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Bus explodes in central Jerusalem, at least 18 hurt


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Bus explodes in central Jerusalem, at least 18 hurt

2011-03-23 20:32:07 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- A suspected bomb exploded near a bus in central Jerusalem on Wednesday afternoon, officials and local media said, causing at least 18 injuries.

The Jerusalem Post reported that the explosion happened outside the Binyanei Ha'uma building in central Jerusalem, injuring at least 18 people. Scores of emergency services were at the scene.

Unconfirmed reports said there may be fatalities.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-23

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MDA says none killed; Police say that package exploded next to Egged bus 74 opposite Binyanei Ha'uma in central Jerusalem; Netanyahu delaying departure for Moscow.

An explosion took place near a bus in central Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon.

Police said that a bomb exploded outside Egged bus number 74 at a station opposite the Jerusalem Conference Center (Binyanei Ha'uma) in the center of town.


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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Oh, the armchair CSI team already found the culprit.

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Or could they just be doing what the Israelis think is OK to do ,which is retaliate by killing innocents.

Edited by chachachacha
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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Oh, the armchair CSI team already found the culprit.

Let's wait for either Hamas or Al Aqsa to claim responsibility so you can deny their involvement shall we.

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Oh, the armchair CSI team already found the culprit.

Let's wait for either Hamas or Al Aqsa to claim responsibility so you can deny their involvement shall we.

Israeli authorities spokesperson says they are looking for a single person in connection with this explosion. Largely unrelated turmoil in the middle east! Come on. Of course an explosion that maims and kills innocent people anywhere is reprehensible. And i condemn it. Yesterday a grandfather and his four grandchildren were murdered by Israeli planes bombing civilian areas in the Gaza strip concentration camp. I condemn that too. Last week forty children collecting firewood in Afghanistan were killed by an unmanned American drone. I also condemn that. How about you Steely Dan?

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Or could they just be doing what the Israelis think is OK to do ,which is retaliate by killing innocents.

Innocents being forced to act as human shields in front of the rocket launchers used by Hamas.

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Or could they just be doing what the Israelis think is OK to do ,which is retaliate by killing innocents.

Innocents being forced to act as human shields in front of the rocket launchers used by Hamas.

Yet more bs that dont relate to this

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Or could they just be doing what the Israelis think is OK to do ,which is retaliate by killing innocents.

Innocents being forced to act as human shields in front of the rocket launchers used by Hamas.

Yet more bs that dont relate to this

Would yo be so kind and provide NON BS evidence of Israel killing civilians?

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Oh, the armchair CSI team already found the culprit.

Let's wait for either Hamas or Al Aqsa to claim responsibility so you can deny their involvement shall we.

Israeli authorities spokesperson says they are looking for a single person in connection with this explosion. Largely unrelated turmoil in the middle east! Come on. Of course an explosion that maims and kills innocent people anywhere is reprehensible. And i condemn it. Yesterday a grandfather and his four grandchildren were murdered by Israeli planes bombing civilian areas in the Gaza strip concentration camp. I condemn that too. Last week forty children collecting firewood in Afghanistan were killed by an unmanned American drone. I also condemn that. How about you Steely Dan?

This tit for tat escalation of violence now happening between Gaza and Israel must end. Going off topic and attempting to link a drone attack that did not kill 40 children in Pakistan has no facts or relevance. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/asia-pacific/pakistan/110318/pakistan-us-drone-attack or http://www.dawn.com/2011/03/18/rare-condemnation-by-pm-army-chief-40-killed-in-drone-attack.html

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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

You are not seriously denying that Hamas uses civilians for human shields?

And i hope you are not denying the terror attack in this thread?

You right, keep the head buried, do not accept anything as fact irrespective of what the evidence is, and just deny, excuse and justify.

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Would yo be so kind and provide NON BS evidence of Israel killing civilians?

This must be the most foolish request post of this year LOL

So that would be a NO, you can not?whistling.gif

That would be The most foolish post this year but for the one before , (Digging your own hole ) LOL

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Would yo be so kind and provide NON BS evidence of Israel killing civilians?

