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Tourism And Thailand The BBC's Shocking Truth

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Tourism and Thailand the BBC's shocking truth

BANGKOK: -- The BBC have secured a commitment by the Abhisit government to investigate and deal with alleged eviction of sea gypsies from their traditional homes in Rawai Beach Phuket.

In a documentary presented by Stacey Dooley called: Thailand: Tourism and the Truth, the poor conditions of workers in the tourist industry are also exposed.

The land used by the sea gypsies has allegedly been taken by a businessman who wants to build a hotel there.

Stacey Dooley, aged just 22, has completed a series of documentaries for the BBC after being selected for her charm, honesty, and girl next door qualities.

She warns an advisor to Abhisit Vejjajiva: “I will be back to do a follow-up”. She has already done Thailand’s sweatshops and child prostitution in Cambodia.

Full story: http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2011/03/29/bbc-the-shocking-truth-about-tourism-on-thailand/

-- Andew-Drummond.com 2011-03-29

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I watched it last night, another hour of my life wasted. It was hardly Ross Kemps idea of darkside then again she was nearly out the door when a rat turned up so I guess it was a positively dreadful experience, it's not like there's not billions of rats in the uk don't know why she was squealing so much.

BBC please stop wasting taxpayers money on this tripe journalism.


I hope she brings some minders on her return , she may need protection , we know what some Thais are like if they are put down in any way .

Just wondered how many generations have the Moken ocupied the land? have they genuine rights to it ?? if so why all of a sudden a big wig comes along and buy's it. Bought it from who ? will be interesting to see what transpires.


she was nearly out the door when a rat turned up so I guess it was a positively dreadful experience, it's not like there's not billions of rats in the uk don't know why she was squealing so much.

how many rats a day do you see in the UK ?


she was nearly out the door when a rat turned up so I guess it was a positively dreadful experience, it's not like there's not billions of rats in the uk don't know why she was squealing so much.

how many rats a day do you see in the UK ?

clearly you have never been on the london underground


I watched it last night, another hour of my life wasted. It was hardly Ross Kemps idea of darkside then again she was nearly out the door when a rat turned up so I guess it was a positively dreadful experience, it's not like there's not billions of rats in the uk don't know why she was squealing so much.

BBC please stop wasting taxpayers money on this tripe journalism.

it's that Andrew Drummond again.... Can't expect much better really, could we?


Entertaining article and I feel for the people being forced off the land they have come to call their own but is it any surprise to any one that life is tougher outside Western First World nations. Poor working conditions, long hours and low pay ... is that the reason why so many people want to go to places like the US and UK as well as providing people from the US and UK a cheap tourist destination while being able to stay at first rate hotels at rock bottom prices.


Does anyone know about the legal status of sea gypsies? Do they hold the land titles?

I mean the main problem of course is that Phuket, Samui, and other islands are run by the Mafia. That's the root cause of all these issues, and that's what would need to be solved. As long as gangsters are in charge, you can't expect it to get better. If the government can't even defeat the tuk tuk and taxi mafia there - what hope is there?

Stacey Dooley, aged just 22, has completed a series of documentaries for the BBC after being selected for her charm, honesty, and girl next door qualities.

All I saw was a grating 'look at me' attitude and total condescension towards the Thais she met. Interesting that they had to employ a professional to narrate it for her.

Also interesting was the questions she didn't ask; like asking the hotel worker who said she wished she could afford a Starbucks how she managed to pay for the braces on her teeth!


Does anyone know about the legal status of sea gypsies? Do they hold the land titles?

I don't know the answer but I remember reading about a similar thing in Bangkok's slim (Khlong Toei) when they tried to push the people out there for the sake of "progress". Because they had lived there so long the land was considered theirs to live on. Am sure there are more legal issues involved but as I recall that was basically the bottom line. However, I don't think they received title ... it was more about not being able to evict them.


she was looking thru rose tinted glasses alittle.puket is expensive anytime of year.tourist will always pay double to the thais who live there.very different to other parts of the country.


Also interesting was the questions she didn't ask; like asking the hotel worker who said she wished she could afford a Starbucks how she managed to pay for the braces on her teeth!

...my thoughts exactly when i watched it last night... :blink:


This program was a joke so much so that I wrote to points view lets hope they air my message dry.gif.

Dear Points of view

I have just made it through one the most terribly misinformed and bias Tv showsi think i have ever seen, Thailandand tourism the truth BBC 3 was a sham of a program an unabashed forcing ofwestern views on another culture.

Your presenter was wearing such heavily rose tinted glasses I am sure she didnot notice a thing going on around her.

She had no conception of Thai culture and should have maybe focused on theforeigners them selves, the majority that visit the country show little respectfor them selves and even less for the native culture.

This is the attitude that local Thais learn from the so called civilizedwestern countries and is causing more harm to the society than development.

Thailand is a growing country and badly needs that growth; the down side to growthis that some one will inevitably lose out.

Her constant comparison to European destinations showed her lack of insight didthose places not have native populations that have been forced out oftheir homes due to development?

Did the new development not bring wealth with it to those people?

Thailand is still relatively new to all of this give the country a chance to catchup.

Please BBC if your are going to produce such programs on such a subject havesome one who has a little more knowledge of the country.

Yours looking forward to less pandering programming


This program was a joke so much so that I wrote to points view lets hope they air my message dry.gif.

Dear Points of view

I have just made it through one the most terribly misinformed and bias Tv showsi think i have ever seen, Thailandand tourism the truth BBC 3 was a sham of a program an unabashed forcing ofwestern views on another culture.

Your presenter was wearing such heavily rose tinted glasses I am sure she didnot notice a thing going on around her.

