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Egypt warns Israel against attacks on Gaza


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Egypt warns Israel against attacks on Gaza

2011-03-24 23:48:13 GMT+7 (ICT)

CAIRO (BNO NEWS) -- Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil El-Arabi urged Israel and Palestinian resistance groups to exercise self-restraint and warned of the consequences of the increasing violence, Ahram Online reported Thursday.

In a statement released Wednesday evening, hours after a bombing in Jerusalem killed one person and wounded dozen, El-Arabi condemned attacks on civilians in the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip and warned "of the grave consequences of escalation of Israeli-Palestinian violence".

El-Arabi warned Israel against launching a new war on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, saying this would only aggravate tension and endanger stability in the region. He also called on Palestinian resistance groups not to give Israel an excuse to start a war.

Meanwhile, an Egyptian official source told Ahram Online that a new Israeli war on Gaza could hinder Cairo's plans to introduce easier regulations on the operation of the Rafah Crossing, the only non-Israeli controlled checkpoint between Gaza Strip and the rest of the world.

"We are considering plans to serve this purpose that would make the lives of Palestinians easier in Gaza and we hope that things will not take the wrong turn," the official added.

On Thursday, Palestinian militants fired nine projectiles at Israel. In response, Israeli aircraft struck at targets in the Gaza Strip.

The explosion in Jerusalem on Wednesday came a day after Israeli tanks bombarded a house and a soccer playground in Gaza City, killing four Palestinians, including children, and injuring a dozen.

With violence increasing on the ground and Israeli-Palestinian negotiations remaining at a standstill, a senior United Nations official on Tuesday called for urgent action and said all parties must exercise restraint.

Talks between the two sides have been stalled since late September following Israel's refusal to extend a 10-month freeze on settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory. That decision prompted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to withdraw from direct talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which had only resumed a few weeks earlier after a two-year hiatus.

According to Israel Defense Forces, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired last week.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-24

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Egypt has a functioning government yet? I liked what President Obama said better. Israel has a right to DEFEND itself.

He also called on Palestinian resistance groups not to give Israel an excuse to start a war.


And why would Israel have more rights then Palestina?...................Ooops I forgot because they control the US politicians and Wall street.

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And why would Israel have more rights then Palestina?...................Ooops I forgot because they control the US politicians and Wall street.

See bullet points 2 and 8.


That wasn't a normal criticism of Israeli foreign policy like normal people would make to criticize any other country whose actions they disagreed with; that was a full on classic hate speech "Elders of Zion" style attack.

Did I say more rights? I quoted Obama -- right to DEFEND like ANY OTHER country. That means the same as other countries, not more.

What country are you from? Would you like your leader to accept rocket attacks aimed at civilians?

Sadly, Palestine isn't an official country at this time. Why is that do you think? Do you seriously think that the fact they aren't a country is ENTIRELY Israel's fault?

(FYI -- personally I do oppose many of Israel's foreign policies, especially the illegal settlements which unlike Sarah Palin I don't regard as a "local zoning issue". However defense against the terrorist Hamas Gaza government is what any reasonable country would do if they were in Israel's place.)

Edited by Jingthing
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DefInatly a sad state of affairs. I posted on another thread that Israel would be smart to agree to a 2 state resoution. Get ahesd of this mess. Yet they insist on this tit for tat escalation. Both sides leadershio are lacking vision as post Mubarak Egypt will only fuel arms to this conflict. apparently it will only get much worse. Both sides please come to the peace table now or this will get much worse. IMHO

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Agree to a two state solution with WHICH Palestinian government? There are two, and one of them, Hamas, is dedicated to destroying Jewish Israel completely. Again, what normal country would negotiate with a schizoid entity like that, where a large part of one side is openly pledged to your total destruction as a state? People expect bizarre things of Israel, WHY?!?, that they would never expect from their own states.

