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Thai Study Finds High HIV Infection Rate Among The Married

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that's because thais are not faithful to their ''loved'' ones. We have a thai guy working in our office, he got married and the next day started dating other girls from the office. Sexually crazed nation. And then they wonder, where has the HIV come from?

Where has the HIV come from?

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Not disagreeing but it should be noted it is extremely rare for a man to get HIV from a women having normal intercourse (non anal).

I would not call several million cases in the world as 'extremely rare'.

You might say 'less common to get infected from one time intercourse for men as compared to women due to the less amount of exposed recepticle areas' etc. But your statement makes it sound as if there is a higher chance at winning the lottery. Which I have yet to do too.

Is this defence of women Nisa or a known fact from the specialist ?? So we have to believe it's a lot easier for a woman to catch HIV from the man ?? Where do hetro men get the HIV from ??? only needles--sorry rubbish, they must catch it from air particles. ???? so non anal with a female is pretty safe ---oh please

Putting aside all the other infections that could be got,

Nisa you are loosly saying this then.

Given a situation where all men knowing they have not got HIV, go ahead and have unprotected sex with a female who has HIV and it's hardly a risk. ?? are you joking ?? very rare you said. and yes I,ve seen your usual stats. Try asking the Terrence Higgins trust in England.....and the other side swipe at gays, like hetro men may lie if they have been with a gay person. Women your o.k. it's males that infect. is that what you mean.??

I cannot control how you "loosly" interpret what I wrote and have no desire to bicker about such things. But consider there are about 6.7 billion people in the world and about 33 million who have HIV. Of this number approx. 14.6 million are HIV infected men. Of these men, 84% contracted the virus through drug and/or homosexual relations. This leaves approx. 2.3 million men who "claim" to never have been an intravenous drug user or had homosexual relations. IF we were to stop here and consider that there are approx. 3.4 billion males in the world and of this approx. 2.4 billion are over the age of 15 ... we can say that about .001 of adult hetrosexual males have HIV. BUT we cannot stop there because my comment was about hetrosexual males having normal (for lack of a better term) hetrosexual sex. Of this 2.3 million men who say they are hetrosexuals who contracted aids, 2.2 million admit to having High Risk Hetrosexual sex. This leaves approx. 100,000 men who "claim" to have contracted aids through some other means including blood transfusions, dentist or non-high-risk hetrosexual. So, we can say that

Of all the people with HIV in the world ... approx. 0.003 (0.3%) are men who contracted HIV through some other means beyond High-Risk Hetro Sex, Homosexual Sex or Drug Use.

I am simply pointing out that it is rare for a man to contract aids through vaginal intercourse. I am not saying or implying anything beyond that.


Of these men, 84% contracted the virus through drug and/or homosexual relations.

Again, if you actually read the stats you would for example see that, as I mention above, that 1/3rd (33.33%) of new cases are noted to be from homosexual relations, an additional 15% from sharing needles. That is a total of 48.33..%, leaving 51.66..% that is other cases, the majority being heterosexual relations.

Your calculations against world-population etc is so absurd that it doesn't even need to be countered.


Of these men, 84% contracted the virus through drug and/or homosexual relations.

Again, if you actually read the stats you would for example see that, as I mention above, that 1/3rd (33.33%) of new cases are noted to be from homosexual relations, an additional 15% from sharing needles. That is a total of 48.33..%, leaving 51.66..% that is other cases, the majority being heterosexual relations.

Your calculations against world-population etc is so absurd that it doesn't even need to be countered.

I noticed that too. It's amazing that some people still think HIV is a "gay disease" or a "druggie disease".


Of these men, 84% contracted the virus through drug and/or homosexual relations.

Again, if you actually read the stats you would for example see that, as I mention above, that 1/3rd (33.33%) of new cases are noted to be from homosexual relations, an additional 15% from sharing needles. That is a total of 48.33..%, leaving 51.66..% that is other cases, the majority being heterosexual relations.

Your calculations against world-population etc is so absurd that it doesn't even need to be countered.

Are you now claiming I said something I didn't? My initial comment was about it being it rare for straight men through typical hetrosexual sex to get HIV. I think it a safe bet we agree to disagree on this subject but will leave you with a few facts/opinions from the experts.

