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This High Seasons Tourists


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Apart from the influx of Russians,,love em or not, there appears to be a far greater scourge in greater numbers than i have ever seen here this season.

Arrogant,obscene,confrontational,self centered,loud,obnoxious dark skinned, shaved headed and all seem to not own a single shirt between them[daytime at least when i see them]Restaurants,coffee shops,only wearing briefs and feet up on the chairs and often tables!!

Their motorcycle riding antics make some of the worst examples of thai riders look like amateuers.

I believe they are french-arabs, from reports from the massage ladies, who also loath them.These guys think of them and try and treat these ladies as animals.

Bottom dwellers to be sure and from what i see are opening up restaurants and bars all over in the outskirts of patong.Next year , i shudder to think of the result of the influx and i for one will think twice about returning here as i have done for the past 6 winters.

Rant over...i have just had words with a couple who strong shouldered me in passing...w--nkers.

If this makes me appear racist..so be it ,i never was until this season :realangry:

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Why get so worked up?

Just kick back in the comfort of knowing they will most likely become a victim of assault or a horrific motorcycle accident.

Let life will sort them out.

Why get so worked up? Yes the altercation caused me to vent for sure, but maybe you are lucky enough not to live near Patong and therefore not influenced by them.I am talking about probably thousands of these guys, [ more than accidents and assaults could ever sort out! ] and my point is that their presence is having a huge negative impact on patong and more importantly my and many others enjoyment of the place.

Moreso it is evidence of the "encourage tourists at all costs campaign" having a detrimental effect on a once nice destination, that really doesnt need any more detrimental issues.

Government talk about wanting only 5 star tourists is galaxies away from ever being realised here.Not that i want to be surrounded by 5 star nobbs at all, but geez these guys are rated as minus 5..somewhere in between would be nice.Basic respect and manners and a little compliance with local ideals is good for all.

Edited by masterbojangles
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If this makes me appear racist..so be it ,i never was until this season

It makes you look a total prat who thinks Thailand is some exclusive members club....

Thank you oh learned one...but your ignorance of my thoughts shows you as the prat me thinks[ or maybe a french arab ]:jap: or is your heavy drinking the reason that you feel the need to insult me?

I have no delusions of grandeur at all..i am a regular visitor here with my wife and kids, and until this year have enjoyed it immensely..the lack of enjoyment has been caused entirely by these guys.They have majority of rooms in the hotels surrounding us and act like mongrel dogs 24/7.No regard or respect for anyone or anything.

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The word "snob" comes to mind at the start of this forum. I cant cop people talking about 5 star tourists ect. The real estate agents here seem to allways talk about catching the "high end market". Along with the hotel owners, timeshare touts...even down to the bar girls and tuk tuk drivers that think "farang have big money". I would love to see a lot of the above people working in a foreign country, ie Australia, the US or the EU ...saving up the money for them and their family to come to Thailand, after paying all their taxes for the year, airfares, passports and hotel rooms, plus all the usual rip offs that accompany a holiday. A family of 2 adults and 2 kids would be looking at 200 thousand baht for a 3-4 week holiday

I worked in an industry for several years in Sydney Australia that catered for all kinds of people from all walks of life. We were very slightly more expensive than the competition but we provided a real quality service.

This was at the period when all Sydney-Siders thought that the Japanese were the rich cash cows that were all going send us into early retirement.

Studies and a bit of research into our own and other businesses taught us that the "high end tourists" might come and spend a couple of hundred bucks a night for accomodation and stay a week, drop the money with the tour agents that were sucking up the commission and sending it back to their home countries, eating the set menu's at the hotels and being taken to the "local" tour shops to drop their cash. For example the Japanese tourist might drop $3000 in Australia for their week long holiday.

