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Israel warns against recognition of Palestinian state


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Israeli Arabs decry state 'regression' as thousands march on Land Day

The sector traditionally protests every March 30 against the expropriation of their lands by the Israeli government.

By Jack Khoury

Thousands of people gathered in the Israeli Arab "triangle" in the north on Wednesday to mark the 35th annual Land Day, in which the sector traditionally protests the expropriation of their lands by the government.

Demonstrators marched through the town of Sakhnin waving Palestinian flags and black cloths, culminating their parade at the main square in the village of Arabe.



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" Israel's efforts to rally countries against Palestinian Authority plans to ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 lines are hindered by the fact that Israel has not presented any plan of its own, :huh: diplomatic officials said Tuesday.

The spokesman also brushed aside the Israeli warnings about a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN. He said that the number of countries that recognize Palestine is bigger than those who don't, and added that all West Bank settlements would be dismantled "sooner or later," just as they were in the Gaza Strip.

According to the plan, Gaza's exports and imports would go though this island, which would include a port and an airport. The island would be under the security control of NATO or another international body that would search the cargo going in and out of the Gaza Strip.

Israel has adamantly opposed opening a harbor or airport in Gaza because of security concerns."

The question is why won't Israel allow NATO or another international body to monitor security - it just shows

what they are all about :bah:

No actually what it shows is that NATO or UN troops can not be trusted. Its already been tried in Lebanon with Hizbollah and troops did nothing to stop rocket attacks or ensure security.

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Well, the 'Arabs' gain more and more international recognition for their Palestinian state.

And the Zionists throw a hissy fit.

-- Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps" if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain international recognition for statehood at the UN General Assembly session in September, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.

How is this related to the OP?blink.gif

Hissy fit, i suppose all the moaning and groaning from Palestinians is a valued complains as oppose to Israel.

Once again, nothing but rubbish when it comes to your posts and then YOU ARE THE ONE to call others hatersbah.gif

How is that related to the OP? It is the first sentence from the OP. :whistling:

Yes, my bad about this comment "How is this related to the OP" thought it was another thread. but the rest stands

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Israeli Arabs decry state 'regression' as thousands march on Land Day

The sector traditionally protests every March 30 against the expropriation of their lands by the Israeli government.

By Jack Khoury

Thousands of people gathered in the Israeli Arab "triangle" in the north on Wednesday to mark the 35th annual Land Day, in which the sector traditionally protests the expropriation of their lands by the government.

Demonstrators marched through the town of Sakhnin waving Palestinian flags and black cloths, culminating their parade at the main square in the village of Arabe.



They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.

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UN to Israel: Surrender!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday reiterated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to internationally-backed Arab demands that it relinquish all claims to the Jews' biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria and half of their ancient capital of Jerusalem.

The Jewish presence in the so-called "West Bank," which includes the eastern half of Jerusalem, is "morally and politically unsustainable, and must end," Ban insisted during a press conference in Uruguay.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians are moving forward plans to unilaterally declare an independent state with the support of the UN, outside the framework of a land-for-peace deal with Israel.



Is that the same UN that has Saudi as a member who does not have any human rights? Or is that the same UN that has Libya as its member?

Or perhaps its the same UN that condemned Israel during Gazza war but praised Sri Lanka for killing over 6000 civilians?

Must be another UN, can nto possibly be this one

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Palestinian flags during Arabeh rally (Photo: Hassan Shaalan)

Thousands mark Land Day: 'Israel humiliating Arabs'

Arab sector leaders, leftists protest against 'continued expropriation of Arab lands, Knesset's racist legislation'

Hassan Shaalan Published: 03.30.11, 17:55 / Israel News

Thousands of people, including Knesset members and left-wing activists, gathered in Israel-Arab towns on Wednesday to mark the 35th annual Land Day, in which the Arab sector traditionally protests the "expropriation" of lands by the state.

As part of the protests, the entire Arab sector went on strike for the day.