According to a report by researchers Norman Hearst and Stephen Hulley in the Journal of the American Medical Association,
the odds of a heterosexual becoming infected with AIDS after one episode of penile-vaginal intercourse with someone in a non-high-risk group without a condom are one in 5 million
and 1 in 50 million if wearing a condom.

Female to male transmission is very inefficient,
says Dr. Nancy Padian a professor in the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive science at the University of California, San Francisco and the author of a 1996 10 year study of HIV infected heterosexual couples, the nation's longest and largest.
She points out that "its two to three times easier for men to infect women."

According to The Lancet Infectious Diseases
... In high-income countries,
the risk of female-to-male transmission is 0.04%
per act and male-to-female transmission is 0.08% per act. For various reasons, these rates are higher in low-income countries but still only a fraction of a percent in worst cases.

Even considering the above you also have to consider they are derived from people being willing to admit they have had homosexual experiences or have been a past intravenise drug use.


Gay men remain the group most affected by HIV in Thailand, followed by housewives, men who have sex with sex workers, men infected by their wives, and injecting drug users.

This text is very ambiguous, and here is why.

Let's say they said Thai pro tennis players were most affected, and for the sake of this example let's say there are TEN such people, FIVE of them got infected. So at a 50 percent infection rate, you could say

Pro tennis players remain the group most affected by HIV in Thailand

I think when people read Gay men remain the group most affected by HIV in Thailand they generally conclude that gay men represent the HIGHEST NUMBER of Hiv infections in Thailand, rather than they are most affected as within that MINORITY GROUP they have the highest infection rate of any other group.

See the difference?

In any case, perhaps how people are reading this (my assumption, am I wrong?) is actually the truth. However for that we'd need to see statistics, not a very very imprecise sentence that leads to possibly false conclusions.

According to a Public Health Ministry report, about one-third of 10,853 new HIV infec?tion cases were men who have sex with men. The ministry expects the infection rate among gay men to increase to 50 per cent of new cases in the next 14 years.


Are you now claiming I said something I didn't? My initial comment was about it being it rare for straight men through typical hetrosexual sex to get HIV. I think it a safe bet we agree to disagree on this subject but will leave you with a few facts/opinions from the experts.

What part of my post is claiming you said something you did not?

You clearly stated, again, that it is so 'rare' for men to get infected from a vaginal intercourse that in your mind it could only be a case of men having had homosexual relations (being the penetrated one I presume) or sharing needles, and then lying about it.

And that is ludicrous.

You even fail to notice that the chance you quote was the same numbers I included in my post. Nor did you notice that the quoted numbers of 0.04% for men and 0.08% for women, per act, is even for women a very low direct chance for one time only. So are you now saying that while it is 'the same chance as kissing' for men (ZERO cases in the world), it is twice that for women (ZERO TIMES 2 = ZERO) and therefor, by deduction, extremely rare that any women ever get infected?

You are not a doctor nor a mathematician, eh?


Of these men, 84% contracted the virus through drug and/or homosexual relations.

Again, if you actually read the stats you would for example see that, as I mention above, that 1/3rd (33.33%) of new cases are noted to be from homosexual relations, an additional 15% from sharing needles. That is a total of 48.33..%, leaving 51.66..% that is other cases, the majority being heterosexual relations.

Your calculations against world-population etc is so absurd that it doesn't even need to be countered.

How you mix your stats around to suit yourself is a load of bullocks,,NISA --look at the thread again.

If it's near impossible to get HIV from a female, Then ALL the hetro men will be getting it from gay or druggies. Dont give me any more silly %s your crazy about them. and again this is down to your obsession to defend females.

So here we are with high figures in LOS and you are somehow with your figures blaming anything thats not female-is that sexist ??????


that's because thais are not faithful to their ''loved'' ones. We have a thai guy working in our office, he got married and the next day started dating other girls from the office. Sexually crazed nation. And then they wonder, where has the HIV come from?

Where has the HIV come from?

irresponsible sexual behaviour


that's because thais are not faithful to their ''loved'' ones. We have a thai guy working in our office, he got married and the next day started dating other girls from the office. Sexually crazed nation. And then they wonder, where has the HIV come from?

Where has the HIV come from?

irresponsible sexual behaviour

We must respect nisa and stats-here is your answers guys look nowhwere else. Bangkok eddy said where does it come from ====Nisa said near impossible from a woman. so irresponsible sexual behaviour with WHO then???