A European back packer might save up 10 times this amount for a 6 month to 1 year long holiday, the back packer or long term tourist will drop all this money, then work in the Australia which benefits the employer by having a person that will fill a job that maybe is hard to fill....or a job that requires a foreigner (ie a person from Ireland working as a bartender in an Irish pub is quite a gimmick, Also many in the dive industry on the great barrier reef are foreigners, this makes other tourists more comfortable when they are learning to dive to have someone teaching them in their native toungue)

The Australian government relises the value of these tourists and a large number of EU and north american tourists are exempt from the harsh visa rules that apply to a lot of people entering Australia. By this I mean they allow foreigners under 30 years of age from specific countries to have a year long visa along with a work permit.

The W**kers that talk about "high end" or "5star" tourists should put their dreams aside, and be aware that the cash cow aint coming....if you want to make some money in the tourism business you should relise the families and backpackers coming in on the Air Asia and other budget airline flights are going to drop more money in Phuket than the superstars.

When Leonardo Di Caprio was here filming the movie "The Beach"...I bet he didnt spend a cent, Im sure in my several years here Ive invested more money, and bought more items here than he ever did. Its better to provide a good quality service that meets the needs of lots of tourists and makes their time in Phuket enjoyable than meeting the needs of some Hi So prick that really doesnt drop a dime. Laymans terms....its probably better to make $1 each from the 4 million tourists a year that visit Phuket than trying to make $1 million off the 1 golden goose

Wake up Phuket, your real cash cow is the moms and pops who love coming here year after year and the "low - so" tourists. Thailand has been known for its good value, good food, safe environment, fun factor, friendly people, for years and years. If you want to rub shoulders with the high end tourists then move to Miami

Edited by snamos
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Don't think it is snobbery to comment on some of the 'new' arrivals this year.

Personally I couldn't care less about high end and most back packy types I find good company.

But there is/was an arrogant influx this year, nothing to do with money, more to do with manners.

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Why get so worked up?

Just kick back in the comfort of knowing they will most likely become a victim of assault or a horrific motorcycle accident.

Let life will sort them out.

True. Every green light is a drag race for these guys. It's called, thinning the herd.

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Don't think it is snobbery to comment on some of the 'new' arrivals this year.

Personally I couldn't care less about high end and most back packy types I find good company.

But there is/was an arrogant influx this year, nothing to do with money, more to do with manners.

5 star manners or 1 star? sounds like snobbery to me

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The word "snob" comes to mind at the start of this forum. I cant cop people talking about 5 star tourists ect. The real estate agents here seem to allways talk about catching the "high end market". Along with the hotel owners, timeshare touts...even down to the bar girls and tuk tuk drivers that think "farang have big money". I would love to see a lot of the above people working in a foreign country, ie Australia, the US or the EU ...saving up the money for them and their family to come to Thailand, after paying all their taxes for the year, airfares, passports and hotel rooms, plus all the usual rip offs that accompany a holiday. A family of 2 adults and 2 kids would be looking at 200 thousand baht for a 3-4 week holiday

I worked in an industry for several years in Sydney Australia that catered for all kinds of people from all walks of life. We were very slightly more expensive than the competition but we provided a real quality service.

This was at the period when all Sydney-Siders thought that the Japanese were the rich cash cows that were all going send us into early retirement.

Studies and a bit of research into our own and other businesses taught us that the "high end tourists" might come and spend a couple of hundred bucks a night for accomodation and stay a week, drop the money with the tour agents that were sucking up the commission and sending it back to their home countries, eating the set menu's at the hotels and being taken to the "local" tour shops to drop their cash. For example the Japanese tourist might drop $3000 in Australia for their week long holiday.

A European back packer might save up 10 times this amount for a 6 month to 1 year long holiday, the back packer or long term tourist will drop all this money, then work in the Australia which benefits the employer by having a person that will fill a job that maybe is hard to fill....or a job that requires a foreigner (ie a person from Ireland working as a bartender in an Irish pub is quite a gimmick, Also many in the dive industry on the great barrier reef are foreigners, this makes other tourists more comfortable when they are learning to dive to have someone teaching them in their native toungue)

The Australian government relises the value of these tourists and a large number of EU and north american tourists are exempt from the harsh visa rules that apply to a lot of people entering Australia. By this I mean they allow foreigners under 30 years of age from specific countries to have a year long visa along with a work permit.