Demonstrators in the northern Galilee Arab-Israeli town of Arabeh and in the unrecognized Bedouin village of Al-Arakib in the Negev called out against home demolitions and the "expulsion of Arabs from their lands."

"We are continuing with our struggle against home demolitions and racist legislation directed against the Arab population," said MK Hanna Swaid (Hadash), who demonstrated in Arabeh.



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Palestinian flags during Arabeh rally (Photo: Hassan Shaalan)

Thousands mark Land Day: 'Israel humiliating Arabs'

Arab sector leaders, leftists protest against 'continued expropriation of Arab lands, Knesset's racist legislation'

Hassan Shaalan Published: 03.30.11, 17:55 / Israel News

Thousands of people, including Knesset members and left-wing activists, gathered in Israel-Arab towns on Wednesday to mark the 35th annual Land Day, in which the Arab sector traditionally protests the "expropriation" of lands by the state.

As part of the protests, the entire Arab sector went on strike for the day.

Demonstrators in the northern Galilee Arab-Israeli town of Arabeh and in the unrecognized Bedouin village of Al-Arakib in the Negev called out against home demolitions and the "expulsion of Arabs from their lands."

"We are continuing with our struggle against home demolitions and racist legislation directed against the Arab population," said MK Hanna Swaid (Hadash), who demonstrated in Arabeh.



and how is this different to the other one you posted? and how is this related to OP?

Are you out of rubbish to post? or out of excuses or even half sensible defense to your posts?

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Israeli Arabs decry state 'regression' as thousands march on Land Day

The sector traditionally protests every March 30 against the expropriation of their lands by the Israeli government.

By Jack Khoury

Thousands of people gathered in the Israeli Arab "triangle" in the north on Wednesday to mark the 35th annual Land Day, in which the sector traditionally protests the expropriation of their lands by the government.

Demonstrators marched through the town of Sakhnin waving Palestinian flags and black cloths, culminating their parade at the main square in the village of Arabe.



They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.


pack up and move back to their countries. who and to where? The Zionists moving back to Europe and North America? Or what you are talking about?

Do you know what the the LAND DAY is about and why its the 35th annual?

Israeli Arab and Palestinian people protests against land confiscations by the Israeli government. And they remember a day 35 years ago in 1976 when Israeli troops shot and killed six people during protests.

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Israeli sympathizers are quite quick to use the UN resolutions to justify their existence as a state/country and the borders that were drawn up. However, if that same UN declares Palestine a state/country and determines it's borders then the sympathizers will jump up and down and spit their dummies. According to some of the pro Israeli posters here the UN is only good if it agrees with the Iraelis.

Typical and hypocritical of them.

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UN to Israel: Surrender!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday reiterated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to internationally-backed Arab demands that it relinquish all claims to the Jews' biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria and half of their ancient capital of Jerusalem.

The Jewish presence in the so-called "West Bank," which includes the eastern half of Jerusalem, is "morally and politically unsustainable, and must end," Ban insisted during a press conference in Uruguay.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians are moving forward plans to unilaterally declare an independent state with the support of the UN, outside the framework of a land-for-peace deal with Israel.



Is that the same UN that has Saudi as a member who does not have any human rights? Or is that the same UN that has Libya as its member?

Or perhaps its the same UN that condemned Israel during Gazza war but praised Sri Lanka for killing over 6000 civilians?

Must be another UN, can nto possibly be this one


That is also the same UN that gave the Zionists their piece of land in Palestine.

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Israeli Arabs decry state 'regression' as thousands march on Land Day

The sector traditionally protests every March 30 against the expropriation of their lands by the Israeli government.

By Jack Khoury

Thousands of people gathered in the Israeli Arab "triangle" in the north on Wednesday to mark the 35th annual Land Day, in which the sector traditionally protests the expropriation of their lands by the government.

Demonstrators marched through the town of Sakhnin waving Palestinian flags and black cloths, culminating their parade at the main square in the village of Arabe.