You don't read your own source. The image is from the website of Avert.

Their site claims, for the US, that 1/3rd of all new cases are MSM cases, 15% is injection-based (sharing needles) -- which leaves a big section that is other cases.

Now, to quote the study summery as quoted on wikipedia too:

The majority of HIV infections are acquired through unprotected sexual relations. Complacency about HIV plays a key role in HIV risk. Sexual transmission can occur when infected sexual secretions of one partner come into contact with the genital, oral, or rectal mucous membranes of another. In high-income countries, the risk of female-to-male transmission is 0.04% per act and male-to-female transmission is 0.08% per act. For various reasons, these rates are 4 to 10 times higher in low-income countries. The rate for receptive anal intercourse is much higher, 1.7% per act.

Are you going to revise your statement?

Why would I? As I stated, it is rare for a male to get HIV from normal (non-high risk) sex with a women. It is not that far off from kissing. Saliva and vaginal secretions just don't have the levels of HIV that blood does. A man would also need to have some sort of sore or cut on his penis for the virus to be transmitted. HIV is mostly spread through blood contact.

** I will admit that the use of the word "extremely" may have left room interpretation

Here is another thing Nias to look up in your stats book.

What about the percentage of men who have anal sex with a FEMALE...do not have stats on that do we NO why because people will not admit to doing it, because others think they are perverted in some way--Ha 5555..... this is a very High risk area you gay and druggie bashers are forgetting. Nisa why didn't you mention this very high risk element---IT'S UNIVERSAL-it's enjoyed-no babies conceived.....don't come back and post its not done. because have you ever had a conversation with anyone who admits to this act ??? NO YOU HAVENT......


Had to stop reading after the first sentence...

A recent study into HIV/Aids transmission has uncovered a case where a couple transmitted the virus to each other after each had been infected by their secret lovers.

lol what's wrong with me. I read that as bitterly perfect poetic justice. god dam_n world of cads, male and female. If you point out the obvious, that it's not just men infecting poor unsuspecting wives at home, there are people, in this despicable world, who will frame your stated facts as a justification for men who kill their wives, with their vile selfishness and deceit.

This is what the world has come to. You can't have a position criticising despicable behaviour, without justifying the other side? How. They are both killing their partners, emotionally and physically, because they're too selfish and too vile and just filthy, to just be honest and say "I've moved on. Sleeping with someone now. Oh he has AIDS so...what do you want to do? Unprotected sex? Your funeral."

Of course we must remember that lies are told in these situations, for the sake of the other party. Who will be hurt, if we admit our filthy selfishness. And hurt, a great deal more when our selfishness blows up in our vile faces.

"Gay men remain the group most affected by HIV in Thailand, followed by housewives, men who have sex with sex workers, men infected by their wives, and injecting drug users."

Gay men, I can see as being the number 1 group. But if you read the sentence it turns into housewives second, and then third men who have sex with sex workers, and fourth, men infected by their wives. Thus add #2 and $4 together and it appears that the "wives" are the villains.

I don't about your theory man it's messed up. Like.,..are sex workers not affected by HIV?

Where are they, in this group of 5 groups of innocents? Or are they excluded for their roles, in being the exploited victims, who don't have the decency to be safe for us, and for all the guys like us.

Yeah i'm drunk but I've read that 5 times. Where are sex workers, in the list of groups affected by HIV?

They're not as important as intravenous drug users. Man times have changed.

married people : keep it in your pants... much safer

Both ginjag's and this post cracked me up. It sounds satirical but it's so not.This one is hilarious as I don't know if it was intended so, but keeping it in your pants both outside and inside the marriage seems safer, when you're married. The world of selfishness has just gotten too huge. Our capacity to live in denial remains, but that will only exacerbate the collapse. It's dog eating dog, husband infecting wife, and vice versa. parents pimping out daughters, governments slaughtering sons in war? f war? 100 years after the War to End all Wars? ah it's gotta end soon shortly. Too much scamming from all the suckers who bought into idealism and romantic nonsense and chivalry and ethics and decency. What morons those guys were, diced and sliced by a society that so conveniently sells the lie, that good people are the default, and that the right thing to do is Golden Rule and crap.