This must be the most foolish request post of this year LOL

So that would be a NO, you can not?whistling.gif

That would be The most foolish post this year but for the one before , (Digging your own hole ) LOL

Soooo, thats another NO, you can not?! Welcome back Coma, good to see you have not lost your sense of humorbah.gif

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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

You are not seriously denying that Hamas uses civilians for human shields?

And i hope you are not denying the terror attack in this thread?

You right, keep the head buried, do not accept anything as fact irrespective of what the evidence is, and just deny, excuse and justify.

If you read my first post you will see that i unreservedly condemned tonights terror attack as reprehensible. Do try and keep up. Or were you hoping that people wouldnt notice and accept your veiled accusation at face value? For you to argue that Israel have never killed civilians flys in the face of reality and lays you wide open to ridicule IMHO. Regarding Ullysses remark that Israel never targets civilians, bombing civilian areas over and over again knowing that the likely result is the death and maiming of innocent civilians amounts to the same thing. Regardless of who they claim to be targeting.

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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

You are not seriously denying that Hamas uses civilians for human shields?

And i hope you are not denying the terror attack in this thread?

You right, keep the head buried, do not accept anything as fact irrespective of what the evidence is, and just deny, excuse and justify.

If you read my first post you will see that i unreservedly condemned tonights terror attack as reprehensible. Do try and keep up. Or were you hoping that people wouldnt notice and accept your veiled accusation at face value? For you to argue that Israel have never killed civilians flys in the face of reality and lays you wide open to ridicule IMHO. Regarding Ullysses remark that Israel never targets civilians, bombing civilian areas over and over again knowing that the likely result is the death and maiming of innocent civilians amounts to the same thing. Regardless of who they claim to be targeting.

Ok, let me explain this for you in simple terms

1. Israel does not target civilians, Israel targets Hamas militants and its associates, including tunnels used for smuggling weapons, manufacturing plants and rockets storage and launching locations

2. Israel always warns civilians by phone calls and drop of leaflets and TV broadcasts

3. Israel does not fire rockets into Palestine without even aiming

4. Israel does not plant bombs in busses or schools or any other public places.

5. Israel does not celebrate the death of kids and does not praise civilian casualties

6. Israel always issues statements of apology when civilians are hurt and does not celebrate the murders in the name of GOD

7. Israel does not position its military in civilian areas

Hamas and Fatah

1. ALWAYS target civilians

2. Never issues any warnings

3. Fires rockets into Israel without an aim, into CIVILIAN areas

4. Plants bombs on public busses, school busses, cafe's, shopping malls etc

5. Always celebrates the death of Jewish people and always praises the ones responsible in TV broadcasts and even by dedicating sport activities in their name

6. Always celebrates in the name of God hence screaming Allah Akbar

7. Never condemns any attacks on Israel even if neither had anything to do with it

8. Never ever issues any statement of apology for killing civilians and always make statements wanting to kill more.

9. Only locates itself in between civilians

So back to the original question. Does Israel target civilians NO, Do civilians get killed YES. Is Israel solely to blame NO.

Is there, was there any record, REAL record of Israel firing into civilians? NO

Would you like to deny or debate any of the above?

Edited by kuffki
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What a strange man/woman/thing you are. You really don't live in the real world do you . Now go play silly buggers somewhere else

So 3rd time lucky and NO again. I hope you realize you are simply trolling now.

You either can not or do not want to provide an answer to the question

You either can not or do not want to even provide sensible debate

You resort to kids play answers

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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Oh, the armchair CSI team already found the culprit.

Let's wait for either Hamas or Al Aqsa to claim responsibility so you can deny their involvement shall we.

Wait until the culprit is found.

Lets see if the armchair partisans and the internet partners of the Zionists can wait that long or if they fill up the thread with blood libel type innuendo and hate speech.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

Why it's just the endless feud between the Hamasfields and the McCoybergs ...