They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.


pack up and move back to their countries. who and to where? The Zionists moving back to Europe and North America? Or what you are talking about?

Do you know what the the LAND DAY is about and why its the 35th annual?

Israeli Arab and Palestinian people protests against land confiscations by the Israeli government. And they remember a day 35 years ago in 1976 when Israeli troops shot and killed six people during protests.

Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi etc etc etc etc etc etc

for the rest totally and utterly off topic! since you like to bring it up on every thread! so stay on topic

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Israeli Arabs decry state 'regression' as thousands march on Land Day

The sector traditionally protests every March 30 against the expropriation of their lands by the Israeli government.

By Jack Khoury

Thousands of people gathered in the Israeli Arab "triangle" in the north on Wednesday to mark the 35th annual Land Day, in which the sector traditionally protests the expropriation of their lands by the government.

Demonstrators marched through the town of Sakhnin waving Palestinian flags and black cloths, culminating their parade at the main square in the village of Arabe.



They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.

It's the same UN that you rely on to justify Israel's existence and it's borders.

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Israeli sympathizers are quite quick to use the UN resolutions to justify their existence as a state/country and the borders that were drawn up. However, if that same UN declares Palestine a state/country and determines it's borders then the sympathizers will jump up and down and spit their dummies. According to some of the pro Israeli posters here the UN is only good if it agrees with the Iraelis.

Typical and hypocritical of them.

UN 50 years ago is not the same UN today. would you like to deny it?

Saudi, Libya has human rights?

Sri Lanka did not kill over 6000 people and got praised?

Lets be fair, shall we

Edited by kuffki
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UN to Israel: Surrender!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday reiterated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to internationally-backed Arab demands that it relinquish all claims to the Jews' biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria and half of their ancient capital of Jerusalem.

The Jewish presence in the so-called "West Bank," which includes the eastern half of Jerusalem, is "morally and politically unsustainable, and must end," Ban insisted during a press conference in Uruguay.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians are moving forward plans to unilaterally declare an independent state with the support of the UN, outside the framework of a land-for-peace deal with Israel.



Is that the same UN that has Saudi as a member who does not have any human rights? Or is that the same UN that has Libya as its member?

Or perhaps its the same UN that condemned Israel during Gazza war but praised Sri Lanka for killing over 6000 civilians?

Must be another UN, can nto possibly be this one


That is also the same UN that gave the Zionists their piece of land in Palestine.

UN did not give anything, to give something one must own it-simple logic! UN agreed on the borders and a state

UN did not give to Zionists, but to Jewish people.

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They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.

Soldier suspected of humiliating Palestinian kids

Published: 03.28.11

Videos found in staff-sergeant's phone show Palestinian children being ordered to act out movements to popular Israeli children's song, army says. Additional photos show soldier pointing rifle at blindfolded man's head

Military Police are holding a criminal investigation against a soldier suspected of recording Palestinians in humiliating situations, Ynet learned Monday.

The soldier, Staff-Sergeant R, is a former combat soldier who serves in one of the IDF's infantry units. Captain Bella Gacht, who represents the prosecution, says three photographs were found on his cellular phone from last February depicting R. holding a rifle to the head of a blindfolded and bound Palestinian.

In another picture, Gacht says, R. is seen aiming a kick at the man's head, and in another photo he is making an indecent gesture towards him.



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They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.

Soldier suspected of humiliating Palestinian kids

Published: 03.28.11

Videos found in staff-sergeant's phone show Palestinian children being ordered to act out movements to popular Israeli children's song, army says. Additional photos show soldier pointing rifle at blindfolded man's head

Military Police are holding a criminal investigation against a soldier suspected of recording Palestinians in humiliating situations, Ynet learned Monday.

The soldier, Staff-Sergeant R, is a former combat soldier who serves in one of the IDF's infantry units. Captain Bella Gacht, who represents the prosecution, says three photographs were found on his cellular phone from last February depicting R. holding a rifle to the head of a blindfolded and bound Palestinian.