The W**kers that talk about "high end" or "5star" tourists should put their dreams aside, and be aware that the cash cow aint coming....if you want to make some money in the tourism business you should relise the families and backpackers coming in on the Air Asia and other budget airline flights are going to drop more money in Phuket than the superstars.

When Leonardo Di Caprio was here filming the movie "The Beach"...I bet he didnt spend a cent, Im sure in my several years here Ive invested more money, and bought more items here than he ever did. Its better to provide a good quality service that meets the needs of lots of tourists and makes their time in Phuket enjoyable than meeting the needs of some Hi So prick that really doesnt drop a dime. Laymans terms....its probably better to make $1 each from the 4 million tourists a year that visit Phuket than trying to make $1 million off the 1 golden goose

Wake up Phuket, your real cash cow is the moms and pops who love coming here year after year and the "low - so" tourists. Thailand has been known for its good value, good food, safe environment, fun factor, friendly people, for years and years. If you want to rub shoulders with the high end tourists then move to Miami

I agree all that you say snamos, but i have a question, without over reacting to you first...Maybe i misinterpret your opening sentence, Are you misinterpreting my post by thinking Im a snob?:blink:

My post was entirely about one particular race of people who , this year are particularly obnoxious.The 5 star bit [ interpret as ''Hi-so's ]was a hit out at the powers that be that really think this is what phuket needs .I and my family are the" moms and pops coming here year after year " as you describe above. Obviously you did not to read this as i posted "

I have no delusions of grandeur at all..i am a regular visitor here with my wife and kids, and until this year have enjoyed it immensely..the lack of enjoyment has been caused entirely by these guys.They have majority of rooms in the hotels surrounding us and act like mongrel dogs 24/7.No regard or respect for anyone or anything.

If thats snobbery i'll go eat my hat..:angry:

Edited by masterbojangles
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The word "snob" comes to mind at the start of this forum. I cant cop people talking about 5 star tourists ect. The real estate agents here seem to allways talk about catching the "high end market". Along with the hotel owners, timeshare touts...even down to the bar girls and tuk tuk drivers that think "farang have big money". I would love to see a lot of the above people working in a foreign country, ie Australia, the US or the EU ...saving up the money for them and their family to come to Thailand, after paying all their taxes for the year, airfares, passports and hotel rooms, plus all the usual rip offs that accompany a holiday. A family of 2 adults and 2 kids would be looking at 200 thousand baht for a 3-4 week holiday

I worked in an industry for several years in Sydney Australia that catered for all kinds of people from all walks of life. We were very slightly more expensive than the competition but we provided a real quality service.

This was at the period when all Sydney-Siders thought that the Japanese were the rich cash cows that were all going send us into early retirement.

Studies and a bit of research into our own and other businesses taught us that the "high end tourists" might come and spend a couple of hundred bucks a night for accomodation and stay a week, drop the money with the tour agents that were sucking up the commission and sending it back to their home countries, eating the set menu's at the hotels and being taken to the "local" tour shops to drop their cash. For example the Japanese tourist might drop $3000 in Australia for their week long holiday.

A European back packer might save up 10 times this amount for a 6 month to 1 year long holiday, the back packer or long term tourist will drop all this money, then work in the Australia which benefits the employer by having a person that will fill a job that maybe is hard to fill....or a job that requires a foreigner (ie a person from Ireland working as a bartender in an Irish pub is quite a gimmick, Also many in the dive industry on the great barrier reef are foreigners, this makes other tourists more comfortable when they are learning to dive to have someone teaching them in their native toungue)

The Australian government relises the value of these tourists and a large number of EU and north american tourists are exempt from the harsh visa rules that apply to a lot of people entering Australia. By this I mean they allow foreigners under 30 years of age from specific countries to have a year long visa along with a work permit.

The W**kers that talk about "high end" or "5star" tourists should put their dreams aside, and be aware that the cash cow aint coming....if you want to make some money in the tourism business you should relise the families and backpackers coming in on the Air Asia and other budget airline flights are going to drop more money in Phuket than the superstars.

