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Hi everyone, I am hoping I can get some answers as to possibly what happened to my dog.

She went out yesterday and no big deal as she always comes back, but this time she only made it to the gate, our other dog was barking furiously which drew out attention to the gate and she was lying down, convulsing and twitching with an incredible amount of white foam from the mouth, she was gone within a few minutes. What happened ? could she have been bitten by a snake ? does/can it have that effect, was she poisend, ate something she shouldnt have ? what would make this happen to her and for her to die so rapidly. She was a 5 yrs old Golden Labrador and is deeply missed and we desperately need an answer as to what might have happened to her, any suggestions or knwoledge of something similiar ?


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Poison or pesticides/insecticides. Do you live close to rice fields, and did they just spray? Some of these products can cause death within half an hour.

I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

May she Rest in Peace ... and have loads of fun with all our doggy friends that went before us.


Sorry to hear that, yes probably been poisoned, if i was in you i would spend the last few bahts on the dog to find out what it was, in the mean time take extra precautions in your property as you might receive unexpected visitors....


Thanks to all who took time to reply and for your kind words.

As for taking extra precautions, she was one of 3 dogs here and the others are just fine although obviously missing there play mate.

Thanks again to everyone.


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Hi charly,

sorry to listen this. Was the belly bloated? If yes, it can be that she had a bloat.



My 4 years old german sheperd dog died last November about it. We come back from a walk. Him got his food and some minutes later him run crazy around. I called him and when him come to me his belly was bloated and a lot of white foam come out of the mouth. We drove to the vet, make a check, x-ray and than operation. But to late!! Him died. And it don't needed hours. It was only 30-45 Minutes. Sad!!!

One week later his puppies was born. This helped me a little bit.

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