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Thailand To Deport Accused British Child Molester To Cambodia

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In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Are you real ? You have just come out with a paedo statement . Most paedos claim 'that the children like doing it for reward . Sad Bastards. What about you ? Why do you say that


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Are you real ? You have just come out with a paedo statement . Most paedos claim 'that the children like doing it for reward . Sad Bastards. What about you ? Why do you say that

Really, where have i mentioned that children like doing it for reward? Are you in the habit of putting words in people's mouths?

PhuketRichard, thank you for a sensible reply, Is there any reason you can't post the pictures? I know there was a PC fuss in the UK a few years back about posting Pics of kids. As a retired teacher I am well aware of the risks of dealing with children in this suspicious world :lol: I do a lot to help the local village children, but make sure that my Thai partner is equally involved.

With young kids such as those in the picture, I do not see how paedophiles can operate without the knowledge and tacit consent of parents, even if as you say some are orphans, at that age they talk to friends and teachers. perhaps that was what you were referring to?


if u will allow me to post my pics of the dump,

Steung Meanchay

Sorry I misunderstood you, I thought you meant it was not allowed.

I have similar scenes from a dump in Cebu, Philippines, the dump is the size of a small mountain.


Everybody should face 'justice' for crimes committed, but I wonder how quick the Thais would be to give up one of their own to the Cambodians.

A nation cannot extradate one of its citizens!

Not sure what 'extradate' means, this topic is about 'extradite'. If you want to try and challenge a post, at least try and get the topic correct.

If indeed you are on the same topic as the rest of us, could you back your broad sweeping statement up with some proof?

The actual truth is that some countries do not allow the extradition of their citizens, in many cases choosing to invoke jurisdiction over the crime themselves.

can operate without the knowledge and tacit consent of parents,

Thats it.... When u have 8 kids and someone offers to feed and take care of one or two what do u do?

Its a moral question and one that needs to be dealt with . Prehaps in a perfect world, kids would be protected and parents would not need to "give away" their children.

David preyed on on defenseless, trusting kids and for that he will get his.

There are other things i have heard, but i for one, do not care for spreading rumors no matter if i believe them or not.


Interesting political move. Throw a bone to Cambodia in good faith to appease the border situation? Either way if proven, better this guy is not in Thailand. But like Thailand it would be doubtful any trial would be fair in Cambodia if he has pissed off some power guys there. The accusations will be made to stick no matter what.

If this guy is a kiddie fiddler he deserves everything he gets.

every adult has an obligation to protect children, no matter if their yours or someone elses, no matter where in the world.

The greatest sound in the world is a child laughing.


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

I knew him in Phnom Penh and used to go on his dump runs to feed the people.

A real shit he was

The girls in this photo all lived at the nearby orphange that is set up at the dump site

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

And this is the problem. They let all and sundry into Thailand, the scum of the earth can easily find refuge here and no one gives a darn until if and when they’re offences come to light and only then is action taken if pressure is put on by an outside law enforcement agency.

Surely it is time to implement stricter entry procedures for those entering Thailand?


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

I guess for oldies like me its common kbowlege that most countries honour arrest warrants and extradition requests from other countries for most types of criminal activity . These agreements have been in place and legally binding and accepted by most countries for the last 50 years or more .So if you want legal precedents they would be there by the thousand , I know my Father often travelled internationally to return some of these people to Australia from all over Asia to face prosecution and I can remember back at least 50 years or so ..

Good that they do or some really not so nice people would be able to hide and get away with some atrocious crimes .


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

I knew him in Phnom Penh and used to go on his dump runs to feed the people.

A real shit he was

The girls in this photo all lived at the nearby orphange that is set up at the dump site

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

And this is the problem. They let all and sundry into Thailand, the scum of the earth can easily find refuge here and no one gives a darn until if and when they're offences come to light and only then is action taken if pressure is put on by an outside law enforcement agency.

Surely it is time to implement stricter entry procedures for those entering Thailand?

