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One Palestinian dead in Israeli airstrike on southern Gaza Strip


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One Palestinian dead in Israeli airstrike on southern Gaza Strip

2011-03-30 22:16:02 GMT+7 (ICT)

GAZA (BNO NEWS) -- One Palestinian militant on early Wednesday was killed during and Israeli airstrike on southern Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) informed.

An Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft targeted and hit a terrorist squad, the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad in the region which allegedly fired Qassam rockets towards Israeli's communities on Tuesday.

The militant group informed that Mohammad Abu Mu'ammer, 24, was killed during the attack while another man was critically injured. Both were transported to a local hospital after the airstrike near a mosque in the An-Nasser neighborhood in northeastern Rafah.

"The IDF will not allow the Israeli southern communities to continue living under constant threat, and will continue to respond with determination to any attempt to use terror against the citizens of Israel," said the IDF spokesperson Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai Avi Benayahu.

In addition, IAF carried out another airstrike on Tuesday night targeting a smuggling tunnel in the Southern Gaza Strip. This strike was also in retaliation for the rocket attacks and direct hits were confirmed.

"The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip. The IDF will not tolerate continued rocket and mortar fire aimed at the communities of southern Israel," added Benayahu.

Over the weekend, IDF announced that the Iron Dome missile defense system was deployed and began its operational trial. The missile defense system is currently in an accelerated process of assimilation in the IAF in order to becoming fully operational.

The order was given by Defense Minister Ehud Barak in light of the recent rocket attacks in southern Israel. The Iron Dome is expected to protect Israel's southern communities from rocket threats coming from the Gaza Strip.

The system uses sophisticated radar to track incoming missiles, intercept and destroy them away from its targets, manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries. It also includes 20 Tamir missile interceptors.

According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired in recent weeks.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-30

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According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired in recent weeks.

Anyone get hurt or killed? Any buildings damaged?

The whole news item looks like an IDF press release.

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According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired in recent weeks.

Anyone get hurt or killed? Any buildings damaged?

Yes - as been posted on here repeatedly. Do you ever post anything factual? :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired in recent weeks.

Anyone get hurt or killed? Any buildings damaged?

Yes - as been posted on here repeatedly. Do you ever post anything factual? :rolleyes:


Why isn't that mentioned in the article? A simple count of number of rockets fired since... that illustrates nothing.

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According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired in recent weeks.

Anyone get hurt or killed? Any buildings damaged?

The whole news item looks like an IDF press release.

Its totally irrelevant if anyone was hurt-FULL STOP.

Attempting to kill and not being successful is not an excuse and i doubt would stand even a slight chance in any court in any country in the world.

I doubt this rockets were fired with intention of providing fireworks display for the people :unsure:

Its about time you stop defending it and excusing it. Read up simple books on intention to kill and/or attempts to kill. If reading is not your forte, you can always watch some TV shows(some are not far from truth)

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It illustrates attacks on civilians. Get a clue dude. :rolleyes:

How is it an attack on civilians when nobody gets hurt or killed by these rockets. More people get wasted at the yearly rocket festival in Udon Thani every year. Hahhaha

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It illustrates attacks on civilians. Get a clue dude. :rolleyes:

How is it an attack on civilians when nobody gets hurt or killed by these rockets. More people get wasted at the yearly rocket festival in Udon Thani every year. Hahhaha

Ha ha indeed. Do you think the Gazan rocket attackers were intending to put on a show, is that it?

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It illustrates attacks on civilians. Get a clue dude. :rolleyes:

How is it an attack on civilians when nobody gets hurt or killed by these rockets. More people get wasted at the yearly rocket festival in Udon Thani every year. Hahhaha

Ha ha indeed. Do you think the Gazan rocket attackers were intending to put on a show, is that it?

I am saying that these rocket firing thugs may do well to come on over to the rocket festival and learn how to really hurt people with rockets. Or maybe the Udon Thani rocket club could send a training team of 'experts' to Gaza in a train the trainer role. Then the Israelis will really have something to start shit+ting thier pants about. Hahaha. :D

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It illustrates attacks on civilians. Get a clue dude. :rolleyes:

How is it an attack on civilians when nobody gets hurt or killed by these rockets. More people get wasted at the yearly rocket festival in Udon Thani every year. Hahhaha

Ha ha indeed. Do you think the Gazan rocket attackers were intending to put on a show, is that it?

I am saying that these rocket firing thugs may do well to come on over to the rocket festival and learn how to really hurt people with rockets. Or maybe the Udon Thani rocket club could send a training team of 'experts' to Gaza in a train the trainer role. Then the Israelis will really have something to start shit+ting thier pants about. Hahaha. :D

You wish ill on innocent Israeli civilians, do you?
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Just a quick warning:

We have had it with the tone and demeanour in this forum. The behaviour shown here has been completely unacceptable, particularly on topics concerning Israel and Palestine.

From now on, no more warnings. Step over the line and you will at very least lose your posting rights.