Hmm I can think of some flaws, in the Golden Rule. That might be exploited, if you convince people to do unto others, as they would meekly like others (and you) to do to them. I'm sure Jesus just had no foresight, to understand that a well-intentioned rule isn't all that cool, big picture, when it's used to create some pretty sick and twisted situations, involving children and feeble-minded, and simple twits like myself who try desperately to hold onto the ludicrous belief that this selfish race didn't get this far by accident.

But of course, it did. And it's gonna last, for a really long time. The bombs will never get used. The resources will never dry out. Nations with 'defensive' militaries will never sit there and think "awh shucks, well we did say this defensive military which is strangely geared to force projection...was purely for protection. After all we're the Defence Forces right? Not the Attack forces as our expeditionary and long range delivery functionality really kind of suggests. But anyway, we cannot attack. That would make us liars."

ahahh. liars is a good one. Cause the politicians lie. hahah and you can't be disrespectful about the killer liars, that would be rude. There are laws and stuff, to be selectively applied, when someone is rude. Or commits a crime. If you're not a filthy lying unbelievable how you let them do this. Lie to your face and shrug "politicians". Unbelievable the big O, of any President in US history would open a 5th battlefield. All invasions. All unjust / or stupid. A President who campaigned saying (effectively, for people who cannot read fake law) Bush should be arrested for unconstitutionally sending American men to die in a war that he didn't get approval for first, by the corrupted Congress failed check/balance. Obama said he should be impeached and imprisoned for doing what he's doing now. it's surreal. Oh you wanna play idiot labelling games. Play with someone else. When nuclear subs are parked off the coast and firing hundreds of Tomahawk missiles in, that's a war. Word games. Vomit.

Must be careful though. Not to offend evil, who don't like rudeness or unpleasantness being impolitely aired about their dirty bloody under-sheets. A bit of decorum please. Whilst I dispose of these bloody nighties with dignity. We'll have a talk about your rudeness, shortly.

Marriage . Run the risk of offending the CRAP out of your wife, who might or might not be cheating. Or run the risk of infection, which might or might not prove she's cheating. Oh? there are going to be guys, who are convinced against all the facts and the AIDS they now have, that it was all a tragic string of mathematically impossible, bad luck.

I think...if she's the type would who get offended at the question, she's cheating. Especially if she hasn't made you get a test yet, and allow you to be offended at the implication. So ridiculous. Don't married people have kids? Isn't that a risk one runs with unprotected sex during marriage?

She's cheating, fuc_king unprotected partners, catches HIV, gives it to you, all when doing something that runs a pretty historical risk of bringing children into the world? This is completely the exception, this selfishness and not caring about children that result, business. let's just ignore that, AIDS parents. I hope they all die. I'm not going to bother to think about whether that's right or not. F em right? They're knowingly sleeping with their partners with HIV unprotected, after catching it cheating...and this is a crime or not?

We need to arrest pot smokers? They're the bad guys? ??????????? They've broken the law. Okay. I think I get the picture about Law. I studied masters law once. pretty freaking glad in hindsight it wasn't for long. I'd feel a right twit being a QC and knowing what I know now. And navigating the - cough - law. As if there was a speck of legitimacy about it, in any country where it is written to exploit, selectively used to enslave and empower the unjust over the defenceless, and when evidence of horrific misuse is shown, the slaves all mope along, voting between Dubya 1 and Dubya 2. Idiots, oblivious...

There was a woman who's husband had sex with her for 8 years, before donkdown. I certain I read about it like recently, yesterday. And thought,but that's gotta be the last fake pillar of human decency left. Then I felt stupid. Because of course, it never existed. So why did I think something so stupid then. Society? I would like some answers.

I'm sure there's gonna be so many offended parties, who are cheating, like whores, on both sides, with whores of the paid or unpaid variety, unprotected, despicable, SO SO OFFENDED, at the RUDE implication that they could POSSIBLY be doing something so - oh - HOW COULD YOU even think it. I'll take your stupid test, we're getting a divorce though when it comes back clean. You don't trust me! Without trust then ev...

Positive. Honey, I made a mistake but you can't cruelly leave me to deal with this alone...baby?

that's because thais are not faithful to their ''loved'' ones. We have a thai guy working in our office, he got married and the next day started dating other girls from the office. Sexually crazed nation. And then they wonder, where has the HIV come from?

