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I Love Bargirls


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(Mods, before you close this, please read it, and feel free to modify it if I break 'the rules')...

I love bargirls... (right up to the point where it becomes prostitution, which doesn't exist in Thailand)

I travel a bit fair for work... mostly Australia and the Pacific, but also most of Asia (especially Thailand :P)...

I love that when I arrive in Bangkok, at 11pm, by 11:15 I have someone to talk with... someone to play pool against... someone to show family photos to, and talk to about her family... someone to drink with until I feel like going to bed...

I love that if I am in town for the weekend, I can have someone to go sightseeing with... I love showing someone part of their country that they have never seen... I usually know more about Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Pho, and Wat Arun than the girls from near Ubon Somewhereother, and always more about the ferry system...

I love that it is easy to meet somone to go shopping with, order food that I would like to try, and translate where my limited Thai ends...

I love that often she is cute, but equally often old, fat and ugly and has more in common with me... what do I care what she looks like, as long as she really does have a good personality...

I love it right up until the point where the girls become available for more than 'friendship'... The scale of things with respect to that in Thailand upsets me, but I don't judge or begrudge anyone of that... just not my kinda scene... Don't want this to turn into a thread discussing that subject (both due to the forum rules, and because I respect your opinions, and hope you respect mine)...

So, back to the original topic... this isn't something that seems to be as available or available at all elsewhere...

Most of Asia you might be able to find freelancers in a bar, but they aren't interested in just hanging out in the bar... knock shops I expect even less interested... Australia and the Pacific not even that... you fly in, have a beer, alone, with dinner, and then retire to your room to watch the same TV you could at home... maybe with a beer from the bottle shop... and catch up on your sleep...

Why is Thailand so different??? What are the other options??? Am I alone thinking that we need to UN Resolution for force all countries to create a 'Universal Bill of Human Rights to Bargirls'???



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Hmmm so the OP thinks the situation is really like a "rent-a-friend"?, That seems sad both socially and in the fact that the OP misses the cultural aspects of the situation. I am sure he has some great conversations though rolleyes.gif

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Well, I guess really it's just like the escort services available in the West, including the frequent availability of extras A hell of a lot cheaper here though and you get to choose the person you like the look of rather than have to go on a blind 'escort'.

For the record I haven't used the services of these no doubt delightful ladies here or at home.

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Fair play to you.

Each to their own.

I too sometimes find them amusing/attractive company while I have a beer. When you've been married for as long as I have sometimes an 'alternative' female viewpoint can be nice...

In many cases I'd rather chat to a pretty, polite bar girl than some of my fellow 'expats', especially the type who seem to think that going to girly bars is infra dig yet always seem to be propping up the bar in such places with alarming regularity.

As long as people treat them as human beings then it's fine in my opinion.

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I also love bar girls. They provide a great service for what they charge. I've often said that going to a Thai bar is like going to the best party you ever attended as a teenager, and at the end of the night you can go home with the prom queen... or not. I've also said that if it was remotely possible to take a popular Thai bar, complete with all the ladies, and place it somewhere in North America or the UK, then you'd be a millionare in a matter of months. Unfortunately, it could never happen. First of all, the self righteous bigots running the country would never allow it, and secondly, the lovely ladies wouldn't hang around long enough for you to make your millions.

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Me too, but under my business model, the girls aren't available for 'take out', which I think would make it hard to manage and make it cheap for the punters, and worthwhile for the girls.

Looks like I will be doing 8 countries over the next 8 weeks, not looking forward to all those boring nights.

What is sad about 'rent a friend'? I have plenty of friends at home, but I really isn't easy to strike up a conversation in a bar in a 'normal' city. Hell, in PNG it isn't easy to go outside without getting your head chopped off (literally).

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I also love bar girls. They provide a great service for what they charge.

Me too and no having to lie about being a doctor or pretend like you are looking for a serious relationship! :thumbsup:

Oh ! I quite like telling the girls that I am a gynaecologist from Harley Street....

.... and I am just visiting Thailand to keep my hand in...:whistling:

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They are truly a delight and it is fantastic to have someone to chat and laugh with, even if they are pretending. When I am in my own city I would rather have a beer alone or with male friends than have a woman come up to chat, it's too much hard work and I just want to relax.

But ahhhhh the bar girls, love em.

