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Grieving Father Warns Of Thai Cover Ups And Subversive Criminal Elements

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All the best to the father, but sadly this website will have the same effect as the other one set up after the One-To-Go aircrash here

Skins are thick around here.


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Good on him. I wish him every success. I also hope he can get someone involved with the media to assist him so as to keep it high profile.


I would be great to have some sleuth-like media characters in Thailand the likes of, say, The 60 minutes crew in the US...

<br />
<br />Good on him. I wish him every success. I also hope he can get someone involved with the media to assist him so as to keep it high profile.<br />jb1<br />
<br /><br />It would be great to have some sleuth-like media characters in Thailand the likes of, say, The 60 minutes crew in the US...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Sadly, investigative journalism is difficult to find anywhere in the world right now, the term "independent media" has become an oxymoron.

I wonder if this is related to the hotel deaths that happened in Koh PhiPhi a few years ago? See here: http://articles.cnn.com/2009-05-08/us/seattle.woman.death_1_st-onge-komo-norwegian-woman?_s=PM:US

What are they using in Thai hotels that is killing people?


Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

Not believe you my friend;

It is business as usual at Downtown Inn with (unaware) people sitting outside and with the tuk tuks in front and around.

Open your eyes when you ride/drive please.

I disagree with you. You obviously don't know what you are ytalking about. Pull your head in and open your own eyes there newbie.

You are obviously being given false information or you are confused, Never is there 3 or 4 tuk tuk's out front of the hotel. for the fact of the matter there is generally two on a side road. As for no one there what you mean is you can not see any one in the outside restaurant. You might want to try going past it at meal time. That is not to say you will see a lot of people there as they have never really had a big crowd there.


Try 60 Minutes - that should make things a little more even against the Thai internet blockage...

Until the 60 minutes program gets blocked / over-censored!!!! :unsure:<_<:blink::bah: (Hints of the 3G farce! - yes, off topic...)


Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

Not believe you my friend;

It is business as usual at Downtown Inn with (unaware) people sitting outside and with the tuk tuks in front and around.

Open your eyes when you ride/drive please.

I disagree with you. You obviously don't know what you are ytalking about. Pull your head in and open your own eyes there newbie.

You are obviously being given false information or you are confused, Never is there 3 or 4 tuk tuk's out front of the hotel. for the fact of the matter there is generally two on a side road. As for no one there what you mean is you can not see any one in the outside restaurant. You might want to try going past it at meal time. That is not to say you will see a lot of people there as they have never really had a big crowd there.

Hahaha. There wasn't 3 tuk tuks, there was only 2. Hahaha. Pathetic. The old : If I have a black cat, you have a blacker cat. :cheesy:


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

Yea, imagine telling your 18-year-old western daughter she can't travel the world alone. You could threaten her with being locked in a little room.

You've been in Thailand too long.

Good luck. Life is not cheap.

this may come as a shock to you but some 18 year old western girls actually love and respect their parents and would heed their parents caring concerns and advice.

but if "locking girls up in little rooms" is your quirk in life then that is very very sad

Thailand always have been a safe place for travelers

According to consular officials from both countries, Thailand is the most dangerous tourist destination for Britons and Aussies.

Good on this gentleman for exposing the real Thailand.


Its still open,drove past it 3 days ago,but not a soul to be seen in the front.

Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

is that hotel still on hotel booking web sights .james hat yai

Thailand always have been a safe place for travelers

According to consular officials from both countries, Thailand is the most dangerous tourist destination for Britons and Aussies.

Good on this gentleman for exposing the real Thailand.

To be fair, I think you'll find the reason for that has more to do with road traffic deaths rather than expiring unnaturally in Lanna hotels!


is that hotel still on hotel booking web sights .james hat yai

Yes it is. It's still bookable on international travel portals like Expedia, Agoda & Booking.com and the Thailand B2B agency-maintained ones like hotels.com (Pacific World). So it seems that not only do Thai authorities not give a dam_n about potentially having people avoidably die on their doorsteps, but both Thai and foreign travel businesses do not see enough reason to even warn potential customers that this hotel is front page news for reasons of multiple mysterious deaths.