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<br />
<br />Egypt has a functioning government yet? I liked what President Obama said better. Israel has a right to DEFEND itself. <br /><br />
He also called on Palestinian resistance groups not to give Israel an excuse to start a war.
<br />Naive.<br />
<br /><br /><br />And why would Israel have more rights then Palestina?...................Ooops I forgot because they control the US politicians and Wall street.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


And that is why the USA will always support Israel,their Colossal Power in the USA,of controlling Major Industries,and Markets is Massive, far reaching,and intricately woven into the American Society,and way of life,So we shouldn't expect a fair settlement for Palestine any time soon,that's if they are left with any land,worth negotiating with.

Edited by MAJIC
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And that is why the USA will always support Israel,their Colossal Power in the USA,of controlling Major Industries,and Markets is Massive, far reaching,and intricately woven into the American Society,and way of life,So we shouldn't expect a fair settlement for Palestine any time soon,that's if they are left with any land,worth negotiating with.

Oh, another one. He means JEWS. That is very clear, even after adjusting for the massive INCOHERENCE of that text. Amazing, a people representing a tiny fraction of 1 percent of the world's population control the world like evil puppet masters (and "greedily" hold on to a state representing a tiny fraction of the land in the Middle East; one Jewish state in the world, over FIFTY Islamic ones). How ever do those "MAJIC-AL" mystical tricky people manage such a thing? Oh, of course! It's a global CONSPIRACY! Read all about it in the classic text, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Many posters here have done just that and can't wait to spread the news.


Folks, this really is not OK. Criticism of Israeli policy it totally legit and often well deserved. Spreading hateful lies about Jewish total control conspiracies isn't something that should be tolerated any more than any other kind of BLATANT racism.

Edited by Jingthing
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OK, back to Gaza. So Egypt warns Israel. Will Israel listen? Should Israel listen? Or perhaps, the Egyptian announcement is much more about their own internal political posturing than Gaza.

What does Israel have to gain from an escalation? Nothing. They don't want it. But if the rockets increase from Gaza, they shouldn't be expected to passively take it.

According to Israel Defense Forces, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired last week.
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Golda Meier was right when she said, "We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."

It was a nice sentiment for her time.

Perhaps more up to date, when the Palestinians fully accept the existence of Israel as a Jewish state and find a way to prove it. Electing "liberate ALL of Palestine"/"kill the Jews" Hamas doesn't inspire optimism.

Edited by Jingthing
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DefInatly a sad state of affairs. I posted on another thread that Israel would be smart to agree to a 2 state resoution.

They have already signaled that they are agreeable to that if anyone on the other side will put their signature on a PEACE treaty. :ermm:

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Perhaps more up to date, when the Palestinians fully accept the existence of Israel as a Jewish state and find a way to prove it. Electing "liberate ALL of Palestine"/"kill the Jews" Hamas doesn't inspire optimism.

Not just Palestinians.

They haven't been at war with each other for more than 30 years.

But diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel may be plummeting to a new low after a Cairo airline decided to wipe the Jewish state off the map. Although Egypt Air flies regularly to Israel's capital, Tel Aviv, through a subsidiary, the destination does not appear on any of the airline's route maps.

article-1369625-0B52C02C00000578-727_468x320.jpgOff the map: Egypt Air's route map does not feature Israel or its capital, Tel Aviv

According to the website Ynetnews, Israel has been swallowed up by its Arab neighbour, Jordan, whose border now stops at the Mediterranean Sea.

'The airline's subsidiary, Air Sinai, flies to Israel regularly, but customers seeking flights to Ben Gurion National Airport will have a hard time finding them,' the website reports.

'On the map are the names of the Mideast capitals – Amman, Beirut, and Damascus – but Israel is nowhere to be found.'

The website pointed out that the exclusion was 'especially odd' because flights out of Egypt to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion National Airport are becoming increasingly popular.

'Cairo-Tel Aviv flights were temporarily halted following the recent uprising that overturned the government, but were then reinstated,' it noted.

'There has also been an increase in passengers on Air Sinai's flights. According to the Airports Authority, the airline saw an increase of 27 per cent in 2010 from the year previous.'