Perhaps it is time that the countries from which these a*holes originate got their act together and cancelled passports for known criminals and sex offenders . And no I dont want to hear the bleating about they have rights or have done their time . Thats a CROC load of <deleted> . Take the passports , deal with them at home . No issues for any other country . What criminal is going to declare he bolted or is wanted ??? Thailand , Cambodia , Myanmar etc dont need the garbage that we let run loose . If we dont have the balls to deal with these Crims then we should shut the hell up when someone else cleans our mess for us .


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

I knew him in Phnom Penh and used to go on his dump runs to feed the people.

A real shit he was

The girls in this photo all lived at the nearby orphange that is set up at the dump site

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

And this is the problem. They let all and sundry into Thailand, the scum of the earth can easily find refuge here and no one gives a darn until if and when they're offences come to light and only then is action taken if pressure is put on by an outside law enforcement agency.

Surely it is time to implement stricter entry procedures for those entering Thailand?

Perhaps it is time that the countries from which these a*holes originate got their act together and cancelled passports for known criminals and sex offenders . And no I dont want to hear the bleating about they have rights or have done their time . Thats a CROC load of <deleted> . Take the passports , deal with them at home . No issues for any other country . What criminal is going to declare he bolted or is wanted ??? Thailand , Cambodia , Myanmar etc dont need the garbage that we let run loose . If we dont have the balls to deal with these Crims then we should shut the hell up when someone else cleans our mess for us .

Also a very good point, makes sense to me.

I suppose the attitude is; why not let someone else deal with our trash.

Perhaps there should be more collaboration between the International law enforcers to restrict the movements of these criminals and child rapists.

After all, it cuts both ways; better communications and more central computer criminal record databases must be of benefit to everyone.

I personally blame the do gooders and the obstructive Western human rights laws, which actually benefit the criminals and obstruct the law and most importantly the victims of these vermin.


if u will allow me to post my pics of the dump,

Steung Meanchay

Thanks Richard for the photos. Makes me Even more angry that people are doing such bad things to the poorest. I also believe in Karma, it will get him. Let's better say, he got it already.

We all should talk about it, if somebody is a kind of suspicious regarding kids. :jap:


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

I'm sure you can find many pictures in Ireland over the past 50 years of 'happy looking' children who were at the time being raped by members of the clergy.

Seems the Cambodian kids were living on rubbish tips -- food or new clothes would no doubt make the poor souls happy.

This guy sounds as innocent as gary glitter

Lol Why Ireland?

Because there is so many Catholic churches?


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:

Coma, obviously you're the man who don't need judges or any judicial system. Just shoot anyone who does wrong, right? Bravo! Only you're born six hundreds years too late.


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

Questioning can have several connotations, it can mean in the sense of disagreeing, or it can mean asking for further details or clarification. My questions were in the second category. Since asking those questions more information has come to light and the case seems much more clearcut. You see as a former senior teacher it has sometimes been my appointed task to represent teachers accused of various forms of misconduct, most commonly sexual, so it is my instincts to dig deeper in such situations. Particularly as I knew neither the man nor anything about him until this topic appeared.

So don't be so defensive, it seems to be a "fair cop" by all accounts, and that is the end of the matter.


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

Questioning can have several connotations, it can mean in the sense of disagreeing, or it can mean asking for further details or clarification. My questions were in the second category. Since asking those questions more information has come to light and the case seems much more clearcut. You see as a former senior teacher it has sometimes been my appointed task to represent teachers accused of various forms of misconduct, most commonly sexual, so it is my instincts to dig deeper in such situations. Particularly as I knew neither the man nor anything about him until this topic appeared.

So don't be so defensive, it seems to be a "fair cop" by all accounts, and that is the end of the matter.

But let us assume the odds are 99.9% this man is guilty and only a 0.1% doubt, will he receive a fair trial or just to become a pawn in a political game of chess? This case is very convenient for the Thai Government, an expendable foreigner who can be used as a sort of peace offering to the Cambodian people at no cost or loss of face whatever to the Thais.

I have no doubts that if the accused were a Thai citizen then the Thai government would not have been so expedient in sending him to Cambodia.