The US. The first registered case was a big deal. People freaked out in the US like in Philadelphia, and everyone understood it better by the time it arrived in Thailand. I don't think there was a general panic or freakout which was really good.

But maybe....I dunno...could they use one. I pretty sure they handled it horribly poorly when the gay kid was tested incoming from the US. I think, if I remember correctly and I'm too lazy to verify but then no one else ever does so who cares really...that they went crazy stupid on gays only, trying to make them pariahs or something, pushing the innocent men who really should have not had their liberties taken away, because they weren't really doing anything wrong except...well, sick people with viruses should not be scared into running.

I would think this is Common Sense. But then if I thought Common Sense was common, I would be pretty common.

But yeah that shit came from the US. A guy kid flying in, Thai, from memory. Not that it matters, it's not Americans fault, or gays. It was invented though. Or did someone ever actually show how it magically appeared? And made that jump from monkeys to humans fuc_king them just like so...after milions of years of humans fuc_king monkeys. Excuse the french.

Making love to monkeys.


The only time I've had STD was from my Thai wife.

As a newly married or...?

7 years. I've had occasional itching from having sex with her in the past, but I thought that was just from dirt or bacteria, but I got the wake up call last October.



Scooter, Why was my true comments re men to lady(anal sex) UNANSWERED, and what the hell "cracked you up "in laughter about this comment.

Apart from nearly nodding off SORTING your SAGA/ EPIC out re answering the (who is to blame) we know-society is to blame for not admitting to or being honest about their copping off behind their partners backs.

Throw all the stats you want to get away with the honest truth.

The biggest risk is the unanswered question of mine that is embarrassing to the people. hetro-sexual anal sex--this is a very high risk. In most countries it is actually against the law, but is practiced worldwide. (NO BABIES) This is serious-as for cracking you up--for what????? i,m just trying to be honest. Try to find stats to give out true figures on this high risk act, you will fail because stats are obtained from the public, who will not give info on this subject, as it's looked upon to be deemed DIRTY.


'jimbeam1' timestamp='1301551796' post='4324700']

'Buchholz' timestamp='1301545862' post='4324472']

It's TAWP 5 to 0 over Nisa at this juncture.





Do they have a lot of labs there when I lived in Belize before anything I would take the girl to a lab they would call me and say very is O.K. or forget that one .The cost was between 5 and 10 U.S. money well spent.Why not have the girl check first.Just a question


Do they have a lot of labs there when I lived in Belize before anything I would take the girl to a lab they would call me and say very is O.K. or forget that one .The cost was between 5 and 10 U.S. money well spent.Why not have the girl check first.Just a question

She might be clean when you meet but dirty 1 year later...



Scooter, Why was my true comments re men to lady(anal sex) UNANSWERED, and what the hell "cracked you up "in laughter about this comment.

Apologies ginjag, firstly for failing to quote the post of yours which cracked me up (due to my agreeing with you) at the ludicrous situation that has developed; where married men who don't use condoms when having sex with their own wives, are stupid / naive / doomed.

The post of yours I was laughing wryly along with was this one below:

Had to stop reading after the first sentence...

A recent study into HIV/Aids transmission has uncovered a case where a couple transmitted the virus to each other after each had been infected by their secret lovers.

This day and age who do you trust, when in a married or otherwise situ, unless you are 150% certain about your partner, use condoms. Your partner/wife/husband is NOT going to tell you( are they) that they have been PLAYING AWAY.

So naturally your going to be infected by the baddie. ITS your life-not theirs, Play safe even when in a married situation. OR TRUST THEM. ??


Apart from nearly nodding off SORTING your SAGA/ EPIC out re answering the (who is to blame) we know-society is to blame for not admitting to or being honest about their copping off behind their partners backs.

And apologies for my furious rants written in outrage at a ridiculous filthy world of selfishness and horror and vile bitterness at others who don't Do Unto You, as You Have No Intention of Doing Unto Them (and yet, Still Furious That They Don't Do Unto You What You Would Like Them To Do).

My fury at the Trojan horse of religion and the world that brainwashes the better / the more stupid of us into being good / stupid, occasionally overwhelms me. At which point the sheer hopelessness of it all can often result in my ranting out between 1000 and 100,000 words of arguably coherent fury.

