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Thailand Far From Abolishing Death Penalty: Amnesty


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A one that doesn't make excuses for evil, sick people who commit heinous crimes. Nearly every poll I have seen and most of the people who I talk to are very much in favour of bringing back the death penalty for certain crimes. It is people with your attitude that has brought the UK to where it is now. With a judicial system that is the laughing stock of the world.

You will find an excuse for why a person committed the crime. I say people should be responsible for their actions and anybody that knowingly takes another life whilst fully understanding he will forfeit his own life only has himself to blame in my opinion.

Just which part of this do you find so hard to understand ?

The part where nearly every poll says people are in favour of capital punishment. Are these poles done in 'The Sun' newspaper?

As soon as one innocent person is executed for a crime in which they didn't commit, that's when you have to question the whole system.

People who commit these heinous crimes should be punished to the full arm of the law. I'm sorry if the judges in the UK don't pass harsh enough sentences. I'm not to blame for that.

It's kinda ironic really. Ian Huntley is in prison now for what he did. He hates it so much he's tried killing himself three times. I'm sure he must be one of these people filling in the questionnaires for these polls.

Sun, Mirror, Mail, express. All these people that read these papers make up a large proportion of the population. You have still failed to grasp or answer the question as you Liberal, hand wringing apologists do.

People should be responsible for their actions yes ?

If people are aware that if the INTENTIONALLY kill another person they will pay for it with their own life just which part do you object to ?

Not accidental death but premeditated murder ?

Again You simply try to seek excuses for the scum that commit these crimes and they thrive on it. There is no deterrent. No deterrent equals anarchy and lawlessness.

As for Ian Huntley having a hard time ! GOOD the trouble is people who REALLY want to kill themselves do ! Those that are just attention seeking and looking for pity never seem to manage it unfortunately.

I'm not sticking up or protecting anyone. I am against a system that is fundamentally flawed.

Look at Thailand. We know that people here are convicted of crimes who are indeed innocent. Why is this? So I guess we could put Thailand on a list of counties that is not allowed to execute their subjects because the country is so corrupt. But a country like the UK can, because we're so great.

Are the cogs beginning to move in your head yet? The politicians in the EU say capital punishment is inhumane and morally wrong. I agree. You on the other hand strongly disagree. You should become a politician.

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I am very much against the death penalty. I firmly believe that murders, rapists, child molesters and those that commit other heinous crimes should be locked up in a 5 star hotel type prison to give them time to reflect on their bad actions.When they are considered to be repentant they should be released back into society with sufficent funds to live a decent life and to help them adjust. What does the majority of tabloid readers know about justice, the overwhelming number of people who want a return of the death penalty are all wrong and misinformed.It only costs GBP800 per week to keep such low life sorry typo error, such persons in the comfort they expect. Are we stupid or what? It is OK for Governments to drop bombs and kill innocent people because they do not believe the same as them but to take the life of a child rapist and murderer is wrong! Is it any wonder that the world is in the state it is?

Edited by Billmont
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Has any of these agencies demanding that Thailand ends execution ever asked the people whether they want this or not ?

Ask most people back in the UK whether they would like the death penalty brought back for certain crimes and the majority will say yes.

No they wouldn't. What kind of society executes their own people?

as the guy says certain crimes and as a uk resident im sure they would say yes to it not hanging but a needle i dont agree with it but some people dont beserve to be alive for some things they do pre meditated murder comes to mind for finacial gain

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I personally am in favor for the death penalty. Why should society carry the burden of hard criminals?

What do we had prisons for, i'd rather die than stay all my life in an asian jail. death penality is not a punisment, its a revenge. In all holy scriturs , killing is the greatest sin, even if the executed is a murderer. Lets stop playing GOD, BUDDHA or what ever. In fact murderes here in Asia dont deserve death penality.

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Has any of these agencies demanding that Thailand ends execution ever asked the people whether they want this or not ?

Ask most people back in the UK whether they would like the death penalty brought back for certain crimes and the majority will say yes.

No they wouldn't. What kind of society executes their own people?

A one that doesn't make excuses for evil, sick people who commit heinous crimes. Nearly every poll I have seen and most of the people who I talk to are very much in favour of bringing back the death penalty for certain crimes. It is people with your attitude that has brought the UK to where it is now. With a judicial system that is the laughing stock of the world.

You will find an excuse for why a person committed the crime. I say people should be responsible for their actions and anybody that knowingly takes another life whilst fully understanding he will forfeit his own life only has himself to blame in my opinion.

Just which part of this do you find so hard to understand ?

The part where nearly every poll says people are in favour of capital punishment. Are these poles done in 'The Sun' newspaper?

As soon as one innocent person is executed for a crime in which they didn't commit, that's when you have to question the whole system.

People who commit these heinous crimes should be punished to the full arm of the law. I'm sorry if the judges in the UK don't pass harsh enough sentences. I'm not to blame for that.

It's kinda ironic really. Ian Huntley is in prison now for what he did. He hates it so much he's tried killing himself three times. I'm sure he must be one of these people filling in the questionnaires for these polls.

Well there's the answer - assisted suicide an option for convicted lifers. Personally, given the choice of life in a Thai jail, and a quick injection, I would probably choose the latter....

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Last I heard of the murder of Olof Palme in Sweden 12 people had confesed they shot him. Should they all be hanged? Think not! It is better to let 12 guilty go free than to hang one inocent.

Ruth Ellis in England was one sad case.


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My feeling also is that the majority of people in the UK would bring back capital punishment.A feeling that is supported by the UK Government's refusal to hold a referendum on the issue.They only hold referenda when they feel sure the public will return the answer they want.(Exactly the same scenario with the proposed referendum on withdrawing from the EU. As soon as they realised that it would result in a Yes vote for withdrawal it was dropped.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last I heard of the murder of Olof Palme in Sweden 12 people had confesed they shot him. Should they all be hanged? Think not! It is better to let 12 guilty go free than to hang one inocent.

Ruth Ellis in England was one sad case.


Thats righ, how many innocent people, in the countries where death sentence is allowed?. This reminds of the 2 youth 14 and 15 years , that were hung in Iran. Just for beeing gay !

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I personally am in favor for the death penalty. Why should society carry the burden of hard criminals?

If this is a financial burden you are talking about, think again. Studies have showed repeatedly that the cost for the state of one death sentence is way higher than life imprisonment.

But personally I find it rather disgusting to reduce the question of a human life to money.

I won't mention the number of cases which were plain wrong, i.e. the person sentenced to death was actually innocent and there is no possibility to reverse the sentence.

Death penalty is plain wrong and any unworthy of a civilized country. If an individual has no right to take the life of another, then neither does the government have such a right.

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Just my 2 pennyworth, but if the death penalty is a deterrent, why are murders still committed? Clearly is has no value as a deterrent and is simply a way to wreak revenge on the perpetrator. It is as barbaric as the crime committed by the murderer, If the "Polls" are to be believed, should we all stoop to the level of the criminal because we are surely no better!

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