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Yes that's a very rude map. It's the Palestinians that justifiably want a state and that will involve an agreement of some kind with Israel. Israel isn't going to easily sign away their right to exist, they need to feel that the risks and land concessions they make for peace are decent bets.

Edited by Jingthing
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Golda Meier was right when she said, "We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."

Golda Meier also said in a televised BBC interview that should Israel face defeat on the battle field, they would bring the whole world down with them. Or words to that effect.

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Golda Meier was right when she said, "We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."

Golda Meier also said in a televised BBC interview that should Israel face defeat on the battle field, they would bring the whole world down with them. Or words to that effect.

Why not first do the research and post the exact words then to post something that you MAY BE think or you MAY BE understood.

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The last time Egypt seriously warned Israel about something, they had a rude awakening!

Absolutely a very short memory.

And since the bad Jews control the world, including USA according to so many scholars on this forum, Egypts military may find itself without the $6 billion every year from US, I wonder what they would do then :whistling:

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Golda Meier also said...

Please supply a link. There have been a number of false quotes posted here by anti-Israeli posters (and I can not find that quote using those words).

Here is a legitimate one:

The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight.

- Golda Meir

Edited by Ulysses G.
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And why would Israel have more rights then Palestina?...................Ooops I forgot because they control the US politicians and Wall street.

How does Israel control wall Street? Please explain how the dominate investment interests consisting of sovereign funds, pension funds and publicly held corporations are controlled by Israel? China is one of the largest holders of debt traded on wall Street. Is China now controlled by Israel? How did some of the other key players, particularly the investment managers for the UAE, Qatar, Libya and Saudi Arabia all of a sudden come under the control of Israel?

Why don't you just come right out and say it, that you hate jews and that you blame them for all of your failures. Go on. Let it go.

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And that is why the USA will always support Israel,their Colossal Power in the USA,of controlling Major Industries,and Markets is Massive, far reaching,and intricately woven into the American Society,and way of life,So we shouldn't expect a fair settlement for Palestine any time soon,that's if they are left with any land,worth negotiating with.

Could you please take time out from your spreading of hate speech which is illegal in Thailand, and explain what these major industries are? How did these evil all powerful jews take over China and convince the USA to become indebted? How did these jews take over the sovereign investment and pension funds of most of the western world without anyone noticing? When did the jews take control of the banks in Luxembourg and Switzerland and Dubai? How did the jews take control of Venezuala and other powerful OPEC members?

Your comment is hateful and ignorant. Instead of blaming Israel and jews, be a man and take control of your destiny.

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ok lets see if we can keep from going offtopic today shall we??

Yes it is entirely israels fault, going back to 1947 when the UN decided to partition the country into 2 ethnic zones, giving the zionists who had mostly just arrived from europe and were currently about 1/3 of the overall population 50% of the country, the Palestinians backed by the arabs were demanding a 1 state solution, the British were being terrorized by jewish terrorist groups to force them to leave and end their peace keeping role..the arab counteroffer was in fact a 1 state solution, since they still had a democratic majority they offered jews a minority stake in the Palestine parliament.. forget that, country was partitioned palestinians broken up into diaspora(expelled), gaza, wb, and the ones that became israeli citizens..

So a 'fundamentalist' palestinian looks at his history, currently being confined to one of these bnatustans like gaza and blames israel, who else would he blame? the other arab state that were helpless to prevent all that from happening, terrorist organizations that attempt to resist this ongoing unfair and oppressive situation? a 'corrupt' PA or Hamas regime, sure those too but it's mostly israel and it's inability to come up with a political scheme that guarantees equal rights for the indeginous population be it in a 1 state solution or 2.

And why would Israel have more rights then Palestina?...................Ooops I forgot because they control the US politicians and Wall street.

See bullet points 2 and 8.


That wasn't a normal criticism of Israeli foreign policy like normal people would make to criticize any other country whose actions they disagreed with; that was a full on classic hate speech "Elders of Zion" style attack.