And a final apology for the length of time to clarify which of your posts I was agreeing with / cracking up at....but usually the very unembarrassing nature of actually giving a toss about this tosser-filled world of selectively empathetic psychopaths (who are provably more dangerous than psychopaths, who are merely handicapped and unable to feel empathy) and ranting about it, embarrasses me into a sabbatical (from posting or caring). That sabbatical as a result of the rants in this thread, is the reason I have been prevented from seeing your question until now.



Scooter, Why was my true comments re men to lady(anal sex) UNANSWERED

And whilst I might be mistaken, I've looked for an answer to my question twice, and it seems we both have had queries which have gone unanswered, perhaps because they're simply not interesting enough to bother with.

"Gay men remain the group most affected by HIV in Thailand, followed by housewives, men who have sex with sex workers, men infected by their wives, and injecting drug users."

Gay men, I can see as being the number 1 group. But if you read the sentence it turns into housewives second, and then third men who have sex with sex workers, and fourth, men infected by their wives. Thus add #2 and $4 together and it appears that the "wives" are the villains.

I don't about your theory man. Like...are sex workers not affected by HIV?

Where are they, in this group of 5 groups of innocents? Or are they excluded for their roles, in being the exploited victims, who don't have the decency to be safe for us, and for all the guys like us.

Yeah I'm drunk but I've read that 5 times. Where are sex workers, in the list of groups affected by HIV?

married people : keep it in your pants... much safer

Both ginjag's and this post cracked me up. It sounds satirical but it's so not.This one is hilarious as I don't know if it was intended so, but keeping it in your pants both outside and inside the marriage seems safer, when you're married. The world of selfishness has just gotten too huge. Our capacity to live in denial remains, but that will only exacerbate the collapse. It's dog eating dog, husband infecting wife, and vice versa. parents pimping out daughters, governments slaughtering sons in war? f war? 100 years after the War to End all Wars? ah it's gotta end soon shortly. Too much scamming from all the suckers who bought into idealism and romantic nonsense and chivalry and ethics and decency. What morons those guys were, diced and sliced by a society that so conveniently sells the lie, that good people are the default, and that the right thing to do is Golden Rule and crap.

Twice now on this forum, I've very coherently ranted about a scandal so large, so provably and irrefutably a conspiracy, one which kills millions of innocents around the world in every single nation which is not a failed state (in no way limited to Thailand, though the horrific nature of it's existence in Thailand is perhaps most clearly evident and the guilty parties perhaps least able to deflect away their culpability). And both times, everyone has just ignored my posts which expose it.

They don't bother to point out flaws in the logic (which do not exist). They don't bother to correct anything incorrect (because there aren't any mistakes). They don't even bother to read it. Or if they do read it, they don't bother to respond.

I'm talking about the greatest scandal in the history of civilisation. More horrific than the Holocaust, and already more have fallen than the 6 million who paid the price for being so rude as to be born with such offensive ethnicity.

I'm talking about criminals who, if you placed them on a live TV debate where we discussed the issue, I would win the debate inside of 3 minutes. And it's a debate which, if lost, means a lot of them should probably be strung up for their crimes.

Of course that debate will never happen.

Of course if I attempt to push it, the person being strung up will be me.

So....let's leave it as it is. Where millions are exploited for profit, in the most horrific and outrageous manner, whilst we play dumb and pretend to be oblivious to simple facts. A provable conspiracy every single one of us is responsible for, and not one of us has a single possible mitigating excuse, except the one we all have (of course):

Our own filthy self-interest, which we will pursue no matter the damage to the interests of others, no matter how many suffer in our pursuing of it, whether that number is between 1 and ~6,000,000,000.


#53 scooter

Thanks for your remarks, that figure is more than frightening. When I put the question re Hetro/sex-(anal) and its very high risk-funny no one wanted to comment, with many blaming certain groups and not looking at the whole thing and naturally some groups are higher risk than others- but without any thought they are all high risk.( if a person is unlucky ) but there is no reason to be unlucky=---not many lesbians die from aids though-through sexual encounters B).


not many lesbians die from aids though-through sexual encounters B).

lol. Decorum prevents my immaturity from exposing itself with quips about my being prevented from the danger you have identified by virtue of simple physics and...ah crap. So much for decorum.

