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Radioactive Imported Potatoes Found In Thailand

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Japanese sweet potato imports radiation contaminated: Health Ministry


BANGKOK, March 29 -- Thailand's Ministry of Public Health on Monday found radioactive contamination in sweet potatoes imported from Japan and ordered the destruction of the products although they contained only low levels of radiation contamination.

Health Minister Jurin Laksanavisit said the ministry's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) examined 94 samples of Japanese food imports since March 16 through Sunday, ranging from fresh fish, seafood, fruit, seaweed and sweet potato.

The sweet potato was contaminated with 15.25 becquerel per kilogram (Bq/kg) of radiation, a number in which still lower than the acceptable standard at 100 (Bq/kg), said Mr Jurin.

The minister however said the FDA has suspended the sales of the contaminated produce as a precautionary measure despite the low radiation contamination.

FDA secretary-general Pipat Yingseri said 75 kilos of contaminated sweet potato was imported from Ibaraki prefecture last Wednesday. The FDA confiscated the products Friday after test results were issued.

He said the FDA will re-examine the contaminated sweet potato to determine whether the radiation level will fall or not and that the agency will also discuss with the Office of Atoms for Peace regarding the destruction of the contaminated imports.

The health minister said that checkpoints have been set up at Thailand's international airports to screen arriving passengers from Japan who may have been exposed to radiation. So far 334 out of 1,200 Thais departing Japan have sought advice on their health at Thailand's arrival checkpoints.

All were found to be in good condition and have not exposed to any radiation, said Mr Jurin. Outgoing passengers, both Thai and foreigners, also stopped at the checkpoints for information on the issue and those who plan to stay in at-risk areas have received iodine pills.

Mr Jurin said, however, that iodine tablets will no longer be given to departing passengers but they will receive printed instructions on the subject on board their aircraft on how to live during the radiation crisis.


-- TNA 2011-03-28

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Thailand to destroyed contaminated sweet potatoes from Japan

By The Nation

Thailand has confiscated 75 kilomgrammes of sweet potatoes imported from Japan after detecting them of radiation contamination.

Testing on 97 samples of imported products from Japan found that the sweet potatoes had the radioactive odine (I131) level at 15.25 Becquerel (Bq) per kilogram.

The safety standard of the radiation is 100 Bq per kilogram, meaning the level of radiation on the sweet potatoes were well within the safety standard.

However the Public Health Ministry will destroy them in a safe way that prevents radiation spreading.

Meanwhile Food and Drug Administration (FDA) secretary Pipat Yingseri said the contaminated potatoes were imported from Ibaraki province on Honshu Island on March 23.

They were detected on March 24 and seized the following day.

The huge earthquake and tsunami, triggered from the quake, hit Honshu Island about two weeks ago. The tsunami knocked out electricity system of nuclear power plant in Miyasaki prefacture, resulting in leaking of radiation.


-- The Nation 2011-03-28

However the Public Health Ministry will destroy them in a safe way that prevents radiation spreading.

The notion that radiation which is already at a safe level could become dangerous by an inappropriate disposal method gets Win, Place and Show in the Ignorance Stakes.

However the Public Health Ministry will destroy them in a safe way that prevents radiation spreading.

The notion that radiation can spread like a virus gets Win, Place and Show in the Ignorance Stakes.

... agree ... our health is being protected by cretins in the Thai Public Health Ministry ... but, this is as good as it gets here ... pray to God Thais do not build the 5 nukes here the Thai Ministry of Energy and World-wide Nuclear Contamination wants ... jeez, siphoning 25-30% off the top of 5 nuclear power plants is a lot of temptation for corrupt cretins.


What about the pesticides sprayed on the fruit and veg here , let alone the produce from China and Japan. I would think there is a level of radiation in all fruit and veg regardless of where its from .


What about the pesticides sprayed on the fruit and veg here , let alone the produce from China and Japan. I would think there is a level of radiation in all fruit and veg regardless of where its from .

Er, pesticides are chemicals, not 'radiation'.

Totally different things.


Why didn't the THREAD headline read SWEET potato, as there are different spuds. Then it would pinpoint what type B)

Even more importantly, the THREAD headline should NOT read, "radioactive".... as they are certainly not radioactive.

Radioactive means they are emitting radiation, eg. a fuel rod is radioactive.

Contaminated is the word they need to use and hopefully will as a means to inform the public in an educated and not hysterical manner.