Did I say more rights? I quoted Obama -- right to DEFEND like ANY OTHER country. That means the same as other countries, not more.

What country are you from? Would you like your leader to accept rocket attacks aimed at civilians?

Sadly, Palestine isn't an official country at this time. Why is that do you think? Do you seriously think that the fact they aren't a country is ENTIRELY Israel's fault?

(FYI -- personally I do oppose many of Israel's foreign policies, especially the illegal settlements which unlike Sarah Palin I don't regard as a "local zoning issue". However defense against the terrorist Hamas Gaza government is what any reasonable country would do if they were in Israel's place.)

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I would say that militarism in general-wallstreet loves it.. it's not so much that rich wall street jews like Donald Trump-from what i can tell he's a billionare jew that could care less about the israel/palestine conflict and most likly has moderate views himself, but there are alot of rich white chritians that also support the zionist project, so do defense contractors which get to sell weapons to israel and egypt and the gulf states (the first 2 through foreign aid credits) if there was a peace treaty between the 2 sides those countries will eventually cut their defence procurements.. there are too many stock that go up when there is war in the me.

And why would Israel have more rights then Palestina?...................Ooops I forgot because they control the US politicians and Wall street.

How does Israel control wall Street? Please explain how the dominate investment interests consisting of sovereign funds, pension funds and publicly held corporations are controlled by Israel? China is one of the largest holders of debt traded on wall Street. Is China now controlled by Israel? How did some of the other key players, particularly the investment managers for the UAE, Qatar, Libya and Saudi Arabia all of a sudden come under the control of Israel?

Why don't you just come right out and say it, that you hate jews and that you blame them for all of your failures. Go on. Let it go.

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I think Egypt is in a dangerous state of flux, sure Mubarrak was a despot, but I think it naive in the extreme to believe democracy will take hold in Egypt, even if they have a fair election and the Muslim brotherhood win that will probably be the last free election a they surplant democracy with Sharia law. The permission for two Iranian warships to transit Suez was another clear message that the camp David peace treaty is sadly all but dead. I fear another war and the current Egyptian statement is purely to test Israel's resolve to defend itself and I expect it to be followed by more Hamas provokation not less.

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What if israel decided to live dangerously and just quit the occupied territories to the 1967 borders, after all even hamas will at least offer and seeming endless ceasefire if israel did just that.. do you really think they run the risk of being overrun by the palestinians who wouldn't even have a real army, with Jordan to the east and a demilitarized sinia(per the egyptian-israeli pease treaty to the west) it obviously wasn't such a dangerous situation for them in 1967 when they invaded the territories in 6 days??

The 'security' argument is actually a diversion from israel's real agenda-which is the jewish settler agenda of 'greater israel' which creates a single aphartied state, which the settler movement then offers no way out of that situation.

Yes that's a very rude map. It's the Palestinians that justifiably want a state and that will involve an agreement of some kind with Israel. Israel isn't going to easily sign away their right to exist, they need to feel that the risks and land concessions they make for peace are decent bets.

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my wrong must have been thinking of someone else, but just goes to show , generally speaking america's rich white aristocracy supports israeli likudnik policy whatever religion they are . . but the day will come when that support base erodes so israel is better off creating a situation now that repects human rights and equality, rater than riding the money train to an uncertain future where the rug can be pulled out from underneath them.

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What if israel decided to live dangerously and just quit the occupied territories to the 1967 borders, after all even hamas will at least offer and seeming endless ceasefire if israel did just that..

Please do not state your delusions as facts. Israel gave them Gaza and they have turned it into an armed camp. It is very likely that they will do the exact same thing with any more land that they are granted.

Who is going to trust a party that calls for your complete destruction and repeatedly says that it has absolutely no interest in Peace?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Just as I expected. The Egyptians were only ever going to reach straight out to assist thier brothers and sisters in Palestine. The dynamics are definately starting to shift in the region. Hopefully this will assist in raising the quality of life for the Palestinians in Gaza. :D .

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