In another picture, Gacht says, R. is seen aiming a kick at the man's head, and in another photo he is making an indecent gesture towards him.




But do you need a reminder of what Hamas does?bah.gif or perhaps what legal actions palestinian government takes against those

Edited by kuffki
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They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.

Soldier suspected of humiliating Palestinian kids

Published: 03.28.11

Videos found in staff-sergeant's phone show Palestinian children being ordered to act out movements to popular Israeli children's song, army says. Additional photos show soldier pointing rifle at blindfolded man's head

Military Police are holding a criminal investigation against a soldier suspected of recording Palestinians in humiliating situations, Ynet learned Monday.

The soldier, Staff-Sergeant R, is a former combat soldier who serves in one of the IDF's infantry units. Captain Bella Gacht, who represents the prosecution, says three photographs were found on his cellular phone from last February depicting R. holding a rifle to the head of a blindfolded and bound Palestinian.

In another picture, Gacht says, R. is seen aiming a kick at the man's head, and in another photo he is making an indecent gesture towards him.




But do you need a reminder of what Hamas does?bah.gif or perhaps what legal actions palestinian government takes against those

it is not OFF TOPIC.

Its not some 3 years old hate speech propaganda video from youtube but NEWS. Israel and Palestine related NEWS.

and content wise its a reply to your suggestion: enjoy all that Israel has to offer .

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They can always pack up and move back to their countries. but unlike Hamas they are allowed to demonstrate and will not be beaten, shot or tortured. Must be nice to enjoy all that Israel has to offer them and yet still be able to demonstrate against it.

Soldier suspected of humiliating Palestinian kids

Published: 03.28.11

Videos found in staff-sergeant's phone show Palestinian children being ordered to act out movements to popular Israeli children's song, army says. Additional photos show soldier pointing rifle at blindfolded man's head

Military Police are holding a criminal investigation against a soldier suspected of recording Palestinians in humiliating situations, Ynet learned Monday.

The soldier, Staff-Sergeant R, is a former combat soldier who serves in one of the IDF's infantry units. Captain Bella Gacht, who represents the prosecution, says three photographs were found on his cellular phone from last February depicting R. holding a rifle to the head of a blindfolded and bound Palestinian.

In another picture, Gacht says, R. is seen aiming a kick at the man's head, and in another photo he is making an indecent gesture towards him.




But do you need a reminder of what Hamas does?bah.gif or perhaps what legal actions palestinian government takes against those

it is not OFF TOPIC.

Its not some 3 years old hate speech propaganda video from youtube but NEWS. Israel and Palestine related NEWS.

and content wise its a reply to your suggestion: enjoy all that Israel has to offer .

Let me highlight the key words in your post.


-Military Police are holding a criminal investigation against a soldier

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A Warning to Jewish Parents Everywhere From Hamas

Jan 6 2009, 1:27 PM ET

Mahmoud Zahar, the Hamas leader, issued a warning this week to Jewish parents: Your children, he said, are targets.Put aside Zahar's chutzpah -- Hamas has been happily killing Jewish children for years. What's important is that he is making an explicit plea to jihadists everywhere to take matters into their own hands and kill Jews. Any Jewish school or synagogue or JCC anywhere in the world that doesn't take this seriously is beyond negligent. This is not a time for panic, just preparation.

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Arab atrocities against Jews

Violence by Arabs against the Jewish civilian population of Palestine was a periodic reality. During the Mandate period, whenever Arab dissatisfactionreached a peak, or when anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic Arab leaders needed to provokethe British authorities, rioting and Jewish casualties were created.

The day after the UN partition resolution of November 29, 1947, violence againstJewish civilians began to escalate. The Arabs declared a protest strike and instigated riots

Arab acts of hostility prior to statehood reached their peak in 1948. Arabs controlled all the inter-urban routes. The road to Jerusalem was blocked, settlements in the Galilee and the Negev were also cut off and daily attacks were perpetrated on convoys. In the four months after the UN resolution, some 850 Jews were killed throughout the country, most of them in Jerusalem or on the road to the city.