Amazing ! One is left wondering whether this is an act of hysteria -- or an attempt to get some attention -- or simply bureaucrats making their usual attempt to appear relevent and diligent.

I wonder what is the normal background level of contamination in similar products from other countries.



Oh, my! And that on top of locally-grown veggies contaminated with all sorts of chemicals, hormone-infused pork and chicken, a generous dose of MSG in practically every bowl of noodle soup (and other dishes as well, mind you) and wonderfully healthy Kr***y Kr**e doughnuts and other trendy foods? Soon an entire nation will be sterile because of those potatos, I am certain.


Maybe they should show the same concern about pesticides, went looking for some Thai sweet basil in London yesterday, but this is still in force.

"The EU recently found prohibited chemicals in imported vegetables including basil, chili, Chinese bitter cucumber and bean. Fears of a possible EU ban on Thai vegetables has prompted the government to order a temporary suspension of shipments."

Had to make a trip down to the Vietnamese shop, no problems there :whistling:


Why didn't the THREAD headline read SWEET potato, as there are different spuds. Then it would pinpoint what type B)

Would you have click it if you had known beforehand its only about SWEET potato?

I enjoyed the moment of relief when i saw its just about sweet potatoes (who cares) and not about potatoes :licklips:


I'm perplexed by this bit:

The sweet potato was contaminated with 15.25 becquerel per kilogram (Bq/kg) of radiation, a number in which still lower than the acceptable standard at 100 (Bq/kg), said Mr Jurin.

The minister however said the FDA has suspended the sales of the contaminated produce as a precautionary measure despite the low radiation contamination.

So... on what grounds were these potatoes seized and destroyed if their radiation level was within specs for this type of potato?

I don't get it.


So... on what grounds were these potatoes seized and destroyed if their radiation level was within specs for this type of potato?

I don't get it.

I am guessing they have been trying to inspect the food coming in from Japan very carefully and there is there way of helping put to rest fears anyone might be having ... especially in terms of food products from Japan.

I think it is a positive thing but had a similar curiosity as you but was thinking more about who pays for the destroyed potatoes since they were within limits. Although I'm sure the cost was not too much it is all relative and could be significant to the buyer or seller.

However the Public Health Ministry will destroy them in a safe way that prevents radiation spreading.

The notion that radiation can spread like a virus gets Win, Place and Show in the Ignorance Stakes.

... agree ... our health is being protected by cretins in the Thai Public Health Ministry ... but, this is as good as it gets here ... pray to God Thais do not build the 5 nukes here the Thai Ministry of Energy and World-wide Nuclear Contamination wants ... jeez, siphoning 25-30% off the top of 5 nuclear power plants is a lot of temptation for corrupt cretins.

No clue the comparative level of radiation found in home smoke detectors but in the US (at least in some states) they have specific locations to discard old smoke detectors. Although it may be a small amount in the potatoes and smoke alarms, as well as other products, I am guessing the idea is it could add up in terms of entering the ground water in a landfill or the atmosphere if burned.


Why didn't the THREAD headline read SWEET potato, as there are different spuds. Then it would pinpoint what type B)

Even more importantly, the THREAD headline should NOT read, "radioactive".... as they are certainly not radioactive.

Radioactive means they are emitting radiation, eg. a fuel rod is radioactive.

Contaminated is the word they need to use and hopefully will as a means to inform the public in an educated and not hysterical manner.


Not to be picky...but I sure hope you don't have a degree in nuclear engineering or health physics because you don't have a clue. These spuds definately are radioactive and are emitting radiation. If they are not emitting radiation how do you think they measured the radioactivity (x amount of Bq)? The radioactivity may be due to contamination but to say they are not radioactive is wrong. However, I do agree that the media has been reporting in a hysterical manner.


Oh, my! And that on top of locally-grown veggies contaminated with all sorts of chemicals, hormone-infused pork and chicken, a generous dose of MSG in practically every bowl of noodle soup (and other dishes as well, mind you) and wonderfully healthy Kr***y Kr**e doughnuts and other trendy foods? Soon an entire nation will be sterile because of those potatos, I am certain.

nowt wrong with Kr###y Kr##e (aparently), they recently won an award for best fresh food shop in milton keynes where i'm working at present. :blink:!!! not only amazing thailand but amazing MK too

but its food stored in plastic, especially water and oily food that will turn us sterile, i hear it increases the levels of estrogen in men and women, ie no sperm, all the other crap just turns us spiritually sterile, as well as sick


Why didn't the THREAD headline read SWEET potato, as there are different spuds. Then it would pinpoint what type B)

Even more importantly, the THREAD headline should NOT read, "radioactive".... as they are certainly not radioactive.

