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I Need Help W/ The Required Documentation Required To Ship My Personal Possesions To The Usa Via Freight

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My wife apparently choose a company to ship our possessions which is incapable of explaining to her or she is incapable of explaining to me what they need to us to do in any kind of clear terms.

They came to our house and picked up our stuff and left with it. At that time they gave me a form titled: "Customs Power of Attorney" and told me to check off "Individual" and write my SS# on it and sign it. That was all.

Now they have emailed me a PDF file which I have attached and I have been told to fill it out and to create a packing list.

1. I don't know what it is that I am supposed to be filing out as I do not have any company. I am just an individual shipping his personal used possessions to the USA by freight.

2. I also don't know what the packing list is supposed to consist of. Number of boxes and what is inside each box?Number of pieces of clothing, number of books, etc?

3. What is IRS/SSS#? Is that supposed to be SS#

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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I can't help with the definitions (SSS etc.) coz I'm a Brit, but for your packing list you need to:-

Allocate a number to each crate.

List the contents with a dollar value if appropriate (big ticket items).

When listing the contents apply common sense, you can happily say 'used clothing' for a box of regular clothes, but a box of Louis Vuiton (genuine) would need to be detailed individually. Same with the technology, list each item (TV, PC etc.) but you could put 'home entertainment system' for your home theatre (less the TV), and 'cables' for a box full of same.

The more detail you put, the less inquisitive customs at your destination are likely to be.

Sadly the above doesn't work when shipping to Thailand, it simply tell the customs people which cases have the best pickings (wifey's clothes went unopened, my electronics was carefully checked and selectively 'lost').

As for the 'Company' name, just put yours or 'individual' or blank if there's already a space for 'name'. :)

EDIT I'm going to close this one as the OP has cross-posted in General, anyone wants to help it's here

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