Thanks for sharing some of your pictures with us...People actually living on top of a rubbish dump(in a tent!)...compelling and thought provoking ...The kids smiling and they have absolutely nothing....You could see why they are so vunerable in such situations!!!

can operate without the knowledge and tacit consent of parents,

Thats it.... When u have 8 kids and someone offers to feed and take care of one or two what do u do?

Its a moral question and one that needs to be dealt with . Prehaps in a perfect world, kids would be protected and parents would not need to "give away" their children.

David preyed on on defenseless, trusting kids and for that he will get his.

There are other things i have heard, but i for one, do not care for spreading rumors no matter if i believe them or not.


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Did you read the OP?

Fletcher was arrested last year in Thailand after fleeing from Cambodia, where he was accused of sexual molestation and rapes of many girls under 15 years of age.


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

You knew him after this all was spoken about on KR440 and then u jumped in on the story, You did not dig up any facts on the matter so please admit it. U didn't interview any poeple that really knew him but based most of ur report on heresay, (although you did get some of it right). He never had a legally run registered charity and it was all done unoffically.

I do agree he should not be around children but to many people that have been done in (and you love to report of them) have been set up by local NGO's so they can drum up more funds to justyify their existance in Cambodia. I am NOT defending him but am defending someones right to a fair trail and not be done up by the press.

Ever hear the term "Yellow Journalism" Why not write something positive. There are plnety of good things about Cambodia


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

What original story ... can you provide a link?

When you say as a result of your story "other' victims got in touch ... are you saying other than the one where he was convicted back home and served his time?

You say guilty as charged in previous offences. This is plural ... was there more than one offence he was convicted?

I am no up on this full story but after reading the OP I would have bet the man was guilty. Now you have me thinking that your "original" report may have caused people seeking money to accuse a man because of something he did in the past.

Please share the link to your "original" story. I would like to know if I am misunderstanding something.


When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

And this is the problem. They let all and sundry into Thailand, the scum of the earth can easily find refuge here and no one gives a darn until if and when they're offences come to light and only then is action taken if pressure is put on by an outside law enforcement agency.

Surely it is time to implement stricter entry procedures for those entering Thailand?

How would Thailand, or any country, know about some of these peoples crimes in other countries? Where can they get that information?

No one has access to the various national crime databases. The crime databases barely work within the country, so how are they supposed to work internationally?

Morrish said Fletcher is being held because he failed to notify Thai immigration authorities of his previous criminal convictions in the UK.

Not a requirement for entry into Thailand. If it were, half of Pattaya would be languishing in Thai jails.

Fletcher has even bought himself a 17-year-old Cambodian bride for £150 who he met on the dump – sold by her own mother to pay off debts. Genuine charities are so concerned they attempted to outbid him to keep the girl out of his clutches.

Couldn't have been that concerned not being able to raise more than $150.

only Pattaya? what about Bangkok.........


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

What original story ... can you provide a link?

When you say as a result of your story "other' victims got in touch ... are you saying other than the one where he was convicted back home and served his time?

You say guilty as charged in previous offences. This is plural ... was there more than one offence he was convicted?

I am no up on this full story but after reading the OP I would have bet the man was guilty. Now you have me thinking that your "original" report may have caused people seeking money to accuse a man because of something he did in the past.

Please share the link to your "original" story. I would like to know if I am misunderstanding something.

I found your original article ... http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2010/06/20/preying-on-the-garbage-dump-children/

I'm sorry to say that I now question whether this man has done anything wrong in Cambodia. I also find you as a reporter lacking all credibility. How in the world can you quote him (in quotes) saying:

"My two grown up sons have disowned me. They did not like the fact that my girlfriends were younger than theirs. Who cares? It's their loss. But I know lots of people are watching me so I am very careful about being seen with young girls."

and then go on to make a note after your report to say you checked the tape and he didn't actually say this because he only has 1 son and 1 daughter and the son has disowned him.

Your original story is crap and was simply a witch hunt against a man where the was NO proof at all he was doing anything wrong and a man who paid his debt for his crime. I hope for your sake he is guilty and it was not your original report that caused people to try to financially exploit this man because of a past mistake he has paid for.



