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Sorry but I can't seem to get the answers to these simple questions. I have an iFox 3G air card and am using AIS.

1) I went into my local Telewiz shop to top up my initial "free" 5 hours that came with my sim card. They are very unfriendly, unhelpful, and don't seem to know anything about computers. I paid 123B for 20 hrs and the shop lady dialed somewhere and said I'd also have to enter the appropriate code (*138*0333*638625#) - but where? When I visit www.ais.co.th/mobileinternet I cannot find anywhere to enter this code. However, I connected to the AIS network and surfed the 'net as if she did everything already. I'm confused. If I do need to enter this code - where and how do I do it? My iFox software has no 'dialling' capability. Am I supposed to take the air card sim out and put it in my mobile phone?

2) I was told I could check my time usage by "calling" *139# - but again, how and where? I downloaded AIS's Widget program and it indicated I had more than 29 hours remaining even though I only purchased 20 (or so I thought). Again, am I supposed to take out my sim and use my regular mobile phone every time I want to check my time usage?

Sorry for these stupid questions, but I've no one around here to ask for help.



I'm not sure but I think the *138*0333............. was done to activate the SIM, and once done you do not need to do anything more.

Do you have a NetSIM card?

*139# SEND is a service request, sent from a handset, and you get a reply with your current usage. I think you just use that widget if you want to check with the SIM in the aircard.

The AIS/One-2-Call website is confusing. I see 20 hours for 100 baht and 30 hours for 99 baht (NetSIM); I suspect you have the latter promotion?


Sounds like djeetyet got an uncooperative Telewiz shop. I've seen the guys/gals at several such shops activate the SIM for the purchaser. It seems each shop/kiosk has a beat up old mobile phone that they use for such purpose. The staff even show the customer the SMS response showing (in English) the activation confirmation.

I've had it done twice on my behalf at Telewiz, and have waited my turn while they did it for other customers.


Some air cards come with the capability to dial so you can make calls and send text messages. If the software you are using doesn't come with this then you need to put the sim in a phone to top it up. If you are on a monthly package then just make sure you have enough credit on the phone before the package date. Simply buy some credit and dial *120* the credit number # send. To check the credit time left use the *139# send method.


Thanks for all of your responses. So let me see if I've go this right. If the people at the Telewiz shop don't activate my hours, then I have to take the sim out of my aircard and put it into a mobile phone and use the appropriate code. Similarly, to check how much time I have remaining I also have to take out my aircard sim and put into a mobile phone. I can't believe AIS doesn't have a better system than this!

BTW - I tried sending the *139# to +66818310808 (AIS's SMS service number) - but received no reply.

Thanks again.

Mr B


Thanks for all of your responses. So let me see if I've go this right. If the people at the Telewiz shop don't activate my hours, then I have to take the sim out of my aircard and put it into a mobile phone and use the appropriate code. Similarly, to check how much time I have remaining I also have to take out my aircard sim and put into a mobile phone. I can't believe AIS doesn't have a better system than this!

BTW - I tried sending the *139# to +66818310808 (AIS's SMS service number) - but received no reply.

Thanks again.

Mr B

First up, put the SIM in a phone, press *139# then press the green phone key, or whatever key your press to make a call. It is like you are dialing *139#. Do not create an SMS. You'll see a "Requesting" progress bar and then a 'Service Reply' within 5 seconds. FYI, *121# gives you ryour balance and expiration date.

I think your SIM is activated? If you buy a new SIM there should be instructions re: activating it in the packaging. I believe you need to be able to originate a service request, like *139#, in order to activate a SIM, so by default this would require a hand-set. *138 is used to request data service packages.

Yes, to check your usage you need to be able to send a service request, so this requires a phone unless the aircard's UI allows this functionality? Alternatively the Widget seems like the best thing to manage your account?

Other than these housekeeping issues are you able to connect? Are you happy with the performance?

You could also pop the SIM into a phone and use the eService features. Enter your number, wait for the SMS password, enter that, then view your account on-line.


Yes, to check your usage you need to be able to send a service request, so this requires a phone unless the aircard's UI allows this functionality? Alternatively the Widget seems like the best thing to manage your account?

Other than these housekeeping issues are you able to connect? Are you happy with the performance?

You could also pop the SIM into a phone and use the eService features. Enter your number, wait for the SMS password, enter that, then view your account on-line.

I'm having trouble getting AIS's Widget's program to work. It keeps saying "connect to AIS", when I'm already connected. Also, my antivirus program,

Antivir, detects the malware JS/iFrame.3654 in aisinbox2[1].htm file. Is anybody successfully using the AIS's widgets program?

Also, when I go to the above link, and recieve the password (number), the following page doesn't display how many hours I have remaining or expiration date, etc. Am I missing something? This is the kind of page I'd expect AIS to have, where I can check my usage and remaining time, online.

Thanks again

Other than these housekeeping issues are you able to connect? Are you happy with the performance?

I live in a small city about half-way between Rayong and Chanthaburi. The aircard internet connection is slow, but sufficient for general surfing: email, news, posting to forums. My Skype experiences have been a bit disappointing. Twice I called a land line and the connection was so poor I couldn't hold a conversation. It seems better when I 'call' a computer, but after about 45 minutes the AIS connection goes bad and I'm disconnected from my Skype session. So, it's workable, but certainly not ideal.


I used to be with AIS but switched to Dtac because of similar hassles, and of course Dtac is also much cheaper ---- 100 hours for 220 baht --- it lasts 1 month which is over 3 hours per day. Takes 5 mins or less to load up at the Dtac shop, or you can do via a 7/11 also I think.

I used to be with AIS but switched to Dtac because of similar hassles.

Do you live in a large city or in a more rural area? I was told AIS was the best if you aren't in BKK, Chiang Mai, etc.

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