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I also love bar girls. They provide a great service for what they charge. I've often said that going to a Thai bar is like going to the best party you ever attended as a teenager, and at the end of the night you can go home with the prom queen... or not. I've also said that if it was remotely possible to take a popular Thai bar, complete with all the ladies, and place it somewhere in North America or the UK, then you'd be a millionare in a matter of months. Unfortunately, it could never happen. First of all, the self righteous bigots running the country would never allow it, and secondly, the lovely ladies wouldn't hang around long enough for you to make your millions.

You would defiantly need too import the girls, as the girls in the west would not be able to do the job correctly. I was just thinking the other day that if you opened a bar in the USA and tried to make it somewhat more relaxing and inviting like here you would not even be able to for example get the girls to give you a massage or rub your shoulders while having a beer talking to a friend, or as some other guys said sit and act like they are really interested and excited to be with you. Never work in the US, which is sad. Got to love Thailand if for no other reason.

@Daewoo, I do understand too, I used to travel all the time and it does get lonely eating by yourself, going to the movies or shopping alone, always able to find someone to go shopping with you here in Thailand LOL

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If you haven't noticed it a lot of the Uni girls are on a break right now and the bar girls are joined by sisters who are not really bar girls.

This element of Thai society allows the furtherance of higher eduction, an opportunity to pay tuition and work on English language skills.

A far cry from only lust in some situations a foreign man can help the education and economic situation of single women in Thailand. I look at it as contributing to the future of Thailand.

The young woman I front some cash to might be a future Thai politico or doctor or lawyer. It is helping the lower classes struggling to gain a higher education level compete with the wealthy classes.

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If you haven't noticed it a lot of the Uni girls are on a break right now and the bar girls are joined by sisters who are not really bar girls.

This element of Thai society allows the furtherance of higher eduction, an opportunity to pay tuition and work on English language skills.

A far cry from only lust in some situations a foreign man can help the education and economic situation of single women in Thailand. I look at it as contributing to the future of Thailand.

The young woman I front some cash to might be a future Thai politico or doctor or lawyer. It is helping the lower classes struggling to gain a higher education level compete with the wealthy classes.

Doing your bit for the class struggle eh Mark? :clap2:

To the OP....you should open up a language school for bar girls. Some of their multilingual skills are somewhat lacking at times I find....:whistling:

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Doing your bit for the class struggle eh Mark? :clap2:

To the OP....you should open up a language school for bar girls. Some of their multilingual skills are somewhat lacking at times I find....:whistling:

You mean you are actually supposed to talk to them? :lol:

I thought all they needed to know was... "8 ball in the side pocket." :D

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Doing your bit for the class struggle eh Mark? :clap2:

To the OP....you should open up a language school for bar girls. Some of their multilingual skills are somewhat lacking at times I find....:whistling:

You mean you are actually supposed to talk to them? :lol:

I thought all they needed to know was... "8 ball in the side pocket." :D

I knew you were the shy retiring type really. :lol:

Anyways its good to speak with a variety of tongues...:whistling:

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If you haven't noticed it a lot of the Uni girls are on a break right now and the bar girls are joined by sisters who are not really bar girls.

This element of Thai society allows the furtherance of higher eduction, an opportunity to pay tuition and work on English language skills.

A far cry from only lust in some situations a foreign man can help the education and economic situation of single women in Thailand. I look at it as contributing to the future of Thailand.

The young woman I front some cash to might be a future Thai politico or doctor or lawyer. It is helping the lower classes struggling to gain a higher education level compete with the wealthy classes.

Doing your bit for the class struggle eh Mark? :clap2:

To the OP....you should open up a language school for bar girls. Some of their multilingual skills are somewhat lacking at times I find....:whistling:

Always trying to do my part. I have also received some strange offers, like, “if you pay my tuition for medical school I will take care of you when you become old and sick.” I have no doubt the woman was serious and marriage was included in the proposal. Thais start medical school earlier than in the West and to my knowledge at least, they don't get a BS before they enter medical school.

It does put another twist on an occupation (bar girls) that most write off as morally indefensible.

I met one stripper at a club in Houston who had graduated from medical school but didn't stop dancing because she couldn't take the cut in pay to put an international flavor into the discussion.