Radioactive means they are emitting radiation, eg. a fuel rod is radioactive.

Contaminated is the word they need to use and hopefully will as a means to inform the public in an educated and not hysterical manner.

Not to be picky...but I sure hope you don't have a degree in nuclear engineering or health physics because you don't have a clue. These spuds definately are radioactive and are emitting radiation. If they are not emitting radiation how do you think they measured the radioactivity (x amount of Bq)? The radioactivity may be due to contamination but to say they are not radioactive is wrong. However, I do agree that the media has been reporting in a hysterical manner.

Let me help you out...

What Radioactive Contamination Is :

Radioactive contamination occurs when radioactive material is deposited on or in an object or a person. Radioactive materials released into the environment can cause air, water, surfaces, soil, plants, buildings, people, or animals to become contaminated. A contaminated person has radioactive materials on or inside their body.

Now then, the potatoes are not radioactive. It is the I-131 that is radioactive.

The very first sentence of the very first post (OP) has it right.

Thailand's Ministry of Public Health on Monday found radioactive contamination in sweet potatoes.

As I said, it is the thread title that is incorrect. It should have duplicated what was said in the OP.

Your unsaid apology is accepted.



Now then, the potatoes are not radioactive. It is the I-131 that is radioactive.

That's being a little pedantic. Take a look at Los Alamos and their reference to "radioactive" ants, radioactive plants, radioactive waste. Los Alamos Study Group. Considering they developed and still develop nuclear weapons, seems correcting them of the use of the term would be misplaced. ;)


Now then, the potatoes are not radioactive. It is the I-131 that is radioactive.

That's being a little pedantic. Take a look at Los Alamos and their reference to "radioactive" ants, radioactive plants, radioactive waste. Los Alamos Study Group. Considering they developed and still develop nuclear weapons, seems correcting them of the use of the term would be misplaced. ;)

It's not pedantic, it's just being accurate.

I also don't think your anti-nuclear study group NGO developed nuclear weapons ;)

Who We Are

updated 05/19/10

Since 1989, the Los Alamos Study Group community—our staff and board, volunteers, interns, and supporters—has consistently provided leadership on nuclear disarmament and related issues

Our careful, reasoned approach has gained us many friends, and built bridges even with people in the nuclear labs and plants. Since September 11, 2001, our work has increasingly placed nuclear weapons in the context of aggression abroad and the militarization of our society at home.


What nonsense.

This is FUD carried to an extreme.

Although it's only a quarter of the acceptable level - run away!

Besides, becquerel needs to be timed. It's a rate of decay not an indication of radioactivity. The radiation will decrease not get worse! It's quite conceivable (depending on which isotopes are present) the food will be fine in a few days' time.

I think this may be theater. "See? We're watching over you. We care about you. Remember that when you vote..."


Why on earth would the Thai Gov or any other companies purchase any foodstuffs from Japan wether it comes from the land or sea around Japan.

It is not hard to check every passengers bags who arrive from a Japanese flight into any airport in Thailand. :annoyed:


The potatoes are unlikely to contain radioactive iodine, with a half life of 8 days. It is most probably radioactive caesium eith a 30 year half life. Plants incorporate potassium and caesium is a more active member of the same group. However, caesium, radioactive or otherwise, is not stored in the body like iodine, it is rapidly excreted via sweat and urine.

If the authorities care to send this shipment to me I will safely dispose of it for them :lol:


some (or many?) vegies have natural radiation, bananas come to mind as one of the most notable.

will they ban bananas, even those grown in Thailand, as well?

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


lets, think about scare mongering. presuming the product came by seafreight, then that about a 6 day voyage and if the report is true then it arrived in thailand on friday, coz these guys dont work on the weekend to clear goods. so it was sent on the maybe on the 19th of march. the sweet potato would have been packed a week before shipping because they look old anyway - no doubt with all the confusion in that week that they were being prepared any way - so most probably were packed before the earthquake - sunami and radiation emitions in honshu..... and also it is so cold most probably from last novembers harvest! really doubt about the contamination!

He said the FDA will re-examine the contaminated sweet potato to determine whether the radiation level will fall or not and that the agency will also discuss with the Office of Atoms for Peace regarding the destruction of the contaminated imports.

Guess there's going to be a sweet potato casserole party at the OAP. :whistling:

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