When Leonardo Di Caprio was here filming the movie "The Beach"...I bet he didnt spend a cent, Im sure in my several years here Ive invested more money, and bought more items here than he ever did. Its better to provide a good quality service that meets the needs of lots of tourists and makes their time in Phuket enjoyable than meeting the needs of some Hi So prick that really doesnt drop a dime. Laymans terms....its probably better to make $1 each from the 4 million tourists a year that visit Phuket than trying to make $1 million off the 1 golden goose

Wake up Phuket, your real cash cow is the moms and pops who love coming here year after year and the "low - so" tourists. Thailand has been known for its good value, good food, safe environment, fun factor, friendly people, for years and years. If you want to rub shoulders with the high end tourists then move to Miami

I agree all that you say snamos, but i have a question, without over reacting to you first...Maybe i misinterpret your opening sentence, Are you misinterpreting my post by thinking Im a snob?:blink:

The introduction to your post indicates you would prefer 5 star tourists....Im trying not to be hypocritical but the labelling of people slightly annoys me also. For example someone with one arm doesn't need to be told they have one arm, they know it allready. Just like a retarded person doesnt need to be reminded they are a retard. And if you look at my post I am labeling also jap.gif.

And the funny thing is...you got your back up about being called a snob...after you were slightly racist towards arabs and french and less than 5 star tourists.....if you live in a glass house......well i think you know the rest

Edited by snamos
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Why get so worked up?

Just kick back in the comfort of knowing they will most likely become a victim of assault or a horrific motorcycle accident.

Let life will sort them out.

True. Every green light is a drag race for these guys. It's called, thinning the herd.

I don't know about the other stuff..avoid Patong as much as possible..but I can say the PCX and the 500cc T-Max are the without a doubt the weapons of choice for these guys. Drive the road between Patong and Kata much and you will see them pulling maneuvers even the Thai's wouldn't do, overtaking with cars coming etc. I can't (nor would I want to try to) keep up on my 650cc Ninja. I always feel that I will find them in the ditch around the next bend.

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The OP said:

...there appears to be a far greater scourge in greater numbers than i have ever seen here this season.

Arrogant, obscene, confrontational, self centered, loud, obnoxious, dark skinned, shaved headed and all seem to not own a single shirt between them [daytime at least when i see them] Restaurants, coffee shops, only wearing briefs and feet up on the chairs and often tables!!

Their motorcycle riding antics make some of the worst examples of thai riders look like amateuers...

And I for one agree with him.

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The introduction to your post indicates you would prefer 5 star tourists....Im trying not to be hypocritical but the labelling of people slightly annoys me also. For example someone with one arm doesn't need to be told they have one arm, they know it allready. Just like a retarded person doesnt need to be reminded they are a retard. And if you look at my post I am labeling also jap.gif.

And the funny thing is...you got your back up about being called a snob...after you were slightly racist towards arabs and french and less than 5 star tourists.....if you live in a glass house......well i think you know the rest

Sorry snamos,,maybe english is not your no. one language, and yes i have got my back up about your mistakingly calling me a snob 555 Your smug little labeling of me as retard also passes...sorry that you have to resort to such tactics..anyway thats another misinterpretation from you...now boring ....

Also because i pointed out that the particular bunch of yobbos creating mayhem this year are apparently french arabs was only an observation, and apparently a correct one at that, judging by other posters who seem to have had no problem understanding what i said :ermm:

I'll give you a little info, so maybe you can see where im coming from

I am blue collar worker[far from your snob tag] maybe slighty retarded in your eyes as i never achieved too much in life..sorry!

All year and every year since the sunami i work my bloody butt off in a menial job, on a menial salary, grabbing all the OT i can and often double up on shifts to increase my savings.

My wife and schoolkids earn and save whenever, whatever and frequently go weithout just so we can come to Phuket for 3 bl--dy weeks and enjoy ourselves,!


A cost of about 225000 baht airfares, car to rent and two rooms for my family sees us out living very basically living mainly on very low cost thai food and no alcohol, no beach chairs, no luxeries at all.

