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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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this is actually almost painful to read it's so dumb. if you've got the resources to get 400k in the bank, surely you're smart enough to get 800k in. the money can't be spent anyways...it has to sit there to maintain the visa.

i COULD see a law preventing a difference of say 20 or 25 years. that makes sense if they want to accomplish keeping old men and young girls apart...

i really wonder what's going on in these people's heads when they make this things up... not much apparently.

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There are more and more ads for Filipinocupid.com appearing on my screen lately, ... and looking more and more attractive too, with every bit of stupid anti-farang stuff being thrown at us.

And the scales are hanging in the balance for me, as I am not married yet. There have been a couple of volcanic outbursts from my 'fiance', over her expectations concerning, you guessed it, money. She, a divorcee in her late 30's may well be destined to her father's preferred plan, as the resident money earner to stay at home with the parents, never to marry again. The arrogance of the laws proposed cast a dark shadow.

(She, by the way, already has her own successful business, enough to fund the purchase of a new Toyota, but because she has a friend with a Thai husband and child, who still receives 20,000 Baht monthly from a farang fool overseas, assumed that I would hand over at least that much, no questions asked, simply for the privilege of marrying her, "to support me" she said. This was to be in addition to laying 100s of thousands on the table at the wedding. Where the hell did they get this idea that we are so stupid?!)


Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

I propose that any Foreigner over the age of 50 is allowed to marry a National up to 20 years age difference. Male and Female included!



April and Fools come to mind? whistling.gif

Prolly a good idea that someone reminds the guys writing 3 page cry essays that it's probbably april fools.

Atleast wait till tomorrow before you start crying all over your keyboard.


Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

Laos and Cambodia are Communist Countries and the Gov can do as they please.. Thailand is a Democracy and should act as one.

Perhaps the Gov views this as a means for Farangs to dilute the available Thia woman population thereby leaving only leftovers for those wonderful Thai men


Innocent youg thai girls?It takes two to marry and most of the time those ' innocent young thai girls' want to marry a older foreigner solely for economical reasons.99 percent of them are uneducated isan girls hoping to ' hook' a older farang to upgrade their financial status.50 plus old farang a burden to Thailand?How many houses/cars/money those' innocent thai girls' have robbed from their husbands????In Thai culture marriage is primarily linked to financial security,status and money, and it is quite NORMAL for a young thai girl to marry a older thai men if this can provide her with financial security.So the FIRST victims of this absurd law will be all those outcast women ( mostly prostitutes with kids) who are totally ' not done' for thai men ( who look up down on them), and their last hope- to find a gullible 50 plus farang- will now be jeopardized by this idiotic law.In fact this law will be a BONUS for most farang, who now will be able to say to their girlfriend: sweetheart, I would like to marry you, but the law does not allow me to doso..They will get the sex ( this is what they want anyway, for a mature relationship nobody would consider a thai woman anyway, at least in most cases...)without the pressure of a marriage, marriage giving them almost no additional rights anyway ....Conclusion; for the foreigners it will not make any difference ( if you are 50 plus and have the money to retire in Thailand, 400 k or 800k does not make any diufference) ,the ones who will suffer from this law will be the poor ' innocent' girls from Isaan....

Very amusing, for the Thai government (yes, he is a minster, so a representitive of the government) referring to foreigners with less than 400,000 baht as a "burden" on Thai society. Tell me the ratio of Thais vs. Farang over the age of 50 with less than 400,000 in the bank?

This, if passed will be a huge economic blow for Thailand - a large percentage of Farang business owners in Thailand are 45+, and many buy those businesses and run it with their partner. Many own land with their partners. Most of these girls are not rich when they meet the "old burden" Farang. Infact, sadly most of these girls meet their Farang in the go go bars. Who was it that was the burden again?

I have never said this before, but this move really does look discriminatory against non-Thai nationals, and will be a huge blow both to the future development, educational and economic growth to Thailand if passed. Maybe Thailands politicians needs to learn when passing law, that you have the power to make the decisions but with that power you must execute vision, or your power is worthless and often destructive rather than constructive.


YES!! Thank u Tawatchai Suksoom,

Now I do not have to make up a story or excuse to stay single with my Thai gf.

The presure is off.

Ho ho happy holidays again.

Now we can drive downtown and not have to stop at the wedding dress shop.

Haha. No more looking at diamonds

YES!! I love it.

Freedom takes many forms and this was unexpected.

Love to all.


Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

When I married my wife, she was making 200bt. a day and sharing a one room apartment with 2 other girls, all sleeping on a mat on the floor. No bathroom, no kitchen. Her parents lived in a shack with 5 grand kids and a 20 year old motorbike. Now my wife and I live in a beautiful house (in her name) with a swimming pool and she has a new car to drive (also in her name). She doesn't need to work anymore. I'v built a 4 bedroom house for the folks and they are driving a new pick-up. All her sisters and girl friends wish they were her. Especially the ones married to Thai men with no future. I'm not an exception either, most of my neighbors are the same as me, and very happy too. I am 30 years older than my wife. As far as the visa goes, That's a bogus argument too. All you need is a letter from your embassy and your good to go. This is more about Thai men not taking care of the Thai women, than it is about age. I guess if I was Thai and no Thai women wanted me, I would try to pass a law too.

You thake care of your omen and we won't have to.



Is this just more idiocy by those who govern Thailand?

Surely such a law would be rejected in Issan, where just a few years ago the provincial chiefs

were quoted on the BKK Post for supporting foreigners & Thai relationships primarily due to the

money it brought to the region.

OTOH, laws are often imposed here, yet seldom scrupulously enforced; circumventing laws and corruption are national past times in Thailand!

Or possibly remember what day this...the article may just be an April 1st joke by the Admin.


:blink: People its APRIL FOOLS Day .

Wonder how long the mods will keep ' their joke ' intact .

Although it could happen , don't think its any concern of anyone in the government for a while , too busy with their own madness called elections .



I personally think it is disgusting, men over 50 with young <25 year old wives. It makes me feel sick.

Thailand is doing something RIGHT for once.

Here's a sick-bag for you.

Yes, and when this 'sick-bag' is over 50 him/herself, he/she will suck his/her words up his/her ignorant arse and hope he/she was not seen doing it.

(Edited myself to correct typing error)


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

I always imagined they were this stupid. Their ignorance and stupidity is on display every day in this backward country. First, to all the Thia numb nuts in Parliament, if you are really concerned about the retirement amount, just raise it for men who marry Thai nationals you idiots! It's a pitence to us anyway! The fact is, it just bugs the heck out of you that your women prefer farang of any age over your little shrink-wrapped package! You want to remain free to treat your women like crap and have them do all the work you are all to lazy or stupid (likely both) to do so you have time to play with little boys and ladyboys in your local brothels, drink your days away and gamble away what little baht you do have from whatever scam you were running . As far as the little fatherless bastards that might be created by an old farang who keels over before it's grown, I suspect the geezer will have provided for the wife and child much better than any Thai man is capable of doing. Also here is a heads up for you brain dead little MP droids, just because you all believe 400,000 or 800,000 is alot of money, to most farang of retirement age it is absolutely nothing, and I seriously doubt any farang ever married a Thai girl of any age with this thought in mind. So I guess it will still be perfectly ok for these impotent little lilliputions to cheat on their wives with these young girls or marry them themselves and abuse them. Thailand is a country on the decline in a big way and this will be another huge step towards its demise. Other than your women, you have little else to offer us and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

best frothing rant of the thread... :thumbsup:


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

I always imagined they were this stupid. Their ignorance and stupidity is on display every day in this backward country. First, to all the Thia numb nuts in Parliament, if you are really concerned about the retirement amount, just raise it for men who marry Thai nationals you idiots! It's a pitence to us anyway! The fact is, it just bugs the heck out of you that your women prefer farang of any age over your little shrink-wrapped package! You want to remain free to treat your women like crap and have them do all the work you are all to lazy or stupid (likely both) to do so you have time to play with little boys and ladyboys in your local brothels, drink your days away and gamble away what little baht you do have from whatever scam you were running . As far as the little fatherless bastards that might be created by an old farang who keels over before it's grown, I suspect the geezer will have provided for the wife and child much better than any Thai man is capable of doing. Also here is a heads up for you brain dead little MP droids, just because you all believe 400,000 or 800,000 is alot of money, to most farang of retirement age it is absolutely nothing, and I seriously doubt any farang ever married a Thai girl of any age with this thought in mind. So I guess it will still be perfectly ok for these impotent little lilliputions to cheat on their wives with these young girls or marry them themselves and abuse them. Thailand is a country on the decline in a big way and this will be another huge step towards its demise. Other than your women, you have little else to offer us and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

Guys, Again it is APRIL FOOLS DAY!!

best frothing rant of the thread... :thumbsup:


Its April 1st you muppets

Exactly what I thought immediately , you just hit the button a bit faster than I .

Most of them are too old to have a quick response on something :lol:


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

they are not stupid ............... Selfish is what we should say...

clearly the law is for themselves....

doesn't reflect the voices of the majority ...

somehow I don't think that it will be the Thai politicians who will be proven stupid in this case....

Just call it intuition.

I do believe that I have been on the same page as samran since about the first paragraph of the article.

Is there any truth to the rumour that the law allows for Farrang from Utah or Muslim coutries to marry 2 or women and thereby divide their age by the number of wives...

a 60 year old with two wives becomes 30... with three wives becomes 20... only becomes an issue when you get below the legal marrying age of 15...



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