She had no conception of Thai culture and should have maybe focused on theforeigners them selves, the majority that visit the country show little respectfor them selves and even less for the native culture.

This is the attitude that local Thais learn from the so called civilizedwestern countries and is causing more harm to the society than development.

Thailand is a growing country and badly needs that growth; the down side to growthis that some one will inevitably lose out.

Her constant comparison to European destinations showed her lack of insight didthose places not have native populations that have been forced out oftheir homes due to development?

Did the new development not bring wealth with it to those people?

Thailand is still relatively new to all of this give the country a chance to catchup.

Please BBC if your are going to produce such programs on such a subject havesome one who has a little more knowledge of the country.

Yours looking forward to less pandering programming



Can I be first to ask if she had a work permit whilst engaged as a chambermaid.

When Abhisits advisor gave assurances the govt would " take care of the sea gypsies" , I doubt he meant clothe, feed and house them.


bad but funny, very wry.


I watched this and was very disappointed. Very condescending person. I would hate to be a British Tax Payer who paid for this muppet to travel to places to give such a view.

She much have some strong BBC contacts or has done something to someone to get this job.


Entertaining article and I feel for the people being forced off the land they have come to call their own but is it any surprise to any one that life is tougher outside Western First World nations. Poor working conditions, long hours and low pay ... is that the reason why so many people want to go to places like the US and UK as well as providing people from the US and UK a cheap tourist destination while being able to stay at first rate hotels at rock bottom prices.

There is nothing "rock bottom" about Thailand prices these days. Maybe sometime in the past, but things have changed. Mind you, it is still reasonable, but a statement like rock bottom is simply ridiculous. Please do your research. Yes, labor costs here are low. But prices have gone up on everything, and while it is still reasonable here, by western standards, the days of rock bottom are gone.


Does anyone know about the legal status of sea gypsies? Do they hold the land titles?

I mean the main problem of course is that Phuket, Samui, and other islands are run by the Mafia. That's the root cause of all these issues, and that's what would need to be solved. As long as gangsters are in charge, you can't expect it to get better. If the government can't even defeat the tuk tuk and taxi mafia there - what hope is there?

This is a good point. It does not even appear that the government is making a tiny effort to defeat the taxi mafia, or the other mafias such as the jet ski mafia, the property mafia, the bar mafia (every bar in samui now charges 150 baht for a lady drink!). If they would make the least bit of effort, it would be encouraging to all of us. Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, and China are making huge efforts to fight corruption, and are trying and convicting high ranking officials, and corporate CEO's on a nearly daily basis, and Thailand is sleeping on the job. They will get left behind, if nothing is done. 20 years from now Thailand could really work it's way down the rung of Asian nations.


She certainly knows where the camera lens is pointing.

You think a suitably theatrical look of concern for the two young girls in her temporary grasp might have been staged as "proof" of her veracity?

Pity to see the BBC continue to demonstrate its death throws as a worthwhile news source. My commiserations to the poor coot who scores her as a GF or wife.. Hey mate whoever you are, see you on Sukhimvit? I'll buy you a beer.


This has been going on for over 20 years,.

nothing new here, move on

Rich thais own the land and rent it to the sea gyspys to build their shacks on and then sell them overpriced goods in their little shops. Keeps them in perpetual poverty and since many are not thai's their kids cant even go to school.


Entertaining article and I feel for the people being forced off the land they have come to call their own but is it any surprise to any one that life is tougher outside Western First World nations. Poor working conditions, long hours and low pay ... is that the reason why so many people want to go to places like the US and UK as well as providing people from the US and UK a cheap tourist destination while being able to stay at first rate hotels at rock bottom prices.

There is nothing "rock bottom" about Thailand prices these days. Maybe sometime in the past, but things have changed. Mind you, it is still reasonable, but a statement like rock bottom is simply ridiculous. Please do your research. Yes, labor costs here are low. But prices have gone up on everything, and while it is still reasonable here, by western standards, the days of rock bottom are gone.

Not that I meant the term to be taken so literally as you have but what tropical island resort hotels offers the same accommodations for less? I'm sure there has got to be somewhere but also pretty sure Thailand is one of the lowest (rock bottom) cheapest.


Does anyone know about the legal status of sea gypsies? Do they hold the land titles?

I don't know the answer but I remember reading about a similar thing in Bangkok's slim (Khlong Toei) when they tried to push the people out there for the sake of "progress". Because they had lived there so long the land was considered theirs to live on. Am sure there are more legal issues involved but as I recall that was basically the bottom line. However, I don't think they received title ... it was more about not being able to evict them.

My company was doing a documentary on the Sea Gypsies and their plight. From what we have gleaned from very unreputable (but trusted) sources (no one is allowed to talk about this), the SG's have the rights to come back to land during the monsoon season and have, at large, been left alone. The SG's in the Andaman Sea were not so lucky when the Burmese attacked these harmless people and murdered many on an island in Burmese waters.

When the Tsunami came 2004, only one SG lost their life, a frail elderly person, all other knew the sea, they moved to higher ground or took their boats to sea to ride over the wave. Then the Thai Authorities started making them undertake Thai language education, put their kids in schools but like as not, the kids, every time November came around, all just up and left for 6 months until the monsoons returned.

One thing for certain, they were inhabiting Rawai a long time before some investor bought ('obtained') land from some other investor (mafia) on the beach front and as nomadic sea tribe people, they simply moved as they have no support. They are neither Thai or Burmese, thus 'no rights'. The Thai's started issuing ID cards but for what reason other than keeping tabs on them, I would have no idea. They are genuinely lovely people and sad their plight still cannot be reported with clarity and truth. I hope this helps.

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