Every year we come here and spend all our very bl--dy hard earned bucks on thai services and foods ..ALL OF IT!!! And thouroughly enjoy it..no regrets at all...until this year!

The Post i made . if you want to get off your high moral horse and read and understand it was 100% to say that this year our 3 weeks has been totally ruined by one group of tourists, and they alone.We have been here enough times to not fall into all the traps that exist here and i would not complain about them at all . These guys have as much right as you and me to holiday where ever they like..i just pointed out that the truth is that they are obnoxious people!!! :bah: Not at all about snobbery, just as i said..NOT WHAT PHUKET NEEDS!!

PS take some time to look at the many TAT and Prime Ministers headlines to desire to encourage 5star [ hi so types] Not my desire at all...Got it now i hope. :D

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I don't know about the other stuff..avoid Patong as much as possible..but I can say the PCX and the 500cc T-Max are the without a doubt the weapons of choice for these guys. Drive the road between Patong and Kata much and you will see them pulling maneuvers even the Thai's wouldn't do, overtaking with cars coming etc. I can't (nor would I want to try to) keep up on my 650cc Ninja. I always feel that I will find them in the ditch around the next bend.

Dead right..ive never seen so many of these weapons of choice...some rental companys must have huge baht tied up.Actually i think theres a huge increase in all size bikes to rent..many. many new red plates around.Where will they park them all next month when low season approaches?

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Why get so worked up? Yes the altercation caused me to vent for sure, but maybe you are lucky enough not to live near Patong and therefore not influenced by them.I am talking about probably thousands of these guys, [ more than accidents and assaults could ever sort out! ] and my point is that their presence is having a huge negative impact on patong and more importantly my and many others enjoyment of the place.

Moreso it is evidence of the "encourage tourists at all costs campaign" having a detrimental effect on a once nice destination, that really doesnt need any more detrimental issues.

Government talk about wanting only 5 star tourists is galaxies away from ever being realised here.Not that i want to be surrounded by 5 star nobbs at all, but geez these guys are rated as minus 5..somewhere in between would be nice.Basic respect and manners and a little compliance with local ideals is good for all.

Patong has never had 5 star tourists, yeah your post comes across as racist since I have seen the same behavior from Ozzies, Brits, Yanks, Israelis, Germans, Swedes ........... etc. (Which is why I lived over the hill and not in Patong!)

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Sorry snamos,,maybe english is not your no. one language, and yes i have got my back up about your mistakingly calling me a snob 555 Your smug little labeling of me as retard also passes...sorry that you have to resort to such tactics..anyway thats another misinterpretation from you...now boring ....

Also because i pointed out that the particular bunch of yobbos creating mayhem this year are apparently french arabs was only an observation, and apparently a correct one at that, judging by other posters who seem to have had no problem understanding what i said :ermm:

I'll give you a little info, so maybe you can see where im coming from

I am blue collar worker[far from your snob tag] maybe slighty retarded in your eyes as i never achieved too much in life..sorry!

All year and every year since the sunami i work my bloody butt off in a menial job, on a menial salary, grabbing all the OT i can and often double up on shifts to increase my savings.

My wife and schoolkids earn and save whenever, whatever and frequently go weithout just so we can come to Phuket for 3 bl--dy weeks and enjoy ourselves,!


A cost of about 225000 baht airfares, car to rent and two rooms for my family sees us out living very basically living mainly on very low cost thai food and no alcohol, no beach chairs, no luxeries at all.

Every year we come here and spend all our very bl--dy hard earned bucks on thai services and foods ..ALL OF IT!!! And thouroughly enjoy it..no regrets at all...until this year!

The Post i made . if you want to get off your high moral horse and read and understand it was 100% to say that this year our 3 weeks has been totally ruined by one group of tourists, and they alone.We have been here enough times to not fall into all the traps that exist here and i would not complain about them at all . These guys have as much right as you and me to holiday where ever they like..i just pointed out that the truth is that they are obnoxious people!!! :bah: Not at all about snobbery, just as i said..NOT WHAT PHUKET NEEDS!!