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I've often said that going to a Thai bar is like going to the best party you ever attended as a teenager, and at the end of the night you can go home with the prom queen

And just like back then, instead of an actual hottie it's usually being puke drunk and rutting an ugly chick

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I've often said that going to a Thai bar is like going to the best party you ever attended as a teenager, and at the end of the night you can go home with the prom queen

And just like back then, instead of an actual hottie it's usually being puke drunk and rutting an ugly chick

That may be your experience but it was NEVER mine. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had too much to drink, and only once when I ever felt sick. And, unless she was a hottie I didn't bother. I never spend time with the plain Janes. As I've said many times, if you have a choice then why would you pick an ugly one? You certainly don't have to in Thailand. When I was married and in my fourties in Canada there were so many cougars hanging around trying to prey on married men that it was scary. Things haven't changed much.

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Re smokie's suggestion that daewoo open a language school for bargirls. Back in the '70's when I first came to Bangkok for both business and pleasure, I was chatting to old JS in a Patpong bar (long before Nana and Cowboy), and the question of teaching bargirls some basic English came up. Old JS was all for it, you could teach them all the language skills they needed in about a minute, he reckoned, all you gotta do is teach 'em to respond to everything you say with "Good Idea!".

Job done. Love bargirls? JS would if he could, and so would I.

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If you are talking about Thai bar girls that you "love" is it because they come cheap and because they are poor and uneducated village girls they don't mind going out with ugly men.? There are bar girls or hostesses in nearly every country. I prefer ones who have a bit of eduction as found in many countries. If you treat them right they will be much better company than Thai Bar girls who are so boring and difficult to relate to.

I've gone out with bar girls all over the world. All of them were better company than Thai bar girls with very few exceptions. But of course they expected more, especially the better educated ones.


// Derogative term removed. I remind you to keep it clean. Thanks.

// Phil Conners

// The Mod Team

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Some of the posts on this threads are frankly misogynistic and bordering on what is allowed by ThaiVisa posting rules. Misogyny is a character flaw, but not against posting rules; however, as posts creep over the line, the thread will be closed.

Please keep that in mind while making your posts.

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Some of the posts on this threads are frankly misogynistic and bordering on what is allowed by ThaiVisa posting rules. Misogyny is a character flaw, but not against posting rules; however, as posts creep over the line, the thread will be closed.

Please keep that in mind while making your posts.

Good reminder, Bonobo. Maybe it's because it's past lunch hour and a few offenders are ALREADY into the sauce. :D

It can still be a fun topic if everyone remembers the rules.

Of course, we could always continue the on-going discussion about who makes the best pizza, Kow Padt or Padt Thai.

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They're a joy to be around.

They often remind me of Soldiers.

Making the best out of a bad situation.

I asked a friend of mine, who has been a bar girl for a very long time. How she and most if the other girls stay so upbeat.

She told me that a "Sad lady bar is a hungry lady bar"

Got it. Bless 'em all.

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They're a joy to be around.

They often remind me of Soldiers.

Making the best out of a bad situation.

I asked a friend of mine, who has been a bar girl for a very long time. How she and most if the other girls stay so upbeat.

She told me that a "Sad lady bar is a hungry lady bar"

Got it. Bless 'em all.

Ain't that the truth, mstribling. I'm amazed how the bar girls stay upbeat considering some of their clients who treat them like a piece of meat. It's more evident in Pattaya than in Chiang Mai, though. Maybe it's the influx of Russians and some eastern Europe men who are not particularly gentlemanly when it comes to women.

There is an old story that has some truth to it... Treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady and you'll do okay. That stems from the old story that many ladies seem to enjoy the company of "bad boys". It was certainly true when I was growing up and was still noticeable when I became single again at 55.

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They're a joy to be around.

They often remind me of Soldiers.

Making the best out of a bad situation.

I asked a friend of mine, who has been a bar girl for a very long time. How she and most if the other girls stay so upbeat.

She told me that a "Sad lady bar is a hungry lady bar"

Got it. Bless 'em all.

Ain't that the truth, mstribling. I'm amazed how the bar girls stay upbeat considering some of their clients who treat them like a piece of meat. It's more evident in Pattaya than in Chiang Mai, though. Maybe it's the influx of Russians and some eastern Europe men who are not particularly gentlemanly when it comes to women.

