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Looking to move into a place that is 2.9km (by the only road) from a 3BB box. They have said that their service is not available, there has been no demand from that road. The lack of demand I could believe looking around, after several phone calls, I am now having a 'supervisor' calling me back next week, apparently to talk about me paying for a line to my potential property. I really wonder if 2.9km, well it would be slow anyway. A little lost in translations, but talk of me paying for a node box near my place.

Has anyone had any experience of doing something like this and the cost?


I paid 3400 baht(just for the cable) last April for 550m distance which is from the nearest box to my house.

It was connected within a week from the day I made an inquiry.



About 5 years ago when I moved to the village where I am now, TOT had the monopoly of providing phone lines and they did not offer ADSL in the area at the time. Through a friend I contracted a Thai guy who found a place about 3km away where he could sign up for a TT&T line with Maxnet ADSL. He then put up phone cable for the 3km and finally had the billing address for both the line and Maxnet changed to my address. The line still works fine today. The whole thing cost me around 20,000 baht at the time, most of which probably went to cover the cost of the cable. Expensive, but both cheaper and better than the alternative, Internet via satellite.


Note, I have heard on the grape vine that they only want 5 subscribers, I have no real evidence of this though.

Although this is not the end of the road, i'ts actually a loop, I do doubt there would be much demand in there for other residence. There are not even any phone lines. There is a TOT public coin fone with e IPSTAR dish hanging off it though !!!

Hopefully I can pull something off.


I believe the only trick is the one played on you. Someone is going to have to fork out the cash to bring 3BB to the neighborhood. I guess 3BB is relying on one person to finally get fed up and pay for the box installation costs. In this case, I guess that's you. Your neighbors should be really happy though. All they'll have to do going forward is pay the monthly fee.

Are there any other options in your neighborhood? Do you have any friendly neighbors that also want internet? Maybe you can talk them into splitting the costs.

Best of luck! sounds like an expensive proposition.

So it is defiantly do-able, at 2.9km, would it be to slow anyway is my worry.

Anyone know of any tricks to try to get them to put a box in near by?


This is on of their scams.

They tried to do it with me too, had to pay for several kilometers, I called the former managar from Chiang Mai and het told me not to pay this, he had his office (in stead of the regio office) do the connection and I did not had to pay anything.

A well known scam that some of their offices try with foreigners.

The max you have to pay (he said) is 50 meters, from the street to your house.


With the service quality that 3BB has displayed over the past few months, I would look elsewhere. Even if they did the cable for free. I am in the CM area, maybe your location is better, but I would check with local users prior to committing.


I have been waiting for a land line since 2003 in my village in Khampaeng Phet province from either CAT, TOT or TT&T.

Fortunately I am very good at holding my breath though not for that long.

A friend is building a house on the plot next to us and there are 3 resorts, (2 farang and 1 Thai) so maybe the 5 of us can get a line put in.

The trouble is it will need to be about 5 km long.


I paid 3400 baht(just for the cable) last April for 550m distance which is from the nearest box to my house.

It was connected within a week from the day I made an inquiry.


Yes, they give you 325 m free and charge 15 baht for each additional meter. (225m x 15 = 3375 baht).

It's pretty sad when we have to pay for their infrastructure, but as long as people are willing to pay they'll take their money. The next person in your area will pay nothing as you already paid for it. They expand their services only as quickly as they can find desperate suckers to pay their expansion costs.


So it is defiantly do-able, at 2.9km, would it be to slow anyway is my worry.

Anyone know of any tricks to try to get them to put a box in near by?

It depends what you mean by too slow. If you're getting one of the el-cheapo services I suppose we can only expect we get what we pay for. We never hear from anyone who pays for the expensive services so it's impossible to make comparisons. Personally I'm paying for a premier service and I will say it's nothing special.


A few years ago, I paid some 40k for

a private line running from the sub-hub to the manager office which located some 2.6 kilo away.

The work, service and speed 2 Mg is acceptable to date.

Monthly service charge comes to around 600 baht.


I paid 3400 baht(just for the cable) last April for 550m distance which is from the nearest box to my house.

It was connected within a week from the day I made an inquiry.


Yes, they give you 325 m free and charge 15 baht for each additional meter. (225m x 15 = 3375 baht).

It's pretty sad when we have to pay for their infrastructure, but as long as people are willing to pay they'll take their money. The next person in your area will pay nothing as you already paid for it. They expand their services only as quickly as they can find desperate suckers to pay their expansion costs.

I would rather pay and be a sucker than sit down and wait. (well, I know what you mean, I was really frustrated for the fact that I was paying for their(tt&t) infrastructure, then I decided it might well be a contribution to my neighborhood.)



I would of course only be looking at the "Premium Package" as I desire to actually use the net out side of Thailand.

The bitch in 3BB wants 200,000 Baht. Looks like she is not going to get her tip. Failing that she wants 30 people to sign up first.

We can for cheaper, buy a plot of land near a node, (box on a pole) and get 3BB there and put a 40 foot tower on it and beam it to me. 3BB, what a joke.

whistling.gif 200,000bwhistling.gif


Well, this "regional manager" at 3BB got this call wrong, 2.9km from a box, 2.4 km form the big cable, and 3.6km from a large University, I still fail to see how 200,000b is slightly justified. I would have paid 50k to have had 4mb to Bangkok and 1Meg Intl down, what I have seen as average on another 2500b a month "Premier Connection".

Sad thing is, I still need 3BB as my primary with TOT as a back up, making life difficult where to live !!! Life would be easy if Thailand was not so determined to give 3G the flick, and they call this a developing country, many 3rd world countries are developed compared to this !!!!

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