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Laws Governing Standing Up During Anthem Playing In Cinemas


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At the cinemas if you dont stand, of the Police force also and in general a fear of saying or causing even the slightest offence and as such its easy to literally get away with murder.


Ask some Thais if they will argue with the Police, my wife is always telling me to shut up haahahah

Edited by travelmann
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Based on my experiences throughout the world. It's a bad idea to argue with any cop.

I assume your wife is telling you to "shut up" because your arguing with a cop, and not just irritating her by talking too much.

She seems bright. Well done.

Edited by mstribling
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Based on my experiences throughout the world. It's a bad idea to argue with any cop.

I assume your wife is telling you to "shut up" because your arguing with a cop, and not just irritating her by talking too much.

She seems bright. Well done.

Nope shes just telling me to shut up period, husband talk stooopid :blink: only married 5 years though, i reckon another 30 will have her trained up good. OBEY....SUBMIT etc etc hahaha

Back to topic if the Police drag you off then surely its illegal? If so and its enforced I find this most unpleasant.

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In the end, I stand up because I like getting laid.

There might be some young lovely girls in the theater that I might hit on.

Remaining seated so I can make some social statement, as if I were a hippie, would cast me in a bad light.

Eliminating any chance for some play.

And that would be considered stupid.

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"At the cinemas if you dont stand, of the Police force also and in general a fear of saying or causing even the slightest offence and as such its easy to literally get away with murder."

I think you're way off base. Regardless of whatever may or may not be the law, Thais stand out of respect, love and devotion for a man they feel has been a positive guiding force to their country. You see if they're standing in a few years when he is sadly gone.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

Right, but there is no general atmosphere of fear in the UK.

Pray tell where is there a "general atmosphere of fear" in Thailand? In the U.K. you stand a much higher chance of getting beaten and robbed in a London side alley by chavs or other miscreants. Besides social taboos are unspoken most of the time and the consequences are obvious. People don't NEED to tell you what will happen in the above scenario because it's common sense just like how it is in Thailand.

That's strange. I wonder how it is that for as long as I can remember people have been free to joke and criticize the British royal family, even on TV. Maybe the British Prisons are full of British comedians that openly mocked the royal family.

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"At the cinemas if you dont stand, of the Police force also and in general a fear of saying or causing even the slightest offence and as such its easy to literally get away with murder."

I think you're way off base. Regardless of whatever may or may not be the law, Thais stand out of respect, love and devotion for a man they feel has been a positive guiding force to their country. You see if they're standing in a few years when he is sadly gone.

I disagree but cant go into the reasons so Ill stick with brainwashing.

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