One might argue that it would not be commercially or legally viable to deny service to this business, as they are not "guilty" and, it seems, "not even under investigation". Pff. If people have died, then remove the possibility that it will happen again until a full investigation has been concluded - even if the investigation says "we don't know". I know we've had an investigation but, when we're playing with people's lives, I don't think giving up on the investigation after a few weeks with no indicative results is enough in this case. This would even be to Thailand tourism's benefit... but it might not be to the benefit of a certain ex-mayor of Chiang Mai, and we all know that one VIP's rights supersede the rights of the every farang, commoner and immigrant worker.


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

What ABSOLUTE crap! I've traveled all my life alone, loathe whinging travel companions and find traveling alone offers more opportunities to meet the 'locals', unlike the 'goldfish bowl' effect of a traveling companion. be it either sex.

And no, it's not because I'm a er, let me see, Thaivisa speak, 'sexist ugly old farang female, blah blah'.



Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

What ABSOLUTE crap! I've traveled all my life alone, loathe whinging travel companions and find traveling alone offers more opportunities to meet the 'locals', unlike the 'goldfish bowl' effect of a traveling companion. be it either sex.

And no, it's not because I'm a er, let me see, Thaivisa speak, 'sexist ugly old farang female, blah blah'.


i totally agree with you gorgeous ma'am but it can't be refused that a single female alone is more vulnerable. but you are probably a good judge of character and also socialising and congregating with the new people you meet? and so are not really alone?


Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

Click on the link, when it opens click on Google search, then it should open ok.



Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

Click on the link, when it opens click on Google search, then it should open ok.


Nope, in Phuket at least.


Come on givenall at some stage this is inevitable that your son /daughter will become independant and fly the nest and travel!This has nothing to do with the parents taking responsibility for what happened here,as innocent people of all cross sections of society and age have died due to circumstances that Thai authorities chose to hide from all of us!The poor girl was travelling with friends,was 23 yr old and wasn't frequenting night clubs or putting herself in a vunerable situation ...as were any of the deceased for that matter!

Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world


from the website:

Its intention is to make all travelers to Thailand more aware of the very real dangers they face in a country which appears a tropical paradise on the surface but in fact has very low health and safety standards and an undercurrent of drug and human rights crimes covered up from exposure to the rest of the world.

I think this statement would apply to just about any Third World country that happens to be located in the tropics and which attracts hordes of Western holidaymakers. They often have no idea that the health and safety standards they take for granted "back home" usually don't apply in the countries they visit. If they did, I doubt they would be very interesting in visiting them.


I believe there was one Thai lady that died in the room next to the girls, i have to agree with you we have a Thai friend in Chang Mai who is an accountant and knows alot of people but for some reason has not heard about the seven or eight people that have died in her city. Not hard to believe. Anyway better get a link to the fathers web page on my facebook before they block the site here.


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

You totally missed the point. this is not about girls travelling alone. One retired couple, for example, met the same fate.

This is about cover-ups, and it is a matter for the Prime Minister to take up with his police force.

But obviously Abhisit is more likely just to ban the web site as he has with so many others probably in the interests of 'National security"

Just last week we had his number 2 saying he doesn't respect or trust Farrangs I wouldn't expect anything to be done by this PM hopefully he wont be PM anymore after the election.:realangry:

Much as I like Abhisit, as the best of an incredibly bad bunch of Thai politicians, I fear you are right. In fact the thaicoverups website is now blocked via my ISP. I am sure Khun A is kind hearted and would like to do more about human rights but he takes a pragmatic view it is better to live and fight another day than to take any tough stands against powerful vested interests in the police or military that might impact negatively on his own political longevity. Examples are his turning a blind eye to the case of the murderous treatment of the Rohingya refugees by the Thai navy, failure to pursue the Somchai disappearance case, failure to pursue the Tak Bai and Krue Sae Mosque massacre cases that remain unpunished, the promotion of the policeman indicted over the theft of the Saudi jewels etc, etc. Perhaps he can really do more good by sticking around until every one gets fed up with him or maybe he could just make a bigger difference by taking a stand against evil in the society he purportedly wants to improve. We will probably never know. The mere fact that the hotel in question is owned by a former mayor of Chiang Mai makes it pretty clear what is going on and it must be even more clear to Khun A than to all of us. The report put out by the police that the British couple died of simultaneous heart attacks was obviously in the realm of fantasy.


The subversive element the story refers to are actually informants who are deputized. Sometimes in law and justice the , law isn't always effective, and the deputies are called upon to perform task that normal cops cannot in order to set up leads and set up evidence.