1948, Arabs set mines in the road in the Sheik Jarrah area to block a convoy of 10 vehicles — trucks, buses and ambulances — carrying supplies, nurses, doctors, scientists, and patientsto Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus. In the attack, 78 were killed and their bodies mutilated. Dozens are wounded. British soldiers delayed intervention in the attack for 6 hours while the killing continued. The hospital was cut off from Israel until it was recovered after the Six Day War in June 1967.

The largest Arab atrocity of the war was on May 13, 1948, the massacre of dozens of surrendering defenders, including some twenty women, at Kfar Etzion in the Etzion Bloc of settlements (Gush Etzion) just north of Hebron, in the territory allocated to the Arabs under the UN partition plan. The Etzion Bloc had already seen a massacre in January 1947 when a Haganah platoon of 35 soldiers sent to help them with medical supplies and ammunition was massacred by hundreds of Arab militants. Their stripped, mutilated bodies were found the next day by a British patrol.

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" Israel's efforts to rally countries against Palestinian Authority plans to ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 lines are hindered by the fact that Israel has not presented any plan of its own, :huh: diplomatic officials said Tuesday.

The spokesman also brushed aside the Israeli warnings about a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN. He said that the number of countries that recognize Palestine is bigger than those who don't, and added that all West Bank settlements would be dismantled "sooner or later," just as they were in the Gaza Strip.

According to the plan, Gaza's exports and imports would go though this island, which would include a port and an airport. The island would be under the security control of NATO or another international body that would search the cargo going in and out of the Gaza Strip.

Israel has adamantly opposed opening a harbor or airport in Gaza because of security concerns."

The question is why won't Israel allow NATO or another international body to monitor security - it just shows

what they are all about :bah:

No actually what it shows is that NATO or UN troops can not be trusted. Its already been tried in Lebanon with Hizbollah and troops did nothing to stop rocket attacks or ensure security.

Actually, you both have it somewhat wrong. biggrin.gif NATO does not wish to become embroiled in the Palestinian conflict. It is a no win situation and would open NATO up to terror attacks as well as repeated claims of bias in favour of Israel. The USA, Canada and some of the western powers would be accused of aiding and abetting Israel. Turkey would be criticized by arabs for not supporting arabs. None of the Nato parties wants the responsibility.

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‘Buy Israeli Day’ aims to fight boycott efforts


03/31/2011 05:52

StandWithUs encourages people to buy Israeli products sold at stores to counter global boycott efforts by the BDS movement.

StandWithUs declared Wednesday to be “Buy Israeli Products Day.”

The Israel advocacy organization encouraged Israel’s supporters around the world to buy Israeli products sold at stores to counter the global boycott efforts by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement that same day.

In the US, StandWithUs and the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce operate a website, www.buyisraelgoods.org, which allows consumers in the largest markets in the US to find which stores near them sell Israeli brands of food, apparel, jewelry and other products.



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oh, i checked for myself. Investigation without any results yet. Just the typical tactic of the apartheid state with the occupying forces using collective punishment. Curfews, mass arrests, raids, harassments, prejudice and racial profiling. In a way that would nowhere happen in a developed democratic country.

.........well they even sent their own to jail......Mordechai Vanunu spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 years in solitary confinement. I wonder if there is there a Jewish word for compassion ? :unsure:

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Glad to see Arabs have words, I thought they only used rockets

yes... they have hearts as well ;)

No doubt, the world has seen the heart already in Darfour, in Libya, in Syria, in Bahrain, in London, in Madrid, in New York, in India etc etc etc

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Glad to see Arabs have words, I thought they only used rockets

yes... they have hearts as well ;)

No doubt, the world has seen the heart already in Darfour, in Libya, in Syria, in Bahrain, in London, in Madrid, in New York, in India etc etc etc

But you still haven't said how the Israeli's could justify locking away

one of their own for 18 years .......tut tut tut ..... B)

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