Keep in mind that outside of this forum, nobody really cares what you are saying. You aren't changing anybody's minds, or affecting the situation in any way so it's not worth getting all wound up about. Things will go on pretty much the same, regardless of what you type here, so it's hardly worth getting suspended over.

If you can't discuss these issues without losing your cool, please don't post in these topics.

Enough is enough.... everyone chill out.

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Just a quick warning:

We have had it with the tone and demeanour in this forum. The behaviour shown here has been completely unacceptable, particularly on topics concerning Israel and Palestine.

From now on, no more warnings. Step over the line and you will at very least lose your posting rights.

Keep in mind that outside of this forum, nobody really cares what you are saying. You aren't changing anybody's minds, or affecting the situation in any way so it's not worth getting all wound up about. Things will go on pretty much the same, regardless of what you type here, so it's hardly worth getting suspended over.

If you can't discuss these issues without losing your cool, please don't post in these topics.

Enough is enough.... everyone chill out.

Question: Why do you guys continually post news on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? There are more articals on this subject posted here than any other global situation.

It is a case of " Red rag this is Bull over ". Just an observation. And I think it is valid. :jap:

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News Editor (RSS powered) posts about 50 per day. Readers choose to respond to whatever they wish and those articles become the most popular.

Understood. Thanks for the insight cdnvic.:)
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Jingthing :

Don't go trying to get inside my mind and work out what I wish or think. Cuz you will be wrong my friend. I am simply a person that advocates stronly for a free Palestinian State.Last time I checked that was not an illegal thing to do.

I do not agree with violence and sensless killing no matter who does it or how they do it. War mongers and war mongering infuriates me no end. I have seen enough of it with my own eyes to last me 2 life times. :mfr_closed1:

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Ha ha indeed. Do you think the Gazan rocket attackers were intending to put on a show, is that it?

It's the intent that counts. Iran and Syria have been constantly attempting to upgrade the destructive capability of Hizbollah, who as we know fire almost exclusively at civilian targets, the same applies to Hamas with the smuggling rat holes on the Gaza border or (ahem) peace ships actively attempting the same.

Here is the latest threat:


Senior Libyan rebel “officers” sold Hizballah and Hamas thousands of chemical shells from the stocks of mustard and nerve gas that fell into rebel hands when they overran Muammar Qaddafi’s military facilities in and around Benghazi, debkafile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources report.

Word of the capture touched off a scramble in Tehran and among the terrorist groups it sponsors to get hold of their first unconventional weapons.

I fear there may be more 'Hahaha' to come or at best ambiguous condemnation in the offing.

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Jingthing :

Don't go trying to get inside my mind and work out what I wish or think. Cuz you will be wrong my friend. I am simply a person that advocates stronly for a free Palestinian State.Last time I checked that was not an illegal thing to do.

I do not agree with violence and sensless killing no matter who does it or how they do it. War mongers and war mongering infuriates me no end. I have seen enough of it with my own eyes to last me 2 life times. :mfr_closed1:

I also advocate strongly for a free Palestinian state existing ALONGSIDE a strong Jewish state of Israel. (There's the rub.) But not one that pledges to destroy the Jewish state of Israel in the process. If the Palestinians actually do want radical Islamic rule like Hamas, that is their right but I pity their minorities that don't like it (the ones that are still alive) but again they should have to right to rule (and stone amongst) themselves, but they have no right to destroy Israel and claim all the land of Israel as is their publicly stated goal. But they think they do. War mongering is irrelevant, there are irreconcilable differences. While it is clear Israel is very difficult to negotiate with and I criticize them for that, compared to Hamas, they are a piece of cake.

Edited by Jingthing
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I also advocate strongly for a free Palestinian state existing ALONGSIDE a strong Jewish state of Israel. (There's the rub.) But not one that pledges to destroy the Jewish state of Israel in the process. If the Palestinians actually do want radical Islamic rule like Hamas, that is their right but I pity their minorities that don't like it (the ones that are still alive) but again they should have to right to rule (and stone amongst) themselves, but they have no right to destroy Israel and claim all the land of Israel as is their publicly stated goal. But they think they do. War mongering is irrelevant, there are irreconcilable differences. While it is clear Israel is very difficult to negotiate with and I criticize them for that, compared to Hamas, they are a piece of cake.

Jingthing, I think we will have to agree to disagree here. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr - 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.', hence I would not be indifferent to a radical Islamic human rights disaster, whether or not it left Israel alone. The rub is how you act to such a situation, you risk Afghanistan or Somalia situations whether you intervene or not. The best I think you can hope for is to stop them materialising in the first place, which is why I question what on earth the West was thinking about with their stance to Egypt and Libya.

With respect to a Palestinian state, I would welcome that if they would make peace, however just as a point of info I would be equally amenable to the area the Palestinians live in becoming part of Egypt or Jordan seeing as a separate Palestinian identity was a propaganda myth.

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