These deputies voluntarily perform task or are pushed to the limit and eventually after being used to do dubious acts transform into double agents playing both sides. The majority of mysterious farang deaths in Pattaya are do to these people, who are closely knit to corrupt sectors of thai law enforcement, who have been under surveillance for quite some time or who were simply folks with bad luck who were caught doing things while staying in rooms that were under surveillance.

These informants gain access to hotel rooms via the housekeepers, who they pay money to in order to gain access. Never stay in rooms directly connected to offices, maintenance rooms, stairwells or janitor closets. If you have a digital camera or cellphone with a camera scan the room, you will be able to see infrared light if it is being used to illuminate the night. Dont believe me? point a remote control at your camera and you will see the IR light.

Believe me this is a true occurrance in cheap hotels and guest houses, its almost a plague since the boom of cheap remote video cameras came in from China 4 years ago which can be purchased for 1000 baht.


Just tried your link,has it already been Blocked by the Establishment in Thailand?


That's usually not an indication of blocking. That's just an indication that the site doesn't exist.

edit: tried it from my VPN into Aus. Same result.

Did work, but now its gone.. :/

It could not have worked as it has never been registered, This was a tongue in cheek remark by the poster.


The subversive element the story refers to are actually informants who are deputized. Sometimes in law and justice the , law isn't always effective, and the deputies are called upon to perform task that normal cops cannot in order to set up leads and set up evidence.

These deputies voluntarily perform task or are pushed to the limit and eventually after being used to do dubious acts transform into double agents playing both sides. The majority of mysterious farang deaths in Pattaya are do to these people, who are closely knit to corrupt sectors of thai law enforcement, who have been under surveillance for quite some time or who were simply folks with bad luck who were caught doing things while staying in rooms that were under surveillance.

These informants gain access to hotel rooms via the housekeepers, who they pay money to in order to gain access. Never stay in rooms directly connected to offices, maintenance rooms, stairwells or janitor closets. If you have a digital camera or cellphone with a camera scan the room, you will be able to see infrared light if it is being used to illuminate the night. Dont believe me? point a remote control at your camera and you will see the IR light.

Believe me this is a true occurrance in cheap hotels and guest houses, its almost a plague since the boom of cheap remote video cameras came in from China 4 years ago which can be purchased for 1000 baht.

Interesting post. A bit far out though. :ph34r:

I hope it's a just figurement of your imagination otherwise we'll all have to freak out.


The subversive element the story refers to are actually informants who are deputized. Sometimes in law and justice the , law isn't always effective, and the deputies are called upon to perform task that normal cops cannot in order to set up leads and set up evidence.

These deputies voluntarily perform task or are pushed to the limit and eventually after being used to do dubious acts transform into double agents playing both sides. The majority of mysterious farang deaths in Pattaya are do to these people, who are closely knit to corrupt sectors of thai law enforcement, who have been under surveillance for quite some time or who were simply folks with bad luck who were caught doing things while staying in rooms that were under surveillance.

These informants gain access to hotel rooms via the housekeepers, who they pay money to in order to gain access. Never stay in rooms directly connected to offices, maintenance rooms, stairwells or janitor closets. If you have a digital camera or cellphone with a camera scan the room, you will be able to see infrared light if it is being used to illuminate the night. Dont believe me? point a remote control at your camera and you will see the IR light.

Believe me this is a true occurrance in cheap hotels and guest houses, its almost a plague since the boom of cheap remote video cameras came in from China 4 years ago which can be purchased for 1000 baht.

Perhaps with this insight you could contact the father and assist in nailing whatever it is that keeps taking lives.


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

But these girls are liberated women, equal to men who can travel around the world alone


These deaths must be related to some type of poison gas that has probably been sucked in under the doors by the air conditioners if the hotels have had windows open and there is a deadly gas floating about that would do it.

They need a Mr Monk type of investigator on the job it could be something very unusual causing it.


Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

You cannot stop people from what they want to do. At the age of 18 you're an adult and are free to do as you please. When travelling in foreign countries you should take care whether you're a man or a woman. Even in your home country you should take care. Which country is completely free from crime? None that I know of! When my children grow up they will have my blessings to go or do whatever their hearts desire.


These deaths must be related to some type of poison gas that has probably been sucked in under the doors by the air conditioners if the hotels have had windows open and there is a deadly gas floating about that would do it.

They need a Mr Monk type of investigator on the job it could be something very unusual causing it.

Problem is, They don't want any type of investigator on the job. As they don't want an Investigation?


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