put it best:

If for one minute you don't think these ladies are smart, your in for a semseter in Water Buffalo University, thats only fair I had mine.

The tradgedy in this case is there may be a child involved, or may not be, time will tell. Is it his or not that is another chapter. Lets see you have unprotected sex with a girl and you wonder why you have problem. Hmm!!! which Semester is the in Water Buffalo University, I missed that one.

You know if you choose to roll the dice, you can win or you can lose. Win is great but it doesn't keep coming up winners, eventually you have to lose. So why cry now surely you must have known this when you stepped up to the table.

When it comes to the money, pay what is reasonable, that is in your control not hers it is your money. If there is a child and it is yours and this seems to have came from relationship beyond a one nighter in a bar. I could care less what you give the girl, but you darn sure owe your child be a man and pay up and be prepared to do that for a very long time.

Last thought , don't repeat this Semester

samram: :o:D

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she has a relentless thirst for money and will not back off until she's licked every bit of flesh clean off the bone. now she's pregnant and I feel she has got me well and truly over the barrel. help! can someone throw me a lifebuoy?

OP to clear the air you need to clarify a nunber of things:

Do you live in Thailand?

Does she live in Thailand?

Do you live together?

Do you work in Thailand?

Does she work in Thailand?

Does she have any other children?

Were you living togther when she fell preganant?

Have you confirmed she is pergnant?

Notice I have not mentioned $$$$ at this stage!!

Answer these simple questions and you should receive advice on your or her predicament - if one actually exists!

Your original post was was dribble, hence respondees ran with their own agendas and rightly so in my view. :o

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this thread is cracking me up today........ 

every time there is some really really dumb guy who gets a girl pregnant (like, dont u know how to protect your future???........) and then cries about money etc....

and it could be thailand or anywhere else: and then asks people on a forum for help...

the options are always the same:

1. skip out

2. pay off

3. stick it out

i didnt hear the word 'love' , life partner, etc..... just, money money etc...

Jeff put it best:

If for one minute you don't think these ladies are smart, your in for a semseter in Water Buffalo University, thats only fair I had mine.

The tradgedy in this case is there may be a child involved, or may not be, time will tell. Is it his or not that is another chapter. Lets see you have unprotected sex with a girl and you wonder why you have problem. Hmm!!! which Semester is the in Water Buffalo University, I missed that one.

You know if you choose to roll the dice, you can win or you can lose. Win is great but it doesn't keep coming up winners, eventually you have to lose. So why cry now surely you must have known this when you stepped up to the table.

When it comes to the money, pay what is reasonable, that is in your control not hers it is your money. If there is a child and it is yours and this seems to have came from relationship beyond a one nighter in a bar. I could care less what you give the girl, but you darn sure owe your child be a man and pay up and be prepared to do that for a very long time.

Last thought , don't repeat this Semester

samram: :o:D

hey...this is my issue not yours. why are you getting all worked up? "but you darn sure owe your child be a man and pay up and be prepared to do that for a very long time." ...I don't have a problem with that but things aren't as black and white. I'm quite happy to take on that responsibility but there is a limit as to how much I can provide. The demands that she places upon me go beyond all reason. I'm trying my best to put money aside for the welfare of both mother and child but to her, a new mobile phone is more important or a weekend with her mum, brothers, sisters, cousins, newphews..pet dogs etc. at my expense. I've tried to set her up in a little business selling clothes in a market stall. Being too ###### lazy to work, she gave her stock to a woman running a stall next to hers to do the selling for her for a fraction of the return she would get if she were to sell them herself. This was before she was pregnant. Obvious result, she lost the lot and doesn't seem to care and even keeps giving money to this woman everytime she pleads poverty. This is just one scenario. Like I've said, I'm trying to do my best but money is a constant battle.

"i didnt hear the word 'love' , life partner, etc..... just, money money etc... "...the fact is, money is the major issue. I'd like to know myself where love comes into it. love..."love"..."life long partner"...I wish

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she has a relentless thirst for money and will not back off until she's licked every bit of flesh clean off the bone. now she's pregnant and I feel she has got me well and truly over the barrel. help! can someone throw me a lifebuoy?


you haven't answered one question we have asked you.

No wonder peeps are taking the piss.. :o

OP to clear the air you need to clarify a nunber of things:

Do you live in Thailand?

Does she live in Thailand?

Do you live together?

Do you work in Thailand?

Does she work in Thailand?

Does she have any other children?

Were you living togther when she fell preganant?

Have you confirmed she is pregnant?  et al.....

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she has a relentless thirst for money and will not back off until she's licked every bit of flesh clean off the bone. now she's pregnant and I feel she has got me well and truly over the barrel. help! can someone throw me a lifebuoy?


you haven't answered one question we have asked you.

No wonder peeps are taking the piss.. :o

OP to clear the air you need to clarify a nunber of things:

Do you live in Thailand?

Does she live in Thailand?

Do you live together?

Do you work in Thailand?

Does she work in Thailand?

Does she have any other children?

Were you living togther when she fell preganant?

Have you confirmed she is pregnant?  et al.....

Answer to questions:

Yes..been living here for the past 5 years

Yes..with me

Yes..am working here

No..she hasn't got a job

No kids

Yes..kind of..she still keeps paying rent for her other apartment she used to share with friends as a safety net

Yes..she's been to the hospital

Difficult one to deal with, have to know a few things like buying houses in Thailand..laws relating to all this, etc.

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"i didnt hear the word 'love' , life partner, etc..... just, money money etc... "...the fact is, money is the major issue. I'd like to know myself where love comes into it. love..."love"..."life long partner"...I wish

For some people, Thai and otherwise, security = love and security = money, thus love = money. Do you really think that the farang men going to Thailand are so much better looking, or treat women so much better than Thai guys?

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I think that depends on where they are from.

Most thai girls from the lower end of town if you like,have no real love for thai men.

Unreliable,gamblers,after anything in a skirt is what many of my friends tell me.

I do agree,many thai girls like to see money and material things as demonstration of love.

"i didnt hear the word 'love' , life partner, etc..... just, money money etc... "...the fact is, money is the major issue. I'd like to know myself where love comes into it. love..."love"..."life long partner"...I wish

For some people, Thai and otherwise, security = love and security = money, thus love = money. Do you really think that the farang men going to Thailand are so much better looking, or treat women so much better than Thai guys?

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