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One More Reason To Stay Here...


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Yes, I know. The thread on 1st world and 3rd world countries was open to great debate, but here is something that is so simple, so basic at its core, so easily understood and globally agreed upon, that no one should find fault with....uhm, okay, this is TV so there will be a few.

Now, after four years of fulltime study with more than a few almond-eyed girlfriends as my assistants, I am confident in stating that there is at least one reason Thai women are "more better" than western women. They are willing to participate in an activity that most western women consider taboo.

Western women have always looked down their collective noses at this activity. Western women typically consider it to be disgusting and beneath them and they often go to great extremes to deprive their male partners of partaking in the enjoyment of such, even though fully aware that the activity, engaged in occasionally (too much might be bad for you) gives great pleasure and release to their partners after a hard and stressful day at work.

The women use such phrases as, "juevenile", and "disgusting" and often state that they just don't "understand" why men want to indulge in this activity. My ex-wife even referred to it as "sick and demented". Most women in the west refuse to participate, leaving the room in a huff as soon as the male initiates the activity, leaving him to complete it on his own, sometimes resorting to the company of other men.

My ex-wife and all my western girlfriends were in this category. But here, in Thailand, I have found that almost every girl will participate, to some extent, some even enjoy it to such a degree as to initiate it themselves, as was the case last night with my current girlfriend. She actually asked for it and when I told her I was really not in the mood, she actually begged for it. I finally consented but with a time limit of 15 minutes. She agreed, but soon we were on the floor, rolling about, and it went on for a full hour until we were having difficulty catching our breath.

I'd like to expand the research in an attempt to validate it. I'd be interested in knowing if others experience the same response from Thai ladies as I have.

NOTE: Some explanation to the ladies might be necessary but my experience is the physical movements are what counts rather than the spoken word.

Edited by happyrobert
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I don't understand either, why were you rolling on the floor? I think i'd take my wife to get checked up if she was behaving like that while watching those clips. :huh:

Edited by nidge
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I think ther'es a Mod called " Rimmer ", he is clearly fully aware of all of what the OP wrote about..:D

he's a fan of red dwarf? huh.gif

Red Dwarf's for Geeks, stick " Rimmer " or " Rimming " into Google Images with the Safe Search off AFTER reading the OP & NOT looking at tthe Vids, there's hope for you yet..

Edited by MSingh
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I think ther'es a Mod called " Rimmer ", he is clearly fully aware of all of what the OP wrote about..:D

he's a fan of red dwarf? huh.gif

Red Dwarf's for Geeks, stick " Rimmer " or " Rimming " into Google Images with the Safe Search off AFTER reading the OP & NOT looking at tthe Vids, there's hope for you yet..

No, no, no, and hell no!

Guess the wordplay was taken a bit too seriously. Where the hell did that conclusion come from? No, don't answer that! I've never even heard of it.

Yes, they all think the 3 Stooges are funny, unlike western women. My girlfriend fell off the sofa laughing so hard.

Geeeez ......

Edited by happyrobert
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I am all for a good laugh......and I get it each night when my girl is watching some Thai shows on TV.

Q: What's the difference between The Bugs Bunny Show and a Thai sitcom?

A: A Thai sitcom has more cartoon noises.

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I think it is quite well known that, the sense of humor between the US & the UK is poles apart. So it would be interseting to know where folk who reply to this post are from. That is from any nation.

I used to laugh a lot at the Three Stooges as a kid, at the Saturday morning Minors Matinee. I watched pieces of these clips. Sad to say they didn't do much for me. Now had it been the goons, that might have been different?

Sorry added these.

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I never could stand the Three Stooges and still don't. I don't find ANYTHING funny about their act. People ridiculing others and slapping each other around just isn't my style. Slapping children around never was my style. But, some people seem to enjoy it. The Three Stooges type of slapstick humour seems to be just what the Thais like and they have copied it for years. Why this is so I have no idea, but I really don't care. Unfortunately, the Thai bus companies subject us to watching that crap on the long distance bus rides. Thank gawd for my Boes headphones and I-pod full of songs.

Everyone else has their own taste in what they like and I'm free to enjoy what I like. And, there sure is a lot of stupid crap on Canadian and American television as well. Of the 50 or 60 channels on my TV package I doubt if I would watch any more than a dozen channels. The American soap operas are just as stupid as the Thai soap operas. How anyone can watch that drivel is beyond me, but I'm sure there are many who wouldn't watch my sports channels either. However, I do enjoy the occasional British or Aussie humour channel.

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