My little cousin is a lesbian and our extended family is ultra conservative (which is a polite way of saying they are evil scum forcing my requiring a very large ocean to serve as a buffer protecting me from them - which, although I rarely admit it, happens to be the primary reason for why I am in Thailand).

Unlike my enlightened self, she actually cares about them and credits their hate-filled, bigotry-infected, Christian opinions and warnings about doomsday Sodom & Gomorrah punishments, burning in Hell's fires and sulphur and other vile, filthy, evil things Christians love to express freely, protected as they are from sanction by claiming anyone speaking Truth about their evil is somehow being...impolite, or rude, or offensive.

Because there is nothing impolite or rude or offensive about the Bible. No Sirree. They politely express their evil hatred directly to her and (even more considerately, of her feelings) they often express their opinions about her sexuality behind her back (under the very nauseating cover of 'caring' for her well-being and 'worrying' about her future happiness, of course). And, rendered miserable by their evil Christianity, occasionally to the point of tears or worse (sigh), she'll inevitably complain to me about our loving outlaws.

I'm not sure she actually believes me when I swear to her I can only WISH I was in her lesbian shoes.

I'm quite sure she doesn't actually believe me when I swear to her that, if it were up to me and if I wasn't so lazy, the worst of them might actually reside at the bottom of that ocean.


I sincerely hope I didn't offend any fake Christians just now. And I very insincerely apologise if I did. Both for speaking Truth about the evil of your religion, and for the annoying fact that your refusing to credit the evil in your Holy Bible as being part of YOUR Christianity...makes you a fake Christian.

There are some people who are Christian who would be good people (most, in fact) but not until they denounce Christianity and properly label their version of it, with enough distinction separating their selective good, from the vile Evil which they choose to ignore (without any efforts to redact that evil, or ditch the evil branding).

I'm sure this is all very Off-Topic, which is one impressive way to keep things polite. And propagate evil. There are places to discuss these things, where it is On-Topic. Just not here, and no we can't tell you where those places are really. Probably because they don't really exist, all that literally. If they did, moving the discussion regarding religions' hatred might be moderation. Deleting such discussion is another word altogether, one far more rude than the 4-letter word which also starts with c.


I am quite surprised the many farang on this forum who live in Thailand seem to be gloating about proof that infidelity in Thai marriages has been proven.

When from what ive seen living in Thailand infidelity amongst Foreigners with Thai partners is at epidemic levels, imho from what ive seen most are at it or have been at some point before settling down, but maybe theyve got the antidote to contracting HIV or at least passing it on.


I am quite surprised the many farang on this forum who live in Thailand seem to be gloating about proof that infidelity in Thai marriages has been proven.

When from what ive seen living in Thailand infidelity amongst Foreigners with Thai partners is at epidemic levels, imho from what ive seen most are at it or have been at some point before settling down, but maybe theyve got the antidote to contracting HIV or at least passing it on.

I think the point is that we're all horrified at the obvious. With the obvious being; everyone - almost everyone - are just selfish, black-hearted and self-centred sluts and cads. If you detect some bitterness in my tone, it's because I'm self-centred as well (of course). And I feel pretty jibbed to have been endlessly exposed to the filth, without having had any fun at all, skipping along in the muck. I'm the nerd reading Jane Austen on the sidewalk bench, getting sprayed by the splashing about of all the kids playing with each other in the sewer.

I'd have half a mind to join them, but you see there's this Darcy guy, and....


"The study showed that 53 per cent of new HIV infection cases in the northern provinces, who answered the survey, said they had got the HIV virus from their husbands or wives,"

......and therefore we have to take the results with the customary pinch of salt.

(It wouldn't be a moral crusade looking for a statistic to back them up by any chance?)


"The study showed that 53 per cent of new HIV infection cases in the northern provinces, who answered the survey, said they had got the HIV virus from their husbands or wives,"

......and therefore we have to take the results with the customary pinch of salt.

(It wouldn't be a moral crusade looking for a statistic to back them up by any chance?)

You make a surprisingly (glaringly) valid point. One I'm quite embarrassed at not noticing until you made it.

"Why you gave this to me, how could you?"

sounds so much more palatable to a cad or a tart than "Hi Honey, I shrunk our lives by sleeping with a random hooker."

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