Yellow journalism at its best but as WRH said, "Thats what people want and that sells Newspapers"

Prehaps u should return to some worthwhille job where u dont fuc_k with people's lives



Yellow journalism at its best but as WRH said, "Thats what people want and that sells Newspapers"

Prehaps u should return to some worthwhille job where u dont fuc_k with people's lives

a quote from his article, "Actually when I wrote the story originally my worst intention was to get this guy out of the way of kids and out of Asia."

clearly he is not a journalist and somebody with other motives than reporting the truth should not be trusted.

In reality if this guy did do something to a child in Cambodia while being watched by numerous groups, then it is likely he will get off because nothing was ever reported until Drummond wrote his article and admittedly the person girl in question was 17 (above legal age in Cambodia) and the family is after money and it is not so much about sex but about making false promises related to relationship with this girl.

And of course another Footnote to his article correcting his BS in the the article. He likes to call it fair and balanced correction but in reality it is correcting his false statements about others again.


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

What original story ... can you provide a link?

When you say as a result of your story "other' victims got in touch ... are you saying other than the one where he was convicted back home and served his time?

You say guilty as charged in previous offences. This is plural ... was there more than one offence he was convicted?

I am no up on this full story but after reading the OP I would have bet the man was guilty. Now you have me thinking that your "original" report may have caused people seeking money to accuse a man because of something he did in the past.

Please share the link to your "original" story. I would like to know if I am misunderstanding something.

Its already linked here


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

What original story ... can you provide a link?

When you say as a result of your story "other' victims got in touch ... are you saying other than the one where he was convicted back home and served his time?

You say guilty as charged in previous offences. This is plural ... was there more than one offence he was convicted?

I am no up on this full story but after reading the OP I would have bet the man was guilty. Now you have me thinking that your "original" report may have caused people seeking money to accuse a man because of something he did in the past.

Please share the link to your "original" story. I would like to know if I am misunderstanding something.

I found your original article ... http://www.andrew-dr...-dump-children/

I'm sorry to say that I now question whether this man has done anything wrong in Cambodia. I also find you as a reporter lacking all credibility. How in the world can you quote him (in quotes) saying:

"My two grown up sons have disowned me. They did not like the fact that my girlfriends were younger than theirs. Who cares? It's their loss. But I know lots of people are watching me so I am very careful about being seen with young girls."

and then go on to make a note after your report to say you checked the tape and he didn't actually say this because he only has 1 son and 1 daughter and the son has disowned him.

Your original story is crap and was simply a witch hunt against a man where the was NO proof at all he was doing anything wrong and a man who paid his debt for his crime. I hope for your sake he is guilty and it was not your original report that caused people to try to financially exploit this man because of a past mistake he has paid for.

I always correct if I find a mistake in an original report. If its a witchhunt then u need also to blame, CEOP, the Cambodian Police, other charities in the area and APLE.

Who was financially exploiting this guy? He was the one seeking funds.

What he was doing with those funds is another story.

As for the current charges, they are down to people in Phnom Penh, not I but I am sure they have a strong basis.

Yes I was contacted by another victim in the UK. She brought charges too but on condition that Fletcher pleaded guilty to the original offences, the other offences were dropped. Its known as a plea bargain and happens often.


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

You knew him after this all was spoken about on KR440 and then u jumped in on the story, You did not dig up any facts on the matter so please admit it. U didn't interview any poeple that really knew him but based most of ur report on heresay, (although you did get some of it right). He never had a legally run registered charity and it was all done unoffically.

I do agree he should not be around children but to many people that have been done in (and you love to report of them) have been set up by local NGO's so they can drum up more funds to justyify their existance in Cambodia. I am NOT defending him but am defending someones right to a fair trail and not be done up by the press.

Ever hear the term "Yellow Journalism" Why not write something positive. There are plnety of good things about Cambodia

The original tip came from 440 from somebody with good intentions who cared. I have acknowledged this many times. As nobody in Cambodia was doing anything about it I was commissioned to do it. None of the report was hearsay. I went to speak to all the people concerned. I have never stated he was running a 'legal charity' as clearly he was not.

Call it what you like. I will have no hesitation in doing it again. I do crime. I'm not working for the Cambodian tourism authority.

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