There is an old story that has some truth to it... Treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady and you'll do okay. That stems from the old story that many ladies seem to enjoy the company of "bad boys". It was certainly true when I was growing up and was still noticeable when I became single again at 55.

Hmmmm, reminds me of my dad, a Tally Ho guy in the RAF during WW2, didn't talk much but he said he felt sorry for the English lassies and the way they were treated by the Eastern U pilots. Seems the same today, no respect for a female. :ermm:

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Hmmm so the OP thinks the situation is really like a "rent-a-friend"?, That seems sad both socially and in the fact that the OP misses the cultural aspects of the situation. I am sure he has some great conversations though rolleyes.gif

Indeed. The definitive....why bother.

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I had a girlfriend who owned a bar. Since she called checking up on me a lot my number was usually the last one dialed on her cell phone.

At least three or four times a week she would hit the redial button by mistake and I would get her conversations with potential customers broadcast on my phone.

They got so popular at the pub I went to that we eventually hooked my phone up to the loudspeaker system so all of the patrons could listen.

Really fascinating conversations.

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Hmmm so the OP thinks the situation is really like a "rent-a-friend"?, That seems sad both socially and in the fact that the OP misses the cultural aspects of the situation. I am sure he has some great conversations though rolleyes.gif

Indeed. The definitive....why bother.

Why bother???... because it is hard to play pool by yourself... it is boring to eat by yourself... it is mind numbing to spend night after night in your hotel room watching crap TV... It is depressing to go to a movie by yourself... it is more fun to share sightseeing with someone that you can talk to and discuss what you are seeing... it is easier to have somone translate signs you can't read...

And sitting in a bar, drinking a beer, alone, talking to yourself gets you some funny looks...

As for cultural aspects... I really don't understand what you are saying... do you mean perpetuation of the Issan bargirl culture??? Culture of acceptablility for bar work in Asia, not in 'The West'???

I do have interesting conversations... probably helps that I read, write, and speak some Thai, choose girls based upon their personality and conversation ability... and am actually interested in what they might have to say...

I do have a couple of non-bargirl friends in BKK and CM... but find that, they are hard to organise to meet with, don't finish work till late, want to go home before going out, turn up late, aren't available every night, need to head home at a reasonable hour because the trip takes some time, and they need to be back at work in the morning... bargirls are just much easier... you go to a bar, and they are there, waiting...

In the other countries I travel, unless there are staff in the office, or customers, who are single (don't need to get home to the family), and enjoy going out, and don't have other engagements, I am alone... It isn't like you can swan into New Caledonia on a Sunday, and have met a new best buddy to drink and play pool with by dinner time...



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Hmmm so the OP thinks the situation is really like a "rent-a-friend"?, That seems sad both socially and in the fact that the OP misses the cultural aspects of the situation. I am sure he has some great conversations though rolleyes.gif

Indeed. The definitive....why bother.

Why bother???... because it is hard to play pool by yourself... it is boring to eat by yourself... it is mind numbing to spend night after night in your hotel room watching crap TV... It is depressing to go to a movie by yourself... it is more fun to share sightseeing with someone that you can talk to and discuss what you are seeing... it is easier to have somone translate signs you can't read...

And sitting in a bar, drinking a beer, alone, talking to yourself gets you some funny looks...

As for cultural aspects... I really don't understand what you are saying... do you mean perpetuation of the Issan bargirl culture??? Culture of acceptablility for bar work in Asia, not in 'The West'???

I do have interesting conversations... probably helps that I read, write, and speak some Thai, choose girls based upon their personality and conversation ability... and am actually interested in what they might have to say...

I do have a couple of non-bargirl friends in BKK and CM... but find that, they are hard to organise to meet with, don't finish work till late, want to go home before going out, turn up late, aren't available every night, need to head home at a reasonable hour because the trip takes some time, and they need to be back at work in the morning... bargirls are just much easier... you go to a bar, and they are there, waiting...

In the other countries I travel, unless there are staff in the office, or customers, who are single (don't need to get home to the family), and enjoy going out, and don't have other engagements, I am alone... It isn't like you can swan into New Caledonia on a Sunday, and have met a new best buddy to drink and play pool with by dinner time...



There it is. I have dated a few girls before, who weren't in the game. They kept horrible hours, worked like trojans. blah blah. Bar girls are ready to go to a disco at the drop of a hat.

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