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Oral Sex Linked To Cancer Risk


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Oral Sex Linked to Cancer Risk


Scientists say there is strong evidence linking oral sex to cancer, and urge more research into how human papillomaviruses may be to blame for a rise in oral cancer among white men.

In the United States, oral cancer due to HPV infection is now more common than oral cancer from tobacco use, which remains the leading cause of such cancers in the rest of the world.

Researchers had found a 225 per cent increase in oral cancer cases in the US from 1974 to 2007, mainly among white men, said Maura Gillison of Ohio State University.

"When you compare people who have an oral infection or not ... the single greatest factor is the number of partners on whom the person has performed oral sex," said Gillison, who has been researching HPV and cancer for 15 years.

"When the number of partners increases, the risk increases."

Previous studies have suggested that people who have performed oral sex on six or more partners over a lifetime face an eight-fold higher risk of acquiring HPV-related head or neck cancer than those with fewer than six partners, she said.

There as many as 150 different types of human papillomaviruses, and about 40 of those can be sexually transmitted. Some may cause genital warts, while other more high-risk varieties can cause oral, anal, vaginal and penile cancers.

Sexually transmitted HPV infections are common and often asymptomatic, and untreated cases in women are the main cause of cervical cancer.

A study published earlier this month in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the HPV vaccine could prevent 90 per cent of genital warts in men, and the vaccine has also been approved against anal cancer in men and women.

Source: http://pattaya-times.com/a7029-oral-sex-linked-to-cancer-risk.html


-- Pattaya Times 2011-03-22 footer_n.gif

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Based on performing oral sex on 6 partners in a lifetime I think it is amazing that much of the population of Pattaya is still alive - if I remember correctly I must have got my full dose within hours of arriving here the first time.

Better head down to the Bliss Lounge for some research.

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Maura Gillison of Ohio State University,

became the most hated woman by other women in a matter of seconds.

And what about lesbians..... Are they destined to be celibate now?

So the new litmus test for a long term mate is:

have you have gone down on a woman?

If you have you may die to soon, sorry can't marry you.

If it's exponential then I should have a geint wart for a head....

...225 per cent increase in oral cancer cases in the US from 1974 to 2007, mainly among white men...

Ok sounds very scary,

but what is the percentage of actual cases,

not the rise in case.

How many white men out of 100,000 get this?'

Example of 1 man got this per 100k men in '47

this means 2.25 men get it on average '74 - '07

Edited by animatic
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I wonder if this only applies giving oral sex to a man? They do specify, but the wording is not very clear.

I didn't read it that way and assumed it was an equal opportunity infection but since the main group that are getting infected are white males than that would imply it is a mainly gay issue. At least it might explain why i have survived but unfortunately JT may be on sticky ground now!

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