PS take some time to look at the many TAT and Prime Ministers headlines to desire to encourage 5star [ hi so types] Not my desire at all...Got it now i hope. :D

Im on no moral high horse...I like the 2-3 star tourists. Im blue collar also. Im an Australian ..and from your posts im guessing your an Australian too...as yobbo is a unique Australian slang. I'll hazard a guess and say your a Campbelltown local dreaming of Vaucluse....or a Dandenong package deal tourist that wishes he/she is from Tourak. Sorry about the labels but that is how the forum started....take your negative views back there to Aus...Bali would be more your style.....but on the way to Phuket airport please get a southern cross tattoo, an aussie flag and a singha singlet, just so your stay in thailand is complete

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just for the record yob and yobbo were used in 18th Century England, Miami way to dangerous downtown especially and certainly not high class. Russians do come across as ignorant and probably are, but i think they just dont know any better and thats the way things work back at home. Pattaya and Samui full of them as well, one bonus some of the ladies are extremmely attractive.

Yobbo or yob is a slang term for an uncouth or thuggish blue collar person. The word derives from a backslsang reading of the word "boy" (boy or boyo reversed becomes yob or — slightly modified — yobbo).


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Read more: <a style="color: rgb(0, 51, 153);" href="http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/288685#ixzz1H4FPdN5w">What is the origin of the term yob? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag...5#ixzz1H4FPdN5w

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Why get so worked up?

Just kick back in the comfort of knowing they will most likely become a victim of assault or a horrific motorcycle accident.

Let life will sort them out.

Just smile nicely and recommend they go over and meet JJ the jet ski scammer for a nice jet ski rental :lol: .. Problem sorted, maybe 2 birds with one stone kinda thing :D ...

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Why get so worked up?

Just kick back in the comfort of knowing they will most likely become a victim of assault or a horrific motorcycle accident.

Let life will sort them out.

Pretty much agree. Outrageous behaviour is usually dealt with by the locals.

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Simple solution to dealing with a__$$__hole tourists from Russia or anywhere else. Get your behind to the gym and get into good shape. The Russkies respect strength; in body and mind. Be resolved and don't crap from anyone. I've had confrontations with the likes of what you describe. They take a good look at me and decide not to bother.

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In my early days in Patong it seemed like no one thought about starting fights as there was plenty of good music, laughter, booze & available women to go around. The first bar fight I ever saw was started by a group of French Arabs & from that day on I have never held a high opinion of them. The OP is merely expressing similar views.

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I too have wondered about this sudden influx of young French Arab tourists. Given that apart from the African former colonies citizens of France these young people from the banlieue have the highest unemployment rate in France it just doesn't seem to add up. I know that French social security is quite generous (I was on it myself) but only after you have held a job and paid a lot of money in contributions. Basic unemployment is just that, basic.

SO how do they afford to come here? Flights in high season, to hire these large motorcycles, eat, and spend their days. I realise that they don't, for the most part, drink alcohol but even so Patong is not cheap.

I was behind one such person the other day waiting to pay for a pizza and when he opened his wallet there were at least 5 100 €Euro notes in it. &lt;deleted&gt;?!!

I speak reasonable French but not the Verlan that these guys do so can't get much of an idea of what they are doing here.

I smell something fishy going on here. ATM scammers? Money laundering?

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Anyone that chooses to live in the brothal of the Andaman shouldnt really moan about the visitors it attracts.......move somewhere that isnt so seedy and you will find the better class of tourist.

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Anyone that chooses to live in the brothal of the Andaman shouldnt really moan about the visitors it attracts.......move somewhere that isnt so seedy and you will find the better class of tourist.

Bangla Road does not represent phuket, Thailand, or Thai people there are plenty of similar places all around the world

There are lots of nice areas to live at on Phuket and lots of nice everyday Thai people and some nice farangs also

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Anyone that chooses to live in the brothal of the Andaman shouldnt really moan about the visitors it attracts.......move somewhere that isnt so seedy and you will find the better class of tourist.

Is that so. I feel enlightened today. :rolleyes:

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