That was my first thought, real war, but as long as the conflict is limited to Gaza/West Bank vs. Israel, Gaza/West Bank doesn't have a conventional army and Israel can remain effective in limiting their arms buildup. Of course the kicker is that Israel is surrounded by other hostile Arab countries and IRAN is busy trying to spark proxy wars with Israel. So if this is limited to a tit for tat within Israel and Gaza/West Bank, than I think no full scare war for now.

Of course expect the left wing in Israel, if it wasn't already dead, is now MORE DEAD.

To make this more explicit, the world wants Israel to give up a lot of land, and IF there ever is to be real peace, and two states, they will have to do that. However, if they do, their major city Tel Aviv will be within short target of rockets or worse. If you were living in Tel Aviv, would you feel like taking that chance now?

Edited by Jingthing
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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Certainly when those in question are staunchly blind apologists for a Terrorist state like Israel.......

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If Israel is a terrorist state, what does that make the USA, Russia, China, France, the UK, Columbia, Sudan, etc., etc., etc. ????

Singling out Israel as being especially evil is a classic symptom of you know what.

Nobody is denying that the IDF is responsible for the deaths of many innocents in the same way the UK is responsible for the deaths of many innocents in Afghanistan. When you go after military targets, innocents often get killed, and sometimes the projectiles miss their intended targets, it's tragic everywhere it happens. It is relevant whether TARGETING innocents is the policy of IDF or not. If you asserting that it is, prove it, and if you can I hope the responsible parties face war crimes charges. WORDS MATTER. If you are saying Israeli's "kill" or "murder" children you are just being inflammatory for the sake of trashing Israel. Kill and murder obviously implies intentionality.

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If Israel is a terrorist state, what does that make the USA, Russia, China, France, the UK, Columbia, Sudan, etc., etc., etc. ????

Singling out Israel as being especially evil is a classic symptom of you know what.

Nobody is denying that the IDF is responsible for the deaths of many innocents in the same way the UK is responsible for the deaths of many innocents in Afghanistan. When you go after military targets, innocents often get killed, and sometimes the projectiles miss their intended targets, it's tragic everywhere it happens. It is relevant whether TARGETING innocents is the policy of IDF or not. If you asserting that it is, prove it, and if you can I hope the responsible parties face war crimes charges. WORDS MATTER. If you are saying Israeli's "kill" or "murder" children you are just being inflammatory for the sake of trashing Israel. Kill and murder obviously implies intentionality.

Yes, if you dare to mention the children killed by the Israeli soldiers its trashing Israel. poor country.

The whole world is against that tiny little country. Why cannot everybody just ignore what Israel does?

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If Israel is a terrorist state, what does that make the USA, Russia, China, France, the UK, Columbia, Sudan, etc., etc., etc. ????

Singling out Israel as being especially evil is a classic symptom of you know what.

Nobody is denying that the IDF is responsible for the deaths of many innocents in the same way the UK is responsible for the deaths of many innocents in Afghanistan. When you go after military targets, innocents often get killed, and sometimes the projectiles miss their intended targets, it's tragic everywhere it happens. It is relevant whether TARGETING innocents is the policy of IDF or not. If you asserting that it is, prove it, and if you can I hope the responsible parties face war crimes charges. WORDS MATTER. If you are saying Israeli's "kill" or "murder" children you are just being inflammatory for the sake of trashing Israel. Kill and murder obviously implies intentionality.

Yes, if you dare to mention the children killed by the Israeli soldiers its trashing Israel. poor country.

The whole world is against that tiny little country. Why cannot everybody just ignore what Israel does?

Yep. Israel can do no wrong. Wonder how they well they would get on without the billions in "gifts" from their Uncle Sugars - terrorist states in their own right.

Edited by zzaa09
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If Israel is a terrorist state, what does that make the USA, Russia, China, France, the UK, Columbia, Sudan, etc., etc., etc. ????

Singling out Israel as being especially evil is a classic symptom of you know what.

Another demagogic attempt to label criticism of Israel as Antisemitism.

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